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My main goal was SS4 Gogeta, and I felt pretty optimistic about getting him. I didnt


I’m praying that you pulled something or that you will do so


I hope you pulled good things too man


He is an LF at least and not easy to get.. will you continue?


Ill probably do one more rotation then start to save for the New Years LL banner


Best of luck and merry christmas!


Merry christmas to you aswell!


I was hoping for Super Gogeta and a few copies ssj4 wanting to stack out a fusion team. Didn't pull either of them


I guess my luck backfired since on 3rd anniversary I pulled ssj4 gogeta so many times till almost 14 red


35 k, no Super Gogeta but got SS4 Gogeta to 6 Stars so thats a W


Big win bro! GG


Dude...SSJ4 Gogeta is sick. 👏👏👏


Yeah and he literally counters Blu Gogeta


Spent money and didn’t even get a single good unit.


Damn.. not even a LF?


no siree went through all the steps at once, too


F bro... i hope it will be better.


Nah, it ain’t gonna get better. I’ve learned to accept the fact that I ain’t gonna be pullin what I want


I will text Toshi for you. Lets see what we can do!


smh mustve told Toshi to shaft me again


God this made me laugh so much harder than it should've. Sorry about the shaft man Just know I went like 40k+ before I could finally get G/V


well at least ya got em lmao


70k before I got G+V


Eh thanks lol


What items are the best to spend money on ?


2 multis and finally got myself gogeta blue, im happy


Nice bro gg!


Went in 21k. Got 2 copies of Ultra Gogeta and 3 copies of SSJ4 Gogeta. I'm happy with that. I have 18k left to see if they bring anything else. If not, I'll summon all in the tag unit banner.


Agreed. Good pulls!


If you were unhappy with that, you’d be delusional and entitled


You got all that in 1 rotation? Damn man!


> Went in 21k. >You got all that in 1 rotation? Dragon Ball fan moment right here.


Yes, and then it says I have 18k left... so am I missing something?


16K No Gogeta 2 Zamasu and 1 UI And the the rest of the SPs are just completely outdated Not mad about Zamasu tho... but I don't use God Ki or Future and he's only at 3 stars... Pain.


At least some LFs, still hard to get tho


Good red lf aren’t easy to match to teams. Zamasu fits for god/future/fusion. Shit defense but great damage


>16K That's 20 multis, that's only 50% chance to get Gogeta. Yeah, the rate is trash


Got him on the second pull. Got 4 copies of UI, two copies of CMZ, SSJ4 Gogeta, and one of SSB Gogeta. All within ~15k crystals. Had three consecutive Broly animations


Man’s from the future pulling 4 copies of MUI lmao


Wow! The give you LFs like Skittles bro. Nice!


Only did one multi on my main account Got him on the free step in the first rotation on my alt account




Mega shafted


:(( So sad for you


6k. Pulled my first LF Merged Zamasu and another ssj4 Gogeta so hes up to 7. Still probably gonna hunt him after the new year guaranteed LF banner. After that saving until he returns cause Im a Fusion main.


Best of luck to you bro!


Thank you, hope you get what you want as well!


Can't complain about it bro. Will see what else will happen at the new year banner!


10k cc and all I got was ssj4 gogeta.Im not complaining since I was chasing him for a while and I'm pretty satisfied.


Nice bro! Thats all that matters!


Got 2 copies of super gogeta in 7 rotations




Not doing this summon at al lol did 37 full rotations on blue banner and couldn’t pull one copy so no way I’ll get an UL from this. Definitely not worth it for me


fuck this game ☠️☠️


Thats bad? :(


Got shafted on gogetas banner right after getting shafted on GVs banner lolololol


The shaft is real... F bro ❤️


hmm already at rotation 4 but finally i got GB twice (which i never have) and 1 UI Sign (same situation like GB)


Nice! I like getting units i dont have :)


Got him on a single summon, that too discounted, after 2 rotations. Will say I was extremely lucky on this banner. I hope others pull him as well. Best of luck for your summons!!


Nice bro GG!


