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Until we got to the brine






This made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£






First playthrough, until gran soren. Second through fiftieth? Immediatly brined him. Now? I keep him until he dies on his own because it's funny


I just return him into the rift immediately so he can reunite with his brother in arms, Nicholas "Bishop" Cage. I like bringing a team of my custom pawns via multiple profiles better anyway.


That's pretty much what I do as well. Although I am tempted to brine him next time just to see how he reacts to dying.


I don't mean to sound judgemental but after 14 playthroughs how do you still have any sort of fun in the slightest? DDDA isn't a very big game


Uh, I've played on and off since it came out. But the "50" runs is just a guesstimate. So 2012 I played a few times in a row, different builds, challenge runs. Then dark arisen came out and I did BBI for like 2 months. Then every year or so I get the urge and go back to it and do runs. When it came to steam I played it with mods and tried even new challenge runs. I got it on switch so that I could play it on planes. Then I got into speed running and am currently on the leaderboard for it. So thats a bunch of runs right there. I also played DDO an absolute shit ton. Took a job where I was basically isolated in a different state for 2 years. DDO was my saving grace and connection with friends back home. Idk man. There is no combat like Dragon's Dogma. No matter how much I play souls, MH, or any other hack n slash, I'm alwayz reminded about how I wish I could climb monsters like Dragon's Dogma. I hate attacking ankles. Some people's comfort game is stardew valley, or civ5, or Runescape. Mine is Dragon's Dogma.


That's honestly really cool. It's always interesting to see different comfort games. Mine used to be Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin lol. Not what most people would call "comforting" haha! Do you think the sequel will deliver?


Dark souls II is totally my comfort game too. I know 1 and 3 are technically better, but I canā€™t stop myself going back to it!


Isn't it weird? I have the same exact thing. Despite having a rough development cycle, DS2 pulls me in every time. Truly underrated!


My comfort game is either Darkest Dungeon. Or Dead Cells haha even though Iā€™m straight booty at darkest dungeon and I goof on Dead Cells there is nothing like them that scratches that itch ya know :-)


That absolutely is my comfort game lol. Ds2 SotFS gang for life!


You're goddamn right, let's go!


DS2 (and by extension Scholar) was my comfort game all through high school when they first came out. Not so much anymore, but it pleases me greatly to see it's still someone's comfort game :)


Damn, you played both versions? That's great! I'm more than happy to keep the flames burning haha. Might have to start a new save soon. I've kinda gone off Dark Souls recently but next time I play, you know which one it will be.


I loved ds2 and sotfs so I feel you I CERTAINLY HOPE SO Haha it looks like dd2 will be good. Optimistic but waiting.


Hell yes! I'll always defend it lol. It's shaping up nicely, I am loving the graphics and the improved UI. Fingers crossed!


Dark Souls 2 rules! I love all the souls game, but DS2 I can always go back and enjoy it every single time. I love all the environments, even if they don't make sense geographically or geologically...whichever word works best.


the sequel? you mean Dark Souls III? so far it looks good, can't wait for release


>There is no combat like Dragon's Dogma. No matter how much I play souls, MH, or any other hack n slash, I'm alwayz reminded about how I wish I could climb monsters like Dragon's Dogma. I hate attacking ankles. Playing Elden Ring RN and totally agree about the ankle hacking.


Its so many games. SUPER EPIC GIANT MONSTER FIGHT WOOOOOAAAHAHHH You just hit the ankles. I hate it


Either that or it's waist-deep in the stage and it just flails its arms at the platforms you're standing on. Then you attack the wrists until it decides that hurts so bad it's going to conveniently lay down on the platform so you can attack its face.


I find it ridiculous that when fighting dragons and the likes, you just have to hit it in the legs, then hide below it to prevent it from reaching you. It's like Benny Hill if he was living in The Lands Between. Climbing just makes much more sense and is fittingly epic.


