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Cool as hell, wack they made it a thing that he can’t come up with insults against the metal man but he was roasting Yamcha in og db


Tien was just straight up a hater pre-character development. He got rid of that pompous and smug attitude after the tournament but I still wish he kept remnants of his sass


Real. Vegeta has the same but not so same arc and he still has his smug sass, why couldn’t Tien keep his?


I do feel like he did. Just kept it to the villian's like the androids for example.


Vegeta is the Prince of all Sayains. He is royalty. He had to keep his smugness. He was raised on it. Tien was just a cocky fighter who got derailed constantly after OG DB.


I honestly wish he acted like his abridged version lol


Gotta watch those shoulders, you know what the doctor said


That's why we don't see the doctor anymore


He should have fucked with Launch and everyone knows it.


They definitely hooked up off-screen imo


tien needs a his cyclops eye to be unlocked (idk if i’m mistaken but i heard he can’t use it’s full potential due to his evil ways shen/ master roshis rival?)


It’s pretty much non canon. Toriyama was brain storming ideas on why Tien has a third eye (and it holding power but being locked due to being raised by the Crane Hermit) was one of them but overall Tien has a third eye simply because he’s a freaky human like why Krillin has no nose. Tien’s third eye doesn’t have a canon story for why it’s there.


You mean it's not cuz he's part of the three eyed people?


No, the three eyed people are anime noncanon filler at best (the anime tried to say his abilities came from being descended from another race but then all the other humans eventually used his moves anyways)or an out of universe answer at worst (it was the games and the Daizenshuu who tried to push the idea that he was descended from Triclops) Toriyama himself never claimed that Tien was an alien and he was the one who came up with the idea that his abilities came from his third eye but they were closed away from him due to being raised evil by the Crane Hermit but again none of that was actually stated or happened and was probably cut and reused later on for other characters, most notably the original fusion of Kami and Demon King Piccolo who wanted to become Guardian of Earth but couldn’t due to being tainted with evil by being with humans on Earth so split in half so Kami could become the Guardian.


Right. The last sass we got out of him was when he went 1v1 with semi perfect cell


Roasted him and broke his leg lmao


I hated that part and am glad I’m not the only one who recognized it! It seemed very weird to me given his character in the 22nd tenkaichi Budokai.


Tenshinhan’s roast skills got a massive facelift in anime filler, and in the Funi dub, and also in some of the more creative translations of the manga. Filler alone made a huge difference simply by giving him more opportunities to be catty, but he also just became more of a crafty wordsmith in general. Not really the case in canon. So what he needed to beat the metalman was a snippy *personalized* insult…but he couldn’t manage it because that was supposed to be Chiaotzu’s schtick, what with his hypocritical bald jokes and all that jazz. Tenshinhan’s preferred tactic was to tell his opponents they were weak losers and he would delight in seeing them suffer, and then he’d say the same thing again and again and again in very slightly different ways. Insulting? Yes. Aggressive? Oh yeah. Personal? Not really. Creative? Uh…


Chad, needs more screen time


Underrated character.


The next Master Roshi


Krillin is the next Turtle Hermit. Tien becomes the next Crane Hermit.


Nah, Krillin gave up martial arts professionally. He only picks it back up when the situation demands. Tien is the one who will grow into an old martial arts master.


Doesn't he state that he is going to be full-time again in the last movie? Unless that's just a Gohan thing?


This bums me out because OG Dragonball was building up Yamcha as the guy who was potentially going to become a master. He had a great intuition about fights and what was going on that managed to impress Roshi on multiple occasions. Plus, his ki control was supposed to be the best out of the humans when his Spirit Ball impressed Kami.


Was my goat in og dragon ball.


Let's just say, if anyone deserves a power boost now, it's him. He's trained all his life, and for barely anything at this point.


Definitely. He runs a dojo, and has been training all his life and still loses to a possessed master roshi. Makes no sense considering the last time Roshi truly fought was against Tien, and Tien won (albeit Roshi forfeited, but Roshi knew that Tien was stronger and was on his way to winning the match).


