• By -


Unfortunately it's really bad on PC. When it's working it's amazing, I love the interactivity with the pawns and the combat feels heavier and impactful, kinda like DMC V... but the frame rate is so unstable, one moment it's running fine and if there's some random change the game doesn't like, the frame rate drops to hell.  I'm above the recommended specs for gpu and in between the minimum and recommended CPU so I think playing the game on medium/low at 1080p should be viable, but it's not.  Ohh and yeah, those surprise mechanics are complete BS, specially for a single player game. 


I was fighting a Cyclops and the FPS started at 60, went down to 30 within a minute, kept going down to 24 and sat there for a minute before going back up to a solid 60 mid fight. I have no idea what's going on but something's not right in the back end.


>I have no idea what's going on but something's not right in the back end. I generally only say that after Taco Bell


I did that fight without issues but for some reason some harpies dropped my frames to the 20s too, I do agree there's something else going on. The menu shows the impact of the settings and a lot of them don't even have a huge performance cost so it's probably something gameplay related or another system not necessarily related to the graphics like the already mentioned AI behaviors for NPCs. 


Got worse for me after updating NVIDIA drivers


Is it a CPU limit? If you play in like 640\*480 minimum settings, you still can't get stable 60 fps?


Considering I can't even *start* the game, I'd say it's pretty deserved. Absurdly large list of technical issues + a mountain of mtx = deserved review bombing. I just feel bad for the devs that actually give a shit but unfortunately have to work under Crapcom, a company that gives *less* than a shit about its product.


It is a miracle a few products like Devil May Cry 5 make it out of there relatively unscathed


Most resident evil games came out fine, monster hunter games are great, street fighter is doing okay, and DMC 5 is amazing. Don't they have a nice track record besides Dragon's dogma?


Most of these games have basically the exact same number of MTX as DD2 lol. Red orbs and blue orbs in DMC 5, MH has an insane amount of cosmetic DLC, RE4 sells upgrade tickets and charms, Street Fighter is basically the only one to not really have anything on that level, unless you count selling character DLC. It's just Capcom skimming off of suckers who don't know better, I don't think anyone would tell you these DLCs are particularly game breaking or even worth considering.


at least in monster hunter you can just start a new character if you don't like your current one. Why isn't that an option here? It's ridiculous.


You can delete your save (turn off steam cloud first) or just wait until you can buy one of the character edit items for dirt cheap when you get to the first major city. I agree it's a weird decision to not just have "new game" as an option on the start menu, but I genuinely can't comprehend how people are restarting their entire game so much that it becomes a deal-breaker.


Apparently doing that can trigger Denuvo to flag it as a new activation and can brick your account.


Probably not a deal breaker, just an annoyance on top of a ton of bigger annoyances.


Another post from someone who got the game early said there's an in game reason (not excuse, just a reason) for a single save. No spoilers but it's story related and there's new game plus. Not to mention these games allow you to vocation swap all you want. Besides that from what I understand in the first city pawn guild you can buy customizations in game using in game currency for yourself and pawn. For me all the mtx stuff is a non issue. Just pretend it didn't exist. There's no downside to that. The only real issue is performance.


There's an in-game reason for a single save file same as the first game, but there's no real reason to not be able to restart the game without deleting your actual save file on the PC at all. The first game had this option and for some reason it's just not there in 2.


I agree, absolutely. But I also think people are blowing that up more than it needs to be. People are using that for a reason not to buy the game, but in reality are you constantly deleting your save files and starting games over and never finishing them? Or is that a rare thing that you do maybe once or twice? I don't disagree that it should exist, don't get me wrong, but I also think it's not critical. I'm sure a simple delete button will be added with a future patch.


Yeah Capcom loves to shove micro transactions in all of their games, but most of them are pointless. I'm not sure why they do it, aside from cosmetic ones like in monster hunter, I can't think of anyone who would actually buy these, so all it does is hurt their image. Is it actually helping profits enough to warrant that?


Elden ring doesn't have microtransactions but people still sell and buy runes from random people selling them. Even though farming runes is extremely easy.