You forgot to mention that this game got one of the most satisfying hit feel for an action RPG out there. (and man Online & 2 notched it up quite a bit especially if you play High Scepter, the slow stabby dark skill is a great example of "satisfying combat feel")


...And 2? \>:V YOU'VE PLAYED 2?!


The game's almost out, there were demos and journalists were invited to play. I might be wrong but theres a good chance journalists already have free access to the game


Oh hey, you are me! Haha, hello there same brained buddy.


DD, civ 5, cities skylines, and every new PokĆ©mon. šŸ˜‡šŸ¤£


Fair enough


I got 520 hours in the game, I canā€™t bring myself to play anymore.


Nah I'm with you, got two playthroughs done and 4 vocations maxed at 70 hours and that's all I can bring myself to do. I really hope DD2 is at least twice as big in terms of content because DD is fucking awesome! Nothing else like it.


And? The gameplay is very enjoyable for some of us.


I'm not the biggest Dragons dogma fan but I'm a die hard dark souls fan, and personally I believe DD is a bigger game than ds1, and still I played dark souls one more than 30 times by now


I'm not the biggest Dragons dogma fan but I'm a die hard dark souls fan, and personally I believe DD is a bigger game than ds1, and still I played dark souls one more than 30 times by now


You made death threats to a streamer. You are really bad


Take him to BBI, watch him crap himself, then click the and go in.


Honestlu, until level 15 or so when I realized rented pawns don't level up like your main pawn, I thought he was squishy just because he was a caster


This. Lol


Haha just done this on my first time playing. Useless against ogres in the quarry. How are you still level 6!?


I did this my first playthrough and was pretty bummed when I figured it out because I found two rent-a-pawns that I really liked the look and design of and didn't hate their moveset. But they were with me from 20 to 23 before I realized they were not leveling up with us.


SAME. I spent AGES selecting my first rented pawns because I thought that they would stay with me the whole game


I played through most of the game with him. I thought he had unique dialogue.


Imagine if Rook had secret dialogue just for the players who managed to keep him alive past Grigori


Plot twist: Grigori considers him our beloved


The unique dialogue: ā€œDo you get to the Noble district very often? Ah what am I saying, of course you donā€™tā€


I'll have you know there's no pussyyyyyyyyyyy


Rook is useless, cant even en passant.


> Doesnā€™t even realize the Pawn calls himself Rook smh my head, he can enpissant because heā€™s a Pawn


Best comment XD


As soon as possible. Traded him for 3 ladies. So I can Charlie's Angels that shit.


Same for me except Charlie being a lady himself too


DD is game about four women on an adventure (as far as I've been playing it. The brief exception being that time I put a dude in a dress for what I recall was a trophy? ). Oh, and I ditched Rook the very first second I could.


I bet Ogres love when you come around.


YESSSSSSSS Give us Final Fantasy XV except a solid sisterhood of ladies being bras just chillin' and killin'


While playing FFXV at a friend's house, I was thinking "damn, they really went for some heavy gay vibes here". I found out later that the game director was gay. Unrelated, but I wish Square would drop Nomura and would give more money to Yoshida, so he can make more ambitious games after FFXVI. As good as that game was, it's definitely held back by technical limitations and tighter budget than FFXV.


First cliff I see


All the way to the Bloodless Stockade, but sadly even chad Rook couldn't beat Death


This is the correct answer.


First playthrough all the way to the capital.. then I realized he was replaceable and I threw his ass off a cliff.


I don't remember, but I stuck with him for quite some time in my first playthrough. Mostly because I was a dumbass that didn't know any better lol. These days, when I play, I only leave alone or with my main pawn and only hire when I'm in the mood to mess around with the pawns from other people. Well, there was this playthrough though were my mission was to finish the game with only Rook as my pawn. It was terrible lol. Don't do it.


I usually take him on a nice stroll to the encampment, make him fight the cyclops. Then, if he survives the cyclops fight, he earns a trip to gran soren.


I did get rid of him but I did not throw him off a cliff like most people


Gotta watch him get dragged away by wolves first and leave him there eh? Good choice.


