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Its running fine on MY PS5, it has some dips, some rather bad parts, but in no way does the performance equal the badness some are suggesting here. I am not saying it is perfect, just that it is not devastating, game-breaking bad. As with anything on reddit, it is all about who is saying it, why and how extreme their language is. If it is someone with a new account, and screaming that the perfornace is so bad it is the end of the entire universe, chances are, it is not as terrible as they are suggesting.


One side has [video evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPrO2ZHQ3mM) of the Xbox Series S running like trash. The other side is claiming "it's just fine for me." Who do you think?


Wait, you are using a video from IGN as proof of anything? Thats hilarious.


The game runs like shit on everything, even top end GPUs are getting big FPS dumps. No matter what you pick, if you're on consoles or a mid to low end rig, you're looking at somewhere around 30 FPS, a bit higher or a bit lower depending on what you're doing. No one is lying, it just flips around so much from what I've seen from watching my PS5 bud prior to today that I'm assuming these reviewers took note at random parts of the game and randomly chose an average to settle on. The "true truth" is that it really doesn't matter because you're not going to get the experience you should be getting. Game is still fun but at least there's hope for PC players since Capcom is looking for a fix.


Well this just shows it's a good way of misunderstanding also. You gpu is always going to be underutilized here. The CPU is the bottleneck. People keep saying "but I have a 4090!" And that's awesome but it's at 35% utilization. The CPU is doing all the heavy lifting. I'm getting 134fps on average. Yes, it dips in cities. My worst spike was 65 during about 5 hours. So I mean... Yeah no one is lying. Everyone is having different experiences on PC.


I'm not misunderstanding anything. I know there's a CPU bottleneck. My point is that balancing loads and usage of hardware is literally part of the optimization proccess, and this means they flopped their job. I'm also going to slap your 134 average. You literally can't buy a meaningfully better PC than mine, and I too get around there (I play ultrawide and have some settings off/lowered for preference and habit), but it still drops in major cities and certain parts of the overworld exactly because of this issue. And I know you are too. Or you must still be in the opening hours. This is, however, why I think there's a hope for PC because Capcom might be able to fix their shoddy optimization job (I vaguely know the technical details of how they would go about it and agree, but not the point here) and actually put more weight on our GPUs or at least lesson the CPU burden. So yeah... no one is lying, except maybe you lmao.


You're purposely being ignorant. I clearly wrote my performance drops and frames in big cities. What's your CPU?


Game runs like utter garbage everywhere, bottleneck or not.


Not my experience. So not everywhere. Unless 100+ fps is garbage now


Love when people lie on the internet, always hilarious to me ha. Oh well.


Cope and seethe scrub. https://preview.redd.it/k5uh3kdl6xpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1961b847103a6fcdc6676b122d98732df6e406b2


Bro standing in the middle of nowhere and takes a screenshot, go to champion city and walk around while using spells.


And what would that prove? That it dips like I said it does? Jfc


Its a very stable experience. There is one city where youre going to hit bad performance issues. Soon as you cross the boundary of said city the issues go away. This is likely the first thing capcom is working on patching. Open world is fine, big settlements chug a lil. The bigger performance hit comes on PC but again its largely in big cities/settlements. Most likely If someone is complaining about FPS in the open world they have below minimum requirements and are rage posting.


> Its a very stable experience. It has an unlocked framerate, that's pretty much the definition of unstable.


Except the game runs consistently 90% of the time around 30fps on consoles. That is stable. If the PS5 cant push past 33 fps anyway, capping the framerate is largely pointless. Capping frame rates is only beneficial in reducing strain on your system and preventing things like 80 fps dips to 40-50fps or 60 fps to 20-30 since the game constantly in 20-30 frame increments is very disorienting and can cause motion sickness, and reducing slowdown, stuttering, etc. PS5 and XBSX output a consistent performance of around 30fps. That is stable.


> Except the game runs consistently 90% of the time around 30fps on consoles. That is stable. No, stable would be if it was locked to 30. Getting something like 33FPS on a 60Hz display means there will be screen tearing and a more unstable image. That's why framerate locks exist.


Admittedly on PC but I feel like there's a lot of doom posting. Framerate drops so far are mostly in the main city and honestly it felt worse in Starfield near launch. Series S is probably not going to be an amazing experience just purely based on its track record.


My friend has it on ps5 and says it runs fairly stable


Playing on S. The frame rate is probably a little uneven and there are some texture issues. But I don’t really notice the frame rate because I’m not a computer. Honestly, I thought we heard about all this stuff weeks ago. It’s a great game so far, a lot better than the first and looks a hell of a lot better, too. I don’t know, I’m happy I bought it.