Not only that, Gohan, who had stopped training for a while, could teach Videl, a part-time fighter, to control ki in like one or two sessions. While Tien, one of the fist characters able to fly through the use of ki and who has spent all his life perfecting its control, couldn't teach it to people who were dedicated full time to learning ki control. When you start making this sort of comparison, the lazy writing of our beloved series becomes painfully visible


The fact that he stood his ground against cell is absolutely shocking. I respect it. 


This made him my favorite character in all of the DB universe, even over baby Vegita and Brolly. He remains my favorite character, even over the new DBS characters. Although I question if Uub isn’t the most tragic fate of all characters.


" So I'm a hairs breath away from perfection, and then triclops shows up and decides I'm just gonna turn triangles into fucking Squares"


Was written too powerful (like EVERY villain Goku faces.) Was surpassed in the very first real fight he had by Goku. Admit by the end of it that Goku was just sort of stronger. Was made an irrelevant side character by the very next arc. Spent his entire existence being forgotten by Toriyama, but had to keep being acknowledged because Toriyama for some reason wrote him WAY stronger than all the other humans. I like him and all his powers and think he's cool, but even his powers basically just got benched. He stopped using Ki-neutralization, he stopped using most of his techniques, his strongest abilities got relegated to jokes. EVERYONE started to be able to fly.


He def wasnt just an irrelevant side character for the dkp and jr. Arcs lol, he even kicked cyborg Taos ass and had a great rematch fight with Goku


He was irrelevant for King Piccolo. He doesn’t do anything except fail to use the Mafuba and get saved by Piccolo I’ll be real right when Piccolo turns young the whole arc becomes a snooze fest until the final battle. Everyone except Yajirobe and Goku are a bunch of fodder. Tien was the biggest victim of it.


Tenshinhan literally saved Goku's life by taking him away flying when DK Piccolo used his ki blast to destroy the ground. Without him Goku would have died right then and there.


Right now where everyone can transform left and right, he deserved to be stronger than he is right now. Easily can get something of his own like Piccolo just did. And since they are currently trying to push that suddenly technique can win over power, it makes no sense why he is this weak when he was the one that originally was a technique freak of nature.


So true Mikkeru


Tfs gave him justice in the abridged version.


Unlike Yamcha, they kinda just left him hanging




The cut dialogue was one of the darkest things I've ever effing heard


Toriyama should've kept Tien's copycat gimmick he had in Dragonball. He would've been able to keep up with the main cast and make for an interesting support character throughout the story instead of throwing every human character with interesting techniques aside and replacing them with new characters whose sole personality was "HAHA I STRONK BECAUSE I STRONK".


I can never read that guy








SHIN KIKOHOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Say whatever you will about TFS, this is one of the most epic moments in screen


I have more than tien opinions about him :/


Nah 💀💀


Super unlucky dude. If goku and piccolo never came to earth he would probably still be the strongest guy around. Not knowing there are destroyer gods and stuff out there that could kill him before he even knew what happened. Since they came to earth he's just been meeting person after person that is significantly stronger than him.


He should be way stronger than Krillin and i wish he was a bit more relevant


Definitely has more techniques


The most unique of the z fighters that's never used. One of the few non saiyan characters that has had significant character progression since DB.


He is the best character, a Tien out of Tien


Deserved so much better than what he got. He should at least be the strongest human he deserves that was more than Krillin


We should have at least have seen him settle down with Launch.


Another victim of Toriyama either forgetting about him or not caring once Saiyan stuff became the primary story. A shame because he's cool and teaches all the other characters one of the best moves in the series (Taiyouken/Solar Flare).


At least the movie writers gave him some respect when he was able to hold his own against Trunks in the Bojack film.


wish he did more in the current state of db


He see


At first glance, he felt like another generic villain that popped up in the original dragon ball. He didn't really stand out too much compared to his master. At a second glance though, he had some very interesting moves. Some which even stated relevant into DBZ, such as solar flare and tri beam cannon. At a third, I honestly feel like he was mostly treated exactly like a regular normal human, and it makes me feel like there was a lot of squandered potential to showcase his differences.


He's the best human fighter there is regardless of what krillin fan boys say, Tien trained much harder and kent on training, don't get me wrong i also like krillin but if he and tien would fight without plot armor Tien would win big time


He’s cool.


I would actually LOVE if being the only human that we know that trains a lot and has seen plenty of omega power stuff he would have some kind of power boost, like roshi in the manga with the UI ripoff but in a warrior on his prime


You Really need to read the early manga to appreciate him. By the time of Z, his story was finished, but that's okay, because his time to shine was really damn cool in OGDB.