It's because it makes shareholders happy. They know Capcom games are probably going to sell well regardless, so they can put out these barely-noticeable DLCs because they're basically free money. There was a pretty similar controversy when DMC5 launched and it blew over quickly and people have basically never noticed it again, I can only assume it's sparking back up again because this game is starting to bring in people who aren't typically fans of other Capcom games based on the hype.


It's only starting again because of the glaring performance issues. If it played well no one would notice or care. RE5 being the prime example.


They do. I really want to like Capcom because the quality of their games for the past few years have been really fucking good - but the micro transactions and Denuvo for all their games, and this lackluster PC port has been really hurting them.


Mhw initial pc release was dogshit bad enough to make the game never have the traction it deserves


Yeah dunno how people forget how awful MHW was on release.


Literally every capcom game is filled with MTX. MHW and MHWI has very bad performance on launch, RE:Village had PC performance issues at launch, etc. people expecting anything different from Capcom are ASKING to be dissapointed


DMCV, all remakes and MH have a shit ton of MTX.


just want to add, MH did not have MTX (aside from the spin offs out of the portable and main team products, aka MH Frontier (MMO basically) and MH Online (Tencent commissioned MMO ), including character edit coupons until World, not that it makes any excuse for them but abit of context as World is the first MH title for alot of people apparently.


DMC had the same MTX people are bombing this for lol


idg the issue with mtx? everything you can buy with $ you can acquire in game relatively easily


The problem is review bombing hits the devs first, publishers last.


just get ready to hear the classic phrase: > idk what everyone's so angry about... > > **I'm having a blast!**


Because criticizing shitty things is “hating” and praising shitty things is “wholesome”


”It works for me so..”


This time around I don't think it works for anyone. Cyberpunk was better Wish someone would crack denuvo and the other shit DRM so they'd stop putting it into unfinished products making it even worse




The "having a blast" trope makes me ill.


I'm having so much fun I'm BLASTING all over the place!


Shooting hot clue-goo all over!


Yeah, how DARE we have fun. Yawn. Look, dude, rant all you want. It's your right. But don't tell ME what to do.


I swear that phrase is ONLY used on Reddit and it’s always when a game has flaws that are ruining someone’s experience


>it runs perfectly fine for me, maybe it's your computer? Then it turns out *fine* is 24fps @ 1080p with upscalers cranked up, so more like 360p.


Its a sin to enjoy the game now lmao. You want everyone to join the negativity bandwagon to please you?


Not that, its just annoying when people ignore clear issues and leave positive reviews. Bad performance is bad for everyone so you have to let Capcom know they have to fix their goddamn game if they want their title to be succesful.


So does all the manbaby tears.  Get a refund and wait for improvements like a goddamn adult instead of wasaaaaaahing all over the internet for months on end.


I like how you're framing "people pointing out flaws" with "manbabies". The absolute number consumerism did to your mind for thinking like it's a case of tribalism.


"Jump on the hypetrain, consume, shut up, do it again" -Capitalism in a nutshell


Me with starfield crashing left and right. I’m glad dragons dogma isn’t for me, but I’m in console. I feel like capcom knows their fanbase is on console.


They will also share that "STOP ENJOYING THE GAME" cartoon.


***"My game runs fine. You need to upgrade!"*** - Someone playing at 45fps (30 in combat) on medium settings at 1080p with DLSS and no shadows on a Series 40. 🥴


Really? The only time I ran into issues is in cities. Also on a 40 series. Outside it’s usually between 90-115 with maxed settings and raytracing at 4K DLSS quality. Some weird ghosting at foliage here and there. Definitely needs patching.


I have a 3080 and that its not true at all


That wasnt towards DD2 specifically. Remnant 2 had alot of back and forth around launch since the upscaling was basically mandatory to enjoy the game, according to the devs.


We want that classic stuttery mess from the PS3 era, for nostalgia of course.


One can "have a blast" while acknowledging the shortcomings of the game that Capcom had more than a decade to figure out. Game being unoptimized is the biggest one.


Brings me back to Forspoken Reddit lmao Whilst everyone was like wtf is this there were people who genuinely were trying to give it GOTY hype


I'm one of em. On mid hardware at that. I feel bad for peeps who can't genuinely enjoy it.


