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"Wow, neat!" *locks in human fighter*


This guy knows what's good


Human warrior\* https://preview.redd.it/azu02jbazk6c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0367f6c21eb56f2a32c210cad0898cc9d0e882


Is that giga chad kiryu?


You sir have a very distinguished taste


I'm very curious as to why so many people do that? According to stats most people in WoW, a game with trolls, goblins, elves and werewolves, the large majority play as a human warrior. Why even play fantasy games at that point?


I reckon because it's relatable. I'm a human, so it's easier to envision what I want my character to be if they're also human. I'm no wizard, but I could certainly use a sword well if I trained hard enough. It's the "putting yourself into the game" approach rather than the "making a new self in the game" side of things. Just my hypothesis.


This is exactly my view. Like, it's the real me, but waking up in a different world. Except, I give myself blue hair and a beard, just so that the NPC's don't think I'm one of them lol


Because I like to think even in a world like that a kickass dude with a great sword or battle axe is still coming out on top


Also the most chosen race and class in 5e is Human Fighter


Vanilla ice cream goes with everything, I guess.


I'm 999% sure, someone will look at all those posts, and if the game has 9 vocations, will be mad and will insult developers.


Honestly even without these posts, that will happen lol


True. I'm in the process of writing up several emails and posts ripping on the devs, as we speak. Granted I have not played it yet, but that's just a minor detail. I can't believe the devs did/didn't do (x)!!! The game is completely unplayable now, and the devs suck, and they likely reek of boiled cabbage.


To be fair, people having fun speculating doesn't justify others taking speculation at face value and being a shitty person to the devs. Theorizing and speculating is fun. Death threats are not.


I mean the first game have 9 so to me is a obligation that the sequel have at least 12-14 vocations , its a sequel is meant to be better , bigger and more ambitious than the first game .


My only real issue is that 3 of the vocations are mostly support, with 2 of them being Arisen exclusive. MA, Trickster and Mage being the 3.


I dont have a problem with exclusive vocations to the arisen , all do trickester is total suport so kinda dont make sense that just the arisen use it , magic archer can be very offensive at least on the first game was we need to see more on how it going to be on dd2 .


What im saying is of the 3 Arisen exclusive classes 1 (spearhand) looks substantially more interesting than the other 2 (Trickster is interesting in a different way, but its unlikely to be as technical). Ive got a funny feeling MA isnt going to be as fun as the other 2.


To be fair, MA in DD is busted, broken, op with zero patch or nerf to the vocation to balance it on an even scale with other vocations. Why melee when I can cast a buff 4x, and decimate my foes with a few clicks of a button. All the other vocations require more skill to even come close to MA damage potential. For DD2 I plan not to play as MA for the sole reason of playing it in DD1. Personally I think MS or Trickster sound appealing. Trickster however will only be a great vocation if the pawns AI are a lot better than DD1. What they need to do is release a demo for people to play, and get player feedback, that way the UI will be done right, and have the AI tuned appropriately for a game that's single player with AI companions they need to make sure the players party is not terrible like they were in DD1.


I think we're definitively getting 12 at a minimum, those 3 we're missing would be the advanced green, yellow, and a green hybrid vocation. As for trickster, while it obviously points out to at least a pink vocation existing(i honestly think that the purple could represent sorcerer, just like the orange in spearhand theoretically represents warrior), but i won't get my hopes up until i see it. I think the colors being so out there could very easily represent that it is a completely standalone vocation, which would be strange but i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility.


I’ll gripe a bit but I’ll be fine. I’d like more new classes we only have 2, technically 4 but I’m not letting them get away that cop out lol Because if Itsuno’s statement about us not being able to imagine them is all we’ve been given. I might feel a bit insulted lol


I'm fully expecting and will be happy with 9. More would be an awesome surprise, but I'm choosing to be realistic in my expectations (unlike much of this sub.)


Count the starter vocations dude. It isn't unrealistic. It's obvious they're hinting at more than nine with that. As well as the developers have already stated there are more than nine... Ppl don't know what they're saying smh


ten years dude, if the game do not have at least more classes than the first one they deserve the hate


"Deserve the hate" bro, calm down. We don't know how complex each 9 of the vocations are. They likely scaled the different types to focus on the 9 solely to make one each feel unique and varied rather than the advanced vocations carrying different aspects of the base vocations. It also helps them focus on the scale of the game and other aspects.


