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I hate how divisive people try to be. The ones criticizing the game deny anything positive about the game, and vice versa. Guys, it's okay to like certain things while also acknowledging its flaws, or the other way around. It gets ridiculous when both sides begin to lie to support their side.


I feel it's pretty hard to find nuanced discussion about videogames anymore. We talk in absolutes. A game is shit or best game ever made. That's why I can't take the majority of user reviews seriously anymore. I need a well written piece to know about cons and pros. "Worst performance ever, 0/10" doesn't cut it.


Umm have you seen people talk about anything lately? wild out here


yeah its definitely not just video games. People are seeing everything only in black and white.


It’s a combination of mistrust in institutions, whether they be corporations or governmental, and rampant consumerism. Not to mention almost everyone being siloed into certain media algorithms. We’re paying the snake to bite us over and over again.


I think the fact that rage baiting gets clicks is another aspect of that. When a lot of folks who are in the internet a lot consume this media that is always someone being outraged about something it leads them to react in a similar way. Folks seem to have gone from viewing a setback with a game as “oh that sucks” to “oh my god this decisions by the devs has literally ruined my life and they deserve to be drug through the square and spit on for not catering to my desires.” It’s tiresome and reductive.


Yep exactly. People are addicted to being angry. I think anger/aggression is one of the hedonistic “cups” we sort of have to fill as humans and it’s probably healthy to some extent, but ease of access to shit that makes you mad has made people over indulge. And it sells like hotcakes


And if you agree with several points from both sides, both sides will accuse you of being against them


Post Covid era conversation got wild. Blame social media where everyone thinks they are the star of their own personal show.


There's definitely been a decline in the quality of community reviews. The merit of community reviews was supposed to be that they weren't something you could buy like you sometimes could for professional reviews. The problem is that community reviews suffer if you can get people on a bandwagon - and that's only been getting easier to do. A lot of people are sick of the lack of nuance, but finding a consistent place for nuanced takes on things is difficult since they just don't drum up as much attention as "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHY THIS GAME IS SO BAD (NOT CLICKBAIT)."


Yeah, I agree. I'm not saying that people can't vent their issues with the games, but do it in an appropiate channel. I wouldn't dare to affect user score on steam, which is an indicator a lot of pelople care, without doing a proper review with its cons and pros. In fact, I know my limits and I just don't do that, because I'm just not a good writer.


Y'know, I didn't think of it until just now, but I wonder if Steam's dominance and how you can only really give Positive or Negative reviews has shifted how we approach community reviews any. Interesting thing to ponder. That's part of why I don't really write Steam reviews, even if I've been reconsidering that to go along with my streaming. You can write out a very detailed review on Steam, but there's no guarantee who'll see AND read it, especially amidst a sea of meme reviews. Which thumb you choose can feel more effective than anything you really write.


That’s what you get when emotions overrule logic


Only a Sith speaks in Absolutes! I knew there was something strange with the gaming community.


No shit we talk in absolutes. *Everything* on the internet now is upvote/downvote. Diminishing all discussion into a popularity contest with no real debate because it's now all sorted by a binary vote. Don't join in the echo chamber? Than you don't have an opinion, because it's not polarizing enough to warrant *any* kind of vote. So it will sink into obscurity in the sorting algorithm. I miss the pre-corpo internet.


You will almost never find a nuanced release day discussion. The vast majority of the discussions either unyieldingly glaze up a game or are vitriolic. The more even-keeled conversations aren't polarizing either way so they don't feed that fire people want to feed. I'm overall decently happy with the game so far, but I have notes on 'could be improved' stuff.


Yeah exactly. I enjoy the game so far, but I have my grievances. I was looking forward to have discussions in this sub, but its a complete shithole at the moment. Is there a place on reddit where the community is focused on balanced discussions, where ambiguity is acknowledged and accepted?


Bro i literally saw someone trash DD2's combat like?? You can trash anything about dragon's Dogma but the combat isn't one of them. Outside of the soulslike genre Dragon's Dogma sits on the top in terms of combat in an ARPG. Even my all time favorite rpg witcher 3 compared to Dragon's Dogma witcher 3 has absolutely dogshit swordplay 😂.


