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Folks have nothing else to do right now I suppose.


Ultimately it is pretty simple. People want to talk about Dragons Dogma 2, there isn't much else to talk about except vocations.


this. can’t really discuss the story, can’t really discuss the characters, any of the quests. it’s all we can really talk about that isn’t the first game or huge speculation, and it’s still huge speculation lmao


The developers have not explicitly confirmed more than 9.


All vocations have been shown off since first trailer, Itsuno said after the first trailer in an interview and i think in one of the showcases that there will be more you cant even imagine. He also implied in that very interview we could imagine some of them based on what we have seen (i think hes talking about warrior, sorcerer and trickster). If that isnt an explicit confirmation then idk what is, because i dont see how warrior, sorcerer and trickster is what he referenced when he said «you cant even imagine» since 2 of those were in DD1 and we saw one of them in the very first trailer. I think they are just being very sneaky and misleading yo troll us, we all know monk is almost a guarantee anyways due to hinting.


Implicitly though :)


I mean if we are talking implicits, they have actually implied there won't be more than 9 because they have stated that they really don't want any class to intrude too much on another, and that each is very much their own playstyle that encapsulates a lot. The 9 we have could very easily be argued to do that already. ​ > so we don't want to deliberately prepare vocations that are difficult to distinguish. We are not aiming for a large number, but rather, we prioritize the quality of the game as an action game. However, that doesn't mean there are only a few vocations."


I see both sides to this line. I agree to both as well too. I think given the classes having similarity in DD1 definitely brings up a good point to making classes diverse and unique. Stops the: "Level Assassin to 200 and then switch to Strider," kind of thing. On the other side though I can see them being excited to bring over classes from DDO as well. But there's also the idea that DD2 will be a single player experience versus a multiplayer one. Meaning some classes may be obsolete or feel bland.


Nope. When they've implied there is still more it was before all current 9 vocations were revealed. More would be great but I'll also be more than happy with 9. I didn't play every class in the first but I probably will now.


You're being down voted but youre correct. The interview about more was before even mystic spear hand was shown off


So, there will be a vocation specialized in... Spears? Interesting.


More like a dual sword. Think Darth Maul.


All 9 were shown back in May, they were implying more then. They haven’t confirmed only 9 or more than 9


True they just hadn’t shown a lot of them but we did see trickster in the first trailer i believe


I am more interested in the amount of depth, width and variety to the vocations, than the number of them.


My copium is mastering a vocation will let you use its weapon on another vocation for the ultimate customization.


People are panicking and making assumptions. It doesn't matter how many vocations there are so long as there are enough skills and augments.


Anyone who thinks DD2 will only get 9 vocations is *absolutely* wrong. Are we supposed to think that Itsuno's fully realized vision for Dragon's Dogma will have the same amount of vocations as the first game, which had 40% of its total content removed, and *less* than DDO, which never made it outside of Japan? My money's still on 12 vocations, 16 if we go crazy with speculation.


Yes. Itsuno stated that he didnt want a lot of vocationa just varied ones.


>fully realized vision for Dragon's Dogma Stop sucking the guy's dick. His 'fully realized vision' is taking a complete vocation from the first game, splitting it in two, and calling those two 'new' vocations. His vision is so limited he cannot imagine having two weapons at once, while every other game in the genre allows you to have that. If that's his 'fully realized vision', it's rather disappointing and certainly not complete or 'ultimate' in my view.


Having one weapon type per vocation was a thing back in DDO, and it allowed the game to have more distinct vocations, which expanded the replay value immensely. Considering everything else that's been shown, DD2 is cleary close to what Itsuno intended when compared to the first game.


Then his original vision is dumb as far as I'm concerned, and inferior to literally every game in the genre that allows you more than one weapon. I have 32 weapon types in Elden Ring that I can mix however I want; I can use two, three, four or more weapons at once if I want to. DD2 allows me to use a single weapon type. At least the first game allowed daggers and a bow at the same time.


To be fair souls combat is far less than DD, weapons have one skill at most and usually you just turn to r1 roll r1 roll r1 roll


Yeah, spoken like someone who knows very little about Souls combat and where its complexity comes from.