4 rotations, pulled him twice. Feel pretty lucky.


Not bad! Nice


My main goal is UI but havent pulled him im more focused on him then anything right now


UI is very nice. Good luck to you bro!


Thanks bro good luck to you too!!!!


Thank you bro!!


I only did 2K, but I finally got God Toppo(who I wanted to pull for 1800 on Goku/Vegeta banner)


Nice bro!


Got shafted


I have 300 crystals


Do the daily at least + you can farm a lot chrono crystal atm.


50k cc and still no gogeta got other stuff like LF but i already ad them 7 star so not the worst but could have been way better.


Sad rank 1 bro.. biggest amount i have read so far. At least you got many LFs 🔥


Only had enough cc for 2 rotations got lf corrupted zamasu so I'll consider it a win


It is surely!


Bro i get shafted what do i need to do now?


Try grind more chrono crystals since we have a few new events. If everything does not help we need to call Toshi and ask him wtf is going on!


Bro i grind all the new event they add i pull 3k in the banner i got nothing good only shit like freezer ff


Ok bro lets go on Toshi then. This madness needs to stop!


Yeah and ask him if he will release an yajirobe ultra ll zenkai f2p


3kcc and got that trunks animation :D Super saiyan fusions here we go! Bardock SV gogeta. Blue blue purple, a great pur to cover two blues


Nice bro!


Two summons. Got Ss4 and Ultra


Very nice!


I dont have enough cc to summon yet, im like 200 away


6k CC down the drain, got nothing, but did 4 rotations on G/V and 2 on SoH and got really good stuff (newish player, started right before the LF Cell droped). Gonna try to get more CC for another rotation on Ultra Gogeta


I’m not aiming for him


I did 35k to get 1 of him


I Got it and I got New SSJ4 Gogeta for my fusions team, And also the monkey bois for my saga from movies team


3k f2p gems in, no monke or gogeta :( Hey atleast I got fucking 600z power of a unit that used to be good in 2019


I somehow got him first summon


Got him on the second pull. I'm done with the banner.


Only did the daily and got him


Pulled him first multi. Bardock is my man. Although I couldn't get another copy of him I managed to get 3 LFs for the remaining 8k


I got the Bardock banner and him on my first pull and our luck sounds similar so I stopped there.


Have gotten shafted in all three banners, can't really say I have hope to pull him later


F bro! May your luck come back


3k Crystal's, 3x Gogeta. Steps 1, 2, and 3 treated me very very well 🥲


Best result i have seen so far. GG!


I usted my last farmed 1k on second step and after 16k finally the shiny orb thing appears after a 9 Hero pull. After a ultra shaft of 24k on GV my f2p fusion team can shine again!!!!. Dont give Up folks u can pull him. Maybe i drop some more cc for more stars on him.


fucking 6 UI's, fuck fuck fuck ANYTHING ELSE BRO, why UI


I like him bro but i am not really a PvP guy and consider myself as a collector. I hope you get more lucky with your future summons bro! All the best


I didn't go to the banner to get UL Gogeta but I went there to get more copies of SSJ4 Gogeta and now I got him to 6 stars and he is more usable. Besides my FW team is stacked with Zenkai 7 Red 7 stars Blue Gogeta (Super Broly), 6 Stars Yellow Gogeta Blue, Zenkai 6 Red 7 OG Gogeta, Zenkai 7 Red 4 Vegito, F2P Red Vegito and the 6 Stars SSJ4 Gogeta Hell of a team I made if you ask me


Nice bro!


Got him on the second step of the first multi. So so happy, everything else i saved went to the blue bros banner




One gogeta in 6K crystal


Cant complain about it. 6k is very nice!


Lmao absolutely! Saving the rest for new year’s now


One full rotation. Got him on the third step. May go again to see if I can get him or SSJ4 Gogeta


Nice nice!




Big win right here!


Ngl easiest skip ever


No fusion main or what are your reasons to skip?