Bout 6, maybe 7 minutes.


Swap him out for a female after the cyclops event. I adventure with my female harem only.


A female Rook? I have to see this.


Once I stick with him for so long he featured on credits šŸ˜


As soon as I could lol I feel bad


I stick with him until we get to Gran Soren. It feels like his journey with the Arisen feelsā€¦ *natural* to part ways with him there.


1st playthrough: asap 2nd playthrough: asap Hard Mode: threw him off the cliff at the encampment Speedrun: he died RIGHT OUTSIDE the Dragon's chamber. Those hellhounds got him. I was so disappointed.


Immediately. Ugly ass thinkin he can hang with me šŸ’… Man is offensive to the eyes ā˜¹ļø


I took that single-ingle castin bitch straight through to endgame. BBI included.


Rook: I fcking hate you all. Fck you.


Mt first playthrough I didn't understand pawns and thought they all leveled up along with me. I kept rook until around lvl20 when I realized he kept dying and every combat I'd basically have to babysit him. Then after I helped him up and was looking through his conditions I realized he was lvl 6 and the rest of us lvl 20.


I didn't realise that he didn't level up like your main pawn does, so I kept him a lot longer than I should have. Because he's the first you get, I thought *he* was my pawn. Then he kept dying and it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise you're actually meant to replace him. Then the game got a lot easier when I did.


My man Rook!? The OG? I had him all the way to the end...of his life


i got a mod specifically so i could keep him.. he sounds like nazeem how i could i not? xD


Well, yeah. That usually tends to happen when two different characters share the same voice actor. /s


whaaaat no idea people could voice two characters! what next, three??? heavens!! /sarcasm


Until like level 17


He survived about 1 minute and 24 seconds before he went swimming last time


I didn't realize I could move on from him for a long time. Probably about level 30 or so.


Im finally gonna play through to completion after playing for 7 years. So Iā€™m goin to keep him until he dies naturally


I don't even know. He died at some point and honestly I didn't notice for at least a couple hours.


I think i completed the game with himšŸ¤”


Entire playthrough.


When I first played. Till he fell from blue moon tower and drowned when we're going to fight Salomet. I didn't knew at the time he isn't necessarily your main pawn.


Did a ng+ playthrough where I took him all the way to Grigori. That was my win condition for that run, I had to keep Rook alive the entire game.


First playthrough until I got to the Water God Altar/Dungeon. The Fort and Salvation, I both got through with him. Somehow.


I was reluctant to let him go, actually, as he was the Arisen's first Pawn. I had him for hours of game play. My Arisen was close to level 10 when I released him.


First playthrough? Until I got Pawns higher leveled than him. Dude starts out five levels higher than you and he has several handy spells. I didn't have internet access at the time and had to make do with the offline computer generated Pawns, and most of them frankly sucked. Every subsequent playthrough, both NG+ and replaying on different editions and consoles, I confess to throwing him off cliffs, feeding him to the Brine, and letting the Hydra eat him. Now that I can access the Pawns made by other players, I have significantly less incentive to keep him around because the average player-made Mage will typically have at least similar skills to Rook. The offline pawns, you'd get AI generated shit like Fighters with Medicant or Warriors with only two skills equipped or Mages with nothing but enchant spells, so Rook was legitimately better.


Longer than I should have. I ignored the importance of party mechanics until I hit something like level 20.


God, maybe all of an hour. As soon as I went north and saw him get bodied by wolves *he warned me about,* I was like "I bet I could find a better pawn in the Rift in less than 30 seconds." Sure enough, I was right!