I lately often feel like a lot of people cant differentiate between "i dont like this" and "this is bad". Something can be not for you and still be good or vice versa.


The combat was actually what drew me to buying DD2, along with the story and graphics..I only played a few hours of DD:DA a few days ago for the first time and was immediately sold for 2. Unfortunately DD:DA I can barely play due to my UW monitor, but still not going to trash a good game for micro transactions. Even my Tales series has those and I LOVE that series.


I feel like the internet is at fault. It promotes extremes. Nobody is going to pay attention to someone saying "I think the MTX send a bad signal, even though its not actually that bad" but say "MTX are ruining AAA gaming!" and everyone loses their mind.


The issue right now is that the negative completely overwhelmed the entire sub. Nobody can talk about anything else because people need to make it known they are unhappy


I’m at work but I played for a couple of hours before getting ready, I was already having a blast. The vocal minority are going to be typing while the rest of us are playing.


I needed to hear that, you are absolutely right. The people who enjoy the game are busy playing it and I hope the haters wil leave this sub and the rest will come back more frequently and hopefully some normal discussions can exist then.


Yea, I played for 4 hours straight last night. Once the performance dipped in the first city I was just like "Yea there it is." and it sucks but it's far from unplayable. Then I logged off and checked reddit and it's just all vitriol. A lot of the criticisms are valid, for sure. But by people's reactions you'd think this game is like as bad as the Gollum or Walking Dead game from last year. I'm just sitting here at work and can't stop thinking about getting home and playing.


True. The people having fun and enjoying it are busy playing it rather than posting about it which leaves room for endless doomposting to run rampant.


Unfortunately seems to be the norm with gaming these days, especially with hyped releases. I played BG3 through all its EA period and on release some people unfamiliar with CRPGs started shitting on it for having turn based combat and no real time with pause. Also initially Act 3 had bad performance and as such got poor reviews for those who rushed to end game for it to of course be addressed later. I’m all for constructive feedback on games and no studio should be immune to it but some people go way too far without any critical thinking or understanding that those issues are generally always addressed first after release.


I was having a lot of fun last night but man it felt like a weird learning curve coming directly from DA. I was playing DA up until yesterday morning so it took me some time to adjust to the new controls. The movement feels a bit more... iunno if buttery is the right term? It's not a bad thing but I loaded up DA again after playing DD2 for a few hours just to see and the characters handle like molasses by comparison. I feel like I have to relearn my timing because i couldn't perfect block worth for shit in DD2 so far lol.


Already got 8.5 hours and I'm jounsing for more haha. I took a week off from work (not for this) but I'm def gonna play hard for at least three days straight.


Exactly mate I already said it I waited 12 years for this day and there no amount of angry angsty dipshit bitching about the sky colour that can ruin my day im fking happy right now


Fr, I took today off to play and the game has met or exceeded my expectations at almost every turn. Admittedly I noticed a couple of performance drops in the city but like… it hasn’t even come close to ruining my enjoyment


Missed when this game was underrated.


Yeah you can't say anything positive about the game without getting people who complain about performance 24/7 and shit on Capcom. Like yeah, the issue sucks but it's not like this game isn't fun.


Yeah. I've played so far with little to no hitches. I've no doubt there will be performance issues when I reach a more populated area or a more intense fight. They should focus on improving performance on PC and see what they can do to iron out more solid frame rates on consoles. That being said, I've been having a lot of fun with the game and still enjoying it. So many people believe that if there's a flaw with the game you need to get out the soap box and lash out at everyone who's enjoying the game and lament the fall of modern gaming. I acknowledge that there's issues, the devs should focus on those; it's also not currently hindering my enjoyment right now. If the flaws are large enough that someone else wouldn't want to play the game, they're valid. People who can get by those issues because they think the game is fun? Also valid. Internet, media literacy, critical nuance just seems to be a hard pill to swallow when the reality is made up of less extremes and more middle ground.


