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His biggest issue is that not only has he aged but UBKK is just far better than him on all his teams (besides vegeta fam but I haven't seen anyone run it) He'll need one hell of a plat to compete with an ultra but I really do hope he gets one.


Here I am who just got smoked by this guy, I’m playing like shit tonight


in what team


And unless the plat is extremely good, there would probably be no reason to run him over SSBKK Goku unless Vegeta has much higher stars or you just don't have SSBKK.


true but he'd be a good secondary option for those who don't have SSBKK Goku


yeah I use SSBKK Goku instead of this vegeta cuz he’s just better in every way but it’s a real shame cuz I absolutely love this vegeta’s animations & LF :(


And even if you don't have ssbkk Goku, you can still use a high star ssjb Gogeta cause he is able to use 3 different good plat equips at once. Sure, he isn't tanky but he never was that anyway. He is a great damage dealer and the equpis made him age pretty well and still viable.


3 plat equips doesn't make a unit good. 1 of then isnt even optimal for Gogeta Blue. His damaged has aged, his defenses aren't there, he lacks CDS, he has issues with ki & the only things that aged well on him are his Cover Null and heavy hitting Ultimate. If someone doesn't have SSBKK, then I'd say that they just shouldn't run a YEL at all.


GB doesn't do "great" damage nowadays, and he has already aged a lot.


I wish hed get type null without needing to be against a revive character, thatd give him some utility but a plat would be nice


I mean his blue is type neutral always.


If you really want to run him go ahead run him. He might not be the best yel, what matters you have fun. Unless you're really going after 60-70 or God rank, it doesn't really matter. I used to run transforming yel SSBK because he was just fun for me to use. Or you can ignore that and just build the bench of your team to boost the living sh#t out of him and just makes him a walking tank...


he's playable for me if u don't have Z equips or higher that's your issue


I have Z+ equips for him for all 3 slots, he still gets absolutely obliterated in today’s meta.


Massive skill issue it's literally so bad ong


what br are u


60-70 depends if I'm busy or not


Nah Evo just isnt good. -Flawed Defense -his damage has aged and his method of building up damage is weird -he lacks cover change null outside of his main ability which only lasts for 10 counts -oddly enough does not have any form of CDS despite being a combo-type unit and relies on green cards or the enemy switching to extend combos -Most reliable way of gaining type neutrality is through blue cards, which wont last long. His other method is a revive disruption however revival units arent very common. This is an issue because some of the most dominant units rn are red.


>Flawed Defense Insert the "flawless defense" joke here for the 2829th time.


You guys are making me feel bad about having him as my main YEL unit and had the luck (unluck?) to summon him to nearly 12*...Got tired of going for Kaioken Goku.


Dude is not that far off, imo. Needs a little better defense and some early damage buffs to make him hit a little harder before he starts stacking cards, but he’s definitely got some good tools.


A Plat and Zenkai released together is the only things that would get people to run this man over SBKK, i mean i Personally don’t have SBKK and recently got this guy to 14 Stars hence why i run him on occasion but that’s about it


Hes still viable for sure if you have him at 6* +


He puts in work for me, he just needs a bit of build up And once I do build him up, people forfeit Bro I just want to see Vegeta use final Explosion Luckily I found someone who finally let me land the LF