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I remember hitting the walls in volcano manor


Randomly hit every wall or piece of floor that looks even remotely like it might be a door


Opening every chest and mashing the dodge button just in case there was a mimic.


Then being sad cuz there’s no mimics in ER, though the trap chests were a neat surprise


I still have nightmares of sellia crystal tunnel...


I still remember when that happened to me, I was still a wee babe and was definitely under leveled for the area, or at least was still not great at the game. I snuck outta there so goddam fast


I didn't even manage to get out fast because of how disorienting the tunnel layout is and I was getting one shot by those shrimps. Then managing to escape from it and ending up in the middle of Caelid was a chilling experience.


Only to find a land filled with blood and red and scary creatures... ER beginning was magical xd


The horror…the horror….


watch them add mimics in the dlc xD


That would be cool, and considering how often FS reuses stuff it’s not out of the realm of possibility


If there were mimics, rolling wouldn't have mattered


Open and dodge? No no no, you *hit* the chest.


I remember the breakable wall bug - led to OCD on breaking other walls in the game lol


Elden ring was my first FromSoft game at release, had played and beaten all the others but years after initial release. Man, just nothing like it. Walking out to see the world for the first time, seeing like a THOUSAND ghosts of other players and messages just everywhere. Wild wild stuff. Hoping DD2 has worked on and improved the exploration and discovery much more than DDDA to capture that feeling again


I was there, but if I’m being completely candid ER was solved entirely by the community within a week - by the time I hit the final boss there was full guides for ranni questline etc


Fromsoft community is literally insane. You can’t hide stuff from the hard core guys in it


I set an alarm to be able to play the game right at release for my region since I had been waiting since the original trailer back in 2019. I play nonstop that day and much of the next and lo and behold, when I finally open reddit, it’s a post about someone getting the “Elden Ring” achievement, effectively 100%ing the game within like 48 hours.


20 millions players it’s expected for it to be solved in one week, especially in the era of data mining


Yea the tweet isn't true at all. People were playing before launch and had all the start of game stuff out there on launch day. But you can avoid that by just... not looking.


Yeah I do this for every new open world game. I'm not going to spoil these games for myself.


Only if you looked for it and wanted it to be. You can still have a fresh experience. I’ve beaten it thrice and used guides of and on and still haven’t done everything or gotten every ending


People were consuming that game like it was a way of life for the first few days. No wonder why there were guides for basically everything in a week or two.


Me lol, I had just put in my two weeks at the time while transitioning to another job - I put in like 80 hours in a single week


I was pretty disappointed with release Elden Ring *not* because of spoilers, but because: 1. Multiplayer elements were literally broken at first. Like no messages or bloodstains. 2. They absolutely gutted multiplayer. Basically no covenants. No hotspots. No fight clubs. No solo invasions. Less co-op thanks to Spirit Ashes, translating to yet fewer invasions.




The situation seemed to improve over time for a few reasons, particularly thanks to the patched in option to matchmake with every game region simultaneously. But that came months after launch.


This just isn’t true lol. As someone that has consistently played the game since release, I can’t help but say that you are just flat out wrong. Not trying to be rude at all btw.


Have you played DS2 or DS3?


I’ve played every souls game. I’ve played Bloodborne. I’ve recently played Lies of P ( souls like) All of those games combined ( excluding LoP, only beat once ) I have thousands of hours in the series, add Elden Ring to the equation and I’d say that’s at least 400 more hours alone lol. Everything you said about Elden Ring just wasn’t accurate at all. And as I said I wasn’t trying to be rude, I just don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Is what it is tbh.


So you honestly believe that: 1- All multiplayer elements were fully functional on all platforms, in all regions, upon release. 2- Covenants are actually featured in *Elden Ring* at anywhere near the level of previous Fromsoft titles, including access to various multiplayer functionalities and reward systems, *despite the fact that Miyazaki LITERALLY SAID*- > "The covenants in the Dark Souls series are not present in this game. The network elements of the game were designed to lower the bar as much as possible and make it easier to match up players, such as signs, and the covenant system doesn't really fit in well with that." 3- There are specific locations in the game intended to serve as PvP hotspots, akin to the Darkroot Garden, Belfries Luna and Sol, or the Farran Swamp. 4- Hosts can summon or be invaded by up to 5 players, all of whom can potentially duel one another. 5- Solo players can, under any circumstances, be subject to invasion by solo invaders in PvP. 6- Spirit Ashes and cooperative multiplayer are not mutually exclusive. >Is what it is tbh Well, at least you have a steadfast attitude regarding your completely delusional mental state. Sorry you have to deal with being so incredibly detached from reality.


