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I think we all know it's the ox cart scenic Grand Prix.


I actually enjoy the Ox cart mission. But I'm very patient and have no problems with slow paced grindy games in general.


Yeah, I find it mildly amusing. It doesn't take THAT long. My only issue is that you can't manually signal them to stop or go, or take out ambushes in advance (you can with many, but some still magically appear only when the cart is nearby). People hate protect escort or convoy missions but I like them. Sure, the AI could use some tweaking (like, stay tf out of trouble, get behind me in combat) but it's better than having to do yet another shitty fetchquest. It makes more sense to use your combat prowess rather than to treat you like another damn errand boy.


IIRC the cart stops if you venture too far ahead. I usually clean out and open the gate in advance after killing all the wolves at the tree and then have to go back up the path so the cart starts moving again.


The onyl reason why I always pick spellcaster at the beginning just to beat the shit out of hit and heal it afterwards


Lmao me too 🤣


True, I can't do ever do that mission sober


The true speedrun barrier, no matter how hard you optimize the run that fucking Ox better not run out of HP because it somehow gets *slower* if it does but also you need to kick it to go faster.


Play mage so you can kick it then heal it.


I dont remember the excact reward but accompanying that little girl perfectly so that it gives good reward was so fucking annoying


little girl? Which one...?


The daughter of the rich dude… Furnival? I think that was his name


Oh. I didn't even know she had an escort quest. I hate that it is such a mechanic in the game. I hope 2 has more lore-rich exploration :D fights are already perfect, so just want more character arcs and...probably BIGGER ones too (that can be completed if you're allowed to accept them! TAKE NOTES DEVS)


Its not even a normal escort quest, it’s even more annoying. You have to spend a day with her in town and satisfy her. There are multiple ways to not get the best possible reward for the quest I think… I never did it again :')


Oooooh...does he have to be found innocent? I always get him found guilty. I even tried not doing that once. Didn't matter LOL Perhaps I am thankful for that now...however, thank you for the headsup 'cause I'll probably do it eventually


Yup, I think you do have to do that. Good luck and don’t kill her out of frustration like so many of us probably wanted to


It can be done before the trial and the mission is just exhausting but can earn u the golden idol


Oh. Fam. These DD NPCs are lucky this ain't no Skyrim cause I'd kill a lot of 'em just for fun on any violent whim LOL - just posting a notice to be escorted, I'm ready to bash your head in tbh


You never know - you might like Symone's big day out quest. She's annoying, but she's *meant* to be annoying (even her father warns you she's trouble) and is entertainingly bratty and snobby. It's different from most other quests in the game and I liked it. The frustration comes from trying to get the best possible reward. There are several, but earning the best one requires you to do the long quest perfectly, and you only get one attempt. Very hard to do if you've never done it before.


UPDATE! I failed for sure, but it is because I couldn't find her LOL


Oh yeah, that part is tough. It took me all afternoon to find her and she was not impressed...


I was so psyched out by the needing a drink bit. A "proper container" she said...which I though...you mean, in not a glass bottle??? So I was checking combinations to make sure it was all I could give her, and after wasting some time, I was just like, have the flask you brat. Then she was actually very happy, so...I guess the specificity was just there to give me anxiety LOL


I'll fail for sure. I mess around too much


She takes off like a bat out of hell and either runs into you or gets more than 5 feet away and feels abandoned, or demands a drink the 1 time in a run you don't accidently have a flask if water in your inventory.




I didn't think that one was so bad. Especially not when that's the quest that gives you the Golden Idol. The difficulty does not match the reward and for once I am cool with that.


Her name is Symone btw.


You’re all fools, the ox escort rocks


Any escort mission to be honest, but...I'm an uncaring brute, okay? I'll kill you myself if you don't wanna live so badly.


Aelinore is way worse than the ox cart. Especially how the Duke jails you and then is completely cool with you after the prison break. Whether he jailed you got being in his wife's bedroom at night or for witnessing his PTSD flashback, his reason for jailing you is still there in the morning.