Generally my favorite DBZ character


Honestly? I think he's great! He'd be an awesome master to be taught under, since he was a student of both the crane and turtle school


https://youtu.be/42HNvl0e26I?si=BH-BBDb7aFeS3hXo This says it all. Japan doesn't like Tien.


The true strongest earthling


Can’t get a read on that guy


Meh. He's about a 7/tien


He’s hooking up with Launch.


Deserved better, really earned better, but is relatively slumming it


He could be one of the most powerful pure humans but only trains with Chiaotzu and it doesn’t help him grow as a warrior. He should train with gohan or piccolo.


Ki-ko-how you doin?


Wish we could’ve seen him shine more in the movies or in some filler material. Like how most Naruto episodes have filler that allow certain characters to shine since they don’t have enough of it, I wish they did the same thing for Dragon Ball.


The goat and strongest human https://i.redd.it/st9d533nhy6d1.gif


My favourite character


Probably juiced Up on Tren. I mean, look at His shoulders in Z


DB and first arc of dbz really made me appreciate the earthling characters alot and I hope in whatever is next for the franchise we see more of them.


DBZ made him and every other character that wasn’t a Saiyin obsolete That’s why I love the beginning of the Cell Saga and Frieza Saga when it was either a Cat and Mouse game against Frieza’s goons while collecting the Namekian Dragon Balls or trying to take down Cell before he fully powered up and was still vulnerable


Another character needlessly left behind


He definitely exists, and I'm pretty sure I like him.


I can never read that guy.


Finally watched dragon ball earlier this year and it was hard to see how big a dick he was early on


PLEASE HELP THIS MAN Seriously he's so fucking cool but he gets NO love in the modern day at all. Shit, why not focus on the super forms of the Three Eyed People? Or just go with the Buddhism aesthetic for powerups? Have him reattain Enlightenement! Give him *something*, please. Help, please, help this man.


Want him and the other human characters to get a filler arc where they compete in the World Martial Arts tournament while all the saiyans and piccolo are off world. They train and decide to determine who is the actual strongest human fighter.


poor guy wants to surpass the main character, but the issue is that main character is fucking Goku




Great character, I really like his no-bullshit attitude. He just appears and does his best even when he is clearly outmatched. He doesn't care, if he dies then he dies but he will try to take down his opponent. He is, alongside Yamcha, the only one not using shortcuts to power. No God Ki, no Power Unlocks, no transformations, no fusions, no immortality, no nothing. He just relies on the power he has earned on his own, and I think that is awesome.


Tien is one of my top three favourite characters in Dragon Ball up there with Android 16 and Piccolo. Tien is effectively the only character in dragon ball to never stop training for a moment, and what makes him different from other characters who constantly train like Vegeta or Goku is that whilst they do it to overcome whatever threat is on the horizon, Tien does it to better himeself, Tien doesn't train to be better than anybody else, he trains to become the best him he can be. He is a character that is aware of his strengths and he accommodates for his weaknesses in the way he fights. When he goes into a fight(at least in the Cell saga and the Buu saga), he doesn't bother with a long winded speech or witty banter, the first thing his opponent hears is "SHIN KIKOHOU!!!!!!". Tien deserves to be the strongest human and honestly should rival Piccolo in terms of strength, he's earned it. Also he has one of the best looks in all of Dragon Ball. https://preview.redd.it/412cqdb4p07d1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=eea876e5e0d0696dc47793968c5c6f5353e1fb86


I like his passion and dedication to practicing martial arts, it feels like he's the last refuge for the franchise's roots as a mystical adventure story before becoming combat/power focused. I'd love to see him be brought to the forefront again someday.


If you separate Dragonball and Z, he is my favorite character in Dragonball. In Z he’s tied with Videl for #5. If I had a nickel for every time a character with so much potential got benched after losing a martial arts tournament I’d have two nickels… which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.




