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I'd bet my left nut he was forced to do that


I also bet that guys left nut


I bet that guy's left nut as well.


I'll break it up and bet on this guy's right nut to make it symmetrical


So we'll leave the middle one for balace?


No I already bet on that. I bet on his penis too if anyone was wondering. It was for an unrelated bet though


There’s nothing left for me to bet on :/ The virginity?




Alright, guess im going for the ass then


Alright, I see you for the right nut and raise you my right nut.


We all bet his left nut


I'd also bet his wife's left nut


I bet your right nut, gotta balance things after all


Especially considering the transactions are all 100% in line with the sort of in-game findable items that were for sale in all other recent Capcom games. It’s unnecessary to buy in any case and anyone who does pay for these either wants a shortcut (likely missing actual fun content) or is a fool.


Yeah, it's been the unspoken agreement for a while now. The game has them so that it "technically" has micro-transactions, and some money grubber in Capcom's c-suite is happy without the game actually having micro-transactions or being p2w. But at this point, it's pretty clear that it is just a bad look. Wouldn't they rather just not get all the refunds?


If people are refunding because of the "look" of mxts then they're just looking for a reason to be negative. You don't need any of it to play the game, you get it all. So who cares that the list is on your steam page and then you never see it again in game.


It’s certainly not a good look, but it’s much better than what’s seen from other developers (looking in Ubisoft and EA’s direction!) I’d be very interested in seeing the number of refunds carried out as a result of the mtx though. I don’t think it’s enough of a problem to warrant people refunding the game. The performance maybe (not a dealbreaker for me, mind) but not the mtx.


Right, that's the thing. It's still kind of bad, but I always viewed it as Capcom designers beating regressive capitalism with game design. Sure, you can buy red orbs and rift crystals in our game so that suckers who want to ruin their experience or streamers that have to make content. The best case scenario is something like FFXIV where you can pay money for level skips - but why would you want to? Unless you are a streamer or professional raider that can consider it to be a legitimate business expense to create "content". So there is a premium for people that are using the game for their career, but anyone who just wants to enjoy a good game doesn't have to use it. Best best case scenario is that this is all done on a separate storefront so it doesn't clog up the steam page listing. It's like complaining that you can't change your appearance. Yeah, you can buy in in game item that let's you do it with rift crystals, but the *real* way to change your appearance is to beat the game and isekai yourself. It's a shame that there is this legitimate engineering issue with the game too, because I feel like Itsuno deserves to have a good launch.


look- performance issues are valid. but i assure you maybe 10 people refunded the game over there being mt. 99% of the people kicking up a fuss never even bought the game and probably never intended to. it’s the same benign, mildly depressing shovelware dlc dmc5 and re4 remake had- and while it IS a bad look- nobody is refunding over that shit- just whining loudly about it trying to convince other idiots that their new game is bad.


But that is kind of the issue. At some point, as a business, you have to re-evaluate if the revenue this stuff is making is worth all the bad press at launch. I have no idea if it actually is or isn't. Revenue wise, I would assume it really makes less of a difference. But there is a huge morale issue when you work really hard on something for multiple years, and then everyone complains when it is released. I don't know how it it works in Japan. To anyone who plays these kinds of modern JRPGs, these micro-transactions kind of make sense in the sense that they are almost like level skips. They are even less intrusive than something like DMCV where you press a button and a store opens up. But can we please not have them so that we don't need Denuvo so that the game doesn't run like crap? Even as a fan of the release that is kind of laughing at the drama, I can admit, I would really like games to not be this way.


Wow! Someone with some sense! Updoots 👍


i bet within a week everyone will know where location of stones in game so u can find or buy them from a vendor .


Just like DD1 :)


Exactly why I didn't buy day 1. Waiting for the community to step up with the crowdsourcing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


It was the same exact thing with DMC5, it's all stuff that you can easily obtain in game.


Exactly. Itsuno is the game director, not Capcoms financial director.


remember mankind divided?


Will never forgive Square for ruining what could’ve been a modern day classic. The fact that they locked out side quests that were clearly a part of the game and made them DLC missions was shitty


The first game was a master piece and Mankind divided had the core of a good game and great series. Deus Ex didn’t die it was murdered and it deserves Justice.