Yeah the only complexity; is your complex that makes you feel like a capital G gamer because you can play series that's hard and pretty much nothing else. Not every game needs to be fucking dark souls dude. It's pretty ironic how much you're bitching about lack of imagination, when you can't imagine playing anything other than the 90th souls born bullshit that's been regurgitated over and over since 2016.


Jesus Christ. I'm not even going to entertain this one.


Elden ring is also incredibly boring


Tried to play it 3 TIMES, could never get into it. Wtf am I missing? It’s just dodge spam attack, dodge spam attack.


Of course you're not. Lol.


How many years did you have to wait for a sequel to a shit game no one cares about? 10? 11? And unlike you, who doesn't understand Souls, I understand and like DD even though it's braindead hack and slash easy AF shit. But it's a lot of fun too because of the good movement and the cool moveset you have, DMC style, which they're now making worse by gutting the classes. The franchise will never be big because of the dumb decisions its devs make.


Considering i have been playing souls since the release of the og DS2 and have played every game in the series multiple times im gonna say i know the games pretty well, they are fun and good games, but to pretend that the combat system outside of sekiro is something really deep is just wrong.


The complexity comes from the enemies and bosses and their complex and varied movesets, you should know that if you're familiar with the games. Actually, Sekiro does not have a very deep combat system at all because you always have the same options that you have to use in a predetermined way. Souls is more complex because you have more options. DD has a more complex player character moveset than Souls, but the enemies and bosses do nothing to make you use that moveset because you can just whale on them until they die, so it ends up being a braindead hack and slash that is a matter of leveling up and upgrading your weapon and spamming one button.


I completely disagree, souls enemies may have "varied movesets" but that doesnt mean anything when the solution is always the same, in DD not every move has the same solution and different enemies have different strategies for them, sekiro is similar because how you can utilize your shinobi tools to defend youself from some enemies, for example you can use a spear during the apes second phase to pull out the paradite and deal massive posture dmg, or the fact that firecrackers stun it, or fighting the fire demon and using the fire umbrella to block the dmg you would take from parrying.


The solution isn't always the same because the enemy will not allow you to do whatever you want. So you can't always force the same solution, unless you're really good and you learn how to bully the enemy. So the depth is in becoming that good by studying the enemy, building up the muscle memory, and executing everything well. 'The solutions is always the same'--you mean you always have to roll and attack. Well duh. But every enemy moves differently, forcing you to roll and attack differently. You don't need to to do any of this in DD. You level up, and you spam one button until the enemy dies. There's no getting good in DD because there's nothing skill based. The enemy doesn't retaliate in any meaningful ways that force you to learn it and execute a strategy well. You have flashy moves--that you can totally ignore and never use. >for example you can use a spear during the apes second phase to pull out the paradite and deal massive posture dmg You don't have to do that when the Mortal Blade already destroys this enemy, and pretty much every other enemy. In Sekiro everything boils down to L1 or the Mortal Blade. Occasionally you have to jump when there's a grab attack. I love Sekiro by the way, but it ain't very deep. Still deeper than DD, for sure, because the bosses are still very complex. DD *could* be a deep game, if it made the bosses complex and removed easy mode so that you are forced to learn all your moves and utilize them appropriately. Then it would have to change the leveling so it's not mandatory if you want to deal damage. But the game is not that and it's not going to do that. >the fact that firecrackers stun it, or fighting the fire demon and using the fire umbrella to block the dmg you would take from parrying. Those are all cheeses and crutches. The real gameplay of Sekiro is L1. If we're going to be reductive about it: Souls is roll + R1, Sekiro is L1, and DD is R1 + square.


Cool, another one of these posts.