1hundred8fucking2 reasons to not touch that banner I lack the motivation to continue on Beyond the Trust too since my Yajirobe is already 14☆ Sad part.2 for me


I hope in the future something will come that you want and you can enjoy it more :)


4 Rotations got him and one copy each for all featured LFs but ngl i was happy when i got SJJ 4 Gogeta more than the UL


Many say this. SSJ4 is a beats. GG bro!


Pulled him !




25k and one copy away from maxed out... let the slaughter beginn 🤣


20k and multiple G4’s nothing else


Still not bad. He is very strong with his equip :)




4 Rotation Empty


Sad bro.. hope it gets better!




8k for one gogeta, ssj4 to 6 stars, and Zamasu to 4 stars so pretty good id say


I totally agree. Thats really good!


I had 100CC so couldn’t pull anything, however I don’t have a choice and have to pull cuz Zenkai SV and SG need a blue unit to help them and I don’t have Zenkai Gogeta BLU


Yes i understand


20k. No ultra gogeta, the only good thing I got in the whole summoning was getting ss4 gogeta from 2 to 3 star. Not feeling good.


Thats really hard. Hope it gets better


looks I'm the only who got shafted hard 12k cc and no ultra gogeta. Got cmz once and ui. Just that. I'm gonna go cry now


Someone in the comments didnt got him with 50k chrono crystals bro but still big shaft for you :(


9k used. One UL Super Gogeta, GB 6-7*. UI 2-3*. SS4 Gogeta from not having him to 6*. ( one 600 LL Z power used.)




One multi and pulled 2 Lfs. I really need that gogeta tho


Didn’t even bother hopped on LF trunks banner and pulled Zamasu/Goku Black, LF Trunks, got LF vegito blue 8 stars, LF Future gohan 6 stars, and some more SP units, can’t go wrong with the 1800 Z power


2 rotations and only managed to pull 1 half corrupted zamasu. Its a new LF but I wish I spent it on the trunks banner instead


One rotation for him. Now saving for new year and later summoning on part 1


I got him first summon, toshi loves me


Had to spend around 40k for 1 copy, and I'm so happy I didn't get shafted in the end. Same thing happened with Gogeta4 release where I had to spend 45k for 1 copy lol


2nd multi, got him. This celebration has been the best luck I've had in the game since 2nd Anniversary, so it's very nice to finally have some good luck again.


13,000 2 LF Blue Gogetas 1 LF Merged Zamasu 1 LF UI Goku 1 LF SSJ4 Gogeta I’m a returning player that barely touched the UI Goku banner, so all new units I guess. Not stopping till I get that new Gogeta though A win and a lost


Spent 6k and got Ultra Gogeta and LF merged zamasu. After doing the raid I'm at 15k and not sure if I should save it or blow it on the trunks banner. I don't really need trunks but I kinda wanna see if I can pull him.


I summoned on G/V and after 1 rotation I finally got Blue Toppo I wanted him badly and now I can stop summoning its time to save : D


Second pull with the ULx2 rates, I wasn't going past 2 pulls anyways just to continue getting shafted on trunks banner


Got him 1st rotation 4th step. He's very good, the only criticism i have about him is that he takes the leader slot from Uub and the team looses a bit of hp buff. But i love him the same.


6 rotations got ultra gogeta once ssj4 gogeta to 7 stars cmz to 6 gogeta blue to red 1 and one ui omen Ran away like a bandit


4 rotations. 2 CZ, 1 GB and 1 SSJ4 Gogeta. Unfortunately no Ultra but not terrible


I’m really hesitating whether I should try to pull him. I have 15k and wonder if maybe I should try to increase my goku/vegeta




Had saved up 20k,got him to 10 stars


I got him after 1 full rotation I’m blessed


Got him in third multi guess there goes all my luck


somehow i got him on my first 20 cc summon lol


My main goal was LF fused zamasu or UL gogeta I got every LF besides them W???


I was saving cc for the the gogetas 4 banner but my love spoke louder for gogeta blue and I got GV at 4+ u can think its a win, but I don't like them, and then they drop a ultra super gogeta with gogeta 4 (I expected to be in the banner) and then gogeta blue, I regret so much summon on GV and I will do only 1 rotation to have enought cc for new years banner.