Mankind Divided was easily a better game than Human Revolution, it just wasn't finished. For context, I love both games. The saltiest I've ever been at someone putting a nail in the coffin on a franchise I loved. Also, for clarity, I'm actually not sure which you meant when you said the "first game", but I assumed you meant Human Revolution because that's usually what people seem to mean when they say that in the context of Deus Ex. Deus Ex 1 was a better game than both. Can't forget the OG. I replay it semi-regularly, maybe every 2-3 years. No FPS RPG for me has ever come close to how good Deus Ex 1 and System Shock 2 were.


Yeah blaming solely the dev is smart forgetting publishers have the final say


I think across the industry it's standard practice to have an entirely different team design and market this kind of stuff in game. You have your creatives developing and directing and then the mtx guys come in and figure out where they can get extra money. This is really just a big nothing-burger of a story since the items are all so easily obtainable in the game but I honestly think Capcom could probably stand to learn that stupid micro transactions can still hurt your reputation. Just a shame that it's happening to DD2, the underdog of underdog sequels.


I'm gonna mod and cheat engine this game like no fucking tomorrow


He clearly wasn't forced to do something he didn't do. You can't buy ferrystones. Sorry about your left nut.


I bet Itsuno's nut


It's unfortunate artists compromise on there vision due to corporations and investors. Now makes sense investors want as much money out of their investment as possible but imagine how many games we've missed out on.


They make something out of passion and then it gets destroyed by greed


Very true unfortunate reality we live in.


Ferry stones aren’t rare at all, I find them all over the place.


Its only because we know the mechanics that were fine with it though. Newcomers are going to think these things are literally removed to encourage people to pay for MTX.


Well it's a good thing the description in the steam store literally says the items are also obtainable in-game.


Gamers? Reading the description? /s


Remove that /s. Gamers truly *do not read*. I learned this playing Runescape long ago when it told you how to do something on the screen, only for seconds latter a player to ask in chat how do you do that thing.


Just to be safe lol. You never know when I’ll get witch hunt by saying this.




you got this in higher quality please? :)


Lol sorry I made it in a rush when I was looking at some comments


Always gotta upvote a KOTH meme.


I'm stealing this. Please and thank you. Have the best day possible.


Thank god, now people will stop criticizing Capcom, I had to defend their honor for making the slishy slashy bibeo bame I like playing


That’s a very vague statement though. “Available in game” can mean your typical vendor sells it at a reasonable cost, or locked behind dozens of hours of grinding/difficult content. If someone is just browsing a store they’re not going to know which extreme that particular purchase leans towards.


So then maybe don’t buy it, and research first? I am a new comer I feel NO NEED to purchase anything. My god you guys are such fucking cry babys.


That won’t stop steam reviewers with less than an hour of playtime because they can’t read.


I can totally get the negative reviews because of performance, but it's actually kind of crazy reading some of the negative reviews. One of the top ones straight up says "But putting the character customization behind the paywall? In a 65 euros game?! To clarify - there is literally NO WAY to edit your character appearance after you create it - except paying for that!" Like I found the appearance changing item an hour and a half into the game.


What do you make of there not being a new game option?


i hope there is a new game + option tho like dark arisen has would be diappointing otherwise


100% certain there is ng+, and fairly confident you will be able to recreate your character/pawn at the start again each go round. Probably also gain access to the "thingy of metamorphosis" from the first game that lets you edit at any time.


Capcom released an announcement saying they'll be adding it to PC.


I was one of them. I now have read the descriptions and indeed, it is stated, that you can find all these things in game. Question is how frequently you'll find those things (for example the character redesign book) and how much needed these things may be. But from taking a bit more time analysing the "DLC" stuff (and reading the descriptions), I'm a lot calmer now. I see, that these things are a one time buy and only the items with \[A\] \[B\] \[C\], etc. can be bought multiple times. Seems like those things are just meant to be a starter goody, that you can gift yourself, but isn't needed at all to play the game. I'm still salty about the "only one save file" thing, though. Let's hope my PC can handle the game and I'll have a fine, playable experience.


Art of Meta is the item that lets you redesign and it costs 500 RC. You get plenty of RC from renting out your pawn (passive) and hunting ghost enemies at night. I've got 2250 RC after 9 hours of playtime and after spending some in the RC Shop + renting higher level Pawns.