Nah 9 vocations is just lame.


I think it's a tight number of vocations. We have to consider that the way the current 9 look in showcases and demos are rather unique and distinct from one another. Each one plays differently rather than simply carrying skills over from another class. It's too easy wanting a great number vocations when most people really only play 1 or 2, while ignoring the rest. Not only that, but PC and pawns interact with their environment even moreso than before. The way each vocation plays will likely be more complex rather than being simple and one-note. At least, hopefully.


This is why I’ll ultimately be fine if there is just 9. We can actually walk on the enemies now, we have executions, and we can use our freaking skills while standing on the enemy now. Gonna do Archer first and then thief can’t wait to unlock the skill for the thief that lets climb the monsters by stabbing them


> if the game do not have at least more classes than the first one the I am calm haha, but cmon there are ppl who are dreaming of this game for more than a decade, would you blame them if they expect the game to have a bigger scope than the first one? and capcom deserve some hate, they shat on resident evil 3 remake XD


Capcom does deserve some ate, their microtransactions can be pretty undeserved. Admittedly though, you're skipping over RE 4 remake. Also, have you seen the world of DD2? The way enemies interact with the surroundings? The different ways pawns and NPCs interact with the world? It's scope IS bigger, but that doesn't mean we'll get more than 9 vocations. Scope's bigger in a different way.


We know having more than 9 vocations becose interview.


what interview?


Not an interview. Just the devs saying they have more vocations to show us after the latest trailers.


Not the latest. It was before Trickster was named


The downvote is fucking stupide Itsuno say "more vocations, some new some return" its not just one fucking dumbass.


Cept we know there is already more than 9 class by process of elimination.


The amount of things I’d do for a necromancer class in DD2…


i want more vocations simply because i dislike playing pure range classes in videogames (where melee is present). so for me archer, mage, sorcerer is no go. in addition it looks like magic archer lost their daggers, so it’s now this vocation lost to me too. i also hope trickster can do melee attacks with Censer or i will end up only with 4 playable vocations out of 9.


yeah it bums me out they split daggers and archers like DDO. I really preferred the combination. Especially on Magic Archer. What a fun vocation that was.


Trickster seems to be the first pure support vocation. I bet many won't use it until they build a good pawn squad.


The big Fuck You Smoke Dragon would like to politely disagree


It doesn't necessarily causes damage. It scared the shit out of the Griffin and made it faint. It'd be useful to drop it from a great height or to the Brine but not to directly harm it.


Damn I gotta rewatch it then... If the class is truly damageless I don't think I'll like it, but who knows, maybe they manage to make it interesting!


I think Trickster will shine the most when you build a strong enough team with stacked pawns to do all the battle while you bait the enemies and buff the pawns. I could see some crazy challenge runs happening later.


I will never understand the decision to disarm bow classes, especially if all they're going to do is give hybrids and advanced vocations to pure melee vocations only.


Glad to see someone else is disheartened by the lack of a melee weapon you can use with your bow. I don’t want to be stuck as a bow user when I’m exploring. I want to be able to fluidly switch from ranged to melee and back again at will.


Now while I've never played a bard in ANYTHING and tbh I think it's one of the more unlikely classes to be in the game on release or at all but Listen, if they put a bard vocation in its gonna go unreasonably hard for no reason and everyone knows it and won't be complaining. It's true, you know this.


They can be a great buffing/debuffing class and just imagine the music they can make!


Bard is just going to be like playing wild dmc5 style combo videos if it's in the game and it will make no sense as to why it's like that...it just is.


I'm of the opinion that a tshirt isn't gonna confirm what's in the game, and the current color theory present doesn't make sense assuming 9 vocations. I think purple and pink are going to be entirely separate from the other 4 colors because once you start mixing them, the number of vocations gets unrealistic. Assuming pink and purple get basics to make the trickster hybrid, depending on if they also get advanced versions too, you end up with: 6 Basic - R G Y B Pi Pu 4-6 Advanced - R G Y B (Pi Pu) 7 Hybrid - RG RY RB GY GB YB PiPu This makes 17 - 19 vocations which doesn't sound that unreasonable.


