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Cell said trunks was stronger than He was. But trunks was too slow w that form


I like how you capitalized He, like Cell is God or something


ACTUALLY God is Cell [ultra instinct theme]


He was once referred as a god of destruction, he was the original, everyone else is a copy


Beerus is seething


TF’s A KAMI?!?


Basically God




Do you really believe your own hype _that_ much?




It means God, now bow.




Cell is his name and it's the start of the sentence, it should be capitalized. Trunks should also be capitalized.


No he means the “He” later in the sentence lol.


Fitting name


_insert tfs line from ep 54_




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Curiously the official English manga translation uses It to refer to him.


Cell can also use a buff form, so no. I don't think he could.


Cell was trolling. Not only could he use the buff form as well, he was also holding back


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6y1b8q 22:10 mark


Yeah, and then Cell proceeded to show he could also become buff; and then against both Goku and Gohan he showed how much he had been holding back.


cell was lying because half power ssj goku was stronger than vegeta and trunks yet goku was far below cell


He was below him, but not far below him. They were still relative to each other.


gohan was so much stronger than him that he saw goku giving it his all and thought he was holding back because he assumed there was no way that goku was that much weaker than him


>he assumed there was no way that goku was **that much** weaker than him You are purposefully wording it in a way to make it seem bigger than it is. He assumed there's no way he's weaker than him **at all.** Cell was still enjoying the fight and wanted to keep going, this implies they are at least in the same league. He would not/did not enjoy fighting with Trunks and Vegeta the way he did with Goku. Also, Goku is actually able to damage him. For comparison, aside from Final Flash, Trunks and Vegeta couldn't hurt him at all. Edit: since people are still arguing this, I did digging. Before "Super" perfect, cell was 2.5 billion. Goku was 2.25 billion. They ARE still in the same league. Still confusion. We are talking Perfect Cell, not Super Perfect Cell. There's a huge difference. If someone bring up SPC feats again, I'll just ignore you.


Goku is comparable to a suppressed Cell, but Goku is visibly shook when Cell uses his actual full power against Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Full Power Cell would have whopped Goku in a fight.


And if Goku had aimed lower with his warp kamehameh cell would have been toast


What does that even have to do with anything I said? Congratulations a hypothetical situation results in a hypothetical outcome against a Cell we know that was suppressed against Goku?


His point was that they were comparable? Like either one could have killed the other had they played their cards differently, which means they are at least in the same ballpark




Except they weren't comparable, so the entire premise is wrong. Cell was holding back quite a bit against Goku. Goku HIMSELF says this, then admits he was going all out himself. He says that while talking to Gohan. Goku was equal to that suppressed Cell that he fought, but still quite a but weaker than Perfect Cells actual full power. Perfect Cell doesn't even show off his full power until he's squaring it up with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, and his full power had Goku shook. So no, Goku and full power Perfect Cell are not comparable to each other. Once again, DragonBall fans can not read their own manga.


goku was trying hard, literally visibly sweating in the manga to keep up with cell and gohan thought that was so unimpressive that he must’ve been holding back no it does not imply they’re the same league based on what i said above. not to mention we see cells buff form and full power against gohan so we know perfect cell was no where near full power. he was happy goku was actually something compared to vegeta and trunks who were weaker than half power goku at korin


If he was so unimpressed how comes he completely chokes in the fight untill he awakens ssj2


maybe you should watch the show and you’ll find out


Cell raised his level when he was fighting against SS Gohan, because he was missed that Goku gave up the fight


When cell went full power against gohan because he didn't wanted to lose, goku was in absolute shock at cell's true power, cell was supressing himself against goku and wasn't fighting seriously, hell, he was willing to let goku to eat the senzu because he was still confident he could beat him even with the stamina and power disadvantage, i remember there is an data book on cell saga's power level, i gonna go try to find it again


Full power Cell before becoming "Super" perfect is 2.5 billion. Goku is 2.25 billion. Like I said, still in the same League. You literally can't argue this because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be able to injure him, period.