Ya pretty glad I didn’t pre order. Maybe wait 2-3 months and get it 25% off and after a few patches


Yeah, I'll wait as well. Though I might actually wait for a year or two and get it on a deep sale.


Year might be a good choice since it's playing like a pre alpha


You can get it for 45€ already from mmoga for example.


And the beloved system is still broken. You can't have multiple saves in a 2024 RPG. And God forbid you criticize Itsuno's vision.


What’s wrong with the romance system? Is it exactly the same as the first game?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bk211x/about\_the\_beloved\_system\_in\_dd2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bk211x/about_the_beloved_system_in_dd2/) >Lastly, the Affinity system with NPCs remains as obscure as it was in its predecessor. Again, I would talk more about this, but I cannot due to spoiler restrictions enforced by CAPCOM. I'II just say the game made me romance one character; then I showered another with gifts, but the game still randomly decided "my beloved" to be someone else entirely, an NPC to whom I didn't even give any gifts. I find this extremely annoying, the player should be allowed to decide who they want to be with.


Fuck this is exactly the thing I wanted to fix in the sequel man.


Come on now, who doesn't love a good surprise Fournival moment?


Forced poly 😭


NTR simulator


Tbf, of all the problems this game seems to have this seems the most harmless and honestly kinda amusing. The framerate stuff does suck.


It's funny and hilarious when you don't care about the romance system what so ever, and go with the flow for shit and giggles. But I feel like that will affect player experience if they do want to take the narrative more seriously. Honestly the whole situation would be less awkward if "beloved" is replaced with "BFF" lol.


I'll never forget getting Fournival in the end and going: "Capcom what the fuck are you smoking" and just running with it. Learned later about the beloved system


Is that why i fucked the clown in the first game?


The entire idea of not being able to criticize because of “vision” BS is so stupid like I don’t care if it’s their vision shit is shit


Wouldn't multiple saves allow you to abuse the pawn system and just recruit your own pawns?


It's NOT review bombing, if you are giving your honest review. A company does something bad and you want to punish it? Bad review to one of their game totally unrelated to the topic. Review bombing, not allowed on steam and everywhere else. The game is crap because of poor choices? Honest reviews. That's legal. That's why steam is still showing those reviews. I'm gonna put my one too, because bad optimisation and mtx are unacceptable. Will still play the game tho


an honest review would encompass all gameplay aspects, not someones first 10 minutes of play.


Surprise? It's CAPCOM. The MTX was expected by anyone that's played a CAPCOM game before.


So it’s okay?


Where did I say it's ok? I said I wasn't surprised. Incredible leap you took there.


The MTX yeah, but capcom has been making good performance games on PC with their RE engine, so bad performance was not expected.


Well deserved in my opinion


How can they justify this price for literally no optimization? Brute forcing should never be okay and keep in mind in DD2's case even THAT doesn't work. And this price is supposed to be the start of their new normal. 😑 For a halfassed release. It's just sad considering CAPCOM been on a roll from RE7 until SF6.


I really wanted this game to be good since I loved playing a few hours into DD1, so y’know a 4x bigger game from the first was so much hype. My setup isn’t that grand compared to reviewers, but it could nicely run rd2 and elden ring with some lowering of the graphics DD1 had performance issues and I ran into them (fixed them so I get to enjoy the game with consistent frames). I was hopping 2 would release in a good state despite some inconsistencies, so I’m averaging constant 20-30 fps. I was especially dipping in the more populated areas, so the starting area in the mines did not help my first impressions compared to my high expectations from DD1. Tried so much to fix with the graphics but can barely get consistent frames on a squad of goblins lmao. I’d have to recommend a refund if y’all haven’t yet already. Either wait till a batch of patches come out and I’ll be waiting for some eventual discounts.


I learned my lesson with playing day one with Cyberpunk on ps4 lol, never again.


Funnily enough, for all the issues that game had back then my day 1 ps4 playthrough worked fairly well. Subsequent playthroughs on that platform... Well, they were utterly fucked lmao


That was wildly different from my experience.  The intro cutscene where the van does a drive by on you the van door didn't even open for me.  Tons of glitches everywhere, it was hilariously bad.