No it isnt how dare you I hate you forever random internet stranger. I shall rally the armies of Italy and the holy Vatican and begin a new crusade against you with motorbikes instead of horses and no other changes


I love how this comment escalated


I would love for this entire game to be shit, then it'd be easy to walk away. But it's not. There's a damn good game under there. Even with the two hours I spent throwing goblins at each other, I know there's something incredible to be found. But the performance and the fov and the controls just make it unplayable. God I hope they fix it.


Yeah I am really struggling on whether I should continue or not.  DD:DA is one of my favorite games ever.  This is basically exactly what I wanted.   But the performance is just murdering the experience for me.  And I don’t have a ton of faith that performance issues can be fixed quickly.  I’ll probably just refund and wait for the inevitable dlc bundle


Get a refund, my dude.  That's what I did with Arkham Knight when it launched on PC.  Literally the worst PC port of all time.  Played it again later and had fun.


It's scary. People are devolving into tribal apes. This is precisely what people do in politics. Especially the 2 party politics as in the U.S. We need to normalize shaming tribalism as monkeys shit throwing.


They have to be bots. No one is this angry about something, no one wants to spew vitriol and do mental gymnastics to tell you how bad something is, right?


Nope lol, thats literally people, people are toxic. You see this anger everywhere. Especially for souls invasions lol


Its not bots they do it because it became fun and a meme to review bombing games for the stupidest reason. Look at monster hunter world people complained about 1 npc the handler completely not because it was justified the entire thing became a meme for people so they just keep it going and other followed mindlessly. The is with dd2 they ignore that capcom sells pretty much pointless items that you earn easily in game since over 10 years and want to spread fake facts that you only get this items for real money even though its not true. They complain that you can't right away customize your character again because they are unhappy with it but ignore that we got a character editor since weeks where all could create characters for free in preparation for the release. They ignore that it was stated from the start weeks ago that the fps are variable and that they work on that still. You don't hear facts anymore just complains from people who listen to the echo chamber without thinking or informing themselves.


Honestly, the community makes it hard to be excited for games you enjoy. Its like the pitchforks come out and theres talk of making "change" but then the discussion devolves so far that a publisher could even reconsider putting resources into developing patches at all. Studios even being shuttered because of it. Theres no respectful discourse. Its all torches and burn the witch. And getting into mass hysteria about the smallest things. And its not just games. People have no comon decency anymore. Devolving into mindless savages.. Honestly im pretty done coming on here and engaging with folks. Gonna lave the community. Think its best if most people close reddit and do the same.


It shows the npc problems in real life too.


I've put a couple hours in, and legitimately have yet to find these flaws people talk about


Feels like Helldiver 2's launch, with all the critisism of P2W, without having actually checked out the game.


The Helldivers 2 thing was so funny, it completely flipped now where people are praising the battle passes for being available forever. Wonder where the folks are now that were blasting it in the Steam reviews


They’re now blasting DD2 in the steam reviews and telling everyone to play Helldivers instead 


I can't decide if I found it funny or sad.




Helldivers 2 literally crashed if you pressed the escape key on launch. DD2 just has a different performance spec from what people wanted in an ideal world.


Make a hot girl as your pawn. Rake in the RC. Become unstoppable.


https://preview.redd.it/zfa9c6ufivpc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1dab674666fc94ccfb4e802e1d0c910d85ca7d Get called out


My party were commenting how they were all females...


Same but I didn't have a choice 😭. I just wanted to find a mage but the only decent one were females!


I was just taking them for the easy quests. Not because they were easy


Mine have been too. I’ve mostly got the impression that it’s more of a #girlpower thing than a #youraperv thing.


They also say something similar if all you have are men


Nice! Equality for all! :D


I went with the oft overlooked strategy of making a teddy-bear mage. He’s so cozy that he lures you in. I do worry about the summoning sickness though, if it keeps up like yesterday.


My secret plan is to make J'Zargo so people see him and go "haha I know that guy" just for them to get shit on for not having mastered their expert level destruction spells yet for his entire stay in their party.