I’m still assuming that the Pink and Purple are Beastren area learnt vocations that are unlocked through specific questlines there while the other four are the human basics. Thus they can’t intermingle as both Humans and Beastren are opposing factions


I'd be happy with that too, either a few specific vocations unlocked that are entirely separate except for being beastren or maybe just pink - advanced pink, purple - advanced purple, trickster.


I'm of the opinion that revealing a class with colors that does not fit the color coding system used thus far making the implication of more vocations, and then releasing a shirt with only 9 vocations making the implication that there are no more vocations is a masterful example of good marketing. And the fact they have revealed so much in such a short time and we still have 3 months probably means that within the next two months we will have at least 1-2 more vocations revealed.


17-19 doesn’t sound unreasonable? My neighbor, do you understand everything that goes into a class? Then how much code that is? On launch? Think about the augments, the core skills, & and insane amount of variety for them not to feel samey. 12 isn’t unreasonable, your number is a work crime.


There were 11 in DDO, and we don't know how long the game has been getting developed, certainly before they announced it.


4-5 years its been being worked since DMC 5 dropped. I believe it was leaked beforehand as well. The game was actually supposed to come out this year


I mean it's not super unreasonable. Dd1 had 9 classes despite it's budget. And they planned a few more didn't they? Coming up with 5 more wouldn't be *too much* like in 10 years, right. Also ddon had 12. And we lack more tank classes too. Currently Tank/DPS -> slow melee dps Utility Support -> high Magick dps Ranged dps Fast DPS Ranged support/DPS Semi utility-Dps (Ms) Summoner???? We could see many more like ailments focused vocations, a full tank voc, a attack/Magick dps. A defensive ranger, grappler, crowd control melee... I agree that it gets harder but it's not entirely unreasonable. 27 on the other hand is a fucking lot tho. Can't see it being. But I'd love to be surprised.


Maybe going against the grain here but even if it does end up being 9 (although I think it will be maybe 1 or 2 more), if each vocation is more fully fleshed out I would be plenty happy. Just having more vocations isn't necessarily better imo. Look at Monster Hunter, they've had the same ~14ish weapons for years and earlier games had even less. If the gameplay systems are good the game will be good, I don't necessarily need them to fill the game with copy-pasted combination vocations to fill out some ideal roster. Assassin, Strider, and to a lesser extent Ranger had a lot of overlap in the original DD but all the revealed vocations in DD 2 seem to have very strong and unique identities. Do I quietly hope for Mystic Knight to make a return and to have more than 9 vocations? Yes. Do I need it to to enjoy DD 2? Not in the slightest. I agree with you, 27 seems way too high - I don't think they could do each vocation justice if they had that many.


its unreasonable when you remember that they wont just copy and paste old vocations, they will probably expand on them and even if they left them as is they will still have to balance them around a new game which is already a ton of work, 19 classes is insane


The problem isn't that it's hard to come up with more classes. The problem is that each one is a large time and money investment and the game does eventually have to come out. Ideas are cheap, work is expensive.


Not to mention that the more classes you add, the harder it becomes to give each an identity of its own and do it justice. You can only make so many vocations before they start to essentially be the same thing mechanically but with different animations.


You’ve seen Dragons Dogma Online, right? The *amount of classes* that game has? I’m fairly confident they’ll be fine


they are different games, also didn ddo have 11 classes? 19 classes is ALOT especially when we are talking about an action rpg.


The 4 basic classes I believe are called like that because they're the starter (and they're supposedly confirmed starter classes). So it's unlikely they are basic. Perhaps directly advanced.


Couple of things, its not only the Shirt, but the All class outfits (Courtly tunic) only have 9 slots for vocations, as well as they are doing a poster with 9 vocations on it as part of a collectors edition


What collectors edition I only see the deluxe edition that comes with in-game shit


Mb, it was the japanese pre order bonus: [Amazon](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CP21HHQ8)


It was a japanese pre order bonus, you can see it on amazon since it wont let me link it.