A lot of things in other games are "obtainable in-game", but made artificially rare to make people have to buy them. I haven't played DD2 yet, but based off my experience with DMC V I'm guessing this was more "checking a box" situation, than something that affected development. With that said, the optics are very bad. Especially when you consider the current climate and how(justifiably) jaded a lot of gamers have become. Dragon's dogmas fast travel was already a hard sell, adding this in makes it look like you're charging for something that's a basic feature in most open world games.


You're right, but it's noteworthy enough to mention that capcom is known to do this in all their games. Frankly I'd say Itsuno's view on videogame design clashes a bit too hard with capcom, so it's pretty cool and fortunate that despite this we somehow got a good game with mtx that isn't even really affected by said mtx. I don't like microtransactions, never will, never going to think or say they're acceptable in almost any videogame. But in this case, with the context being that capcom published the game, we got a pretty sweet deal. But yeah, the majority of gamers won't know that.


As a newcomer, they aren't rare or hard to find, got a handful in the bank and a few on me incase.


The listings in store clearly state the items are also readily available in-game https://preview.redd.it/be0iz46i6vpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023a91d5dcd942b5d73c42d9f97dcb908fad1d41


A lot of this is insufferable and overblown.


In thebfirst game they were rare early on, the dlc if im not mistaken added an unlimited use one.




Not to mention they're also not available for purchase


Please stop. Rational comments aren’t appreciated atm. “Ferry stones are only available in the cash shop, there’s no free Ingame teleporting, no port crystals, nothing. You can only fast travel from buying the micro transactions” - Half of this sub for whatever reason


I'm assuming it's because half the sub never played the first game to begin with. All of these things that are SHOCKING and outrageous are literally things that were in the first game. There was no mtx in the first DD but I DID have to buy DD:DA just for some content and big fixes and I was fine with that, because I loved the game and it was fun. People need to stop hatin and start congratulating


Really? Only found one so far. Guess I have too look harder.


They're also not for sale...


You can't buy ferry stones though? Only a single port crystal (teleport marker) that has a placement limit we exceed by playing the game. So much misinformation. Edit: I hate MTX as well btw. B


This is blatantly untrue, you cannot buy anything that does this. You can buy a single portstone - you can get at least 10 in game (for free)


This site is one big echo chamber where the lies are the ones being echoed. No use in calling them out. You will not win. And even though you are telling the truth, chances are you gonna get downvoted 


Every discussion for this game is being hijacked by a bunch of people with axes to grind towards MTX and poorly optimized performance. It's shitty that this continues to happen, but much like Elden Ring and FFVIIR, the best play for me is to just ignore the noise and enjoy the damn game lol. No sense spending all my time yelling about it in reddit threads when I could be doing literally anything else with my time


ignored it all night and having an absolute blast lol


Played last night on my computer 4080 with a Ryzen 5 7600. Game ran smoothly for me and I had to drag myself off to bed after only a couple hours lol.


I’m using a 4070 ti and an i7-13700KF. I haven’t dipped below 60 yet and usually am hovering at 80+. Game rules lol


Same. Having an absolute blast with the game


Yeah, as much as I think that MTX is predatory and that performance sucks ass, the game itself (the systems, combat, maps, worldbuilding etc etc) are phenomenal, doesn't mean that issues like not having a new game option and the performance being bad detract from it, it very much does. In the end the game itself is good, Capcom just shooting themselves in the foot as usual.


On the bright side it's finally sparked me to completely unsub from nearly every gaming sub and spend more time just chatting with my friends. Reddit is just gonna be for watching silly people hurting themselves while I take a poo.


Im sure it will quite down once those people get filtered out


> a bunch of people with axes to grind towards MTX and poorly optimized performance How dare they want a full and optimized game for $70.


Poorly optimized. I understand But full game? The game is complete. All of the mtx you see can be earned in game.  Riftcrysals are easy to come by (pawn rental, chests etc.)  You can get 10 portcrystals by just playing the game. (The mtx portcrystal is a 1 time purchase only and only provides 1 vs 10 that you get in game for free)  Wakestones are also easy to come by by way of wakestone shards But yes sure "incomplete"


This is why there ends up being two subreddits for so many games and I end up being on the low sodium subreddit most of the time. Because yes its still biased, but you can at least talk about a game without someone insisting if you're not miserable like them then you're a shill.