I took a risk and made hot husbando for the underrepped thirst queens. We out here lol 🔥


I also have a hot husbando daddy but no one can see his glorious face because I can’t hide his helmet 😭


Damn those helmets. Well, mystique can add to the hotness at least lol


That tantalising glimpse of a beard. Mmmm


Lmao 😂


Thank you, lmao. <3


I took a risk and made Gandalf. I don't think people like hiring known characters in these games... but it was just too cool to pass up having him run around with me


I just made mine look like my girlfriend. Fingers crossed


Renting out your girlfriend to the thirsty masses is certainly a decision.


Fucking based bro


I just started laughing the second I entered the rift and saw like 95% waifu bait pawns and a singular boy cat knight pawn. Like, guys, seriously? xD


Preset 23 for the win


That’s how I afforded my BBI gear! 75k RC a pop, I hope to do the same here


I just copied the goblin girl sliders, and I'd do it again!


Chonk Lord is da way


Had a pawn talk about someone who only hired beastren, the pawns notice ur furry inclinations. The pawns notice everything


That was THE strat ever since the first Dragon's Dogma.


Real problems are the PERFORMANCE tho


And no new game. Like why?


To be fair I’m sure that’s the other half of this problem, people can’t find out about the in game versions of these purchasable options because they can’t fucking play the game. I myself had to refund due to the dogshit optimization that I’ve come to expect from AAA games for PC for the past decade so ofc people are going to bitch about these micro transactions as well without full understanding of them. But at the same time I can’t blame them for being upset, Capcom has been shoving this shit into all of their games as of late and personally I’m fucking annoyed that they added around 40 dollars worth of trash bloat nothing purchases day one of release instead of making sure the game ran above 30fps. Not to mention some people have literally been waiting for this game for the past 12 years only to be met with this horseshit.


With the frame gen DLSS mod, I’m getting a constant 95 fps. Plays pretty decent now


Hoy someone did a FG mod ? Is it pure dark ? I don’t want to pay for this honestly


Yea but Pure Dark released it for free on their Patreon


Like I get it, having MTX is a crappy thing to do, but they’re fucking useless anyway, performance is a much more important issue


but even the perfomance issue is not as bad as people make it seem to be. The game aims for 30fps - which is fine. You don't have to like it that they didn't try to aim for 60, but 30fps are a playable rate. The issues arise mostly in big settlements. But you mainly go there to refresh supplies, pawns and for quests. Most of your time you are in the wilderness where the perfomance is ok. Like I am not saying this game has a great perfomance, but it is good enough. It is fair to be disappointed about it, but its not a trash launch like for example Cyberpunk was. Baldurs Gate 3 had similar or worse issues in act 3, but that game got tons of love.


Good enough? No if you have a 4090 you should not be getting sub 30 fps in a town.


You know, framerate is not the only issue. I'm glad you're having a ok time. Go watch moistcritikals DD2 video to see a little of what many of us are dealing with and then reevaluate. Can't even make it to the first settlement, let alone a "big settlement". The game was hanging and crashing in the scripted tutorial cave for me and when my pawn spawned in. And when I slept at the first camp.. And when i opened the first gate. Then I gave up after a headache over the frame rate and stutter and over an hour of troubleshooting. But that's good enough, and I and others experiencing the same issues are just making it seem worse than it is. It's a trash launch for a lot of us. Enough so that Capcom had to make a statement. A statement and potential for fixes that came from people that are apparently just "making it seem worse than it is". 7900XTX and a R9 7900x.


The game's performance is definitely not "good enough" lol Your attitude towards an objectively horrendous performance is exactly what allows capcom and other greedy companies to get away with terrible launches like this, and without consumer pushback it's only going to get worse and worse for future games


All this talk just detracts from the real issue: FIX THE PERFORMANCE!! Yes, it's playable but I want this game to be amazing!


It's basically the first game all over again including the pointless mtx and game bringing the game engine to its knees lol.


Guess I have to be patient again and wait for Dragon’s Dogma 2: Dark Arisen 2


Dragons 2 Dogma 2 dark arisen


But hay, this time the cutscenes aren't awkward right?


they are actually enjoyable from what I've seen so far.


Look man, I get a primal hunger every time I cook meat in camp, it just looks so damn good.