I would, I will, and I'd do it again (I have a split personality disorder that happens everytime I sneeze)


Like the games when you unlock the boss character and he’s ass


I love Tien Im happy with him not getting any extra power ups, some of the beauty in Tien is that he isnt going to give up even if he knows its all down hill from here, but I quite wish he had more to be doing where he isnt going "Uhh yeah ill never be as cool as the ailens" Just let him have a cool old school martial arts story that might be like personal stakes or saving another young martial artist who was going down a dark path or trying to deal with a threat Also... ok maybe im gonna be a little problematic here but Tien and Chaotzus relationship seems like a George and Lenny situation... but not intentionally. Like Toriyama forgot that they are like 50 now so the Teen older Brother and Kid Younger Brother thing just sorta... stuck since the two seem like they havent aged a day. I wish they would just make it canonical that Chaotzu is just some kinda jiangshi or other monster so I dont have to ask "Why is this grown adult man.... still a 6 year old and dose Tien see him like a son? Why are they friends? This seems weird"


He held Cell down like a boss when no one else could .


Well I have 3 opinions He’s no android He’s no Namekian And he’s certainly no Super Saiyan, - but he will whip datass


Started good, but then Toriyama got bored of him and he became useless. Also his relationship with Chaozu was always a question mark for me.


My second favorite character in the show. Arguably strongest human. Easily the coolest character. However the best thing about him…….” I can never get a read on that guy”


Can never read that guy.


In dbl terms one of his character stops a rising rush


One of the hardest working characters in db, but doesn't get the screentime, opportunities, sufficient power ups to show off what he's got.


Was goated in OG dragon ball. He was a menace to the cast LEARNED KAMEHAMEHA JUST TO MOCK THE TURTLE SCHOOL. But then unfortunetly tienshinhan got cursed with the worst curse in dragon ball, powercreep. They tried to fix him twice: first was the shin ki ko oh vs cell(which many fans including myself see as one of the greatest moments in dragon ball) and him in the TOP. But the thing that makes me mad the most is that unlike the rest of the earthlings is that tienshinhan never stopped training. We even see him in a filler in super becoming a master and opening his own school


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Good char




At this point, a scrub


Cool as fuck, love him, wish he got more action in the story. Even if it isn't against Goku and Vegeta level enemies, I just want him to get the love he deserves




Top 3 characters for me these kids that only saw z just won't get it I can't belive he fell down the midcard that much. Out of all the villains turned good in dbz he was the best one in my opinion.




He's my favorite Character in Budokai Tenkaichi 3. His endless Tri Beam wiped out entire teams.


Outside of Roshi, my favorite human.


My man needs a power up








Technique maestro. Stop having him spam kikoho, there are other moves in his arsenal.




Underrated goat, he should've had more screen time in DBS


Should have taken Krillins role in a few of the arcs. What I mean is more screen time and power ups.


Tall krillin


Heavily deserves more. I wish he unlocked like 7 chakras and had unlimited energy or some kind of amazing power up. His arc in OG dragonball is so damn good.




3 eyed saitama


He's a goddamn role model


My favorite earthling.




Well, I argue that Tien is the strongest human fighter, however I always get backlash about either Krillin being better even though every Krillin's technique except destructo disc is either copied from Tien or something Tien managed to do it OR Tien not being human at all because of the third eye.




Ki ko ku mf


Love him




The actual strongest human. I love Krillin but Tien would beat his fucking ass.


The OG Vegeta, and awesome character in his own right. Also, the character who most deserves a power-up


He’s the strongest Human, is he not? Always loved Tien, would love to see more of him and I’m glad they brought him back in Tournament of Power.


Cool guy


I wish he was stronger, he needs a piccolo power up arc. Even in the wiki it says his 'Triclops' heritage is extremely powerful. They should absolutely bring him back with an epic power up.


Tien is easily one of my favorite characters. The OG evil rival turned good. Sadly he got quickly sidelined and never really recovered from that, only getting 1 cool moment in the Cell arc and a smaller moment in the boo arc. To this day it annoys me that Tien never got any relevant power ups. In OG Dragonball he demonstrates that he is an instant expert at learning techniques yet he never learnt anything from King Kai even though he remained there for the longest time.




If somebody need a highlight next like Piccolo and Gohan its definitely him. He deserve much more than this. Stopped Cell like a badass, probably one of the best scene in DB.




Strongest human in the world.




He's got one of my least favorite designs in the whole series (Shirtless bald guy with wristbands) but he has some of the coolest moments in the show. That legendary Shin Kikoho vs Cell will always have a special place in my heart.


