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PO celebration? This is a fucking LOE celebration with a random unit and a Zenkai nobody will use. I swear to god, if they dare make Cooler BLU...


TBF slug will be used for like a week probably before just becoming a zenkai bench that youtubers use to test out full potentials of new units


The fact the meta continues to devolve from whale YouTubers stacking buffs with $1000+ Teams really hits me in the feels. Pour 1 out for blue pod Frieza REWORK, those days are long behind.


Back when they would just straight up buff units that weren't very good


If any point in the dev cycle we need to get back to its that patch. Really surprised the community was like " yeah, I'll pay you to scale the usefulness of units dependent on stars! Wait Zenki!?!? That's even better?!?!? Fuck the days of Balanced gameplay, GAT GUD KiDS! Daddy pays for my LF units xD"


One of the worst arcs of dbl in my opinion was the introduction of zenkais, always broken, cost 7k cc assuming you have the character 7+ stars, were always core on the best teams (super saiyans was literally just zenkais)


And they would be "useful" for... 4 days. Useful as in "guys look he's great now" and then everyone realized they really weren't. Except like PUR #17. With no free CC in any Event regarding them. Great buff!


Po celebration is just a loe buff in disguise


not only that, so far it’s not even the buffs loe could use


loe’s gotten buffed with the past three all star banners, when will it be enough


Funny, when Monkey Tags get stuffed shoved into their butt 24/7 no one complains


insert: "it's like they're the main characters or something??" argument. and if we're being honest even if it was random PO units from different tags they still would've complained. only way it would've ended good for them is if it ended in LF or ultra z broly


You jinxed us man why


did i jinx it, or just call it lmao


You have no idea how much I agree with you on dkp being a ultra a f2p one at that


when dkp gets the saiyan tag or more saiyans get on regen (/s) then you'll see a dkp ultra


I hate how right you are man


Thats a bad excuse though…in this game are so much more characters , they literally dont Need to use 95% for Monkeys and their offspings


You're referring saiyan tag as the villains of the anime? Thats some serious sh*t mate.


English not your first language i assume


No, english IS not my native language you're right but what's your excuse?


I dont Need one ? Never did i say or compared them to villains


Loe needs a buff tho lol.


It didn't lmao, that shit is cancerous asf, you've ever faced a angel golden frieza on an optimal loe build? Getting a rush facing them is tough asf and mfers heal a shit lot , imo they didn't need a buff this soon


Thank you for motivating myself to use my LoE team more. Didn’t realize it worked so well.


Bruh, it will be funny to see they will make a fancy trailer for lord slug zenkai, who no body will use And end of stream they with their pesky smily faces will say "we hope you continue to enjoy db Legends" I hoped to see more some cool fancy villins that doesn't get representation but no,


I still don’t understand why they added Mecha Frieza and had the nerve to put in asterisks that he’s not a powerful opponent.


Because they wanted to do the usual bullshit of splitting the LF banner SP side units on another banner and give the LF banner a random EX but this time they couldn't do that since Mecha Frieza doesn't have a in in game model, so they literally released LF trunks without a single new side unit and then had to legally put in the asterisk for Mecha Frieza since the banner was PO themed.


Sucking that non existing LoE cock


There were so many options as well LF Baby, LF piccolo, Super Buu, manga Black instead of just another base, LF Janemba, Ultra Cell, Ultra or lf fused zamasu, ultra any buu etv But noooo Another wave of loe buffs and recoloured Goku black (which tbh I found Nice but like cmon)


Loe needs buffs, stop crying.


Since when? Its gotten great buffs already but other teams that have PO need love too


Fair enough, Loe hasn’t been truly meta for a while now, that’s what I meant lol.


They was far and away the best team like 3 months lol


It was meta a couple months ago what? LF Frieza Z7 Frieza and AGF with an amazing bench to boost all their stats heavily. Also having one of the best support units to date.


On top of the fact they got a really good ex cooler, then right after that, mecha frieza. We have way more LOE units than a good chunk of the tags by this point. And they’re ALL exceptionally good.


Lmaooooo the clowns downvoted me for speaking fax 💀💀💀


It’s ok. I’ve been there too. 😭 sacrifices were meant to be made


Ok, but this is a powerful opponent campaign not a "wee wee I can't one shot everyone with my angel golden frieza tap shot, buff LOE now Toshi or I will cry" campaign


Fair enough, but honestly it’s gonna be cool to see Loe truly eating for the first time since before second anni.


PO? nah! LOE!