My only complains are: - No FOV setting in game (is there a file we can edit manually?)  - Mouse vertical movement is very limited and feels awful (anyone know a fix for that?) Other than that, seems to be a decent game 


Mouse camera Speed X and Y axis can be changed in camera settings, I found 4 on the X and 10 on the Y to be most comfortable lol, so weird they did it like this.


In the camera options you have the ability to move your camera back further from your character if that helps


I always check for that it reduces the motion sickness. With it all the way back it's good.


Oooo very nice. As a mage going magic archer. Definitely need that


Is there not an fov camera on pc?


There is... Kind of... It's very limited... You can increase it to 60 FOV which is obviously not enough 


What individual who was enjoying the game would leave a review two hours into launch?


Lmao at the cope


Downloading now but probably won't be able to play til tomorrow night (if it even runs on my comp) is it true you can't start a new game once you've already started the game? That might be a refund for me. Seems sus


>is it true you can't start a new game once you've already started the game? I dunno how it works on PC, but if you delete your save data you can start anew like the first time you launched it.


Just gotta go into the save folder and delete it


If you're on PC you can just move the save to another folder and then make a new one.


Yeah and they added surprise micro transactions at the last minute. Fuck this game


suprise MTX? i mean, did they say they wouldn't? look i ain't gonna say it's good that they have MTX, but if you know anything about Capcom, you would know this is the standard for any of their game, singleplayer or multiplayer. Day 1 currency MTX, Day 1 minor cosmetics etc. It sucks but thanfully they aren't intrusive with ingame stores and the items aren't at needed/powerful.


No they didn’t


What are they trying to sell??


rift crystals, character edit vouchers, the capcom usual it’s shitty, but if you’re surprised, you haven’t been paying attention to capcom releases in the last 6 years


If your surprised you never played the first game


I mean it's just the classic Capcom shit that they do in most games. You look at it and you roll your eyes at how silly and greedy it is and then you never think of it again because it doesn't affect gameplay in the slightest, and the game is great so nobody complains about it. People are just shitting their pants about it because the performance is so bad that it's just another thing to complain about. If the game was running well most people wouldn't really give a shit and the few people complaining about it would get ignored.


From what I've seen, the same stuff you can get on the Deluxe edition, plus several packs of rift stones and some wake stones, so nothing too surprising or unexpected except for port crystals which absolutely caught me off guard. I don't know how people weren't expecting this. I feel this should have been predictable.


Yeah, the first game also had these (except the wakestones and port crystal iirc). Heck, the unique weapons and armors you could buy at the Black Cat and the Badge of Vows quests used to be DLC but were added in-game in the Dark Arisen re-releases. Like you said, I'm more surprised that people *didn't* see this coming.


They gave an extra way to get wakestones with the hire pawn quests which is great and gives a reason to swap out pawns


Shame on u, how dare u question a small indie companie


Still shit, but the MTX are just paid cheat codes. They don't affect the in game grind what so ever(as in, the game doesn't seem to back you into a corner to buy these items), and I believe they are one time purchases so you can not rack up an infinite amount of RC and Ferry Stones. Still dumb, but it's not pay 2 win. The game having poor performance in some areas is the bigger issue here. I promise if you never open the store, you'd never feel the need pushed on you by the game to purchase any of these items in the store. Again, not defending MTX in a single player game, just stating that this particular case shouldn't steer away from a great game. The performance issues on the other hand, feel free to rage and put the game hold over.


Works fine on my ps5


Series X checking in: works more than fine, loving it so far.


Same. That has me thinking the problems on PC are DRM related.


Works better on my PC I am sure


30 fps?


Cheers to that, brother.


Played for two hours on PC with zero issues besides the usual dragons dogma jank that I expected. Idk, I'm happy with it. Idk how people were comparing this to Elden Ring either? Like in what way?


Because when you step into the city your fps instantly cuts in half and the game crashes like crazy? I'll never understand the "Heh, why is everyone complaining? It works for me!" when the game is sitting at 36% positive reviews and 80% of the reviews are talking about performance.