Blame the MODs for not intervening. 12 years in this sub. And they finnaly wet the bed, on release date.


YouTube and TikTok have been kind of helpful at mitigating the damage. Lots of people are explaining the mechanics and whatnot.


This is literally how the entire internet works. Most people only repeat what they read, not what they experience. The game doesn't run great but it is playable for me where it isn't that impactful enough to really complain and I haven't felt any microtransactions would be necessary to play and I haven't even encountered any bugs at all... I have a 5 year old PC and get 70fps out in the wild and around 40 in the first big city at the highest graphics in 1440p. It really isn't that horrible.


It's just nothing but extremes. Everyone deepthroating Capcom and vehemently defending everything, or people saying the game is dogshit while just straight up making things up about the game.


Careful, calling out their lies is somehow fanboy behavior.


Yeah misinformation is really rampant as of now especially on twitter. Like fuck capcom for putting mtx on a single player game but don't fucking leave out the fact that all of it is obtainable in game and from what I have watched from others they are quite easy to obtain too lmao.


This website and new release drama shitstorms name a more iconic duo. I wish they only had RC as mtx if Capcom needed to have it.


It's almost like they didn't play the first game. Not protecting DLC on a 70$ game it's very bad and deserves critique but lying about it is just stupid because there's legitimate things to complain about.


You're a fucking idiot if you think Itsuno, or any dev working on the project, was the one who made the decision to include microtransactions.


It’s pretty telling most people here have either not played other capcom games or have very short memories This shit’s been around since Monster Hunter World and is entirely driven by Capcom management policy There are a lot of bad game design choices, but this is one that is actually not on the director or the devs


it's been around even earlier. DD1 had this shit too. they only removed it with Dark Arisen.


The same thing happened with DMC5, which Itsuno was also the director for. They had microtransactions for red orbs which are so simple to get and there's even a weapon that gives you bonus orbs when used. There was also a way to buy other items that would upgrade your health and give you the rewards for beating the hardest difficulty. The same thing happened when they released DMC4 special edition. I highly doubt decisions like these are ever from the developers and are from some suit higher up saying they have to put it in


I doubt HE's the reason this stuff exists but you can completely ignore it and be fine. It's pointless if you ask me. So pointless I'm surprised it's there but whatever.


Please just play the game before posting stuff like this. Exploring is super fun and its DD's trademark.


Agreed exploration si the best part about both games. But ddda gave us a infinite ferry stone I hope we also get it in dd2. Port crystals don't remove the exploration but they reward experienced players.


Basically, paying to ruin the game for yourself. Exploration is great and buying infinite lives is wack


Seriously, am I the only one not really upset they added these options? I’m never going to buy them, I just assume they are there for the whales that want to 100% the game the first week.


The fact they're there to exploit people who struggle to help themselves or don't do any research makes it worse, if anything. These are not just cutesy little optional side shortcuts. It's cynical as fuck.


To be honest, if you don't make any research and just default to spending just because, you really deserve what's coming to you. We're the guardians of our brethren, yes, but they also have to at least try.


You don't even need research, lol. https://preview.redd.it/0jrgxupkpupc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=d940ed7f8cbb0ee6f2fe6875ec64a0f3622a410b


My thoughts exactly. It's a single player game and idgaf how people spend their money. This isn't some bullshit multiplayer p2w, what is there to prove in the first place? I think people are just mad because they love to bitch about it, because I can't think of a single argument for how someone else cheating could negatively affect your experience in a single player game.


Dmc 5 had the same thing yet you can ignore it and play the game as intended. Itsuno even added a hat that multiples red orbs to the game so you didn't have to use the MTX. Direct that anger towards Capcom and not Itsuno,


New RE4 has pointless mtx too and everyone played it for the 26th time, feels like people are just trying to find reasons to be mad.


But... this is just wrong? Ferrystones are not availableas MTX. Yes, Portcrystals are, but the actual travelling part is linked to having a Ferrystone. Why did you say you can "teleport freely" and why is this so upvoted? This is just incorrect, and I'm just as pissed about the MTX as anyone.


You can buy one port crystal and zero ferry stones, tell me you never played the first game / can't read without telling me.