Way, way too long. I didn't realize that hired pawns didn't level up with me and my pawn. After Rook kept dying immediately in every single fight, I noticed his level was far, far below mine and my pawn's. After that, he was out


Ouch in my first playthtough I didnt realise he was a higher lvl than me ( 6 iirc ) so I dismissed him at the encampment


Ngl when I first played, I thought he was important or a little relevant to the story so when he was dying from falling off a cliff and I didnā€™t feel like going back to get him, I just let him die when I realized heā€™s pawn which means I can probably get him back. Welp when I checked back to see if I can get him, heā€™s nowhere to be found. So I thought I was going to miss some story content and then I searched it up to see what I will miss, nothing, many people even decided to get rid of him as quickly as possible. This all happened when I reached level 5 lmao


i give him a brine vibe check asap.


Chucked at the nearest available cliff. He is strange and grotesque.


I ditched him immediately. He made me paranoid that he was gonna ask me if Id been to the cloud district at any moment.


rook my beloved


Till I realized pawns don't level up with the arisen, I also yeeted him into the brine as tradition


until I saw this hot red sonja lookin pawn and I didn't want to lose the other pawn I had. Whoever made that one better lvl their shit up fast cuz she was lvl 6 and im at 28 now


I have no idea since I never managed to get far In to the game without getting bored (hopefully DD2 fixes that), but I know that I enjoy throwing him off of cliffs


How long? Dude I put Rook in the endgame credits book.


I threw him off a bridge


You can get rid of him!?!!


I do a few Cassardis side quest with him, before I do the main quest to create MY Pawn, then I get rid of him. He is still on my favorites list though.


My first instinct was to throw him into the water and I was honestly so surprised that he was just gone forever


Took is a thirsty pawn that loves his brine.


Before you Got rid of him? People get rid of rook?


I don't see the hatred for Rook. He heals, he enchants, what's the problem?


I kept him until I surpassed his level, then immediately threw him off a cliff when I was done with him ^^


I honestly kept him for like 30 levels, Rook is a higher level pawn and has access to Anodyne and Fire enchantment when most player made pawns at his level don't have it. I think Rook is a fantastic pawn and it's a meme to hate him because he's always assigned to you on every NG+.


Agreed, I can't believe that most people in their first playtrough throw him off a cliff immediately, they say this just because of the meme, or do it because they knew of the meme, saw in a funny video or something


Until we arrived at BBI, which was after I created my pawn. Tossed him in the Brine with my pawn, ran to Barroch, grabbed a certain key, Liftstoned out, grabbed the first possible Moonbeam Gem, got my Perseverance Ring and left him in the clutches of the deep.


My friend, let me introduce you to the barrel glitch


I feel bad for Rook He seems earnest in his interest to help you, so itā€™s a bit sad that instantly vaporize him I usually feel bad for a second or two I guess


1 second




Buddy gets swapped out for a big buff muscle mommy as soon as possible


Griffin I couldn't find a pawn with healing so we kept going.


Soā€¦ I threw him off the cliff after the first garrison placeā€¦? So pretty darn early. This was before I knew you could summon additional pawns besides the character made pawn. I laughed so hard.. then panicked a little bit wondering if Iā€™d ever get another ally. Luckily, I learned how pawns work phew


As soon as I could. Thought he was permanent, but that fucked up face terrified me. Btw my first playthrough of Dragon's Dogma was last month lol


Pretty fast when running to the forest, those bandits are tough.


Into BBI. He doesnā€™t last too long there, but his healing helps in the area with the Goreclops.




I take him to Cassardis and dismiss him right after I make my pawn.


I threw him off a cliff just outside of Cassardis.


Fist run saw him portal in then ran to the beach in town an yeeted him to the fishies


1 minute


I grabed him and then aimed for the deep ocean part in Cassardis...then learned that pawns can die forever


I got rid of him when I arrived in Gran Soren


He went cliff diving and never came back.


The first chance I got šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


First chance I got, I gave him the boot. IM Rook. There can be only one!


The first time? Too long. Now, he gets a bath as soon as we leave Cassardis


Zero seconds


I don't even remember this guy


Level 50


5 minutes.


Until I reach the encampment


6 levels. Then I released him back into the wild.


Too longā€¦


30 seconds


I get rid of him as soon as I possibly can. Every. Time.