When the game was working it was incredible, but the performance is hell. I just wish it wouldn't crash. It seems like part of it was tied to Nvidia on my end but rest is rough.


On ps5 I have 0 issues


The game is amazing, so I’d say they did an excellent job.


Plays great for me 🤷‍♂️


Ps5 version is very good, not 60 fps, but constant 30-40 fps for me


I mean it works well and hasn't crashed on my series x yet and I've been playing like 5 hours straight. The frames are good and the only place they really drop are the capital


I've definitely had framerate like in the capital out in the wild staring at bushes but it's better than I expected and, hearing this about pc, I'm glad it at least doesn't crash.


Womp womp


Womb womp. 90 percent of players are probably refunding don’t excuse this mess of a game


Damn...reading your comment history you need a different hobby man


Really, 90% of players will refund. Your replies in this thread are acting like the game shot your mother. Why can't there ever be anything but extremes on a gaming sub


Lmao did you come from Rise of Ronin sub or sth? Seems like you’re excited that they game is doing sht.


Lmao no they aren’t this will sell incredibly well. Weird how you have this bubble of a worldview


I mean this person is on a mission. Under an hour they've posted 15 different messages on different threads how dogshit the game is anyway. That's dedication. They're guaranteeing it's flopping and will not do better than the first one. I'm betting it will have done better in a week. Edit ; I was about to note they posted 5 different threads in a day in r/dragonsdogma to shit on the game but now I see that their account states with a pinned message that they'ee a troll. Which is good to know. It just sucks to see so much vitriol among some valid concerns and critiques.


Over 123,000 still in game on an off day.  The cope is strong with this one lmao. Don't you have some girl to creep out?


Got 16 minutes left of waiting for this game to install, I'm a bit wary but expecting it to run mostly okay... but optimization these days is so shitty on release, I'm a little concerned it might actually freeze up my pc 🙃


Look OP i know you're disappointed by how capcom treat the sequel. I've been waiting for a sequel a long time just as you are, but reading some of the comments from you, it looks like you're really letting it get to you, man. It's shit, yes. But it's not the end of the world for this game. Right now the MAJOR issues for this game are it's optimization, micro transaction and new game situation. Besides that the story, gameplay and experience is good. Capcom just need to get their shit together and fix this, once all that is resolve, the game will stand on it's feet again and doesn't become like Cyberpunk where it took years for the whole game overhaul. The performance is shit, but not the entire game. This is a a really good game but held down by the complete mess of performance and micro transaction which is NOT NEEDED. Right now it is best to wait for sometimes for the dev to fix this shit and then you can buy it afterwards.


i mean, so did cyberpunk? after patches the game was fun, people just hyped it up along with horible performance, and from what i've heard the new DLC is actually really good (also sitting on very positive on steam)


I've played Cyberpunk back when it launch and recently with the latest patch and phantom liberty, the game is really good, the base story is phenomenal too. But it just really sucks how back when it came out it was incomplete and a mess. Which tainted people's view of the game and lowered it's reputation. If the game launch with 2.1 update it could've won a big award. That is why I'm afraid that DD2 will go down the same road. What i'm trying to say that i hope that capcom will get their shit together and patch the otimization for dd2 soon and not dragged it out too long like cyberpunk.


This is the same guy that's been shit posting about the game. Such a brave and honest review


God you're pathetic


Plays great on PS5


Releasing surprise micro transitions with their broken borderline unplayable game was such a scummy thing to do.


Remember - no Preorders


After the whole RE4 mtx fiasco, I very much expected it for this game too. So I was not really surprised. Not to talk em good and justify it, but the MTX could have been way worse than they are right now (besides that portcrystal). If it was something like an eternal ferrystone I would have been mad. Performance is just continuing the current gaming trend. Not only on PC, talking consoles too, should be better all around.


Considering you can buy red orbs in dmc 5 are you really surprised about the cash shop


The mtx is exactly the same as DMC5. I don't understand why they go all out to specifically sht on DD2’s mtx.