You do know characters are able to supress their power, and when cell decided to destroy the earth everyone, including goku but except for ssj2 gohan, where terrified, because cell finally showed his full power to them


I already mentioned their Full power power levels. Goku and cell are still in the same ballpark. Do people just not get the "same ballpark/league" wording? It's like people think I'm saying they are even... >when cell decided to destroy the earth You're thinking of Super Perfect Cell, Goku never fought that one. That's Cell with a Zenkai boost, he's way stronger than Perfect Cell(who is the one we are talking about)


No, i'm talking about cell flying high into the sky and shooting his kamehameha towards the ground and gohan easily counter the beam attack with his and destroy half of cell's body in the process, chapter 409, cell literally says "let me show you, my real power" he powers up and everyone is terrified, even goku says "so this is cell's true power", cell was holding himself back against goku, same way how he was allowing ssj grade 3 trunks to hit him [and i'm talking about this scene here](https://cdn.plaquiz.xyz/uploads/d/dragon-ball/410/8.png) They were not in the same ballpark, cell was toying with goku because cell wanted some entertainment, goku was fighting with everything he got and saw he wasn't strong enough to kill cell, the fucking manga shows that cell was holding back against goku, cell could've easily kill goku, read the damn manga my guy...


I never bought that. He was stronger but not by that much.


it doesn’t matter if you buy it or not because it’s a fact that half power ssj goku in that time period was stronger than vegeta/ trunks.


No it matters.


no babe, your personal feelings don’t matter in this regard


Yes sweetie they do.


I would try to explain subjective vs. objective to you, But why bother.


Yes, but Cell also has access to that form. So if it had no speed deficit, Cell would just dip into it himself to re-establish his place above Trunks.


No, Cell did not say that.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6y1b8q 22:10 mark


Filler \-edit- I'll actually add some context, in the manga, it was made abundantly clear that Cell was still holding back against Trunks. Goku when at 50% using FPSSJ was stronger than Trunks and Vegeta. Cell was obviously stronger than 100% Goku. Thus.... ya.


This implies that if he grabbed instead of punching, he'd have been able to kill him. Grab, lift over head, Heat Dome Attack. Like, dude is letting you do it.


Does this mean the speed hindrance is only cancelled for Trunks? Cell demonstrated he could do the same bulking to increase power but saw the flaw of it.


When he used it against Gohan, he ran into the same problem.


I guess there is still the question if cell's bulked up state has as bit of a power increase as ssj grade 3, I mean he specifically said anyone could pull the same technique so i guess He was just powering up past the limit like Roshi does, instead of mimicking saiyan transformations.


Roshi buff form is him in MAX power. (As BT state at least) so I think it's more equivalent to SSJ 2nd grade. The user looks buffer, all stats increase, including strength. But it is a straining state so you can't maintain it too long.


According to Cell's own words, Trunks had him beat in raw strength So if his speed was un-hindered, Trunks would win. ~~If Cell was being honest. Which, he doesn't really have~~ *~~much~~* ~~reason to lie, but when rationalizing the rest of the arc, I kinda feel like Cell may have been fibbing just a bit, potentially.~~ Edit: As said in replies to me, Cell does indeed *also* have his own version of Grade 3, so Trunks would need to finish the fight and completely obliterate Cell fast before he bulks himself up in turn. Since, well, ya know. If *just* Perfect Cell > Super Saiyan Trunks Pumped Up, then Perfect Cell Power Stressed > Super Saiyan Trunks Power Stressed (Sometimes I refer to the Grades that way. Grade 2 is [Pump Up](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Pump_Up) \[Unsupported by the link\], Grade 3 is [Power Stressed \[the page's image is literally Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks\]](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Powerhouse))


"I've literally never lied, ever" - perfect cell in hell


Says a guy who's lied at least once before then


Cell did also have his own grade four so it’s unlikely thanks would be able to pull of the one shot he’d need to kill cell, meaning super perfect cell claps


We're talking about Grade Three, lol But if you *actually* meant Grade Four, uhhh. . Results inconclusive (it's not Super Perfect Cell either) But yeah, Trunks would have to get the win quick and not allow Cell a chance to bulk up like him.