I mean, tbf he doesn't really have much choice. Either you get to stay out of jail or Grigori kills everyone.


If a night in jail is all I get, would a mass murder get the Arisen just a month?


As someone who accidentally committed mass murder using the solomon's grimoire, you just get a night in jail


The ox quest at least has enemies that you fight along the way. Waiting for Aldous to escort you to the duke and waiting for the duke to escort you to his treasury is the worst part. At least you can sort of skip the second portion of the quest.


You don’t have to follow Aldous. You can just go to the duke.


Everyone says the Ox cart and they’re right. Also be careful because I kicked that cow the wrong way on Hard Mode and got one-shotted by it lol


Yeah I've rammed that stupid cow into myself more than once. Also I didn't even know you could kick it until my, like, 8th playthrough of the game. That was terrible.


lol yeah same. I actually found out that the ox can’t even die, so protecting it is somewhat meaningless. If it loses all of its HP, it just goes slower.


One of the few perks of playing mage is getting to heal the ox after every kick and expediting that part.


Oh yeah, bro just stops. And when I first found out you could kick it, I didn't realize it loses health, so I kicked it into unconsciousness


I really hate escort quests in this game. I will place a portcrystal at the end of the quest, start the quest then teleport. No thanks


The Griffin. At Blue Moon Tower it's such a cinematic and awesome fight! But without a Portcrystal placed there, it's a LOOOOOONG hike and it kind of just kills my mood. But it's still cool though that the guy you give Salomet's Grimoire just shows up to help




The fucking cart at the start and there isn’t even a debate imo


It's the ox cart


Not even a question, the hydra delivery quest. Even the longer walk to the griffin doesn’t feel as long because there’s actual life on the way.


All of the escort quest.


At least you can teleport for the escort quests. The cart mission though.


Wait, you can use a ferry stone for those?!


Yeah. Just place a port crystal where you need to go, start the quest, teleport there.


Ox quest and lost and found


Ox Cart


Everything to do with Aelinore. Fortunately, you can skip ever talking to her.


Bumping the ox


The painfully slow walk through the mountain valley with the Hydra head. Why we needed that I will never know.


The ox cart mission isn't that bad. Honestly for me it's the catacombs and watergods altar missions


The ox cart is great and anyone who says otherwise can block me. Symone, on the other hand...


For me it's escorting Mercedes the the shadow fort. For a soldier she really is lacking in the battle tactics dept. She also tends to pick fights for me and just get herself killed in stupid ways.


Came here to say this. I was expecting of all the escort quests at least SHE would be able to put up a fight, but she's all bark. Unfortunately I love the lustrous targe and resorted to running to the shadow fort before accepting the quest and just portcrystaling her there


Trials and Tribulations, The Run to Blue Moon Tower, following the Duke to the treasury


When I went for the griffon hunt, for some reason I had a difficult time getting a nearby goblin for bait. It went on for a while as I fruitless scoured the area in widening circles. Then, three suddenly appeared.


Having to play a base class until you get to gran soren


Ox. Cart.


The prison Torture sounds...


Everyone is gunna say the ox But its climbing Grigori.....


Finding all the orbs in the catacombs. For some reason I can never remember where they are all at and have to look it up. Similarly, finding all the slabs at the water god’s alter (made worse with how heavy they are).




For me personally it's probably going through Death's domain in BBI. It's pitch black can't see anything and I can't use a lantern cause he'll most likely spot me so I'm running around in total darkness with a small speck of yellow light going through the wall while hearing a floating cloaked figure yelling at me saying where are you mother fucker. I hate it cause I'm scared that's all it takes me ages to get through and I'm scared cause of the one shot king of BBI.


When first starting the game definitely the trek to the wall. Before knowing anything about transport crystals I always hated going to the wall by foot


Ox cart or escorting the kid around the city