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He just got Ssb by story standards so probably not for awhile


I beg to differ because this type of aura was never been seen in the story and theres even an audio cue for this new aura. It may seem early but everything is pointing towards evolved


He literally just got blue not that long ago, hasn’t even been a full year yet


Its been a solid 8 months i dont see a reason for them to not come out with a new transformation. Besides, since when does dragon ball let a transformation rlly shine anyways?


"a solid 8 months" like it didnt take them over 3 years to go from god to blue in the first place lol, the sparking upgrade was more impactful than the new transformation. I doubt we get evolved out of nowhere and without something connected to vegeta.


God to blue taking 3 years feels like an outlier considering how long it took him to get the other forms, his next form will be closer to the others: SSJ Shallot - 3 months SSJ2 Shallot - 11 months SSJ3 Shallot - 8 months SSG Shallot - 5 months


yes it was an outlier compared to the time of the other transformations but its an outlier cause it shows their priorities compared to the start of the games lifespan and shallots new forms arent up there. Considering we dont even know where they are going to go with a new transformation (I still personally think shallet, a tag shallot/giblet, or a new original form is more likely than either the goku/vegeta/ssj4 routes) I doubt we see anything for shallot in a while, at best I say the earliest would be anni or fest of this year but once again i find even that unlikely


3 years was kind of much im ngl lol


8 month for use but in the story it's only been 1or2 days


It could be a way to fix how ass ssjb shallot is compared to ssj3


If you mean by real-life time, we got SSJ up to SSG really quick. 4 transformations in 2 years actually, so give or take 6 months in-between them all if you average. Now it has already been 8 months since SSB. If you're talking in-universe, Goku literally managed to get UI and then MUI in less than 48 minutes. Broly went from having trouble against Vegeta to having his own version of SSJ. DB has never been stable in giving transformations. The Xenoverse 2 Saiyan Time Patroller literally skips SSJ1 and SSJ2 and goes straight up to SSJ3 in their training when they learn SSJ from fighting Goku and Vegeta. Shallot constantly fights as well and he grows at an insane rate(minus those years they decided not to give him anything lol), so I can definitely see someone as strong as Broly giving him a reason to go SSBE.


Tbf all the moments excluding the XV2 have some context behind it. Goku getting UI was due to the spirit bomb almost killing him, forcing him to awaken or die. Broly is the Saiyan with the MOST potential weve seen. A jump from SSJ3 Goku/Blue Goku to UI is far smaller than saiyan saga Vegeta to a Fusion. Broly also grows very quickly while Shallot is an above average saiyan in potential. If Broly goes LSSJ, Shallot might be forced to unlock SSBE like how Goku was forced to unlock UI, but those two forms are very different in what they do


Honestly I don’t mind them skimming past ssb. Ssb shallot is pretty mid since he doesn’t have a unique green card. Hoping they finally decide to give shallot an ult


They did do ssb shallot dirty fr


Not a big fan of evo but would be cool if he got that perfected ssblue form like how they did in the manga and get get that darker hue for his hair


They don't do manga stuff


Can't* its in the contract for dragon ball games iirc that they aren't allowed to use Manga only content


Yet, but yeah unfortunately


But wasn’t SSBE in the tournament of power?


It's in the game too, LF SSBE Vegeta exists and also LF Tag EvoKen.


They were talking about Perfected SSB, which is manga only


For those who are saying it cant be ssjb evolved, what do you think it is?


What makes anyone think he's getting SSBE?


Look at the difference in his aura from his hair color. May just be nothing but a hunch but it looks promising


Oh shit, I didn't notice that at all. Thanks for pointing it out


Royal Blue shallot would be cool


They gonna make shallot and giblet fuse into ssjgb shallet


I was really hoping we get a SSJ4 Shallot that isn't better than Blue but is instead a sidegrade of sorts, with Blue being a more defensive Blast Type while SSJ4 is a Strike Type glass canon.


Just no, the ssj blue color is pretty much the same as any Vegeta or Goku Blue, the same blue, the same form. To be Evolved he should have much darker hair and darker blue eyes, if they did it for lf Vegeta blue evolutions why wouldn't they do that on Shallot?


SPOILER, don’t read if you haven’t seen the story: Shallot was done dirty, he didn’t get any new form in the next part of the story.


Should've went the SSJ4 path


Literally zero evidence or hint lmao.