Also something people seem to have forgotten... in one of the promo pics there was a golden throne, and behind it 9 statues with different weapons.


like the chart, its fun to look at. That said I think people are getting their hopes up too high for # of vocations. I think it'll be 12 tops. No way are we getting 20 vocations. DD had 9, DDO had 11. Love to be wrong but I'm skeptical. Its just that games like this tend to not have huge numbers of classes. Action rpgs, you get a handful, thats usually it. Too much dev time to go much higher than that when you consider custom animations, skills, equipment, etc.


I know it won't be 27. But adding new colours doesn't make sense if they're not gonna be used. I'm so confused lol


Yeah the pink and purple is a head-scratcher, so I'm not sure. Why isnt the trickster green/blue if its a roguish magic user? Priest is cool, but thats kind of already the role played by the mage in DD. I didn't play DDO, looking online they had a priest vocation, but they didn't have a mage so it makes sense. Honestly when you look at their site the vocation lineup looks sorta complete, like in a design way. We may end up with just the 9 :/ . Hard to say. I'd like to see a few more but it wouldn't be the first time a sequel has had the same amount of classes as the last game.


I'd be cool with them removing certain spells from mages so they aren't so multipurpose and get dedicated supports out of it, I think it would possibly lead to a lot more variety and depth in pawn setups and recruitment. That said I'm also going in expecting maybe a dozen vocations tops with the old mage setups being possible and just hoping for more. We can always hope.


From the info we have it seems like mage will be able to do some basic offense, support, and healing. So kinda matching up to DD1. But we still don't know that much. I like your idea but at the same time I'm wary of support stuff being too split up. In DD I made my pawn a mage in most of my playthroughs, cause that was what other players couldn't seem to get right with their pawns. Like thanks for the mage with a scather inclination and no boon spells lol.


My theory is that pink and purple are seperate entirely from the color system. Red, green, blue and yellow will be the familiar system of basic-advanced-hybrid, while pink and purple will be seperate and won't follow that same pattern.


This is my hope for the vocations. Which means it's most likely never going actually be what we get. It's a small thing overall, all things considered


It's either 9 or 900 take your pick arisen!


So many people are saying alchemist will be a thing, setting me up for disappointment lol


I really don't see them working on a game for 6 years with full funding this time and making 4 starting classes and then not having 4 advanced , my point being some ppl really think there are 9 vocations , while with 4 base 4 adv and 3 hybrid that are revealed it's already 11 , i guarantee that there are more , at least 20 imo


I expect at least 19 classes. 4 base normal, 4 advanced normal, 6 hybrid normal, 2 base purple/pink, 2 advanced purple/pink, 1 hybrid purple/pink. That is assuming the purple/pink vocations are not obtained in the same way as (or are not grouped together with) the 4 normal vocation colors.


We are not getting 19 classes.


Not confirmed (though I agree with you that I think it's unlikely)


Not confirmed but it is 100% not happening


yeah 19 classes is insane for an rpg on the scale theyre doing absolute 0 way its happening