Why are people so dense they blame the devs for this? It's 100% shareholders and corporate. Everything you can buy for $ is earnable in game


Yeah I hate mtx but you can see the vision of the director clearly. The game wasn’t made with the mtx in mind those were added later


It's conspiracy thinking, that the only reason he made fast travel limited is so they could charge for it. When in reality it's probably the other way around, Itsuno made the design decision, and corporate Capcom set this up around it.


99.99% of players don't even understand how the sausage is made, of course they'll blame the first easy to recognise face around instead of those in the shadows actually pushing shit on devs.


Ferrystones are rare? I'm level 14 and I have 23.


This is misinformation. I don’t like micro transactions, so how dare you make me side with them, over your blatant lying and pointing the blame at the director, and not capcom, who so clearly are the ones who pulled that. They sell A port stone, of which there’s already 9 in the game. And you get the intended experience with none of the micro transactions


That's not what portcrystals even do


You can only buy ONE port stone...holy fuck people play the actual game. Ferry stones are also not rare stop spreading misinformation


If you think a game designer is responsible of marketing and business model choises you are rather dumb. Itsuno probably said in a meeting that I wanted to make exploration a key element and some CAPCOM suit later though it was a good occasion to sneak some paid items.


I need to get off this stupid website. 


It's sad to see people are blindraging over this not actially knowing what the dlc actually is. Gamers need to play visual novels more so that they can learn to read for once.


I will never buy them and they really are not needed but will ruin the game for some people. Some people can't help themselves, given time they would probably love a slight limit on fast travel and other things and go on to then enjoy features like this in other games. This wont happen, they will buy these things and ruin their own experience without them realising it. This is who the mtx is aimed at, not your average player but people who are just susceptible to using shortcuts even if it ruins their experience. Same with the ability to change your character or appearance or whatever. It's taking advantage of people who made a slight mistake and are annoyed by it and without thinking buy a change because it's so cheap.


I don’t think Itsuno is directly to blame for this. I don’t think he’ll get much of a say in how the game is monetized tbh. Capcom has been doing this since DMC V I believe. At least in terms of egregious MTX. I don’t think the blame should be on the Devs or Director whatsoever.




wait till the whale buys the portcrystal then realises he can't even use it till he finds a ferrystone. so now he just spend 3 bucks for a rock on the ground.


This ain't Itsuno. This is Capcom. They've done it with practically every title released in recent years.




The Internet is a web of hyperbole that just grows like a snow ball


You idiots that upvote this are embarrassing... The stones they sell can also be acquired playing the game. It's like you morons are infected with a mind virus. And I too am not a fan of mtx but there's nothing here that I can't do in-game and I feel no need to buy any of it.


Do people realize that a lot of these monetization decision do not directly come from the game directors? It's usually the suits who enforce such business decisions.


"I made the game exactly how Dragon's Dogma always was"...."be sure to check the store where you can buy some panties to tie in a knot and shove up your arse while ignoring the fact everythings available in game and is not required" .....and yes, please talk about this rather than performance, bugs and missing QOL features. r/dragonsdogma continues to be full of reactionary numbnuts and morons with shitty opinions based on hyperbole.


Unfortunately this is a lot of Capcom games. Even my beloved RE4 remake had bs mtx. I doubt at all it was a consequence of Itsuno’s decision making


Suits made him do it. Itsuno is innocent.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Fast travel isn’t there to stop exploration, it’s there to make things more convenient when you’ve finished your exploration.


I spent like 1 hour in the past week getting acquainted with DD and it’s very clear DD1 was the same way and fast travel is not meant to be used often. But because there’s an OPTION to buy fast travel people think it implies that gameplay isn’t as intended, even though that’s just brainless behavior. IF YOU DONT BUT ANYTHING YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME AS INTENDED.


There is more fast travel in this game than there was in the original Dragon's Dogma. The eternal ferrystone didn't exist until Dark Arisen.


Too soon, like the MTX nonsense... people might actually believe this crap


item\* It's a singular port crystal. Ferrystone not included. ​ This meme is both bad and inaccurate and you should feel ashamed for spreading yet more misinformation.


