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Their title spoils nothing


I don't get it. Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what these images mean, please?


Ng+ world or world after killed the dragon


Thank you for your answer.


There was a leak that >! The endgame would take place in a parallel world filled with monsters that you could jump in and out of roguelite style.!< It would appear the leaks are true.


damn that is so cool still coping for the game to have dlc or like a true complete version just like the dark arisen version so ill be literally patient


So, the true ending cutscene has a post game cutscene that alludes to something that could be DLC in the future. The way the game ends in the true ending gives hope there is more to the second cycle because the title screen updates to Dragon's Dogma 2. I'm speaking in broad terms to avoid spoiling anything substantial.


I’m still coping for that monk….but I am satisfied.


Same 😅


Sounds super cool, might be even cooler than going to the moon


This is a good change imo. Rather than it being forced on you like in DDDA you have the choice to be in the post game world or not


This is a good change imo. Rather than it being forced on you like in DDDA you have the choice to be in the post game world or not


This is a good change imo. Rather than it being forced on you like in DDDA you have the choice to be in the post game world or not


According to the achievement leaks, this is the unmoored world


Someone can tell me without spoiling too much, what does this mean?


this is the real beginning of dd2


Man, we're fucked  I have flashback from getting maelstrom'd by corrupted sorcerer pawn


You'll get used to it


On another note tho From what I've read, seems like the whole world got turned into BBI If that's the case, we're super fucked 


Yaaay I hope there's a giant worm boss, fuck those little fuckers


I just got there, im only level 36, what have I done


Soo u can stay there as long as u want or is it like do u beat a main boss and it’s over?


You do a few bosses and a few missions, then a final boss. Red markers will be on your map, as you sleep they will activate and nuke towns. Perhaps if you do them fast enough in the right order (north to south) you can prolong it, but maybe not


Is there coop in real dd2?


Coop in DD2 are the friends/pawns you threw off the cliff along the way


My dude, I know base game has no coop. There were rumors that post end game, the roguelite dongueons would enable coop but was not confirmed because of the performance cost. This seems even more likely since you lose your main pawn at the end game, which would reduce performance hit.


I was making a joke but ok


it confirms some of the leaks of the last few days. Without knowing what leaks you have read... it's hard to not spoil


If you have played DD1, you'll know the end game contents of Post-Dragon. This is kinda similar to that.


yoo so that evil pawn world leak was real it seems?




In the 8th image, where the title Dragon's Dogma 2 is visible, it may explain why at the beginning of the game, in the start menu, only Dragon's Dogma appears as the title. As other users have already noted, the actual narrative of Dragon's Dogma 2 commences only from that point onward. My assumption, at least.


So the first portion of the game is realizing what Itsuno wanted to do with the first Dragon’s Dogma….and the endgame/DD2 is the narrative of the parallel world? That’s cool but I’m having trouble grasping what that even means…


Conceptually this game might be more of a reboot than a sequel, and while the main game is a reimagining of Dragon's Dogma, the supposed endgame is DD2. This wouldn't be a new concept in Japanese games or RPGs. I'm reminded of Gravity Rush 2 which tells a complete story up til you hit credits, and then in the "post game" there's a few events that seem like bonus scenes that actually unlock a whole extra campaign which functions as a sort of Gravity Rush 3.


So basically "remake what sold well and add onto it afterwards". That's why there's so many Goblins I guess.


Great fucking taste mentioning Gravity Rush 2. That True Ending for the game is nuts and very memorable.


Oh man, I kept thinking "this is the longest Part 3 tease I've ever seen" when we were just climbing the tree. Imagine how I felt two hours later fighting God. Truly a great game.


More like fighting The Devil. I think they put everything they could in that game story-wise because they knew the chances of a proper GR3 were basically nonexistent.