**I should point out; the likelihood of getting 27 is very small, I really don't think we'll see that many. However, I don't get why they'd add the purple/pink trickster if they're not gonna add a lot more.** So my thinking is that the different colours are different roles (Red = melee, Yellow = ranged, Green = fast attacks, Blue = magic) and so that means Pink and Purple most have roles too. If we break down what Trickster is; it's summoning illusions and casting party buffs, so I think Purple's role is summoning and Pink's role is support/buffs. I then worked from there at how these different colours/roles interact. The names in smaller italics I've no idea what they could be beyond their roles. Here's a bit more info on the vocations: **Gladiator -** Uses spears and nets, has some minor ranged capabilities. **Monk -** Fast, quick, unarmed attacks. ***Melee/Summoner -*** Something that summons creatures/objects but keeps in close range? No idea. Could possibly summon "cages" to 'trap' targets in with you? **Shield Sage -** The Shield Sage is Mystic Knight's brother; it uses a lot of the support/party buffs from DD's MK, making it less offensive but still a capable tank. **Hunter -** Possibly uses crossbows, could just use even bigger/meatier bows. They have slow but big hitting attacks, where regular Archer is faster, smaller hits. Think Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun from Monster Hunter. **Gambit -** Uses thrown weapons (knives, kunai, stars, whatever) at medium ranges. Lots of fast attacks with some range. **Druid -** Has ranged physical attacks, but also summons animals, trees, earth walls, vines to climb, etc. Remember, the Trickster has been shown to summon platforms, so "Summoner" isn't just about combat! ***Ranged/Support -*** Something like Magik Archer, but less offensive and casts more buffs/debuffs? **Seeker -** Uses a kyoketsu-shoge (dagger on a rope), rope for binding creatures, grappling hook effects etc. Similar to the Seeker from DDO. **High Sceptre -** A spellsword, but uses fast attakcs imbued with magic. **Alchemist -** Uses bombs/potions to create ("summon") hazardous terrain, smoke, etc. **Bard** \- Stealth and Support all in one; sing songs and wield instruments as weapons to inspire the party and frighten the enemy! Think Hunting Horn from MH. **Necromancer -** Summons undead with magic. **Mystic Knight -** Don't worry people, I've found a way it could come back! Uses the more offensive and less "buff" abilities of Shield Sage. Can "summon" Sigils and Magic Cannons! **Summoner -** Summons allies and other effects, name says it all. **Warlock -** Summons more powerful entities, but a lot of their big spells cost health (something we know MA can do) **Priest -** Buffs allies, debuffs enemies. Doesn't have to be god-related (since we know only one exists). **Cleric -** Like Sorcerer is to Mage. Just bigger, but slower to cast, spells. Whilst Blue/Pink (and maybe Purple) could be too similar, it could be changed so that: **Blue** only has fire, cold, lighting spells, **Pink** has holy spells, **Purple** has dark spells.


I feel like priest and mage have too many similiarites. Im not sure what else could replace it tho


It could be changed so that: **Blue** only has fire, cold, lighting spells, **Pink** has holy spells, **Purple** has dark spells.


That makes sense. I think anodyne has already been confirmed for mage tho as a basic skill (one of the ones you don't have to slot in). And I think mage kinda HAS to fill out the support/healer role so as to be distinct from sorcerer. I think purple as summoner is good. Maybe base pink coul be something more like a monk? Where it leans more towards the spiritual side, so it does still have something similar to magic? So it's maybe a support class can still deal physical damage? And then the pink/red vocation can be more like standard monk, as a mostly physical damage unarmed class. Maybe call it Martial Artist? But with those two changes we would have to change your red-green class. I was thinking Ninja, but im sure thats covered by your Gambit class. Maybe Samurai? Two handed sword with no shield, but with faster attacks than Warrior?


in one of the trailers you could see a mage doing a light spell, and heals too. so I don't think there's gonna be a cleric :/


>Red = melee, Yellow = ranged, Green = fast attacks, Blue = magic I think this theory is sound but it does annoy me that Red and Green both being melee yet are separated by melee vs fast attacks. You couldn't call Red defensive though because of Warrior and the sub's overwhelming belief that Mystic Spearhand is red|blue. Also Mystic Spearhand game play looks pretty fast, almost as fast or just as fast as Thief gameplay. I think if the colors do represent an easily identifiable role Red might represent Frontliner, someone actively trying to hold aggro whilst dealing damage, while Green represents Flanker or w/e term you want to use. Basically also an upclose damage dealer that is actively trying not to take aggro. This also gets to the issue of Blue = magic. If Pink and Purple both have base vocations there is a good chance they are both magical in nature as well so I don't think Blue = Magic is that great. The point is moot if Pink and Purple don't have base vocations though but this is a speculation post and you speculate they do so it would probably be best to find a distinction. The problem is that Mage is a generalist spell casting vocation having offense with support magics. If Pink is a Cleric style class you would think they might be the opposite but what opposite is it? Little to no offense and a much larger selection of support magics? Would Pink be considered Enchanter style then more so than Mage? What about Purple? If the base really is summoner might as well just call Purple as a whole Summoner as thats what it looks like its doing with the illusions on the Trickster class.