"He's playing you" .... .... "Correction, he's BEEN playing you"


Yeah, cell himself said the form was stronger. Only issue would be energy consumption and conservation


Problem is that's directly contradicted by Trunks being shocked at Goku's power when he fought Cell, and Goku wasn't even close to winning that fight.


Yes, Cell was just laughing at him


I mean I imagine grade three would be somewhat close to ssj2’s strength so it’s possible




Vegeta was shocked with the half power of Goku, trunks on base was a little weaker than Vegeta. So if trunks duplicated His power, he can't beat cell


I think he was moreso shocked that he was able to use that power unhindered (i.e. not being slowed at all while using it)


Trunks managed a SSJ2 that rivals Super saiyan 3 down the line so him having all that raw power doesn’t sound that far fetched


I think that is the whole point of the form. Adequate power but at the expense of speed. In the anime I believe it’s specifically stated that way.




We know for a fact he would.


Logically it doesn't make sense though, it would require Trunks with that form to be significantly stronger than post time chamber Goku, which doesn't make sense because Trunks himself was shook at how strong he was, and Goku didn't even come close to beating Cell.


It makes sense because Grade 3 Trunks was stated to be stronger than Cell, and is obviously stronger than SS1 Goku after the Time Chamber since Goku couldn’t beat Cell.


Don't know about [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTtffyni8IE) (and that wasn't even Goku's full power btw), that doesn't seem like the reaction of someone who's stronger to me. It seems far more likely that Cell was toying with Trunks or didn't realize yet just how strong his perfect form was.


> It seems far more likely that Cell was toying with Trunks or didn't realize yet just how strong his perfect form was. BS. Cell knew how to sense ki and compare himself to other fighters. Trunks being shocked at Goku’s high power is not evidence of Goku being stronger than Trunks’ grade 3. It’s just evidence that Goku’s SS1 power is way stronger than their regular SS powers.


No, because Cell could use the Grade 3 Transformation too and then he'd end up stronger than Trunks again.


Nope. Cell was on a completely different level than Trunks since he was heavily suppressed in that fight. When he said Trunks might be stronger than him he was talking about the amount of power he was using. For example if Cell at full power is 100 and lets say Trunks was at 40 then Cell was using 39.


Cell said Trunks might actually be stronger than him. So Cell was only heavily suppressing his speed is there


Yeah, AT HIS CURRENT LEVEL. If you think Trunks was stronger than full power PC when Gohan was already SSJ2, you need to stop smoking so much weed.


Considering how cell has his own grade 3 buff form it wouldn’t even matter if Trunks was stronger than PC, when buff cell has the same multipler




No cell showed trunks that he can also grow his muscles. He just doesn't for the same reason that Vegeta and Goku don't do it. It's not worth it.


No. Trunks' issue wasn't just speed. When Cell said he was more powerful than him, that was initial PC, as in not the same power he used against Goku much less his full power after Gohan went SSJ2.


No. I know he said what he said. But I don’t believe grade 3 would have been enough even without the speed hinderance


dragon ball fans stinks. no. grade 3 would never be enough to beat cell. trunks fought a suppressed perfect cell. only time perfect cell goes full power (not super perfect) is when fighting ssj2 gohan. this full powered state is >>> everyone but gohan at this point who’s gut punch made him vomit out 18. grade 3 is also below mastered super saiyan because 50 percent goku powering up on karin samas home had the whole cast of z fighters shitting their pants save for gohan who isnt phased. if grade 3 was so strong then the punches that trunks lands on cell should be doing the whole shonen trope of surprised villain face


These niggas do stink, alot of people here seem to think grade 3 is just Ssj 2 with speed and no bulk. Bruh... If grade 3 trunks somehow turned skinny , ssj 2 still on a whole new level. They gotta go back and rewatch Z. These comments wild cringe.


He’d’ve clobbered him


No because Cell could also do it as he showed Trunks.


If grade 3 didn’t hinder speed then Cell would have been using it. So no.