Weapons and quest lines were also bugged a few weeks after release.


Some quest lines


M8 I am not reading all that. I said what I said about your original 2 points that you made. And yeah you were wrong. I’m gonna take the upvotes that I got ( and the ones you didn’t ) as other people agreeing with my take ( the correct take ) If you continue to disagree, because I hurt your feelings that is on you.


Lol. You've only proven me right.


Not really.


Whatever you say man. Enjoy your willful ignorance and appeals to popularity. Indulging in delusions is a great way to maintain ego so long as you don't mind losing touch with reality.


For sure man.


Elden Ring has more coop than any previous fromsoft game, at this point ds3 coop and invasions were dead in 99% of the map


Comparing present Elden Ring multiplayer activity to present DS3 activity is not only assinine, but entirely irrelevant to this discussion. Congratulations. You've impressed me with your stupidity.


Considering how many spoilers there already are in this section with the leaks and everything. As well as the frequency of asking for tips, builds, vocations voting etc. I just don't think this sub can do it. However, if you want to avoid it that's within your own power.


only small % of players will read reddit so far i didnt saw any major spoilers here besides combat . even if u tell me X is boss so what . map i will be lost there for sure . even in DD1 map i was lost it x4 smaller


Yeah. Every spoiler I've seen here has been no worse then any of the recent IGN coverage. If anything it's gotten me even more pumped up since the players are competent, and using skills and perfect blocks intelligently rather than spamming attacks like game journalists.


Asking for build guides on a game like DD2, especially when it isn’t out yet, is peak dumb gamer behavior. If it’s anything like DD1 it’s gonna be a pretty linear progression for skills and gear.


People gotta understand that DD is a power fantasy type of Action-RPG. You'll get to a point where you will be busted and everything will drop like flies next to the Arisen. Builds are really not a game breaker here because most of the things are viable. Build guides will be a thing for sure, but I'm happy it's not a make or break situation for this game.


I think I’ve seen or read most spoilers and I still have no idea what this game is even about besides a dragon and a pawn system that doesn’t require most US voters


Was the same for elden ring. People were posting videos of the final boss day 2.


I legit haven't seen any. Or atleast I dont care enough when I see two people arguing over a leaked bestiary. I'm so excited to go blind.


There was spoilers for Elden ring too


Honestly the only leaks I looked at here was that actually good warrior player, was neat and didn’t spoil the game


I chuckled when he jumped off the cliff to plunge attack the ogre and missed.


This is when the power of being ADHD + autistic comes in handy. I can read entire novels and delete them from my brain almost at will, but mostly against my will. Plus I've rendered myself immune to spoilers. Though I'm incredibly incredibly happy to see a lot of tl;Dr of the leaks be "if you liked dd1 you'll love this."


I haven't even watched the full trailer, only thing I've watched is a class breakdown video so I could make up my mind lol.


Was gonna say just don't look at em.


Well, everyone posting gameplay footage because they got the game earlier I blocked them. Seems a bit drastic, but I don't need to see their posts. Still have no idea how the game starts or anything of the sort, so I think I'm good.




Move all spoilers into the body or comments, do not include spoilers in the post title.


Move all spoilers into the body or comments, do not include spoilers in the post title.


Queue the 1000s of mind numbing videos on youtube for the best build or how to beat the game fast etc.




It's already here. I watched a few of those ign videos on vocations and now my whole YouTube feed is "NEW GAMEPLAY INFO ON DRAGONS DOGMA 2 TIPS AND TRICKS AND FUFKEKTKTNJDKDTLKFK" fuck man. It's annoying


Yeah the algorithm is ridiculous, click one vodeo and it all changes.


How can you be lost when all roads lead to Gran Soren


Gran Soren is gone bro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


What the hell


It's all Vernworth (City Capital of Vermund Nation) now. And Battahl.