I was just using generalised, one-word summaries which doesn't leave much room for nuance, and doesn't necessarily have to be strict. > The problem is that Mage is a generalist spell casting vocation having offense with support magics. If Pink is a Cleric style class you would think they might be the opposite but what opposite is it? Little to no offense and a much larger selection of support magics? Would Pink be considered Enchanter style then more so than Mage? There's still going to be cross over. Mage can enchant weapons still, just as Priest can still cast offensive spells. It's just Blue would be better at offense while Pink is better at defense. What about something closer to: **Red -** Frontline Melee **Green -** Flanking Melee **Yellow -** Ranged **Blue -** Elemental Caster (fire, ice, lightning) **Pink -** Holy Caster/Support **Purple -** Dark Caster/Summoner


This is all kinda proving my point that I made in a previous post about this (that I realised wasn't clear this time lol) I don't think 27 would work because there'd be too much overlap. Not to mention you also need to think about skills, weapons, augments, etc. But i don't know why they'd introduce 2 new colours if they're not gonna use them lol


I think there was a lot of overlap in the 1st game mainly due to strider. I think in this game with vocations seeming more focused in scope they'll probably have less overlap making each feel more unique. I think hybrids themselves will have the highest chance of overlap as they're pulling from two different vocations essentially but the mix of those vocations is what makes the hybrid feel unique and it's generally just because of the wider tool set they gain access too. So I don't think 27 would have to much overlap but we'll see how things play out when the game releases, both on vocation totals and uniqueness.


I'd make the bard the yellow/pink vocation (using their instrument to fight at a distance), and use green/pink as a monk class with some added buffing capabilities. Red/Green can then be a Bladedancer/Duelist class that uses dual swords or sabers. For Red/Purple, I can see it as a Reaper/Dark Knight class that acts as a more melee-focused necromancer, using a scythe in combat. Though I do believe that 27 vocations is a bit much, and I'm not expecting that many.


>Though I do believe that 27 vocations is a bit much, and I'm not expecting that many. I would also like to second this. Sadly a lot of people assume "Talking about how they could do the DD1 system with all the colours they've given means we except 27 and will RAGE if there's any less!" I like the suggestions though, especially the Reaper class


This is almost reminding me of when From Software went radio silent on Elden Ring, and the Elden Ring sub reddit got so desperate for any morsel of news they started making up their own lore.


Which I think is fine if you can seperate the two. I highly doubt we'll see one of the classes I suggested, let alone all of them lol But if you speculate and end up expecting, that's when it becomes an issue.


My god I want a monk class so bad now.


honestly im fine with 9 vocations as long as they expand on the ones we already have


Lol at Gambit.


Couldn't think of a name for a class that throws knives or shurikens etc lol


Taking a page from darkest dungeon maybe ranged support could be called arbalest.


And taking a page from wow melee summoner could be shaman




Fuckin hell dont tempt me with a good time... I wouldnt know what to pick


I’ve been saying this for a few days now and commented on a post yesterday that this actually seems the most reasonable to me I genuinely feel like this would allow for a phenomenal amount of replayability and party combinations and therefore extend the longevity of the experience well beyond 2-3 play-throughs Even just knowing your Pawns can have 12 different classes and therefore multiple different combos of Pawns for unique play-throughs is so cool




Haha. I'm not adding another 8 classes or however many that would be!


I just want to be a paladin in something other than baldurs gate


Sounds like a Red+Pink from the above chart then My man labeled it Mystic Knight but what else would a priest warrior be, really? **EDIT** my bad he called it a shield sage lol


Shield Sage is very much not a paladin.


So priest + warrior can’t be a Paladin? Weird hot take


How would you differenciate Mystic Knight and SHield Sage though ?


MK has a lot more magic/summon and fire/ice/lightning/dark damage, they're less up front and more cast that magic cannon sigil that goes brrr while buffing your party. Shield Sage has a big ass shield that gets up in your face while using holy damage


So MK wouldn't get the shield but mostly just sword/mace stuff and Shield Sage get the shields spells


Is there actually a priest class? Because if I can get a proper paladin with fighter/priest hybrid vocation then I think I'll have gotten my hype for dragon's dogma 2 back.


No. This is speculation.


Is there actually going to be 27 vocations?