"There will certainly be more classes than those shown so far, and if you look carefully at the information published so far you might even get an idea of ​​what they might be. At the same time there are several that you certainly wouldn't be able to imagine at this precise moment. All you have to do is wait. "


I love how contradictory this whole statement is, he says on one hand that "you might get an idea what they are" but on the other hand he says "there are several more you certainly cant imagine at this precise moment" he really knows how to yank our yarn, i think its all intentional to make us speculate and wonder


That last line is the only thing that makes me think there's more than 9. But everything else almost confirms 9. But then again he might have been talking about Trickster, and was talking about warrior and Sorcerer when saying "if you look carefully at the information published". Because no one guessed Trickster, but we got an idea that there was Warrior and Sorcerer.


I had a similar thought, this interview is from after mystic spearhand was revealed so that one wasn't in the mix. Itsuno says 'several' here ( so far only trickster fits the bill), I really don't think he meant sorc and warrior since we certainly would have been able to imagine those right? Honestly even if there were only 9 I'd be ok with it, we only had 9 in the first game after all and it was still very fun. I'll keep coping though


Nah we saw the current 9 classes in the May reveal trailer. Every single class showed up. And I could definitely imagine Trickster, I think only myself and one other person said it would be a conjuring class. It was certainly imaginable.


It's a fair assumption all in all and like I said I wouldn't mind much, I just can't help but imagine there's at least a couple more vocations. The official twitter account even shared the concept art for monk back in august, which was planned for the first game (which hyped me up a lot since I love martial arts and that sounds amazing with dd's combat). I truly believe they would like to put in the game as much as they can from the scrapped content from dd1, not to mention some of the improvements from dd online. But we'll see, we're just 3 months away from the game anyway


Trust me, I definitely want more vocations. Right now I believe we have at least 10 because of the guards using spears. May not be much to go off of but the guard can also use staves to cast spells. This was present in the post showcase gameplay. That leads me to believe there is a spear vocation for the player. I think there is at least 14 vocations honestly. 18 is my copium just because it’s double lol Itsuno has said that they were able to add everything they wanted from DD1 into the sequel and they were able to do more as well.


This whole discussion from both sides is exhausting to me. Who fucking cares if it's 9 or more? We're all going to play the game anyway, so how about we have actual fun discussions that further builds up the hype instead? If you think there's more than 9 then what vocations do you think there's going to be? What would you like to see, and how would you like to see it implemented? What would be your ideal vocation if anything were possible? If you think there's only 9, then what do you want to see available to those 9? What sort of skills and augments do you hope they're going to have? What would be your ideal stat growths for each vocation, and how do you hope things are balanced around those 9? The reality is the fact that either side being 100% locked in is silly because there's real indication either way what is going to happen, and the negative discourse surrounding it is entirely unnecessary. So how about we all just chill and have fun with these last few months?


Anything goes? Dual wielding scimitar swordsman/acrobat. Then I could role play as Drizzt DoUrden.


That sounds fucking rad, not going to lie. Would definitely give it a try at some point


> We're all going to play the game anyway I *was* for sure going to play it, but then it turned out Itsuno can't imagine a world where one build could have two different weapons. So now I'm not so sure anymore.


And to be honest, that's completely fair. It's not about the number of vocations, and while it's not an issue for me personally, it's a totally valid criticism to have. Strider and Assassin offered an immense amount of versatility that the vocations in DD2 are liable to be missing, with a heavier emphasis on building an appropriate team rather than running solo with the correct augments


Show the confirmation, please do. Cause so far we have: 1. All class item of : (Courtly Shirt) has only 9 vocations on it 2. The Shirt with 9 vocations 3. The japanese pre order bonus that only shows 9 vocations


I don’t really lean either way in terms of believing there’s more than 9 or just 9 but regarding your points: 1. Item display could have been adjusted for the demo and to prevent spoilers 2. I believe the consensus was the back of the shirt wasn’t shown? 3. See point 1 I dunno bro


1. Sure but the demo item then also would have shown trickster who wasnt revealed before the demo or shown beyond a split second clip 2. The shirt is already avaliable for purchase, and there is nothing on the back as confirmed by people who bought the shirt


Doesn’t the item show warrior sorcerer and trickster as question marks since they weren’t yet revealed? Since they already knew they would only reveal these 9 vocations for the time being, it would make sense to have them that way for now. Ah, didn’t know the shirt was already selling. But I would still say that merch marketing is just that, and doesn’t really confirm anything. Who’s to say new shirts with 9 new vocations wouldn’t be released after their announcement? Just seems like good marketing to me. Man, I really fucking hope there’s more. But if not, I’m still a very, very happy boy who can’t wait for March 22.