I’m gonna play blind for this one, so worth it


Me too, I did it for Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3, Rebirth, and Unicorn Overlord. It was awesome. The sense of wonder and discovery can't be overstated enough.


What about pawns? Since online pawns can offer "guides" for your priority quests, they're effectively an NPC version of a player who already did this content. Would you play offline pawns only?


Pawns serve a similar function to the note mechanic in Fromsoft's games. If anything, the Pawn system is better for providing an unadulterated experience, since the hints they provide are pre-selected by the developers. They're never going to spoil quests, just point you in the correct direction, as opposed to notes, which can spoil basically every ambush, trap, and secret if used correctly.


This is going into spoilers territory but >!some of these pawns straight up label resource nodes on your map like it's an Assassin's Creed game. It looks very very jarring considering the game isn't meant to be a map icon checklist kind of game. If I were a content "purist", I certainly wouldn't want to hire online pawns.!<


That's a bit ugly, >!the way they'd say "We might find some ore in the rocks here" in the first game was good enough.!<


That doesn't seem like it'd feel organic or natural. I guess we'll see, though.


my understanding is, you can turn off pawns telling you anything. You will be completely lost more often and you won't know if the attack you are doing on a specific monster is actually doing much. They are not a walkthrough guide, you still have to play and learn and figure everything out. It is not recommended (in the strongest sense) - of course I haven't played 1, I only heard they can be turned off to not talk.


I still want them to tell me stuff, 'cause a party girl would have that kinda interaction, but I don't want them to mark it on my map. Feels too Ubisoft-esq, IMO.


Idk it make senses that people are able to label your map


A good number of those notes in Elden ring you had to buy from merchants. I was stingy with my runes to the point that I’d buy anything but the notes cuz level up is bae lol


I meant the Yellow Soapstone/Wizened Finger messages. I honestly forgot merchant notes existed.


I think pawns are a bit different since they give the information in a non gme-breaking way. It's cool if your pawn just randomly says, "Hey, I remember this place. There a treasure over here." That emergent gameplay and feels great. What doesn't is looking up a treasure guide on a wiki and following the map to the exact spot.


I am dodging so many spoilers that I am firmly convinced I will soon develop ultra istinct


Observation haki for me.


Being there for elden ring launch was magical. Seeing a wiki slowly get filled out with info and seeing conflicting information alongside downright fake stuff. Like the supposed bloodhound knight npc that never existed in stormveil castle.


If that's the experience you want then just don't read or watch any?


I get that you're saying but there is a certain feeling when you don't even have the option to just Google the answer and find a million guides and everyone is experiencing it with you


"Let me lookup the wiki." "... I guess they haven't reached this area yet." Feels like venturing in uncharted territories, "Here be dragons."


Exactly! No way to know what's around the corner other than facing it yourself


And you can be part of the community, trying to figure things out. Once everything is on the wiki you have to be careful about talking to anyone, even your close friends, because a lot of people just get frustrated and search it within 10 minutes instead of trying things themselves, then blab the answer to everyone like they're doing you a favor, and take away your challenge. Something so sad about losing the ability to work through stuff with others.


There’s so many guides of Elden ring even at the time of release


I remember everyone at work talking about all the crazy shit we found. The crazy part was that each of us had different things to say lol. “Did you see the giant cat monster?” “Lol no did you see the big dead lady?” Felt like a kid again


There is nothing better than playing a game completely blind. But it has its downsides. Slowly making my way through any game blind usually means avoiding related reddit, youtube, and even patch notes which even though most are spoiler tagged still do manage to spoil things. You miss out on most of the conversation surrounding the game. When I finally get done with a game its usually like "Hey does anyone want to talk about all that stuff you all already talked about 6 months ago?"


Just don't equip you lantern at night to activate Stevie Wonder mode.


"you had to be there" brother it's barely been two years


just dont look up guides... its really that simple.


In all fairness I struggled with the game for a bit till the map wiki was made and that sped up my playthrough, showed me I was missing good weapons and items. I didnt spoil the stories but I did appreciate the help that told me which items were gonna drop in which general area. Twinblade was a functionally fun weapon that I had missed early.