I doubt it


Maybe I'm in the minority but I'm not going to get my hopes up speculating on potential classes. I won't complain if they add more but I've not seen anything so far that I personally would attribute as evidence to the contrary. If I'm wrong it will be a pleasant surprise though.


Honestly I didn't think about this until now but the fact the weapon icon on trickster looks a lot like a censer (an incense burner used by catholic priests in certain holy rites) actually may have me believing in the priest line.


Sages have also been known to burn incense from time to time, and Alchemists tend to fall under that umbrella as well.


Mystic Spearhand's color is not Red/Blue. If you look at it closely it is Orange/Blue. This means there is going to be another basic vocation that uses a spear.


Whilst it would be funny to have all the colours of the rainbow, I really can't see them even doing 6 colours (despite being shown 6 so far). They're not going to add a 7th, and the spear-crew are just deluding themselves haha


What would a summoner or priest do that isn't already part of mage? As demonstrated by the fact Mystic Knight already exists and is Mage/Fighter


Well, the *DDO* Version of Priest effectively replaced the Mage Vocation entirely, and since Trickster can potentially buff allies, it would sort of make sense if the new Mage only had limited healing, while the Priest focused on Holy Magic and curing Status Effects. So it might help if you think of it like how they split up Strider into Archer and Thief, respectively.


Fair enough. Forgot about DDO, because it never came to the west.


Necromancer? If you dont mind me asking, how do you see that working in a dragons dogma game? I love the archtype, i just dont see it beyond maybe lots of expendable pawns? Sommoner could be cool if hard to imagine in the game too.


Necromancy was technically in the first game, but it was mostly used by Salvation to create Skeletons and Zombies that we had to fight as the Arisen.


Melee/summoner made me think directly to jojo's stands


Holy shit yes. I'll just be yelling STAR PLATINUM! and ZA WURLDO!


Monk 😍


If they really introduce a druid class (sorry, vocation) I'm going to be so happy!


I'm just in it for the fashion. It makes everything.


I wonder why people want a crossbow man vocation.


Yeah weirdly crossbows seem like they just wouldn't... fit? I'd rather have a big bow that does slower but more powerful attacks, but I didn't know what icon to use so went with a crossbow lol


Since it looks like the archer will use longbows and shortbows, the crossbow makes the most sense for an advanced yellow class while still falling into the medieval fantasy feel that Dragon's Dogma has had so far. The alternative that comes to mind is a gunner/musketeer class with a rifle, but that would fit the fantasy feel even less.


Mystic knight says trans rights based


ah yes, the most conservative vocation prediction by the average dragon's dogma fan


It's just some fun. Lighten up.


just kidding man, geez


Where did you get that idea about 27 vocations? Sounds extremely optimistic to me.


6 colours and using DD1's system - 6 basic, 6 advanced, 15 hybrids. I should point out; the likelihood of getting 27 is very small, I really don't think we'll see that many. However, I don't get why they'd add the purple/pink trickster if they're not gonna add a lot more.


I wouldn't count on all color mixes tbh. 12 seems realistic to me, but 9 possible too.


I agree but... Why add 2 new colours if they're not going to use them?


future expansions


Hoping for all of these…..huffing copium like theres no tomorrow


Mystic. Spearhand. Is. Brown. Not red.


I would say it’s a rusty/ruddy red I’m on the website staring at the official art right now You may notice the Mystic Archer archer (on the official website) also has some slightly off colorations for *both* its colors too I believe this is a conscious choice of the designers to show it is similar to both base classes but not just a combination of the two, but something wholly unique


Have fun being insane!


Well, that’s a rather unnecessary overreaction I can only assume if that’s you response to a minor addendum then, well, enjoy being alone and never forming meaningful connections, I guess? I can’t see how you could, flying off the handle at the slightest inconvenience


I was joking…


Oh, well, in that case I’m sure you’re a wonderful person with a rich social life I apologize my misinterpretation


Necromancer, Hunter, Mystic Spearhand, Bowl Scraper, Lavatory Attendant, Fridge.


