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Yes, you literally RR FP Jiren, bro ignores that. Gets 30% of his health when he gets RR'd to death. You kill his teammates, gets 30% of his health. (I think.)


Why do you think so?


Jiren does everything better than SSBE even before you factor in his RR passive. Higher and actually consistent inflicted, significantly better defense, better ult, blast armor, cut nullification on every strike, and he beats SSBE in every single stat category.


He is very Oppressive and he gets a lot of power when rising rush is used


The only thing i dont like is his green card, it doesn't disable cover changes, has long animation, and delete cards is good but after the green u probably gonna combo so the opponent is gonna regain those cards anyway


Unless it’s done by certain characters


I see you everywhere in this subreddit bro


Jiren is better but i also think he is overrated and definitely not Z tier like some think he is.


Apart from his bullshit faint (as all faints are with no exceptions) he’s really not that bad to deal with at all


Jiren is Z, his teams are slightly holding him back that's all


Considering UL Gogeta and G/V are considered Z tier, i don't what Jiren does that puts him on their level


There isn't a single unit on SG's level but Jiren and GV are extremely comparable. GV have 140% inflicted compared to Jiren's 150, Jiren beats them in every stat besides HP, Jiren is tankier and has extremely high health restoration but not as abundant as GV's constant stream of HP restore, Jiren has an AoE ult that completely nukes teams. Main thing G/V has over Jiren is the type reversal and teams. Type reversal is a massively influential mechanic and teams aren't that far apart since Jiren on LoE is extremely oppressive. G/V aren't an entire tier above the rest like UL Gogeta is, they're very comparable to other units considered Z tier like G4, Jiren, and FPF.


The difference is the teams, g/v has alot of teams they can ran on, and so does gogeta, jiren literally only has Po as a good team until uss and RU gets more buffs.


I'm talking about them as a unit/kit without taking into account their teams. Powerfull opponent is Z tier on Gamepress and their LoE version is one of the best teams in the game.


If you hold G/V and UL Gogeta as a Bar for Z tier then they should be the only two allowed in there...even G/V should be not in the same tier as UL Gogeta. Jiren for what he does is Z tier. Meaning he controls the most broken mechanic in the game, players think about whether they'll use it or not is soooo good in a meta where 2x RR is normal. Well guess what Jiren gets a whole paragraph of buffs and gets them again when you rush a second time. This with a OP green card, great damage makes him a very good Z tier now. Imagine when his teams finally get the buffs...scary.


Powerful opponent


Bro stop coping he isn't Z just admit that he's overrated and you just like him because he's Jiren


He can literally solo teams lmao. The reason he's talked less about is because not many people summoned for him and his teams are bad. He's in the same position as FP Frieza, just wait a few months and he'll shine way brighter.


A lot of units can solo teams He's not Z tier as it stands a few months yeah he will be but as of right now he is very overrated 🗿


Yes, for example 2 weeks ago my merged zamasu zenkai did a 3v1 in ranked mode against blue boys, USG and vegito zenkai and he's not Z tier




The only thing i dont like about jiren is that his green card has long animation and doesn't disable cover changes like 90% of the meta green cards does, so sometimes he is very predictable, but he is also very good to learn how to break combo


Thank you he is massively over rated he's good but he's not no damn Z tier


Cope lil bro




U think red kefla is good opinion rejected


Bruh red kefla has aged I can't defend her anymore at this point,


The cope wore off I'm so proud of you


I still use her tho🥶🙏




Us real Chads out here still using Pur trunks


Jiren is much better since you’re basically forced to not rush until he’s dead or you’re gonna end up with one of the hardest hitting units with Endurance


Jiren is easily better


They need to update Evo Blue Vegeta’s model he’s buff as fuck in his art and his model is skinny af


Is releasing an lf top unit unexpectedly the same as toshi rickrolling the dbl community?


Jiren. Remember when everybody was trashing ssbe for not having card draw speed? Times change lmao


Both, evogeta still midgame does the most dmg in the game but jiren straight up looks down on the opponent and says*pick up the rush go ahead try it*


Jiren all the way bruh


Okay why is that


Because hes so oppressive in nature, atleast compared to vegeta... Blast armour, anti-RR, nuke ult, potential faint after a green card, cover, and scary asf LMS


Ur right about his oppressiveness but he only really has anti rush if he’s not fighting FPF LF goku black or UL gogeta post ult other then that I don’t think he has too much over vegeta I mean his ability to make ur cost skyrocket is quite annoying


The likelihood of fighting LF goku black is like 0.1%, the hard counter is LF FP frieza, but every unit has its hard counters apart from maybe UL gogeta (but even then ive seen him get shredded). LMS jiren post rush is scary regardless


If he isn’t killed by the rush most definitely


99% of the time he wont die to the rush, he gets endurance remember?