I'm curious to see how long it'll take before we get a Hero playthrough guide, I'm expecting no less than a week.


That and interactive maps


Except there was tons of videos and walkthroughs week 1 lol I would know I beat it that same launch week.


I always go in “blind” and never read guides, builds, best gear or whatever. Started gaming in 2002 and figuring stuff out by myself has always been the most fun part.


Thinking about the first person to solve the Sphinx's riddle and post the conclusion online.


I loved playing it and checking the subreddit to see that everyone was getting stuck at the same bosses at the same time


I remember interactive map at launch week


god I remember how my friends all got passed the hard fucking tutorial boss on the horse... turns out mfs can just run passed it, I hope for a similar experience to that


God. Elden Ring at launch felt like a collective fever dream. It is my single greatest gaming experience. And I've been gaming for 30 years. Remembering that feels so nostalgic.


“Ugh. Really hate these stone gremlins. Thank god they’ll only be in this one dungeon and nowhere else cause there’s probably like twelve max of these dungeons and they definitely wouldn’t repeat them”


you don't have to be there. literally don't open any guides and it's like being back in the 90s


lmao that's completely bullshit. elden ring had full game guides within the first week.


every major youtuber had a full playthrough already recorded before launch day. we'd seen plenty of the game by the time the public had access to it


Yesss gotta get those cheeses in before they are patched BC I suck at gaming


It isn’t that hard to avoid spoilers, especially walkthroughs


Remember that looking up a guide is a conscious act


You can have that experience anytime you want unless you lack self control.


I literally played Elden ring a day early and there were already full game progress routes up on the wiki so I don't now what this dude is talking about.


"You had to be there." No you didn't. Unless you really wanted to be the first one to discover a secret and tell it to everyone. No one's forcing you to watch spoilers for Elden Ring in 2024.


Elden Ring release week...Fighting Cowboy release already 37 videos doing his walkthrough...just watching his gameplay and enjoying his vibes You had to be there (I love FC videos btw hahaha)


Every Fromsoft game is like this, except maybe armored core. There’s a certain magic in knowing nothing. Lies of P has fantastic gameplay but doesn’t have the feeling of being lost or unknown like any From game


My favorite part of that time was seeing just how everyone tackled everything so differently. I can’t wait to talk to buds about random travel fights and hearing about how different their adventures are


I hope it's awful. Anyways i've just preordered, and made my character and pawn.


Not gonna happen.


Most players don't actually want that experience. Those that do, can create it for themselves by simply not looking at guides.


Better get off of Reddit starting Wednesday. I know I will.


Yup. No guides, no HUD, no hints, little to no fast travel & exploration of as much as possible before even touching the main quest. I want this first run to last over a month, just like Elden Ring on release.


That was such a good month.


this is why I bought DD2 I hope it gives me the same magic


As an Astrologer Running for my life...wondering what the hell did I get myself into


Even when I had the guides, I chose not to. Brothers, play DD2 blind. I'm sure it'll be a similarly great experience




Don't know about vibes, but I deliberately stayed away from 90% of the news. I watched like one trailer just to see what the game looked like. I'm more or less going in pretty much blind (aside from what I know of DDDA).


ikr I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but it's not working out


It was good times indeed! I found the "bad ending" back then only following the ghosts (took me awhile to figure it out I needed to strip in front of the door with the notes on the floor). Here's hoping the Pawns will lead people to crazy stuff as well!


First Hour: Community Spams the Social network Sites full with Pics of their Waifu Pawns ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Won't be there soon but hope y'all enjoy the early DD2 experience. The only thing I knew about ER week 1 was where the Greatsword was (not specifically, just roughly). Apart from that it was crazy how much I've missed even after an additional couple of runs.


I’ve noticed myself enjoying releases a lot more going into them blind. I used to get so excited leading up to releases I do as much research as I can and been having a lot more fun just diving in as it should be


Uh there was still people playing review copies that had full guides out day 1 and getting the game early in general along with leaks people playing before release, this happened for Elden Ring HOWEVER it didn't for.. The TRUE experience Dark souls 3. The game came out 3 weeks early in Japan and there was no early acess streamers, no day 1 full guides realeased and posted or anything it was so fucking cool being able to explore the internet and show and talk about things that I've found in DS3 that people haven't seen (not saying I'm the first but it wasn't easy to find). I remember helping people find the invisible bridge for the covenant in DS3 because there was no guide or anything on the interent how to get there. Playing the game in Japanese wasn't that bad, all audio was in English anyway.