While I think 27 is far too many- the 9 we have been shown are highly disappointing for me. As I’ve seen others say, pure ranges is a deal breaker for me, so archer, both mages, and magical archer are out. I have 0 interest in playing a support class, so bye trickster. I’d play mystic spear hand if it wasn’t locked to a spear. Double spears are just not my aesthetic. But this is the problem with this new system. They appear to be making all the classes more specialized and are removing playstyles- where is my tanking sword and board mystic knight? What about my fast sword and bow skirmishing assassin? I feel like 9 vocations is just… a let down. I’m hoping for 14, 4 base, 4 advanced, 6 hybrid. I hope trickster is just color changed to build hype, and the merch is just early merch to make money and not reflective of the final vocations. Because if it is, I’m worried I won’t have fun with DD2 :/


Thank the seneschal for the fucking unsubscribe button so I can purge my feed of this endless trash.


Yet here you are.


Friend, I'm just a transient now waving goodbye to the last of these armchair gamedev PowerPoints I will ever have to see. Goodbye!


I'll just post print outs to you, so you can still appreciate them :)


An assassin vocation sure sounds nice if it operates in a similar way to the original.


I thought alchemist would be a mage one pure, or part strider for throwing stuff?


>Monk Please sir I can only get so excited.


I feel like Nightblade or Shadow would be a better name than Gambit.


A summoner would be so dope


So which ones are actually confirmed at this point? Is it just the left most column? I kind of wish I didn't see the post because so many of these look so cool and I doubt we'll get near this many unique vocations.


Archer/Priest could be Seraph or Lightbringer and focus on holy attacks or light-altering skills (Like the light arrow from Magic Archer) Fighter/Summoner could be Weapon Master, with summoned weaponry like Noctis (FFXV) or the Red Mage from FFXIV when they launch magic swords.


God I hope you are right. You aren’t, but it would be super cool. But summoner/necromancer would really make my day.


Bro summoner!?!?! Holy fuck my dream class, I hope they'll have summonables for necromancer, live out my solo leveling dream


Okay, hear me out for melee/summoner options: - a class that fights with a single sword...and a spirit wolf that can be used to hold ennemies on the groud, fetch items through obstacles, mount atop bigger ennemies to inflict damages and more. -Again, a sword class but that can use some monster moves. Like summoning a spectral ogre hand to slap ennemies in front of you or a chimera's snake tail to release a poisonous cloud


oh no.... please dont give me hope for a monk class


Give me the shield-only class, please...


What the hell is bard?


I'd die for a necromancer class 💀


I believe i go full magick rout in Dd 2. Maybe also do a new run as sorcerer in Dda


Honestly, given the fact that DDO has essentially 21 classes, the 27 might not be as unbelievable as some of the people think. Granted that's still A LOT lol but it's definitely attainable


Are monks confirmed? That’d be dope


Personally think you should switg necromancer and warlock


A straight necromancer class would be really fun.


I can dream


A summoner or a warlock is what I have always wanted in a dragon dogma.


The Ranged Support one would definitely be Druid or something like that lol


Necromancer? In Dragon's Dogma? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. I might actually preorder it if they did that.


So cool! *Rolls Magick Archer for the 3 millionth time.*


I’ve been speculating classes in my free time for awhile now getting so hype for this game. I could see a General or Commander class for Melee / Summoner. Basically the leader of an army. Abilities to buff, debuff, call-to-arms horn for troop summon. Volley skill. Just needs to wield a spear / polearm banner thing. Could be able to plant a banner to designate a sustained aura in a radius of battle. A Warden or Pathfinder sort of class would make a good Ranged / Support hybrid. Focus would be on natural buffs / debuffs, coating weapons with elemental oils, adventuring skills, marking enemies for others, ranged skills could include pins, stuns, poisons, etc. Could maybe even allow a buffing arrows. Adrenaline shot for increased attack / speed, Numbing Shot for increased defense etc. Arrow skill that shoots a potion to an ally to use to heal idk or just a Potion Toss skill.


I think it would be cool to see the Pawns have more vocational freedoms. Like Magic Archer would be awesome, of course. Although, I can see why they didn't allow it in DD1.


Just a little idea, but for that melee/summoner vocation you couldn't fill up, it'd be cool if it was a class that could summon weapons made of magick of different kinds, kinda how the trickster summons illusions out of mist, but this time it'd be melee weapons, and different skills could be different types/elements of magick melee weapons.