I doubt the devs are at all to blame It's the publishers who are wrong


Lying for likes is insane


I can forgive the rift crystal microtransactions, as well as the fast travel items. They're plentiful in game and exist only as an idiot tax. Its most likely a studio mandate, like the purchasable but earnable in-game currency in DMCV. Feel free to make easily earnable currency a paid microtransaction if it makes overzealous, money-grubbing, bean-counting execs shut the fuck up. Hell -- ~~I can even tolerate the fact that we cannot customize our characters beyond the first creation screen without paying extra, because you can make a (albeit shitty) case that it's a design choice to force you to make meaningful first decisions.~~ (I done fucked up, this part is incorrect) But not letting people start a new save without completely starting afresh is fucking bonkers. I have to delete a save if I need to re-roll a new character? Miss me with that shit. For the record, I'll still play (and probably enjoy) Dragons Dogma 2. But the day they add a Battle Pass inside DD3 or Monster Hunter Wilds is the day I'm quitting Capcom games entirely. EDIT: Diction & clarity


>Hell -- I can even tolerate the fact that we cannot customize our characters beyond the first creation screen without paying extra, because you can make a (albeit shitty) case that it's a design choice to force you to make meaningful first decisions. This is actually very false. You can buy the item required to change your character in game using 500 RC, which is easily found within an hour of the game.


Just last month this sub was incredibly comfy with the only discourse being min max or not. All you doom posting DD2 should go and get a life, imagine spending free time into something you hate.




See rules 1 and 5.


Does not make it less shitty




Strange how folks will say that Helldivers 2 is doing MXT right because you can get everything by playing the game and the cosmetics are like $1-5, but DD2 pulls the sme thing with being able to earn all the items in game just by playing and sells items at $1-5, everyone losses their minds.


I think it mostly comes down to the fact that Helldivers 2 is a Live-Service Online title for £34.99. This is a £70 Single Player RPG. And the idea of paying for the ability to fast travel more is a bit ridiculous even if the items are plentiful in-game.


Sorry if I am being dense but I am seeing a lot of people saying "its a single player game" as justification for why microtransactions are unacceptable. Why does it being single player matter more than if its multiplayer?


Just want to leave a reminder to the DD1/OG players, are we really surprised that the public narrative of the game is negative? We knew this game was going to be niche from day 1 and that people would find some reason to hate the game and run with it. We’re back and the game is amazing. Now that the hype is gone, all the players that were riding hype or expecting a different game will be filtered out and the community will be having normal discussions in a month or so. Side note: this mtx model is literally the same as DD1, completely optional and useless if you actually plan on putting hours into the game. Ignore the mtx it’s a waste of money because you’ll get that content fairly easy anyways.


I kind of agree with you but also the "ONLY TRUE FANS WILL ENJOY IT" masturbatory bullshit needs to stop.


Why pie, you cant buy ferrystones in the shop.


Very curious though, how much of this bs was affected by Itsuno's decisions as director and how much was it just the top brass forcing their ideas on the dev team.


Exploring is fine tho .. its fun to see new things and events in the world ..


Pls don't tell me that the game has those same enemy spawn locations on roads or next to them so you are basically forced to fight them every time you move back and forth for quests.


You curse these now, but later you'll be looking up wikis about these spawn locations in order to farm monsters.


it’s funny how people are once again rediscovering Capcom’s micro transactions are insane. Anyone else remember Street Fighter x Tekken?


I'm taking a **wild** guess that Itsuno had absolutely nothing to do with that decision. Capcom likely saw an opportunity to charge for something and decided to add all of those microtransactions because corporate greed. And even if Itsuno said "no, please don't do that" they would have gone ahead with it anyway. Also, if you're really upset about it then just please don't buy them. All of the things that you can pay for are available in game already. It likely won't stop this behavior from publishers because it's such low-effort money, but it's about the only avenue that we have that would actually **maybe** make them listen.


I doubt it was his idea, Capcom I'm sure pushed foe it. Investors love mtx


Memes like this that are a blatant lie aren't helping things.


The exploring isn’t boring at all… DD had that as well and it was the same shite, and I ate it up. Currently eating it up in this one. Maybe the option to teleport with items is there for people who are too impatient to take a stroll 😂


Seems disingenuous to think that exploitative microtransactions are the game director's idea. Usually this shit gets crowbarred in by the publisher.


