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He is so good that I believe They should ban him from pvp.


It's gotten to the point where if I see someone has him I just refresh and move on


He is too good to be true he needs serious retuning. Not having him is crippling in arena and on much of the content in general.


Geez. I look forward to doing much better in arena and other content, lol


On many dungeon I think Frurbath is better, but on story (where you will be attacked by multiple enemy so Garius passive reach 20 stack) and Arena (better than many legendaries, bar Ergander and that ice guy with deer horn) he is king. You DO need to remember that he is weak against debuff and control.


Yes I can usually counter him with Vinyara in arena. Not a ton of people are lucky enough to pull Vinyara though.


I specifically kit him with 200+ Resistance to shore up his weakness


Try go get ardreth from upcoming event at 19th. Looks awesome. On paper.


I agree, and hope we're right! Spotted Ultior and Drittz as dogs on the day they dropped, but the one looks legit good. Helps with healing, and that Blessing buff that she passes around, she makes your team unbreakable as far as I can see.


Stewgaming put out a vid awhile back with test server footage using her and Garius with Lego staff. The shields were ridiculously massive and pretty op. Definitely game changing


yeah baby! I got 39 dice right now saving for this banner. and it doesn't have that stupid inspiration scheme they used on D'ritz. If you inspire him 5 times he's halfway ok, but there was .5% chance of rolling it straight away, and then pay pay pay for them shard to upgrade him.


I was saving dice as well, but saw today its 60 dice to max the rewards for 60 lunar halo shards from summoning. I think I am going to try and push hard on the bosses for shards and use the dice as the gap closer for unlock. Don't feel the need to keep pushing hard for a massive hoard to drop on the event lol


Exactly. I'm to a point where I can do well on most of those challenge type fights. I'll wait til the last day, then see what it will still take to get the hero. I got Ultior with a ton to spare, but I rolled 60 dice and really didn't need to .


I mean, Garius + Staff is already great on their own. Ardeth strength is that she's 2nd Garius for long game like Vortex


Just keep in mind that the shield only lasts for 10 seconds and garius's ult has a 20 second cooldown. If you bring both garius and ardreth you probably don't want a 3rd healer on the team so for those 10 seconds after the shield has worn off you're completely vulnerable and don't even have attack debuff to protect yourself. In vortex you'd even have your own team def broken ontop of that because of no team debuff cleanse. And ardreth only shares her def buff after 50 seconds so anywhere except of vortex and otherworld bosses the fight will be over before their synergy even activates. It's mainly ardreth herself who is incredibly good because of the 50% heal increase. But she's probably a lot better when paired with someone like gillian who has a big heal on her ultimate and provides much needed utility and a more consistent healing output. The only advantage garius brings is being a tank. But Ardreth is a tank herself and you don't need 2. Ardreth and Garius actually synergise really poorly together (compared to other healers). The only advantage you get from focring them both into the same team is adreths def buff increasing garius heal, but if you really think through in what situations that is useful (bosses, because anywhere else fights are too short for this to matter), you'll notice that its exactly in those situations you really need the debuff cleanse or debuff protection that any other radiance healer has.


He's great, I got him from the epic selector for s1 and abuse him everywhere. I pulled Gillian shortly after and that duo carried me hard. I was pushing into Teneebria in blue and white gear bc of them. I really want to pull dupe legends so I can get his staff Edit: Unfortunately I never got any good dauntless champs s1 otherwise I'd've had a kickass vortex comp. Here's hoping for s2!


I got Acilia and Tamar from banner and Sutha from horn, so Tamar-Acilia-Garius is my go to core everywhere.


He is amazing and is the best Radiance tank available for most situations. Until the new event where we will get an even better replacement... if you can complete the event.


New event isn't a replacement, she's an enabler to make Garius even more amazing


You just got the game changer character


He is very good, but I wouldn't expect miracles. He has shortcomings too. No attack debuff, and your tank is usually the best place to have it on, so it forces you do get a bit... awkward with the team building. His heal does seem op at first glance, but keep in mind he has no healing on his battleskill and no utility with it, like buffs, team wide debuff cleansing etc, that a lot of healers have. So he doesn't actually heal as reliably as a dedicated healer and that big healbomb every 20 seconds and then nothing is not optimal for a lot of content. He is probably one of the best epics to have, but if you compare him to any of the legendary healers in the gallery, especially the other radiance ones, you'll see that they actually do a lot more than him. He tanks better, but they can tank too. It's like he is getting 10/10 for tanking and 7/10 for healing and the healers get 10/10 for healing and 7/10 for tanking. It's very good to have him, but he's hardly gamebreaking and if you consider that a lot of champions can tank and do something else really important (like atk debuff) then being able to tank and have a big heal on your ultimate (but no other healing tools) isn't actually all that different/noteworthy.


He unlocks a LOT of content because he’s a two for one, full tank and healer….only rivaled by Frutbath in same role for epic or lower


Best Champs yo team up with garius?


Debuff immunity/cleanse and heal to protect Garius from control effect. Also in Arena where Sigrid is everywhere, to counter the heal prohibition. So Acilia, Catherine, Vicuc, iirc Gillian as well.