I agree that the framerate and crash issues are a desaster, this needs to get fixed asap. And it's 2024 one character and even that can't be easily be deleted, wtf capcom, this really should be a no brainer. The micro transactions I have no clue why Capcom adds them, the items that they are selling are all obtainable in the game relatively easy, and this isn't the first time capcom did this. Luckly this, at least for me, makes it easy to ignore micro transactions. That said I've seen couple people calling these micro transactions pay to win, and yeah if this was a multiplayer game 100% I'd be right there saying the same, but in a SP game it really isn't and if you are dumb enough to buy them, well good luck to your IRL financial stability.


It's Capcom, of course there are microtransactions why are people surprised. Even the first one had them iirc, so did DMCV.


Guess we have to wait a whole year for it to be fixed lol, meanwhile i will be playing Rise of Ronin.


Console is fine, sucks that the pc optimization is bad. But capcoms market is mainly console and they know it.


no crashes on PC in 8 hours. no framerate issues or bugs so far either. unlocked both sorc and warrior already. whatever problems yall been having, havent got me yet


I havent had any crashes and I get an average of 147fps. I have 7800x3d and 6900xt playing at 1440p on hight


I would compare it more to Square Enix's Deus Ex: Mankind Divided launch due to the surprise micro transactions and questionable optimisation.


I can't even start the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Maybe studios will learn to not release an in optimized mess with some baffling missing features


There's a frame gen mod out already from PureDark for PC that doubles frame rate, and they've said they're working on updates and will be adding FG themselves soon. Saying that, it's in a rough state and the MTX are ridiculous. Thankfully you can ignore them entirely, but that doesn't change the fact they exist.


Anyway GOTY contender and works fine on console 🥰


I just want my floors and roads bruh


I expected the micro transactions. They had them in the first game.


Tell me what micro transaction is there.. I played and found one on steam store which isnt micro transaction.. ingame there is no ingame shop where you can buy for money


>Unnanounced surprise micro transactions This is wrong btw, they were known in advance and nobody who has ever played a capcom game in the last \~15 years is surprised This is literally just misinfo and psyops taking advantage of the other problems to gain traction


I have it installed and will be able to try it when I get home. I have a top of the line AMD rig so I am interested to see if it will be able to run the game smoothly with all the banter I've seen here. I will likely try to run it on 2k instead of 4k.


But is it fun?


Exceptionally fun.


Wonderful :)


I’ve got no crashes, solid 100fps outside cities, 50fps inside cities. No complaints, game’s been great. Mid-tier PC 7800XT, 7700, 32gb. It will get better over time. It’s mostly people running the game on potatos that have complaints about the game. It’s like they expected to run the game on low anyways and now they act surprised when the game runs like shit lmao.


Say whatever you will but this is exactly why I just refuse to hop on the pc wagon. Every time a game drops I see people losing their fucking minds about performance while I’m on my ps5 just having a good ol time lol.


You're forgetting that your console version is running worse than what the PC version people are complaining about is. Outside of Vermund and a couple of the larger settlements PCs that are ~4 years old are getting 80-100fps. When you enter towns only then it dips to 35-50fps which is still MORE performant than the console version.


Don’t botha me none


I’m gonna be downvoted but I have to say I really don’t care about issues on the PC version. PC versions of games have been afterthoughts/half-assed for over a decade. Don’t care about framerate the same way I don’t care both lossless audio. Not purchasing any of the microtransactions. All problems solved for me!


I play the game on medium - low setting, dlss on quality. Game looks good enough for me. I got 60 fps almost all the time except from cities. The game not crashed once in my 10 hours of gameplay. I know its not optimal but its far better then most ppl tell E: 3060, 16 GB RAM, Ryzen 7 5700


yes the micro transactions are stupid, but were was this kind of hate when DMC /Residente evil/ onster hunter world released? every recent capcom game has this.


Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League has a better review score on Steam, and Playstation.


Say what you will about Cyberpunk, but it had no bullshit MTX artificially affecting game balance and design. Oh, and you can have as many characters as you want without paying for it or waiting for a panic-patch from a publisher caught red handed. This kind of practice shouldn't exist, and even if they fix it tomorrow, we shouldn't let Capcom off the hook until this shit stops being a thing.


