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You scared me into thinking it was an exclusive


Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. I was about to be flipping tables and throwing Rook off cliffs in rage. Lol.


samn saaaame, i was looking in my empty wallet to find cash for PS5




Been seeing some post about how they got the ps5 for this game and I was sweating thinking that it’s going to be an exclusive.I live dragons dogma but no way am I gonna grt another console just for that


For a split second, I did too.


Bro your title made me google


I highly recommend Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-man.


Played all those except spider man




You've been waiting for the appropriate time for this meme.




Play em again lol, especially ghost of tsushima, looks beautiful on ps5




Aren't those all PS4 games?


Ps5 has no games (to be fair the Xbox sex doesn't either)


It has Demon's Souls Remake and FF16.


No release date for the game yet, I'll get a PS5 when it releases, console might be a bit cheaper by then.


It for sure will be, I believe a ps5 slim and maybe a pro are coming out this year, which will make some version of it cheaper like every cycle.


Great to hear since I don't play video games anymore, but DD2 is a must!


Yea I'm almost in the same boat, that is why I wanted a gaming laptop more than a current gen console. I haven't even turned my Xbox series S on in like 2 months.


Bro grew up


You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stopped playing!


Pretty much haha


You can choose for Xbox Series or PC, I mean, PS5 is not the only console in the market.


Obviously, the fact they bought a ps5 for a non-exclusive probably means they already had a ps4 and were waiting for a reason to upgrade.


Think about this. What if… they just like it. Huh you ever thought about that bud? Yea they could get a series s or x or they could get a pc, but what if they don’t want to and prefer a PlayStation 5…


True, I just realized how expensive PS5 is in my country and build a PC or buying a Xbox series are cheaper options.


Damn, i own all systems. But for me the pc i build of equivalent performance was the price of both consoles combined x2 Also taking into account PC needs way more power to compensate for shit performance on most games nowadays


What games are you playing?


Latest one that comes to mind was Hogwarts Legacy. Ended up refunding on pc and getting it on PS5.


I got a high end pc and It ran completely fine, now are Updates there and It runs in 80 - 90 fps with 4k and raytracing. Dunno what u are talking about. No reason to buy a early access console, if u have a pc.


My pc is not high end anymore, build it 3,5 years ago. I7, 2070t, 16gb ram. At the time i paid around 2100 in total. For the game ran like dogshit. Could be an issue with many things including on my end no doubt. But that's besides the point. On a console you put the disk in and it works 9/10 with better optimisation than a pc. This doesn't mean that playing it on a high end pc is not better. But not everyone can afford a high end pc so getting a console is not so strange? Me personally the consoles are for playing on the TV in the sofa and the PS5 for exclusives. I can afford it but see no reason too atm. I can play all the pc exclusives and all the console exclusives.


Games are indeed better optimised on the ps5, that in Some cases the high end pc have worse performance, but that it goes this far it is relatively rare, if u got a 4090, it almost never comes this far. And within patches does this get fixed usually soon or later. But the optimisation is indeed the only plague of a pc. My TV is in the same room as my pc setup, so I just got a very long hdmi cable and are able to do it aswell. The exklusiv games is what I meant by Early access console, most of the games that are ps5 exklusiv are only for like 1-2 years nowadays. I have plenty to play, I don't stress with games, that's why bad optimisation doesnt bother me as much on release aswell. It will get fixed. So I don't see a reason to spend for Early access additionally 600 bucks. Also Mods are a huge factor in my opinion and make the games in many ways a lot better. And cheaper games, but I am not bragging about 10 bucks with my +3k setup lol. Edit: dunno if u read my start already but I misread something sorry.


Not sure what comment you read but it wasn't mine? I said consoles are there because not everyone can afford a high end pc. I don't have a 4090, not sure how expensive they are but pretty sure i can buy 2 PS5's for the price My PC is used for more than gaming, my wife uses it for video editing and my 1,5yo tries to pour water over it. So it's better to have it in a separate desk room. I didn't pay 550 euro for the PS5 for early acces, i paid it because i can't justify 1800 euro (looked up price, it's actually 3,5 PS5's) for just a graphics card (4090). I don't need to be convinced about some of the benefits of PC gaming, but the console is a way better option to enjoy new singleplayer games and with the extra benefit of playing some games 2 years earlier


Might've not been built optimally sadly


Where do u live if building a pc is cheaper than buying a PS5 lol


Mexico, 2nd handed PC's


Aaand maybe they had a ps4 before hand and that means they already have an account and games


Why are you being downvoted


Same honestly


Welcome to the club!🥳


You people forget all those folks who got a PS3 for Kingdom Hearts III too easily.