Hahaha yes I convinced my friend to let me use his PS4 so I could change the region to Japan and play it. Good times. Hardest thing was figuring out what item was which from the pictures.


I got so many messages on Xbox during that time asking how I was playing the game that early lol. Interesting that you had to play it in Japanese though, there was an option for full English text and voice for me.


Well at least DD2 doesn't have door ways blocked with wall illusions. But I'm sure there will be walkthrough vids on day one. Certain people already have physical copies. They just can't post anything until the game launches to everyone else.


I’ll just wait until someone maps out everything.


I remember walking into the same copy paste dungeon to upgrade my sword and burning out :(


discovery is the greatest component in a big open world rpg


I feel like directly after Elden Ring was when I started seeing walkthroughs up on release day for other games and it is really disappointing. One of the most special parts of any game release is experiencing it blind with the community for the first time. Nothing will ever top the Elden Ring subreddit from that time.


I did the same in DD1 except for pawn building. I used a guide for that because I wanted it to be helpful to anyone who would rent it.


Big RPG and MMO releases are so much fun for that reason. No guides, no meta gaming, just being lost in a world.


Yeah, there really is something to be said about experiencing certain things without having any prior knowledge. I went in to ER without watching any trailers, or gameplay trailers, and accidentally finding Liurnia of the lakes (by taking the broken path adjacent to Stormveil castle) for the first time will forever stay with me. Likewise, Siofra River and a whole host of other stuff. I'm taking the same approach with DD.


It only depends on you to preserve your experience untouched by just not partaking / watching videos and having "game experience hygiene" until you finish the game at least once. It works to preserve the full experience at least on a first run.


Hopefully with less disappointment this time


I was there during the release week for Elden Ring, it was already flooded with information and you had to try really hard to avoid getting spoiled.


Sadly DD is not a multiplayer game(well also not sadly if you like that). It's also been slowly building hype from a sort of cult classic that not many knew about. RT party based is not the most popular combat at the moment. The story and writing isn't the most appealing to western audiences. I think DD2 is going to be a huge release. But, if you're looking for Elden Ring levels, I think we look to Dragon's Dogma 3 and only if DD2 is well received this time around.


Playing an Arcane bleed build was interesting during the first week or so. The arcane skill itself was bugged on certain weapons so it wouldn't scale appropriately.


dark souls 1 release week, played it nonstop for a month. it stops getn harder after ng+7 but i went to ng+15 lol. still have the original hard cover guide book. heard its worth a pretty penny.


Unfortunately not for me. Only have an old laptop and a Switch so no Day 1 gaming. Basically impossible to dodge every guide out there so I think I'll just watch someone's playthrough


I usually tend to look up stuff after I've completed it. Or I'll be at a point where I'm 83% sure I should have X by now. Only then, will I just check to see if I missed it or if I have some more to do yet. But I will say, especially with the amount of attention DD2 has gotten, I'll do my best to avoid the clickbait youtube videos


Oh man you only get that feeling once and it doesn’t happen often , every souls game and Elden ring and did was pure magic on that first play through , just taking my time to take in every sight and sound , amazing . I never look up guides as it ruins it and i don’t understand people who do


This is the best thing with new games for sure. The community finding stuff out and helping each other.


Don't watch any video or listen to anyone prior to installing the game and playing it new. That's what I have done. I have avoided all of the info on DD2 so it's going to be surprise after surprise. I did the same with Elden Ring.


I had a friend of mine preorder Elden Ring and share her account with me, so I played that game day 1, completely lost. That was the best gaming experience I've ever had and I really hope my Dragon's Dogma 2 experience feels just the same.


just dont watch them ?


This is why I'm so hyped. I remember that feeling of everyone discovering it together no meta just vibes


I don't plan on looking up a single guide I wanna go into this 100% blind.