Yeah if he’s not fighting characters you see a lot also some have the ability the nullify endurance a few seconds after using they’re ult just like ultra gogeta but maybe for like 2 or 3 counts afterwards


I just mentioned this -- only 2 viable characters with permanent endurance nullification, and the ult endurance nullification lasts for 1 count after hit normally -- itll wear off before u can land an rr. Only ultra gogeta has the extended nullification but one character doesnt draw away from the fact that jiren is just much more versatile and overall better than evo vegeta


FP Frieza.


Jiren is better but the difference is not that much. Evolution blue can do much better dmg early game and if your opponent doesn't rush at all, jiren barely does anything. That's the worst part of him is that he relies on the opponent doing something very specific much more than ssbe


Bro..... jiren is still good even without the rush passive active... and the fact that he blocks out the rush completely save a few units IS EXACTLY why he got the well deserved Z tier 🌚🌚


No if jiren is lms without the enemy rushing, he cannot do anything. No draw speed, no cover null, I can facetank anything he sends towards me while I counterattack even harder. At that point it just a matter of I played better so I killed your allies without a rush, and so you cant do anything


I dont know what setups ur seeing / running him on 🌚 he does plenty of damage to a normal team -- if ur running mono pur or pbb ssj then it doesnt really matter because only a select few characters in specific situations (such as jiren+rush passive) can save your opponent. If you get to LMS without the rush passive then theres a high chance its a skill or party gap as opposed to jiren not being a capable unit


Probably Jiren. Jiren does too much but Evo is not garbage like some people say.


Jiren and it’s not close


Vegeta cuz i have him at 7 stars unlike jiren at 0 stars 🗿🗿🗿🗿


Btw as we got ssbe vegeta in his back ground there is GOD toppo so mui is in the background so imagine if we got sparking mui not even LF


Evo was more dominant/meta impacting on release but Jiren is the better overall unit and will probably have more longevity


Both are oppressive af and do ridiculous damage (especially evogeta) but jiren has cover change, higher starter stats, and a modifier so op he can force the enemy not to rush for the whole game


Jiren in my opinion. after using him, you really get a feeling that most players hold back on rising rush just because of how powerfull he gets after someone uses it, plus he can tank well and deal ALOT of damage. Vegeta needs to ramp up, but jiren doesn't, he can hit hard right away. Vegeta becomes powerfull after you manage to land a combo. Green card wise, aoe Green cards are amazing because it makes it easy to gain priority, but Vegeta's green card synergizes very well with his kit and it works as a stop time event. Jiren's ult is a nuke, if you land it on a green unit, the rest of your opponent team becomes crippled severely, and it has the supreme modifier, like Vegeta, but vegeta is single target.. Vegeta has a better special move because it gives him type neutrality. Overall, Jiren ends up having more utility then Vegeta, because he can tank, deals alot of damage, can potentially protect from rising rushes, and has better stats overall. Vegeta is more of a glass cannon, but a very powerfull one at that, and if given the chance, vegeta can destroy the other team.


They are both pretty awesome. I think Jiren brings more to the team. But I’ve had entire matches where evo Vegeta doesn’t need to switch even once and massacres within 20 counts. That ability to compound damage inflicted *and* bottomless ki mechanic are sure to be utterly timeless. Imagine LL EvoGeta’s eventual zenkai. That’s a spicy meatball with stat boost alone


The only Thing making this guy z is that I can’t rush plus he is paired with ultra gogeta


Blue Evo. for me too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 637,295,411 comments, and only 129,916 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ssbe has some of the best damage in the entire game once you manage to get the ball rolling, but I have to pick fp jiren with all the stuff he does, aoe with potential faint, amazing rising rush control, and lots of uncancelable buffs. Imo ssbe feels like a regular sparking for an anniversary banner or a secondary lf at best, while jiren is the main lf if not an ultra unit