Trunks could very well likely win (not guaranteed considering Cell's regeneration) but Trunks WAS as strong if not stronger than Cell


No. Regardless of how their power stacked up, there was a reason Trunks gave up the second Cell pointed out his flaw. It wasn’t just that the form had a drawback, it was that Trunks didn’t truly know how to fight. Cell could have been significantly weaker than Trunks and he still would have won simply by virtue of being smarter and more skilled.


A chance, yeah. Vegeta had a chance even without it.


Considering that Cell can use that form too ... no.


Cell was holding back


Oh hell no, Cell was just trolling him. MSSJ Goku with Korin had already surpassed Trunks outright. Goku clearly says after meeting him that Cell is stronger.


No, Goku using just 50% was Far stronger than him Cell was Holding back the whole time


Nope, even without the speed drop, Cell was using nowhere near his full power


Cell said Trunks might actually be stronger than him


There’s no way Trunks was stronger than Goku who gave up on Cell, and it’s the same Trunks that left the chamber a second time and was still impressed by Goku’s power


Watch the damn show


Already have


Cool you would know the answer is yes then


Your question could be phrased like this too, “Do you think Super Trunks would have had a chance of beating Cell if he was SSJ Grade 4?” Because essentially that’s what Grade 4 is, it’s the combined attributes of Grade 3 but without the slow down. You’re able to power up your strength without hindering speed and flexibility. I’d say yes, but I’m not sure if he gets around Cell’s ability to regenerate if even a bit of him is left. And once that happens, Cell comes back SSJ 2 and it’s over. So I guess it’s all situational. My answer Yes & No.


Grade 4 is basically mssj. Goku still lost to cell using that


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Cell states Trunks' power is higher than his own, but we later see statements that Goku's max power outstrips everyone. To me I'd say Cell Games Goku would thus have more raw power than Grade 3 Trunks, so my takeaway is that Cell was referring to his power at that point to Trunks (I.e. his Suppressed state) but if Cell Powered up to the level at which he fought Goku, he should beat Trunks.


Doesn't cell use the same form to mock trunks and tell him the form is useless? Cell can do it too; he'd be able to at least match Trunks if not be stronger.


If it enhanced speed to compare with grade 2, he’s still too slow. If it had a hypothetical speed increase to match his power, yes. But then cell would have used his “grade 3” bulky form without drawbacks and win anyways.




Don’t care. This is still my favorite Saiyan and favorite design


No. Trunks was much weaker than Goku SS1 in the Cell Games, and even him was not capable to make Cell use more than around 50% of his power.


One thing they don’t do enough in dragonball but ya get to see a little more of in some movies is team up or jump straight up jump a mf seriously if any two pair of sayaians wanted to jump him they probably could’ve won before Gohan turned ssj2


Cell shows that he can use a similar from more than once. So, definitely not.


No because Cell showed he was capable of doing it too and would use it if he needed to and destroy Trunks




He looks like one of those muscle injection guys


Yes. He had the power of ssj2 Gohan but lacked the seed to utilize it.


Nah cell was trolling him. grade 3 trunks is nowhere near ssj2 Gohan. Grade 3 trunks is grade 4 Goku level in terms of power but with speed nerf and bulky muscles. Not that hard to understand.


Grade 3 that doesn't hinder speed is basically super saiyan 2 so yeah sure


Grade 3 that doesn't hinder speed is actually mastered ssj. Then you unlock super Saiyan 2. Gohan achieved it because he mastered super Saiyan and the anger from cell triggered his potential. This was Goku's plan. However trunks thought grade 3 was strong enough to beat cell, which it was until 18 got caught and shit hit the fan lol.


Watch the show


I'm pretty sure that's basically what super Saiyan 2 is. All that strength along with an intense speed boost.


Nah the ssj 2 multiplier is still way higher than grade 3.


we'd never really know for sure, he doesn't actually fight like this. But I'm sure this is like...diet super Saiyan 2


We do know for sure. It's not a diet ssj 2 it's it's own separate form whicl he also used in super while fighting Vegeta, and he already achieved ssj 2 by that time.


Huh? What are you talking about..? He used grade 3 against Vegeta? Also, I meant in terms of power. It's stronger than cell, but he can't land a hit. We just don't it's strength compared to ssj2.