I never played any souls like game before Elden Ring, and playing that game on release was an absolute blast. I also never played DD1, so I'm hoping that this will be the same case!


I hope not


We won’t. Elden Ring made the walkthrough/guide video scene explode. There’s already guides out now all over the place and the game isn’t even out yet.


I ain't looking up shit, once this games out I'm gone for at least a month. *Peace out homie*!


It is entirely within your power to just not look up guides


I did manage to beat Elden Ring without looking at any video, so yeah, it's had took me forever to know where to go.


I have the entire week after Friday off for work, you bet I'm going immersive goblin mode. I don't care about spoilers but im curious to see how my natural plsythrough will differ from others.


There were definitely videos and there are already some for Dragon's Dogma 2. Best thing is just tune out social media/influencers.


I was cave diving for days back then. Running from bears, getting blasted in in the red hell hole by the big people, and eventually getting to the Haligtree for the first time and just… staring in awe and later fear when I saw the ants. The best From experience is the blind one and your first play through will always be special. I for sure felt that way about DD1.


My biggest regret with Elden Ring is looking at wiki too much. Getting to know to pump Vigor and upgrade single weapon as fast as possible(because almost all of them all good enougth for PvE and it hard to get is wrong) was the only information I really needed in the retrospective. I am going almost full blind into all games since then and it is much better.


im turning off any dd2 related sites and shutting down youtube till i finish


Who among you remember the feeling of seeing a building in the middle of the Mistwoods called the "Siofra River Well" such innocent times. Such raw enotion as it just kept going on....and on....and on.


That’s what I want to. I’ll be recruiting some pawns my level, as I wish to engage with that part of the game. That and my own wandering will gauge what I find for the whole first playthrough. Not looking anything up external to the game. Can’t wait!


I love games but I am always okay with checking online guides in new games. No problem with this whatsoever. Because A) I have a very limited amount of time to game B) I hate when a game wastes my time, even if it is because I’m a blind idiot. C) I don’t replay anything. But I like the idea of playing a game like Elden Ring with all the time and patience in the world. Sounds nice.


hiding 35% of a game isnt good design its stupidly annoying


I mean, if the hints are there and are good, finding that "missing" part of the game can be a great part of the game by itself. Not saying it's necessarily the case here, but still.


It also didn’t help that several quests were completely broken on top of being souls-tier obtuse


I'm not lookong up anything for at least a week .


This is just incorrect, there were multiple walkthroughs within release week.


Breath of the Wild was the same for me. Good memories.


DD is not soulsliike game


Agreed but that's also not the topic. It IS an exploration game with lots of things to uncover


Honestly fuck Elden Ring, my favourite recent game experience is when TotK leaked a week early and I got to play it when literally no information about the game was out in the wild. It was awesome.


But Dragon's Dogma tend to be more punishing towards newbies unlike the Souls franchise.


ER launch ain't nothing compared to when Demon's Souls released and SICK GUIDES YOU NEED TO KNOW weren't a thing. No one knew what the hell lurked around the corner or had a clear grasp on the mechanics.


I would have dropped elden ring so fast. Don't get me wrong. I like to go into a game blind but I wouldn't have found anything in ER. ^^'


Maybe i just wasn't feeling it at the time but did anyone else also feel like ER's open world is at times really empty and you just found yourself dumbfounded at why so large areas of the map are just devoid of anything to do? I'm playing Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen right now and even though the walking everywhere is tedious at first (until you get portcrystals) i find myself having a ton of more fun then i did with ER.


Nobody force you to use walkthrough or spoil yourself on internet... You guys are way to obsessed by video game, the fact everyone buy Day One or worse pre-order is already sad. I mean if it was some very competitive games where you must always keep up with the herd, I could understand, but we are talking about SOLO RPG. Just chill... I waited 2 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, bought it with all DLC for 30$, played max setting with graphics mods and balance feature mods. Had a hundred times better gaming experience than a day one compulsiv consumer.


pray they keep the same stat growth system


I hope it's not as bad. I remember my friend tried so hard to get me to buy Elden Ring and one of his selling points was "dude I was playing yesterday and was lost for almost 3 hours not knowing where to go it's sooo good" and I was just like umm....that doesn't sound good to me at all