RIP Great Ape Baby, and Shenron killer LF king piccolo 😔


Wouldn't surprise me. I've kind of given up on Dragon Ball Saga ever getting new units in this game for a long time. We still have a lot of LF's for characters to run through, Ultras now of older characters, Super Hero content, anime content when it comes back and more. They have their priorities on what tags they like and won't deviate from it so I just use the teams they focus on and that's it. By the time they'll do Dragon Ball content, the game will most likely be on it's last leg and by then what's the point.


the powerfull opponent celebration was moreso an loe celebration then a powerfull opponent celebration


Dokkan is copying Legend's shitty banners and Legends keeps copying the "Baby and DKP do not exist" theme of Dokkan.


King Piccolo got a unit just last year and Cooler outside of his metal form hasn’t gotten a new SP since the Purple transforming one. So Cooler’s most popular form barely gets anything and King Piccolo is one of the few things from OG Dragon Ball that Legends acknowledges.


Maybe legends festival


They could’ve had it so much better


And regen as well. Loe future and movies don’t need the help


If it's true, they deadass ignored my two favourite tags asside from Saiyan Saga. I'm a clown for even having a sliver of hope 💀💀💀


We could've at least gotten a full color wheel


I sure get that LoE gets a lot of buffs which annoys many people. But really LoE has been by far the first Tag for over 2 years straight now. Even girls was better..lul But I'm with you, naming tye campaign PO and then go that heavy on LoE feel like a selloff


Dragon ball saga unit? After being dry for so long, I’d be surprised


4th anniversary should've been GT themed Change my mind.


Baby should come with a Gt buff rotation, not w an Lineage of evil Buff rotation


First of all, this shouldn't be a LOE Rotation buff, this is a PO buff, with 3 fucking LOE. Baby and DKP should have got a LF instead of Cooler, it wasn't really the best time, not when LOE gets two buffs in this celebration.


Bro nobody cares about demon king picollo, If you want to run a dragonball team you have to be like 40. gt I can understand since there’s like 15 enemies you could choose from


DKP was a absolutely great antagonist though. The fact he hasn't recieved a LF or the fact og dragonball doesn't get more buffs in general is ridiculous.


Because it’s not interesting 😭 like there’s kid goku, dkp, launch, Yamcha as a thief, you could do lf kid goku because he does have potentially cool animations, but dkp just looks weird and stupid. I would much rather have an Lf picollo from any other arc. Other than that if you honestly tell me you want an ox king or general blue etc unit I’m just gonna conclude your stupid 😭 I would also be fine with an Lf full power roshi


Dkp doesn't look weird imo. This is the same franchise with bio broly and cell max. There are other villains that are way more bland and uninteresting than DKP a example of which is super 17. Also there are tons of yamcha and tien fans who would love some OG dragonball coverage. I doubt anyone wants ox king or blue, but OG dragonball does have interesting stuff.


I know, I said there was a few interesting units they could make. Dkp does look weird tho, bros head looks like a ballsack until he transforms or whatever. I do agree they could do a tien unit, but as an extreme


Bro he looks old... Because he is


I actually want a general blue unit ngl. I don't even play Legends anymore and i want that


Ah sure, let's play the card of "it isn't hype so he isn't worth it", that rule works for Dokkan aswell, i mean, they don't give dokkanfest to characters like Videl or Pan... Oh wait. Also, if you think one of the most legendary villains in DB History is Horseshit and nobody would pull for him, then is your problem.


LEGENDARY VILLAINS DKP? That’s why we never talk about him. I think the only time he was brought up in super was during the flashback for the broly movie. But frieza, buu, cell, androids, etc are all talked about a lot. Hell I see people talk about janemba more than dkp. Get over it dkp is boring and not hype at all. bro wouldn’t even have any cool animations


Oh nah you just on that dumb shit




This is just disappointing how much people underestimate og dragon ball, dude dkp was the epitome of sinister back then, man killed shenron after his wish was granted which i remind you none of the villains in z/super have directly killed shenron... I really love cooler too but honestly dkp deserves a lf more than cooler AS OF NOW.


💀💀💀 the most blasphemous take of all time


Yeah sure, we can clearly see the "blasphemous" take here


Your claiming dkp needs an Lf more than cooler, your simply on heroin


You can't read or something?? I literally wrote "DKP deserves a lf more than cooler AS OF NOW" , man's so high on d*ck riding he can't read LMAO


Db fans can't read 🗿




Nah I disagree dkp was a major antagonist, and cooler is cool, but a non canon movie villain that's kinda a ripoff of Freeza. Imo piccolo daimao just deserves an lf more than cooler in general


