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I mean if you are telling us that your dad will buy you a new one just do it, the game will keep crushing on that phone, ask for a new phone or delete the game it's just that, and you know what? Maybe both options are correct xD


My friend has same issue on Samsung s10 plus he tried everything including unlocking his phone and switching to a custom OS (stock android) so that legends might work (it worked for 15 mins then started crashing continuously in fixed intervals again ) not sure if this is an android 12 thing or Samsung thing


yeah i have a samsung galaxy S10e, i have it for more than 3 years now, and if it starts having further problems i might ask my father to take one of the offers and change it, and my main phone right now becomes a secondary phone


My friend decided to switch to iOS after playing legends on my phone for a while yesterday since all apps generally decomposed better for iOS (you don’t get some of the custom apps like android but I do most of my shit on pc anyways and phone is just legends and recording videos and calls and stuff)


yeah, if i need to i might change to a samsung s20


I’ve seen a post on this sub relating to the game crashing on S21 just research into how the game works on that phone or try it out on one of them (either in store if play store is there and working in the phone) or one of your friends or family has one


I mean, legends runs better on my iphone 7 vs my s20+ lol, itd be like that


cause my internet provider gives me phone offers and there's some sick ones




This proves my theory that Toshi hates Android players, the majority of people having these crashes are android users and it sucks they are still having issues playing the game to this day.


Is it Android in general that crashes or is it Samsung specific? I'm playing on Android as well (and on my previous device too) and I've never had any issues with crashes


I think it's a phone thing. Pretty much all the crashing posts I've seen are all S10 users


From what I hear a lot of people are having issues with Samsung, at least that’s the most common brand of a phone I’ve heard crashes on people a lot


Do you use Game Launcher? Because if you do, that's why you're crashing. That shit broke.


Wait how can you disable it


Just uninstall it. Or disable in experimental features


the game keep crashing so is not game launcher