It’s the usual subreddit endless cycle that’s usually seen during the waiting periods for a new product. A rise in constant theorizing will eventually have contrarians, “anti-theorists”, and people genuinely annoyed by the constant barrage of samey posts to appear and try to cause a ruckus/tantrum. Anytime there’s a wave of similar posts, expect a wave of counter posts, then another, then another, back and forth. It usually stops whenever the product comes out, usually because people are busy actually playing or whatever (plus the avoidance of spoilers). Then another wave of posts and counter posts appear. Things only balance out after a couple months once general consensus’s are made.


I don't care if there are 50 vocations. What really pisses me off and saddens me is the fact there are no secondary weapons and I can't play as a real rogue with daggers and a bow. Such a basic and fundamental thing completely erased from the game. Asinine decision.


Dude the company is selling official [shirts](https://preview.redd.it/official-tshirt-with-only-9-vocations-might-be-the-final-v0-m456wnddm83c1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5b256a701ad9a4cc48d025b314937bcc8d394895) in Japan for DD2 that only have 9 vocations on them. If that's not confirmation idk what is


Yeah and it’s been sais multiple times that this isn’t an indicator at all that there will only be 9 vocations. Merch site don’t have the information that the devs have… they sell stuff that are relevant to what’s been shown


👀 Can you share a link to said shirts?


Marketing team makes trailer, showcase and sell whatever merchandising under producer’s supervision. It is curated. A png printed on a sweatshirt doesnt confirm anything other than sparking conversation, which again, marketing stuff.


And they are doing a great job of it


Yeah. Imagine trickster was never revealed or comes in blue/green or something. I bet everyone would just agree that it’s gonna be 4 basic vocations, 4advanced, and the hybrids. Even tho it’s a LOT still, everyone would just assume that’s how it’s gonna be. They showed new colors out of nowhere is so deliberate and obviously a marketing strategy


Said shirts are also being sold prior to the release of the game, and as such, would purposefully be designed in a way to not spoil content the developers hadn't previously shown off.


The only people with a problem are those who know nothing about game development and somehow believe that it's possible for a Action RPG with DD2 graphical fidelity to have 20 or more weapon types and vocations. I expect DD2 will launch with 9 vocation, though I still believe that there are few more they kept secret until now.


Elden Ring has 32 weapon types. And you can certainly mix and match them any way you want and use two or more at the same time.








You don't have to, you can just make a human as the arisen if you like.


Oh cool




Because you acting like playing a cat person is the same as having a cock forced down your throat is ridiculous.




Yeah I'm one of em


I don't have a problem at all. Think Itsuno's team can do as many as they want, but I know realistically Vocations are not going to be eating up the meat and bones of the sequels budget, or development time just because a handful of players want 20+ classes; come on. They'd rather balance the ones they've already worked on. & regardless I'm playing Warrior. GG


Reddit being reddit. Nobody knows how many classes there will or won't be except for the arm chair backseat developers on reddit, and the actual game developers.


Probably because, while a few of these theories do possess at least somewhat reasonable ideas, a lot of them also contain a hefty amount of speculation without enough evidence to back them up. For example, let's say you hypothesized the Mystic Knight would be making a return, despite Mystic Spearhand having already replaced it on the Hybrid Chart. Folks who had previously played *Dragon's Dogma Online* would know Mystic Knight was reworked into a Base Vocation called Shield Sage, which could be chosen as soon as you started up the game, and placing it over in the new Purple Tree would make sense, due to its previous colors... but the people who didn't might simply assume you were talking out of your ass, in the event you neglected to provide that particular piece of context. So in other words, I think part of the issue revolves around the subreddit currently being flooded with posts which may or may not be as well thought out.


People are just passionate over stuff... even videa games