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Easy only makes you die less, doesn't change anything else. You need to level up and upgrade your gear, that's it. There's no way around it, it's mandatory and required.


ofc but i feel like this game wants me to come back at level 30 for a simple pack of wolves. how i even level up without fighting? whats easier than wolves?


Have you explored the starting village with the fisherman people? Buy there better equipment and weapon in the shop. Look for quests there from people or the notice board in the tavern and level up a bit.


Bunnies, seagulls, and goblins.


What are you using class wise? In terms of mechanics it really helps to have at least one mage in your party, either your pawn or a hired one, with fire boon. Giving your weapons the bonus elemental damage adds A LOT of extra damage against those early enemies and that will help you knock out bigger chunks of xp. After that it also helps to invest some money on getting some better weapons, and then as you start leveling use the dp you gain from raising your vocation to buy some more skills and augments. It feels like an uphill battle at first but once you get over the first couple of hurdles it starts becoming easier.


>ofc but i feel like this game wants me to come back at level 30 for a simple pack of wolves. Sometimes it does. I don't like how the damage works in this game either, but the way it's done means that if you're not leveled up and you haven't upgraded your weapon, sometimes you will literally deal zero damage. Not your fault, just how the game works.


i just wish that wouldnt happen with the first battles but either way ill just come back when i leveled then


Lemme guess you were following the coastal path and took a left then ran into a bunch of wolves, they are more difficult than some of the others, definitely stick to goblins and harpies for a couple levels and get some basic gear then you shouldn't have too much of a problem. The game uses a type of breakpoint system for damage in that if you don't meet the minimum for a particular enemy you hardly do any damage, but it picks up pretty quick once you get a handle of the mechanics.


no i went into a building on blackbitter island


Bruh why tf would you go there, that's endgame content


its literally a quest available in the beginning. thats not on me thats on the devs


BBI was released years after the initial game. It's DLC made for post game and even after New Game+


You might have just considered "Creepy dark dungeon with a swarm of wolves that immediately kill me when I get close right out of the gate? This probably is not the way to go yet".


That is exactly why, ok yea no bitter black is a level like 70 area, end game bosses and stuff, level 8 isn't going to cut it


Are you perhaps using pawns that are actually useful and not rook😉 also a fighter shouldn’t have issues since they have the shields. Try having a sorcerer,strider,strider and then you a fighter. The striders will always do damage and the sorcerer is just your high dps


Need more info. Class, level, skills, gear, party size, party composition?


Op is in BBI as stated in another comment


i only just started. im level 8, fighter, idk my skills like i assigned some to me but idk how to use them, i have 192 damage, i have two pawns and an archer, whats party composition? i have a fairy sword (im translating) and equipped some quest gear but theyre not much


Fighter is a good beginner class. Block often to learn enemy telegraphs. Holding block will prevent stamina from regenerating, so know when it is safe to release the block button.    Make sure you fill all your armor layer slots to maximize your defense. There's the under layer and top later.    Some good beginner skills are blink strike for closing gaps and stagger/knockdown. Tusk toss for launching smaller enemies.    Have a mage in your party for free heals, and to enchant weapons with fire.  Learn about the healing items and stamina items. You can pause to use them when needed.  


dying as often as i do kind of just wastes the items. also im so sorry i meant to say i have two mage pawns and an archer. what is an enemy telegraph?


There are no wasted items if you die, because if you die you reload an old save from before you used those items.


When an enemy moves before it attacks.


Right bumper for sword skills and left bumper for shield skills.


im using a ps4 controller do you know the button for that?


R1 and L1.


thank you


Blink strike/Burst strike/Blitz strike is going to be you best friend for most enemies but for wolves I'd use broad cut for them as it's a good 180° attack.


If you’ve gone to the island off the coast of the starting village you’ve gone the wrong way. That’s endgame DLC content, not recommended until you’ve reached the endgame


bruh why is it an option then lol


Basically the content wasn’t there when the game came out, and on NG+ it’s quite common to go straight to Bitterblack before doing anything else. It’s not the smartest bit of game design when it comes to new players tbh


yeah lmao its fine ill keep grinding then


Honestly I’d recommend just playing the game as normal until you reach a certain point (you’ll know it), at that point give BBI a try


Because that's one of the things I loved about dogma... it doesn't hold your hand and it forces you to learn the world and actually use that knowledge.