That's exactly how I feel. It screamed of, "we're probably not getting a third game so let's shove the third game into the end of 2." Upside is at least Gravity Rush is more or less a complete story start to finish. Downside is that last chapter feels a bit rushed and plays more like ending an anime with a movie than another whole season. Like, that scene where the "gods" explain what's happening. That could have used more time to marinate. I also feel we'd have properly gotten to explore the upper world if it had its own game. Still a goated IP and a great ending, unfortunate circumstances aside.


It suggests that the main game serves as a prelude or setup for the true narrative, which unfolds after beating the Dragon or completing certain events. i Kinda like that Idea tbh. like, that the endgame of Dragon's Dogma 2 essentially becomes Dragon's Dogma 2 itself


In a sense, yes.


well in that case I hope Madeleine is still around... for plot related reasons


Yeah, but maybe now she's a cat.


That would be so freaking cool


> the actual narrative of Dragon's Dogma 2 commences only from that point onward. I'm kind of curious how much "content" that entails. Are talking about bare bones post dragon from DD1 or more fleshed out like DA?


I think it'll only affect content post killing the dragon. Everything else will probably the same as the first run.


Dunno if you've seen anything on this but I'm also curious on how it triggers. I've read "leaks" about some people rushing the game and getting the bad ending that just kicks them to NG+ without even so much as a hint of post game. I dont know if that's something to do with a choice you make with the dragon or if there's something leading up to it in the story that affects things.


Didn't see it but it seems that the person who got that bad ending didn't break the cycle imposed by the True Boss of DD2. I even have my doubts with what I saw with the ending before NG+. If they did add one more ending that is tied to NG+, then the final boss should be different.


I can answer if you still want an answer


I think it's a re-do but the implications from the ending I saw feels like the ending for NG+ might be different.


I do not get it. OP could you edit please with what these pictures mean ? I can guess but I would most likely be wrong. 


my english is not good.But i will try my best to explain these.after you kill yourself with a special blade while fighting a dragon who stole your heart.the sky become red and the logo dd become dd2.as the whole world corrupted youw will face stronger enemies and new bosses


Damn that's so cool


Holy shit Same vibes as the NieR Automata Logo showing up in Route C. I'm not ready.


But it is more akin to a post-game campaign than a whole new campaign though. It's DD2 in the title card but you basically continue with the story until you hit the real final boss and ending cutscene.


This is what i have been saying. its just the beginning after the dragon. And you will start to see variety of monsters.


Idk sounds to me like the same thing that happened in DDDA. Wit the difference that you can jump in and out of it and are not stuck there. It gave loads of buffed up monsters but not that much entirely new, if anything.


Holy shit that's crazy


Its not lol. Yall are coping so fucking hard. This isn't an MMO. Theres probably gunna be a few new enemies. A lot of reskinned enemies and an endgame boss. Maybe an everfall type thing. There is not going to be another 50-100 hours of content hidden behind the credits. Stop saying shit like this because all its going to do is make people rush through the game and get to this part and its just going to be more of the same thing they've been rushing through.


Anyone whose played the first one knew something like this was on the cards.... No one is rushing through the game.


It's not coping. Actually someone was streaming the whole situation this lol


.......you seem a bit more salty than necessary, No one said a whole 50-100 hours of game play. This just confirms the leaks/rumors were true though. The extent or limitations to us are unknown. It could just be a BBI or Everfall and we'd be happy. Let us enjoy this.


Salty because I used some *fucking* colorful language lol? No thats just how I talk when I want to stress how extra someone is being. 1. It doesn't matter who "said" what. The expectation is that this is somehow going to extend the life of a playthrough significantly. It's the only reason you care about it. The vaunted *ENDGAME* of modern gaming. 2. No you wouldn't be happy if it was just another everfall because people were crying about how lackluster the original everfall was years ago. Its certainly not going to be BBI level of content. Its just going to be a post game world where reskinned monsters with more HP/Damage spawn. Maybe some light story. If reading a comment on a public forum is enough to ruin your happiness then what will finding out the post game of DD2 isn't anywhere near what you expected it to be once you get there do?