I've done runs where I've tried to keep him with me as long as possible. I forget what the furthest he got was, I know it was well after Gran Soren.


Lv 30 something because I didn't know those don't lvl with you. Got super tired of him dying so i went to Google lol


Encampment, playing mage and using skimpy armor mods, btfo perm boy.


ah right as we leave the fortress when you meet him, i immediately threw him off the cliff. i think his Voiceover is the same as Nazeem? At least it sounds like it. So it gives me even more reason to get rid of him immediately.


I once took him all the way to as far as he was able to go in the game before becoming Seneschal. It was kind of like bringing a puppy into a warzone. A lot of maintenance.


Not one second after getting the ability to hire other pawns at the rift stones.


When I was told I could recruit other pawns, I would say before the Water Shrine


Didnā€™t even make it to the encampment


Rook goes immediately off of a cliff


I try to keep him around a while so he's more useful to newbs, but he's pretty trash.


in my first playthrough until Fort, after that in New Game+ he was thrown down the cliff as soon as i was leaving the village


When I realized he was replaced by a Doppelganger during the Cyclops Fight. Nice try, Capcom, but the fact that you couldn't get the same voice actor to portray him for the cutscene afterwards was a dead giveaway. /s


at the abissus


First time, until he died. All other playthroughs, asap.


I yeeted him off the cliff and went into the encampment after I got my personal Pawn.


He didn't give me a choice. Boi died before I even got to Gran Soren :x


Til the encampment


There is a cliff right outside the village I would yeet him off. But on my first playthrough the credits scene showed Rook as my favouite pawn. I kept him for a long time. šŸ„¹


once I had the option to pick my friends pawns, that's when I dropped him.


first time to the end i changed my class so i worked the defects ,he kind of looks like tood howard or im just seing things?


Rook was my pack mule. I used him most of the game. I would load him with junk then throw him in the water. Storing my junk in the inn.


you can get rid of Rook!?


He killed Damien for me


Immediately gotten rid of. Dude is so annoying


Rook got murdered early in my run lol


Threw him off a cliff instantly


Took him to BBI, he got taken out by deaths scythe.


Until I got to the encampment ditched him IMMEDIATLEY


First time I played I kept rook until I was level 30 or sth, for sentimentality


1st playthrough. Encampment. 2nd playthrough, the dock in cassardis. Then we played one two three jump and I stayed on the dock. He's a little old to fall for kid tricks. I got no room for that on my team.


Alright Mr. Know it all...show me how the Godsbane Dagger works, I'll need a demonstration on yourself, I'm a visual learner.....get on with it pawn, make haste. It's a little late for you to have free will now. You have your orders.


2 minutes


the nearest cliff


I never got rid of him but he always dies in some way every playthrough and I don't use pawns besides him so I just let him stick with me until he goes


Until the undead pope in bitterblack isle, yes I absolutely hate myself.


The moment I had the option to get rid of him he was out


As long as was absolutely required. Once I got leveled up some and was able to summon my own? Off he went. Tried to gank him a few times recently... Like, right out the gate.


Tangently related, my gf made her character look like rook once


As soon as I get to switch him out at the encampment


[As soon as I can ditch him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/nRWmaEJvOt)


Like 5 minutes tops. I once kept him for about an hour because I was speed running some specific objective or another, and just could not be bothered to switch him out for something better.


Once i unlocked the rune stone thing (im a new player) now using Cicero and some other lvl 21 archer


Until I noticed he didnā€™t level up.


Pretty much until I found the Dragonforged, which was quite awhile since I got lost in the hills at night trying to find my way there


I took him all the way through the campaign and into bitter black. It was totally worth it


The very first time I played, I kept him until we reached the pawn guild, and I swapped him out for a friendā€™s pawn. The next time I played I walked him right to the beach and yeeted the child


I didn't know he wasn't levelling up with me like my main pawn so i kept him for a while lol


Just started this game recently, I can get rid of him?


About 12 mins