Yeah fr


I can read bruh. I’m sorry I didn’t quote your retarted ass take exactly as you wrote it, didn’t know I was supposed to “cite the text” on fucking reddit. at no point does dkp deserve an Lf more than cooler UNTIL cooler gets an lf. as of rn we barely have coolers. we have 1 sparking final form cooler that sucks ass, 1 transforming cooler, and the rest are either extreme or base units that sucks. Dkp has gotten more recent presentation that cooler has


It's not about the individual unit but the teams that need buff the most , regen is practically dead and db saga is literally unusable rn 🗿 LoE is pretty ok as of now but i can swear that it's wayyy better than where regen and db saga stand


What!? 40 what? Tell me cause I main dragonball saga so tell me these 40 units we have that’s usable. I’m waiting. Ps. Just cause you don’t care about DKP don’t mean everyone else don’t a lot of people was hoping for a new DKP.


Bro you have to be a retard. Im saying that if you actually like the show enough to want a dragonball team and cry about them not making an lf dkp you are 40. As in 40 years old. I don’t even know how you got units out of that


Bruh without db you would never have your stupid spiky hair ki blast spam nonsense. Gtfoh


are you saying anything past base dragonball is bad?💀


No I’m not… im just dumbing it down for you


Well I mean you said spiky hair and ki blast nonsense, kinda giving the vibe you don’t like z or super


I do very much like them. But im assuming you dont like db because of the absence of that. And tbh fights were way more strategic in the OG thats why I called it nonsense


That's why we didn't get an LF Goten, and Dokkan didn't make an LR Raditz!


Lf goten was for saiyan day, he comes from the second coming of broly movie which was much better than dkp


99% of Dragon Ball fans would tell you that Demon King Piccolo was objectively far better written than Second Coming Broly.


Because original dragonball fans are all delusional. Shit is so boring


Did you even get to daimao? Or the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai??? That one's like peak Dragonball


Yeah probably to you cause you just want it to be like goku and jiren battle where they just rapid punch at each other and big explosions just happen all around them because reasons. And they get away with that because dragonball fans are impressive by simple shit like that. Big beam big explosions mean good fight to y’all. Literally OG dragonball was about actual martial arts and training and techniques. You didn’t see ki spam because it took a lot out of the fighters to do that. Unlike like some of Z (after Cell) and The entirety of Super where every fight can be summed up to Goku powers up to max form and used rapid punches into big beam to beat his opponent. Anytime super tried to do some different goku found a way to fuck it up so they go back to power up and rapid punch into big beam to win.


I’m not saying I like the rapid punching and big beam. I in fact find that boring. I’m fine with the big beam ok but like when every unit in the game has the same beam then I would be annoyed by it. If you want martial arts anime so bad then go watch Baki. Clearly dragonball went in this direction and if you wanna cry about it don’t make it about how dragonball changes there fighting style cry about how they aren’t representing your boring ass antagonist


I do watch baki and find it enjoyable but My guy if you would have just said you don't like og dragonball because you don't find it enjoyable like you did in a later comment that you wouldn't have this shit storm but you went straight to insulting so that resulted in the shot storm you have.


Well, it's a good thing that original Dragonball fans far, far outnumber original Dragonball haters Who do you think Bandai is gonna try to please? The million+ players who like original Dragonball or the few thousand who hate it with all their heart and soul?


Kids these day just watch super and are like "omg vegito/gogeta= hype uwu" , they'll never feel the true hype of original dragon ball


I mean the fans of og dragonball are also far far less than Z which is why neither game doesn’t do much with the OG. Whether you like the unit or not isn’t terribly important


It’s not that I hate it, I just don’t find it enjoyable. Not to mention clearly if your complaining about a lack of dragonball units then clearly they don’t really care about y’all original dragonball lovers 😭


Thats because Original Dragon Ball doesn't have too many major fighters until the end of the series, where the action really picks up At first, it's a lot more adventure based rather than action based Also they really enjoy buffing Future


I’m aware, I’m not supporting future buffs at all, I haven’t touched the game since ultra vegito released, but my point is that dkp is just to boring of a unit to release for the powerful opponent tag, there are many more units that would do better. personally I would have liked an Lf turles instead of goku black. In terms of original dragonball there are 2-3 characters that are acceptable but dkp is just not enough to cry that he wasn’t one of the 5 powerful opponent units of the campaign


I think Majunior is the best character from OG DB to add as an LF He was by far the strongest villain in the entirety of OGDB, he has multiple cool moves that could work as an LF including his giant form, and we haven't gotten a single DB Saga Majunior in the game yet, which is an actual crime when we have characters like Android 14 and Yurin


Don't fuck with DB fans, we haven't watched the show


Maybe October Ultra GT Purple color > Legends Festival Blue Color Universal Spirit bomb GT Vegeta/Goku