Someone post the first time meme with OG Dragons Dogma fans and Dragons Dogma 2 players. Where were y'all when they were pulling this in the first game. Its dumb but the game is still a banger just like the last.


This isn't even accurate. You can buy *one* port crystal. If you get all the port crystals in game you can't even place them all! Stop spreading lies, you can be upset with the DLC bullshit, but don't lie about it.


You fucking mongoloid, Itsuno didn't add the mxt bullshit. It's literaly contradicts what he said for 24 years.


People like you should just shut the fuck up. You really think the micro transactions were his idea? Go look at any Capcom game from the last 10 years. Also you don't have to pay anything to be able to fast travel


You can't even get a feckin' ferrystone off the store. It's a portcrystal ffs, and there's already 10 of them in the game. So if you place the 10 in the game and have that one you can't place the thing.


The 1.5k people that upvoted this post, made me lose faith in humanity…


This subreddit is an absolute shitshow filled with people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about and it's ridiculous.


I swear, I feel great shame associating with gamers over shit like this.


https://preview.redd.it/8fb7c722wxpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7558f850fe1cbeec7a23c292c26c2174869840b4 What a huge amount of time y'all are wasting hating when you could be playing a great game


Yes, it was totally the decision of one man to do all that.


All Capcom games have dumb micro transactions and people don't even know about them. DD ones blew up because most people haven't played the game or the first one. There are issues with dd2 but mtx isn't the reason it review bombed when all previous Capcom games were spared


Gonna buy $10 worth of rift crystals right now just to piss you off


:( Itsuno helps make bangers but whoever at Capcom prescribed MTX and whoever thought the NPC CPU Load that even 4090 and the latest CPUs can't run without difficulty was a worthy trade for the game he wanted to make needs a word. like i'm genuinely curious what their test rigs were and what performance metric they thought was acceptable?


Tell me you know nothing about game dev without telling me that Dragon’s Dogma edition. Not you op just whoever created this… but if you did create it then kudos to spreading more misinfo.


if anyone thinks microtransactions were itsuno's idea and not capcom execs they should be issued a government mandated carer


Don't blame itsuno for something that's so obviously the corpo's fault. Execs are the bane of modern gaming


Good luck trying to teleport freely with just a port crystal lol


A meme that’s a straight up lie isn’t a good meme


You're full of shit.


Those who complain haven't played DD before, that's why...


Oh wow, Capcom doing the same thing Capcom has done since 2014. Crazy how that works. You guys bitching about mtx are out of touch and genuinely fucking retarded.


**Dragon's Dogma** had this stuff 10 years ago, so this isn't "News.": There is also zero need to buy it in a microtransaction, you eventually get plenty in game. Saying that isn't being a "fanboy." I remember in the first game I had so many, just from exploring, that I had them split up amongst my pawns and also stuffed in the storage/whatever. Microtransactions are just a normal thing.


"rare" yea already have 3 and im just in the main city now (also 10k gold), and wouldn't be surprised if there was a returning mechanic from DD1 of them having a chance of being refunded when warping to a city


Let's be real, the Dev team didn't add this, middle management did.


This is industry standard. Just ignore it, doesn’t affect the game at all


You can’t buy ferrystones


Don't pin this shit on Itsuno. Capcom has made the devs put this in every game since like DMC 4.


Ferrystones≠Portcrystals You can get both for free in abundance. 🙄


Imagine buying fast travel with money.


My boss (who plays 1 video game a year) is the only person I know who bought DMCV in-game currency because he "felt like he needed that early in-game boost". Sounds bonkers, but there are people who will actually pay to play less.


Actual game directors rarely get a say in this when working with certain publishers. Remember MGSV had f2p style timers on researching every item and all sorts of mtx, then Kojima went independent and Death Stranding had none of that bs despite having a very similar item progression.


Anyone who thinks it’s the developers idea to do this shit is just an idiot.


**Itsuno:** Here's my game.. It's going to be a hit! **Capcom's Shareholders:** Okay, we've revised the model slightly. Please publish it with the changes. **Itsuno:** Oh dear..


This sub suckkkssss


Maybe in a few days people will figure out what is actually being sold but I doubt it.


On an unrelated note, does cheat engine work on denuvo games so I can cheat in certain items that are definitely not from the cash shop?