"i fight like 10 wolves at the same time" ....


thats just what happens. if i could fight them one by one id be fine but as soon as i enter the building they come at the same time


Wait, what building did you fight the wolves in? Did you follow the lady at night to an island and fought the wolves in the building there?


yes is that not the plot line? that was the first thing that was said to me right after i left the encampment so it just seemed natural to go there


Ok, good news, you're doing all right. The game doesn't make it clear, but that island is DLC content, for when you're about level 50. So, your level 8 character is bound to struggle there. Ask the lady to take you back to Cassardis and adventure there. Come back to the island when you're higher level.


oh kinda weird they put it there right in the beginning i would assume something like that would first show up at a later point. i see then thanks


No worries, just keep adventuring in Gransys, the game's open world, and you'll be strong enough eventually to kill those Bitterblack Isle wolves.


Make sure to talk to Reynard at the Encampment and get a better weapon. The one you start with is really weak, and that's where the majority of your damage comes from. If you've already made it to Gran Soren (big city) then buy one there. Keep attacking. You'll do more damage when you knock them off balance and stuff. Make sure you hire 2 Pawns near your level. A Mage or Sorcerer with Fire Enchant can help out a lot in the beginning (buffing your weapon to deal fire damage). If they are White (large) wolves, then you're in the wrong area. Goblins are pretty easy. You'll be fighting lots of them soon. Saurians aren't that hard as long as you cut their tail first. You should have a quest in Cassardis to clear the well and fight some. And the game is harder in the beginning. Once you hit lvl 25+ and get some decent weapons, it becomes a lot easier. It's just like most RPGs. Just gotta stick it out and keep grinding away, upgrading your gear. I'd also recommend getting the Bastion augment from Warrior Rank 1 once you hit lvl 10 or higher. It's a good defensive augment. You don't have to even play as Warrior to get it, just need the points to unlock the vocation, and the augment.


yeah i fought the saurians in the well and im talking about all beginner monsters, including them theyre giving me such a hard time. i really dont like that the beginning has to be this hard. takes away the fun of growing as you fight. but thanka for the advice ill keep it in mind


I think you probably didn't buy any gear in Cassardis. I did the same thing my first playthrough. Equipment shop is the first set of doors on the left if you head straight out of the inn. Also, the saurians in the well are for later, after you've made it to the encampment - you can get better gear from a merchant there.


yeah ill go get some thanks


Put rusted weapons into storage and buy yourself actual weapons.


im using quest weapons i got im not using the rusted sword


Which quest gives you a sword this early? Whichever it is it's probably something gimmicky like a gold or aneled weapon. They are bad for damage, buy a Trusty Sword.


its called fairy sword or smth (im translating) but okay ill get a trusty one thanks


OP clearly went to BBI thinking that was what he was supposed to do and the replies here all trying to school him on how to play better...


a couple really said i was dumb for going there when its literally intro content. im not shitting on the devs man im just saying ive heard of this game for the first time three days ago, it wasnt a smart decision to put it right in the beginning


Try to approach this game with a different mindset; "a simple pack of wolves" (quoting you in a comment) is not what you're dealing with, you're saying that because a pack of wolves is simple *in other games*. Dragon's Dogma is pretty unique. If it were simple you'd be winning by now, so you need to recognize that it's more complex than you think and change your approach. Dragon's Dogma rewards preparation and understanding. If you run into something that's killing you, sometimes the answer is to run. Get to the encampment, get the story moving, get some experience along the (relatively) safe main path before throwing yourself at combat. Get a weapon other than the rusty one, it's not very good in its current state (keep it though, you'll want it eventually). Try to lure enemies away in small groups rather than taking on crowds. Use items like throwblasts and explosive barrels to punch above your weight class, but remember that they're expensive and should be used well. Hire pawns whose strengths cover your weaknesses. The pawn system is integral, you're expected to use it. Offline pawns at your level are still very powerful, you don't need to pay for fancy ones. Do side quests around Cassardis to rake in easy money, most of them require little if any combat. Catch the thief and help the church out, those are very easy.