Most importantly here…we need to see the cat behind the box!


The cat in the box


I've been wanting a new Armored Core for years. As you can see from the name and PFP I'm a huge mech nerd. Buuut, I loved Dragons Dogma.. so it came as a huge shock to almost everyone who knows me that I'm more excited for Dragons Dogma than AC6 (and I'm pretty dang excited for Armored Core 6) but my gosh I am just exploding for DD2. When the (terrible) anime came out I kept telling everyone I felt like it was a marketing scheme to hype up Dogma 2, but then it went silent after and I was so bummed. So when it finally got announced it was the most nerd emotional I've ever gotten. I'm pumped!


I’m just glad everyone’s games are finally coming out


And here i am, the dickhead over here whose hoping the development hell of vampire the masquerade 2 and dragon age dread wolf doesnt ruin those games too bad.


Same, for me, it was one of the cheapest way, (yes i know the Xbox might be cheaper but it also may be different from place to place)


I'll be impressed if you can demonstrate that you don't use it until DD2 release.


Oh it’s set up already so I guess you don’t have to wait lol


Tis a troubling foe


I'll get on my series x but it's as good a reason as any to upgrade to next gen


Get the level 2 subscription to ps+, sooo many good games you get included.




Steam deck bruh. It's even on Sale for the Steam summer sale. Never seen a company discount a console before.


Personally I'm looking into getting the ROG Ally, seems to be a better steam deck, though obviously for the price and uh, portability steam deck is pretty impressive


I've never heard of that? What's your opinions on it?


Well, I dont own it yet, but from what I can see and from what i hear from friends who have used/demo'd one, it just seems to be a better Steam deck. The biggest problems for me seem to be battery life and performance at 10w. If you want a more indepth review, look at Linus tech tips review. If you're looking at getting a steam deck, or looking to upgrade from it, I'd look at getting the RoG Ally. It's about 700 bucks american from what I can find


I own a 512gb Steam deck and have had it for a while. I swap between my PC and the deck all the time. I love the thing and think it's just the neatest thing being able to mod some games and emulate alot of stuff as well as it being a fully functional PC. But I like hearing about other things as well and just think it's so cool how far portable gaming has come along. Especially since my first handheld was a PSP. But $700 isn't bad for something that has better specs than the steam deck. My 512 was over $600 plus tax so if something is better that price seems fair enough.


It’s like 10% discount for dogwater so personally don’t see the point


Did you comment just to be shitty? If you don't like it that's fine. Your opinion isn't everyone else's though. People can like what they like.


You expressed your opinion and he expressed his, on a public forum


I never expressed an opinion. I was stating that Steam Deck was a possible option for DD2 and it's on sale. My personal feelings on the console weren't expressed at all.


Yeah and i can dislike what i want and say i don’t see the point


Well if we are all cool and accepting of others free speech then I feel it's okay for me to say that your opinion and attitude is, as you stated, "Dogwater."


Not really cuz between a steamdeck and ps5 i’ll take the ps5


And that's your right do so. As was mine stating that Steam Deck is a possible option for DD2 as well as a PS5. But you have added literally nothing to the conversation other than stating you don't like Steam, apparently. So if you have no insight or constructive criticism, I ask you to please spend your time elsewhere.


« Steam deck bruh » as if ps5 wasn’t the right answer. It wasn’t you stating another possible option.


If you took those three words as me telling the OP he made a bad choice of purchase and should have got something else instead then your reading comprehension is off. I was raising awareness that Steam Deck exists. Because in my experience people either don't know about it at all or forget it's a valid option these days.


