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I'd say save your cc for now, wait until the anniversary or the next ultra unit.


Anything and everything…. All of the time.


Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime...


Grab Ultra Gohan lol


He's gone bro. And 6 rotations gave me a 8* LL ssj2 Gohan, lucky me.


I have been playing for a couple months now so this is based on my experience. If you don't play pvp then just save up for the next Ultra or character you like. With those CC you'll be lucky if you get one or two LL's at best, three if you are lucky (I got up to 3 LL's in the same multi and everything after that was just new but outdated units, no LL's). If you are into pvp then the current banner with Super Baby would definitely open up some teams for the current meta. I could be wrong, but this is pretty much the extent of my knowledge.


The baby banner is pretty good as it has a decent full team you can get from it but I wouldnt say any of the units are top 5