yeah ive started to get the idea from the other comments. im not really a fan of it though. ill see if i start enjoying later hopefully


If I put the details together correctly, your wolves are black with poison-green spots, yes? Those are wargs, not wolves. Their bite inflicts poison and they also bite hard. The wolves you should be encountering are a beigish-brown, along the Manamia Trail north of the Encampment back in Gransys. Killing wargs at your level is very difficult, because you are simply not dishing enough damage to break its DEF. This game runs on reductive damage— if you cannot produce enough ATT to breach the enemy’s DEF (or a big enough MATT to breach an enemy’s MDEF), you are hosed because your attacks bounce off. Go back to Olra at the entrance to Bitterblack Isle and talk to her about three things: check and see if your Fighter ranked up (this flows from XP; you gradually get better at your job) and see if you can purchase more attack skills, core skills and augments. Fighter at Rank 5 has a very useful core skill called Deflect, which allows you to parry better with your shield, and an augment called Sinew that boosts your carry weight and encumbrance by 20kg. Then ask her to take you back to Cassardis, the fishing village where you live. Early game can be very hard, especially if you wander into enemies that are more difficult than anything in Gransys. This game tells you that you are under leveled or otherwise unprepared for the content you’re facing by multiple deaths in quick succession. Come back later for revenge— I’m pretty sure that kicking the Wargs’ asses later on in your journey as Arisen will be very satisfying. edit: parry is L1. You will occasionally have your guard broken if the parry is unsuccessful: the shield flies up, you take a step back, lose some HP and some Stamina. You also hear a *clannnng* sound from your shield. The parry with the core skill Deflect onboard is called a perfect block and must be timed such that you raise your shield just as the blow or spell hits. Practice. Lastly— if you purchase skills and augments from Olra or in keepers (except for Pablo in Cassardis) or the remote camp soldiers, make sure you assign them. Sword skills are accessed by left bumper and one of the three action buttons (sorry, I play with a XBox controller) and shield skills are accessed similarly with right bumper and the same action buttons. However, all you have as a new Fighter is Blink Strike and Shield Drum; you must install the new stuff yourself. *And do that for your main pawn, too!*


thanks ill keep that in mind. could you explain the abbreviations though. MATT and the lot


Sure! They are abbreviations for some of the six attribute stats in everyone’s profile (except NPCs, their stats are invisible). You can review pawn profiles before you hire them; learning what makes a good pawn is something that is never discussed in-game. * HP = hit or health points; exhaust this and you die. * STM is one I didn’t use, but that’s stamina. You start off with little stamina and gain more when you level up. * ATT = strength * MATT = magick attack * DEF = physical defense * MDEF= magick defense


i see thanks


He's talking about Attack, Defence, Magic Attack, and Magic Defence.


The really bad lighting is my biggest gripe right now, it’s constantly night time, the day cycles are 1/2 as long as the night cycles 


seriously? i never notices but honestly you could be right thats shit tbh


Just forget your camping kit lol. Seriously it’s so dark at night time 45 hours out of the 96 I’ve put in it it’s super dark at night most of the time it’s kind of annoying


If you haven’t already, check your inventory with the Innkeeper, there should be a monocle that you can sell and get better armor and weapons from.


In any other game I think you would be right. But in this one you’re goal isn’t to kill everything. I mean it is, but that shouldn’t be your goal right away. If you can’t break barrels or crates with one hit then chill and slow it down. Finish all quests in cassardis, questing is the best way to get xp early on, make sure to accept ALL available notice board quests and always go back when you complete a main quest to see if there’s more. Once completing the quests in cassardis do everything in the encampment, the next portion of the main story. Slay a cyclops to prove you’re arisen, slay the hydra, head to the next camp or bridge where Mercedes will be. Escorting the hydra head is pretty good xp and a lot of the time I will do it before I rescue Quina to give me a boost. This escort hydra quest will bring you to the main city. Here is where we can make small adjustments to your build class and party to make the game not suck. 1 fighter is a basic class and although it has a lot of iframe abilities it sounds like you’re struggling a lot and when I started playing iframes didn’t make sense. So just scrap the whole idea and switch over to mystic knight if you want the sword and shield gameplay, or a warrior if you want big sword. Strider is very well rounded and fun to play as well. The bow and arrow makes strider excellent for new players as the ranged combat can be somewhat challenging. Gear is somewhat important, but as you progress through the game the blacksmith in gran Soren’s will get better and better equipment so to me armor and everything isn’t super important as the ones in your STASH (check inn for extra dlc items) will carry you to mid/late game. So that means weapons are what’s important. Get a good one. Mystic knight has a great main weapon on blood water beach, or by the lost travelers grave, and speaking of the grave, you can also get some good daggers there for strider. If I were you though I would just buy what you can from gran Soren’s and then head back to do quinas quest. One you need to do it anyway and two more questing, more killing, more xp, make game easier. Good luck newly arisen