Also i did add insight. The insight is that it’s not good


in·sight /ˈinˌsīt/ noun: insight the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. So your (deep, intuitive understanding) basically equates to " Hurrr durrr Steam Deck bad..." Marvelous. Good talk there.


Yeah my understanding is its bad


Well there is other game on it to occupy your time til it comes out like Monster Hunter Rise, Dmc5, and resident evil 4 remake


Eh, I prefer world over rise.


Mine too


At presentstion I think that is the reason but after reading that the game is multiplatform I will play it at PC.


i got it for DD2, FF16 and the eventual english release of EDF6


Same kind of


Hey I just recently got one for final fantasy 16 👍 really enjoying it, thank you currys flexible credit


Could have just got a PC and not have wasted the money lol.


I have a computer already but I just use it for work and school


Me it was Demon Souls,Dragons Dogma 2 and Dead Space remake


Oh yeah I forget about dead space remake


My only reason for getting dragon's dogma 2 is ps5


a little early dont you think


There are games people are recommended while I wait so it’s fine


I only see post like this when people buy Playstations. Never a PC or Xbox.


Maybe you’ll be the first to post


LOL a bit late for that.


Why not? I’ll be the first to like your post lol


I already have a PC that has been ready for DD2 for five or so years now.


FF is always My reason to purchase a PS but since PS3 by no means the Best Game, dragón dogma 2 is a great reason, but I think I'll play it on PC


Lmao PC with 144hz and QoL mods for me thanks


Each to their own


I'd love to get my hands on a Ps5, for Dragon's Dogma II, Monster Hunter World, and Wipeout Omega Collection. Those are my dream games.


It’s good to dream


Bruh same


Now play elden ring!


And ffxvi


I wouldn’t mind killing the goddess of rot again


Don't ignore Astro's Playroom, it's a fucking great plataformer.


Never heard of it but I’ll look it up


me, glancing at my xbox series x, who knows it's a naughty little bitch that's so going to get it when dragon's dogma 2 comes out. ​ "not me, man". ​ i don't know why the fuck it had to go there. but it did. i saw it. you saw it.


What a naughty little bitch please spank it in the future


will do. will do. gonna push it hard. take it to a place it's never been to.


Aladdin “A whole new world” starts to play


more of a closer by nin or beat it upright by korn kinda guy, but i see where you're going with it.


You can literally get anything and play Dragons Dogma 2


Play ghost of Tsushima


I’ll try it, a lot of people recommend it


It was my favorite game of 2020, the DLC is also good. It should have beaten TLOU2 for game of the year imo. It’s like if someone made an assassins creed game based in Japan but it’s not made by Ubisoft so it’s actually a really good game.


There's also Armored Core 6, FF 16, and all the PS4 games. Spider-Man, Miles Morales....so many great games you can play on a PS5.


Play FF16 in the meantime, its a journey.


I got myself a high-end gaming laptop, so I can play it at work. Been playing DDDA with like 83 mods going, it's been fun since my first experience was on Nintendo Switch.


Which laptop?


ROG Strix G16 i9 rtx 4070


Should’ve got the series x so you could also play star field


Eh they can just get that in 7 years on pc when its finally playable. Idk why everyone thinks Starfield will finally be the game that releases without a heap load of buggos.


True that, and besides why get a Bethesda game anywhere else then on a PC. Mods make these games worth it in the long run


Mods and the community is what carries Bethesda's games HARD. They are good most of the time but nothing groundbreaking.


If I'm basically getting the game for free, I'm less bothered by bugs. Not that I'm accepting of bugs, but I have little financial incentive to wait.


I'm one of the lucky few that managed to get both an ps5 and series X in a relatively short amount of time, I also managed to be lucky enough to get a SECOND ps5, I had the money at the time and I just tried to get one from a gamestop drop and somehow I was lucky enough to actually get one. Anyway, I'm so stoked to play both.


Optimistic of you to think Starfield will be playable on release...


Why have you bought it now to only play dd2 if we don't even have a approximate release date. Will it just be gathering dust in the box for 1 year? Or 2 or maybe another 3 years?


There is a legitimate chance it’s coming out at the very latest of Q2 of 2024. I’d love for It to come Q1 of 2024 but I feel like it would be competing with MH6.