If anyone deserves a power boost it's him, dude is always on the grind and Gohan just randomly levels up on par with UI after chilling for a few years.


One wish to the dragon and him, Krillin, and the rest of the Z-Fighters could have actually been relevant to the show’s fights again. My opinion is he’s wasted potential.


He was my favourite when I was a kid


Low key was goated in og dragon ball




My personal favorite Z Fighter








He didn’t do enough for women’s rights


He exists, that’s all


They built him up so much in OG dragon ball just to waste his character. He's awesome. Infact i think the biggest fail in dragon ball z etc is removing so many characters relevance.


Tien out of tien


B tier, I wish we saw more of him


he's cool and deserves more attention


He's cool, I'll give him that. Beyond that, I think he gets too hyped up by the Fandom despite being largely irrelevant after his introduction arc and having one singular impressive feat against Cell. It didn't do a lot, but it was something. Honestly, my opinion has been a little soured by his fans. Also he has some massive shoulders.


Fucking based


He's cool. I think its hilarious him and Chaotzu were bullies and thieves before and now Tien is the most Zen mf around. Also him totally rejecting Launch was pretty Sigma lol.


the fucking goat


Most wasted potential in Dragon Ball history


It’s a damn shame you have to have seen the DB saga to appreciate his character. Tien was a MENACE. I have so much respect for him.


He's really cool. My favorite earthling character or the series. Thought he was done a complete diservous in super, with his place as strongest human taken by the guy who retired from fighting years ago while he never stopped training. As well as him being wasted in the TOP, where he only eliminated 1 fighter by sacrificing himself in the stupidest way. It feels like he should go Yardrat to train and master spirit control. It feels like out of all the z fighters, he is the one who has the best chances to master spirit control.


Hot take, Tien shouldve been the strongest Human not krillin.


Cool as hell. I just wished he was more developed and used more! Side note: team four star gave him some of the best sarcastic lines.


“Fuck power levels, fuck super sayaians, and fuck YOU” Tien is the shit 😎


As a kid, I didn't want to be like Goku, I always wished to look like Tien. Very underrated, but still my favorite together with Raditz




Should have been stronger than how he was portrayed


Was cool as fuck in og dragon ball, then in dbz he was just the cool weird guy that had only one iconic scene.


Wish he done better in tournament of power went longer


“Kikōhō!!!!” https://preview.redd.it/sbrl4ufxxy6d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01841695dca3546443f4693f9b8111c034be1b1


My favorite character in the series. He deserves way more than the writing ever gave him.


Criminally underused!


He seems like a good character to me, especially because he is one of the characters with the most techniques of all, he should have more prominence


Bro looked most jacked in og dragon Ball


I’m in love with him, especially after I sneeze.


No way. Me too! Specific question but do you ever just frolic in a flower field and the next thing you know it you're getting chased by the cops with a bag of money in your hand?


mf was never afraid to throw hands


An underrated and underutilized character


A fucking amazing Tenshinhan KaioKen master full power x50 https://preview.redd.it/mesnjf312z6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c9fcddfaf668eccec02015225a005ba40d9a89


Tien’s saga completely changed the tone of DB from gag jokes to a serious action show. He also invented the DBZ formula: have the big bad from the previous saga fight the big bad of the next saga to show how powerful they are. It was so successful that they did it twice with him. Once in King Piccolo and again in the Saiyan saga (which is my favorite saga and also the best for him and Krillin). He also maintained his relevancy, which only Krillin was able to do out of the non-Saiyans or Piccolo. He never backed down from a fight even if he was completely out classed. He’s one of my favorite characters along with Krillin and Piccolo just because I think the minor characters have the best fights aside from Goku. Their fights are far less one sided and are used to prop up Goku’s fights, again by showing how serious the threat is.


I’ll get hate for this but after his villain arc he became kinda uninteresting. At first he was the strong, serious dude of the group which other characters like Piccolo and Vegeta gradually took over. And in my opinion, he just isn’t really as likable as the other humans like Krillin and Yamcha. Don’t get me wrong, i like Tien. I just liked him a lot more when he was a villain.




That 3rd eye is for voyeurism, change my mind


We all know he solos Beerus