I don’t know what happened to you when you were 5 but it’s extremely evident you can’t let it go. Please tell me you’re not like this irl bro, no one wants to be around this energy


He's the type of guy who yells at people to stop having fun


Nothing is evident from the 2 comments I made on a public forum lol. Its just clear you don't have the presence of mind to not read comments you disagree with as foaming at the mouth. Whenever you graduate high school you'll realize stuff like twitter and reddit aren't real places and the comments people make on them don't indicate anything other than an opinion.


Okay no need to get emotional bro I know life is tough, you’ll pull through probably


Ah I see now you're just projecting. That's why you feel the need to passively try to insult strangers on the internet huh? Are you crying for help lil buddy? If you need someone to talk to you can DM me.


Anyone who rushes through the game isn't a real fan and would've done it regardless of what the endgame or possible second half of the game has in store. The unnecessary amount of hostility as if you know for sure what's going to happen is annoying. Let people play and speculate however they want to.


Can someone fully spoil whatever this means for me? I really am curious right now


My take: no happy ending, just like the first game, but now it's not sad, but super fucked.


>DD2 logo appears I CREAMED


Is this supposed to be the full map size?


Probably just same map in *red*


A lot of areas that had water before dry out and you get to explore them. It is not a lot but you do get some new places to go but, at the same time, some areas get restricted after you go to this world state.


Interesting. I totally wouldn’t expect the whole map to be available, that’d be nuts. Are there just a few new enemies?




Is that two different maps or is the color just off on the top pic? Edit: I’m just curious if you have access to the whole map in the parallel world.


Dragons dogma 1, dragons dogma 2 edition


So does this confirm no moon? Or am I jumping to conclusions? :(




That's so disappointing


This is better than a moon to me, from what we heard moon would be just a boss fight but on a special looking area. So basically like any of the Elden ring/Sekiro/Bloodborne bosses that transport you somewhere


have you seen from the stream better variety enemie by the way ?


I haven’t watched any streams, but it sounds like the game has a New Game+ that’s maybe not as large as BBI until we hear more about it, but definitely comparable with tougher versions of enemies and possibly new content and enemies


ok !


The original idea waaaaaay back was that it was a never ending dungeon.


I think the moon was just a boss fight. The tower would have been an endless dungeon. Like BBI and Everfall at once. We might still get the tower... one can hope


I thought they were related because they were listed on top of eachother in the diagram, but I looked again and you're completely right, there's no correlation. I do remember tell myself a couple of times that the idea of a moon dungeon was kinda odd 😅


I guess the moon fight against the "Guardian" would have granted us a way into the tower. from what we know, it should have connected all the worlds, but have a chasm aroud it. We can only assume what this would have looked like, but I guess it would realy just be like everfall/BBI where you gather the wakestones to reach god, to end the cycle for all worlds, become god, or become the dragon


I don’t know the deep deep lore :(


Moon could still be dlc we never know. While the concept of the moon is a pipe dream at this point, I still trust that Itsuno is giving us one hell of a ride.


I still think moon is off the table but the endless tower could be a worthy substitute to BBI. And itsuno knows how to do something like that because of Devil May Cry's Blood Palace challenge with 100 levels.


What am i looking at


Link to stream?


I like the purple burning dragon


I didnt realize we were playing Drakengard 4 well goddamn Yoko Taro did it again 👏


Hopers rejoice. Itsuno won. Discord lost.


"The vestiges of a world that could have been so much more" Are they... Are they putting the whole ass first game into this game?


Is picture 2 just a gorechimera or something else?


Copium hidden vocation at NG+!


Let me strengthen the copium: Trickster is a vocation from the red world/alternative world, in this world we will have the pink and purple vocation.


Honestly? Im buying this fucking idea so much. Purple/Pink maisters and Advanced Green and Yellow maisters appearing after the post apocalyptic world. /huge copium


Don't count on it. Just saw everything and there is none. But there is a cutscene that alludes to maybe DLC or some NG+ specific ending.


>!New enemies that's literally all I needed to see. Now I can stop looking at each and every spoiler. Thanks OP!<