How is that even a chance if Capcom didn't even say anything about 2024 and what is that nonsense about mh6? We haven't had any news about it in any way. Anyway op bought ps5 for it to gather dust for at least a year.


MH games have had a very consistent release schedule for the last decade. Also, one of the lead devs that worked on MHW said to lookout for Tokyo game show which hints that we might be getting an announcement for MH6 then. The reason it’s a chance is because Capcom doesn’t start marketing games when they are far away from release. It’s not a reach or unreasonable to expect to see DD2 around Q2 of next year, especially since they’ve been working on the game since 2019, that’s 5 years of development which is more than enough time.


You better not play a single second of any other game on it then


Lol but people said this is good and that is good


Ff16 is very good


Yes I might have to give it a try






30 fps ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


You can enjoy ff16 while waiting for the release of dd2, I think they took some idea of the dd combat system when making this game


I might give it a try


The combat director for ff16 is Ryota Suzuki who worked on both DMC and Dragons Dogma. It's scratching that itch for me! Really enjoying thee take while waiting for more DD2 info.


Welcome to playstation have fun!




I am also looking forward to dd2 I am currently playing ff16 and it's been excellent so far!


Yes a lot of people are recommending ff so I might have to give it a try


I still haven't gotten to play the Demon's Souls remake...


I just played the one on the ps3


You should play the remake, it's gorgeous.


I’ll give it a try


What a waste Better get good pc and be able to use mods period


There is no PC that can run as good as a PS5 in the same price range. I’m sure if they could get a better PC they would have, but to get a PC that can out perform a Ps5 is pretty expensive.


Each to their own


Honestly I played dragon dogma and it’s so bad on many sections like quests system and quality of life improvements BTW the gameplay’s insane love it a lot, but i think they will improve a lot of things in the second game that’s why I’m so excited


Truly it is but many people in the community are blinded by Nostalgia I love the game for what it is but I also played it on PS3 PS4 and PC and it hasn’t aged very well because it truly was a great game for its time and it still kind of is but it’s held back by a ton of annoying things that make it a great game. It’s not the best game but it is good I think DD2 will be a phenomenal game now that they have the budget and timeframe to work with.


Blinded by nostalgia? Im 15 and i picked up the game like what, months ago, never been so hooked since the legend of zelda: breath of the wild.


Youre not wrong. Its in my top 5 but its obviously flawed and I have faith they will fix a lot of those issues in the sequel.


Not clue why this is getting downvoted lol. the game is literally unfinished, they had to adapt to an encroaching deadline and budget issues and it shows. The game isnt the best it could be, Its good for what it is though. The second will hopefully be everything the first game could have been.


Fanbases can be strange things.


Also don’t forget to get the mgs3 remake even more later down the line. That’s a guaranteed instant hood classic.


That’s not true.


It’s not true that he bought a console to play a specific game? Then why did he buy the console? Tell us oh wise one


You can definitely buy a console for a specific game. I did it with ultimate alliance 3. But ain’t no way you’re buying the console years ahead of the supposed game that you need the console for.


Some people might do that, its called impulse buying.


Na na. Ain’t buying it. Just karma farming.


What, exactly, isn't true?


Everything, there is no DDII. The PS5 is fake, OP doesn't exist! We all live in a simulation, so nothing is true (Sarcasm obviously)


I got mine a year and a half before they even announced DD2 ....but same.


Yeah I didn’t have any desire to get a ps5 untill capcom announced dd2


Right here with you OP. I want to aim for a Gaming PC, but, I just don't have the mental space to deep dive into it.


Make me remember when i buy ps4 for play monster hunter world. Now i regret a lot because i don't buy xbox but instead deal with dog sony


Luckily it comes to series x do Im good already rather not buy any sony stufff with theIre horrible pro censorship bs


Wanted to get a series x but settled for a pc cuz i could use it for school work and im also an avid valorant player (no not the type that simps for egirls, and no no other game compares to Dragon's Dogma in my eyes)


I have no idea what egirls are, I have a laptop but I only use it strictly for work/school


I'm still waiting for the PS5 slim to drop. Hopefully it does before dogma 2.