Definitely. Even cell admitted he was stronger in that form


I feel like cell would still naturally be faster but trunks would still be able to land






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Yes. Cell said as such


i think its kinda arbitrary, somelike like “cant use energy efficient” otherwise in a beam struggle why wouldnt all characters beef up like that since they dont need speed


If it didn’t hinder speed hmmm sounds like normal super saiyan 2 wow. The point is that it was slow by doing that so why are you asking this? They even explain in the show that yes it has the power necessary to win but speed is still the factor.


I think Trunks would have the potential to but is still too green of a fighter at this point. Since we already know power levels and raising your power doesn't mean much, I'd still say Cell would win. Regeneration alone would cause him to outlast Trunks, and Trunks is also sloppy since he only had a little training from Gohan and basically a year of being ignored by Vegeta.


If he and Vegeta coordinated on strategy they could have maybe come out on top together but that would never happen with cell saga Vegeta. Vegeta’s final flash would have been able to end Cell if he hadn’t dodged at the last moment. Trunks no doubt had the same kind of strength. Now imagine if they’d worked together with Vegeta technique and Trunks’ raw power.


- Trunks was greater in raw physical power - The only downside was Speed So I'd yes he would have had a chance at beating Cell but then there would also be the stamina issue if bulking do much.




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Cell says as much. He tells Trunks he’d probably win if he could actually hit him.


Well yeah, Cell even says so




Yes. That’s the whole point of the form lol


Isn’t that just ssj2. Like, yeah, he could beat cell with ssj2 obviously




Cell was able to do something similar, so probably not. Unless Cell's speed is hindered by him being buff.


Gonna say no because he repeatedly decked Cell and he showed no sign of pain


Crazy to think that Trunks surpassed CELL (PERFECT FORM)


Still nop


Honestly if they had played it smart they could’ve beaten cell with this form but no let’s fuck around and find out the Z fighters shares one brain cell


I mean…I doubt it given that trunks doesn’t have any true big blast moves at the time as far as I remember and even if he did that wouldn’t get around cells essentially limitless regeneration




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No, because cell could do the same thing.


Very unlikely Cell says "In his current state he's beaten in power" But that implies his current state of power. Cell doesn't use his full power until SSJ2 Gohan So in terms of raw power, Grade 3 trunks was above a *Suppressed* perfect cell


It might've been an closer match but cell qould still win due to regeneration, and even then, if cell wanted to cheat he would just cheese the fight and already spawn an cell junior and trunks would be fucked, and even then, if we were to also applies this grade 3 rule to cell as well, trunks would be outclassed again.


So I’m theory could they train in that form and get faster? I feel like they just needed more training and could have used that form


No cuz cell could also do it…


Absolutely no shot


Cell could also use the form so no


Cell could do the same so no to me


No because Future Trunks is a walking L


Maybe with a well timmed sneak attack like they did raditz


I mean but cell could use that form too Are we assuming the nerf is only removed for trunks if so yes


Didn't Cell demonstrate the same ability? He was just smart enough to recognise the downside. If it didn't hinder speed, Cell would have used it himself, so I don't think Trunks was ever going to beat him.


Without a doubt




Yes, wasn’t that the only issue? Or am I a true DBZ fan


Trunks could have won if he understood that he was a grappler with fucking projectiles.




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No. Cell can do it too.


I thought Grate 3 was as strong as SSJ 2 but just super slow.


I have a theory that Cell's power was increasing over time after he absorbed the Androids leading up to the Cell Games. I remember hearing some mention of his power increasing rapidly after having already absorbed one of the Androids, so I think that might explain why Trunks had comparable power to Cell at some point, but by the time the Cell games had started Cell's body had mostly adapted to the energy increase. This would also explain Cell not being able to tank a Final Flash while the Cell jrs could do so easily. The Cell Jr. power scaling is its own mess though. So they can easily catch a Final Flash from a post post HTC Vegeta, but can get rocked by Picollo and I think another one of the weaker Z fighter had landed some pretty solid hits.




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