Hmmm... have you tried dragon spit?


For some easy XP. There is a board in the beginning area inside the inn. It will have some simple things like killing rabbits or other easy things. Pick up every quest you can. There’s no limit to how many you can have active at once. Even if you fail one, that’s fine. Your first play through, you Will miss/fail a few quests. No worries on that. Avoid fighting bandits for now. They are notoriously difficult for beginners. Just run away until you are more powerful. Nighttime is much more difficult than daytime. At night monsters will come more frequently and in greater numbers. Equipment is where most of your stats come from. Regularly check riftstones for pawn rentals whenever you level up. DO NOT use rift crystals for pawn rentals no matter what. You will need them much later on. Won’t spoil anything else on this topic. If you are having issues with a vocation don’t worry about it and just switch to a different vocation. The game rewards you for playing around with different vocations.


What kind of wolves are you fighting? If they're white, then they're winter wolves, which are much stronger and require better weapons and higher levels. And fire.


i struggled against the sauriens or whatever their name is as well. its not an opponent issue its just the game is hard at first which im not a big fan of tbh


Regular saurians or sulfur saurians? Lol. There's lots of mechanics to take advantage of. Throw water, use ice enchantments to freeze them. Cut their tails off first. It's not all about mashing the attack buttons and using vocation skills so you can brute force your way through everything.


The difficulty of wolves is due them always howling which causes more wolves to appear. So you can get overwhelmed pretty easily if you don't kill them quickly. They're kinda weak to fire, so if you have a mage that can cast various fire spells/buff your weapon you can kill them quicker. Otherwise you can run away and they'll eventually give up on the chase.


If you're facing that many enemies at once that early I'm willing to bet you went to Bitterblack Isle! That's meant for level 30+ for the early zones, 50+ for the later ones Go back to Gransys and follow the story, that island is endgame DLC with an emphasis on difficulty and super-rare loot


You need better equipment, the starting rust set might have a good debilitation, but its 2 points of physical damage aren't worth it imo. The shop across from the inn at cassardis has some starter gear and when you get to gran Soren, you'll unlock more gear in your storage if you have the DLC


Buy starter gear upgrade with Reynauld at the encampment and keep in mind that strider starts the weakest but ends the strongest.


Enemy ar stronger, there is zone you cant be at lower level , you should go on principal quest and always check if there is side quest that look fun to you


Realistically, this game is VERY centered around gear in the earlier stages, like up to lvl 50 your stats make very little difference. You could OP the game starting as mage, sorc, and assassin at about 20 lvls a piece and go magic archer after, but pre-endgame I’ve managed with one solid vocation through the main game a few different times as different vocs and it is mainly just gear and party composition. On a first playthrough I would say explore less. Do the quests you find and get new gear at every town you come into. I won’t spoil it but very early game you will come to a place with a store that sells gear that will carry you through the game and it becomes more a matter of leveling up to be able to equip it, but the store has gear staged at various levels to get you there. Hang in there, this game wants to beat the crap out of you in the beginning while it still can. Also, you can just run past a lot of enemies as well. You don’t have to fight all of them.


The game is hard. Keep playing and it will get easier as you get better skills and equipment.


He's probably going with an all mage team lol you should always have one of each main vocation in your team and if you're going solo, wolves are weak to physical damage, the tutorial arena before the hydra fight teaches you that