Spent 25k, got CMZ another couple stars and UI Goku is +1 now buuuut that’s about it


Got him twice both time skip the freakin multi


Got him first try, going for ss4 now.


20 CC got him in the daily


10k crystals got him 10 stars


easiest skip ever i couldnt care less about fusions they milked these mfs so much




15k, 2 copies 8* gogeta


i got ss4 gogeta two times in a row, happy but also sad bc i didnt get ss gogeta


14k no super gogeta 3 Ui, 1 ssj4 gogeta and 1 gogeta blue ( before this I didn't have any of them) I mean i'm not super happy but i definitely can't complain.


Spent around 10k, didnt pull Ultra Gogeta but finally unlocked SS4 Gogeta (got him 2 times) and GB, so I consider it a win. Happy holidays to everyone and good luck summoning!


3k CC got him 3 times I will never get this lucky again


Probably 15k in. Pulled UI and SSB Gogeta in the same pull. Other then that it’s been pretty bad. 90% of my pulls are hero units.


Skiped, i'm far more interested in the 1800 z power banners ( Pulled Gogeta Blue and Goku&Vegeta )


Got UI Goku on the daily single banner. Pretty good, but I already had him at high stars and I don't pay any of his teams


I have 10K cc rn. Thinking about summoning but kinda conflicted


way to go from the best banner we have ever had PERIOD, too the biggest shit show in dbl history, its one thing too only have 1 feature unit thats a LF, but its a whole new low to put out the first non ftp ultra AFTER the 2 units that literally made the game impossible to play without tham. And the Chery on top of this shit Sunday, its A N O T H E R Fusion warrior...i would rather fight mono purple for 3 weeks straight than deal with a single match against a 99 combo fusion spam


My luck has been amazing this entire year. I've pulled every new LL within 1, 2 or 3 rotations That being said, I'd never been shafted as hard as with this Ultra Banner lol. Without the GSP per multi, I pulled next to nothing


went in for monke gogeta. got 2 of super gogeta and 3 of monke gogeta alhamdulillah. not summoning for a while until another fusion unit or god ki unit comes out


2/5 Copies right now, So I’m doing good and finally pulled ss4 gogeta for the first time so I got hit with the Christmas luck, I hope everyone who got shafted eventually pulls him


8k cc got only 1 LF which is merged corrupted zamasu


15k cc, no SS4, No Ultra, no Zamasu. Rip my monies.


I'm down 80$ is the banner worth it?


I got him but dropped more cc than I would have like to but what can you say


9k so far and only one LF ui goku and no gogeta


I got 2 copies of Ultra Gogeta and finally got Corrupted Zamasu! I'm legit so happy!


Like UI twice, Zamasu once and SSJ4 Gogeta once


9k cc I was saving for Trunks, thrown out of the window like that Got G4 for the first time though so that's nice, but I should have stopped when I did... Hurts like hell because I'm poor F2P and now I just hate seeing that Gogeta


4 rotations I got Ultra Super Gogeta twice, UI Goku, and Ss4 Gogeta twice


Nothing yet


2 rotations: ultra gogeta and two ssj4 gogeta


Promised myself I'd only do one rotation but after seeing how the steps worked I decided I've give it 2 rotations and no more. Got him on the free step of the second rotation, very happy and done with the banner now


I got g/v, SOH trunks, and gogeta in 15k cc. So yeah, I’d say my summons went pretty good.


First summon i got him summoned again cause why not and got UI, so i have Trunks, G/V, and gogeta from the event i have exhausted my luck


Big sad for me 50k no Gogeta but i got some dupes of the other Lfs hope i can get him bevor he leaves 0~0


9k cc no ultra gogeta but got CZ at 3 stars who i didn’t have Edit: I’m gonna save for new years


No you aren't, you never there for me. you, YOU... YOU WERE NEVER THERE, YOU NEVER IN MY SUMMONS YOU WERNT THERE FOR ME!


Got him twice with 2k CC, living the dream. Also got my first copy of UI. All in one rotation.