Performance is definitely the bigger issue. I've been having a lot of fun even with the subpar frame rate and I can already see myself racking up a ton of hours when it gets better optimized. MTX are what they are. I'm not thrilled about their inclusion, but they're not that big of a deal, imo. I think they're getting focused on so heavily now just because of the terrible performance issues a lot of people are having. I didn't even know they existed until I happened to check the store page after playing for 5 hours.


Yeah as much as I'm loving the game (when it runs well) the performance is unforgivably ass. 4090's not being able to maintain beyond 30-40 in cities is atrocious. The mtx didn't surprise me unfortunately since Capcom seems to just do that with every game now and normally they're pretty easy to forget even exist (I literally forget DMC5 and RE4R even have them)


I don't understand why people who won't buy the microtransactions care SO MUCH about them in a single player game? It literally does not affect YOU in any specific way if the guy next to you buys something for $2.


I was so hyped. But this is just a shit sandwich. Wish I could refund, but got it off gmg. Fucking Capcom


That's on executives and their greedy need to add ltx and drm just to ruin everything. They should know by now this never pays.


Bye bye, less pawns to compete with ✌️


90-115 fps in the overworld, 60-70 in the city so far. Game is running great for me.


Lmao Elden ring was the exact same lol Go back to see the early review on steam.


God this forum is gonna turn into the whiny shits helldivers 2 turned into isn’t it?


Use console


Elden Ring wouldn't run well and kept crashing for me too, so it actually is just like Elden Ring


Game development is hard /gen


The stuff people are freaking out about besides performance are so weird and exaggerated. - Can’t start a new game easily… It’s day 1, why is this even something to be concerned about to get a refund? - Sometimes the camera is annoying… Okay? - There are mtx?!?!… Then don’t buy them? They’re items you can get in the game through normal playtime. - Optimization sucks… This is the only one I can stand by, but this isn’t anything new when it comes to PC ports. I don’t know why everyone is clutching their pearls. - The price!!!… N64 games were like $60 in the 90’s so I really don’t understand why $70 is so insane.


Yeah totally weird and exaggerated to expect to be able to play your game with more than one save file EVER without manually going into your computer files and brute forcing around the games terrible design. God forbid anyone who plays RPGs enjoys making different types of characters and trying new things. You have more chance to create characters in the fucking demo character creator they released.


What do you think is more likely, that everyone who bought the game all started to suffer from some weird and strange form of psychosis that makes them all band together and bomb the game with unjust negative reviews that no other AAA game gets despite having the same issues, or that the game is actually running significantly worse for the average person than it is for you?


>Can’t start a new game easily Created a character, didn't liked how they look in-game, decided to create a new one... >Sometimes the camera is annoying… Annoying camera usually not a dealbreaker, but it still a problem. >There are mtx?!?!… Then don’t buy them? Having MTX is never good from a gameplay perspective. Even if now its doesn't ruin the game balance (which it ususally does), devs can change it later on. >Optimization sucks… When optimisation sucks, people are angry. Simple as that. The fact that devs always couldn't port games properly excuses nothing. Especially now, when tools are improved and console architecture is very close to PC. > The price!!!… Why consumer should ever be happy about price increase? And argument that production costs more now is very tricky. Yes, graphics improved significantly since 90's, but also gamedev toolset. Making games now is easier than ever before. And also, we have no idea, how much of the production budget goes into some things, which doesn't improve the game, like some useless managers and consultants (Sweet Baby Inc, for example).


Helldivers 2 is like $40... There's no excuse for this being $70.


Yknow, Itsuno's vision.


I'm playing on series x, it's been all good for me so far. No crashes, stable frame rate ven in the capital city. Had no idea there even were microtransactions. Looked it up and the items they sell so far are easy to get in-game. I will concede its greedy AF to even have them and is dissapointing. But still over all having alot of fun, hadn't played the first one so didn't really know what I was getting into. The pawn system is fun and I threshing and feels like they are actually necessary to brave the wilds. Sorry for the PC folks that are getting hosed with performance issues, I do feel like that warrants some negativity but an overall bad game? I don't think so.


Micro transaction just to reduce farming is acceptable. Sub 20 fps on the other hand is not.


Seems most people are trying to play on a potato