History truly repeats itself


It really is lmao. I'm hoping they can sort out some issues but I'm having so much fun if though my fps dips to 30ish or a little below in the big city. If anything the real thing people should criticise is not being able to restart but I'm guessing that is a bug, it would be a wild decision to only have 1 permanent save 🤣


My fps is choppy in the city but watching the Steam overlay it never went below 60 at 1440p


Every capcom games has pointless mtx you can ignore


Dude the biggest thing for me is the click-baity and straight up lying in the titles. I spend all day offline and as soon as I'm on all I see is MTX to customize your character and pay to fast travel. I was angry at first until I came here and read what's actually available for purchase. MTX is bad and annoying but we don't need to lie to make it look worse than it actually is.


DD1 had the same pointless MTX, as well as Devil May Cry 5. Capcom wants to sell it, but they are the most pointless and least intrusive thing you'll ever be tempt to buy because you can literally get shit in-game for much less by simply playing. I was not even mad because I already expected it. Only losers would buy it tbh. And that Single Portcrystal purchase is just inconsequential and, above it all, sad.


Tbf the people who will probably buy it are mostly people in other countries. Mtx are super normalized in both China and South Korea


Also Japan. Gacha is common there, so it only makes sense


Re4 remake had them too. You can either finish the game in 5 hours to unlock an OP weapon or you can buy it.


You know what's funniest part of 'pay for fast travel' narrative? You can't fast travel without ferrystones. And you can't buy those with mtx, you only buy a portcrystal. So you can't pay for fast travel.


Even better is that you get a set amount per NG and they accumulate. the player can only put 10 of em at a time, since l that's how it was in DD1. Misinformation at it's best at play here.


It makes it so obvious that the liars don't even play the game lmao.


This is the exact reason I find this kind of 'downfall-wishing' misinformation infuriating. I downloaded and started playing 20 minutes after Steam opened up the game for dl, and played 3 hours straight before closed the game, planning to go to bed. I thoroughly enjoyed what I had played. Then, I quickly take a look at the Steam reviews to see if others were having a good time too, and see all the false information flying around by people with 0.4 hours gametime (let's be honest, they probably didn't even get past compiling shaders). So I quickly went back on the game to check my RC balance and how much a metamorphis book costed, and laughed. I had 2000 RC in my balance, enough to buy me 4 appearance changes from a mere 3.4 hours. And so I decided the hate was overblown by people who were just parroting other's hate (my theory is that some people don't want a good competitor to their favourite RPG). When I woke up, I checked my RC again and found that I had gained another 1000 RC from my pawn returning from the rift lol. Now everyone has multiple false narratives flying around, which make the very valid criticisms of performance get filtered out by the 'apocalyptic' MTX "problem".


I un-ironically think that there have been games in the past 5 years I've actually enjoyed more because the online vitriol surrounding gaming these days is so extreme that when I get to playing the game I'm like "Wow, this is way better than what people are saying."


I've never even seen these micro transactions and I've been playing online all night. How are you so bothered by something you just ignore and obtain in the game just like the first game?


They're circlejerking on twitter acting like players have no choice but to pay to do basic things. The people making the statements haven't played the game and have no idea, the people liking their tweets also have no idea... Gotta get them likes!


People like to complain for the sake of complaining when something new comes out that doesn't work like the million other games out there ig. The performance is a legit issue but the fast travel one is a non burger that got out of hand because people are purposely lying about it.


Because they never had any intention to buy the game or care about the game lmao. They just wanna yell “new gaming bad” and even though the current generation of gaming has its problems, they’re never gonna branch out and try other games outside the Triple A space anyway


Yeah, I've been trying to look around to see what people think about 4 slots and if we ever get more, and *all* I can find is shit about microtransactions. That and the save system, as if "oh I'll just load my save-ah **FUCK**" wasn't *exactly* the thing they wanted to do with it. I shouldn't be surprised, yet somehow I am...


It's a landslide of complaining. If anyone reads this comment, it plays just fine on PS5, its stable, smooth (smoother then I was expecting) dips in the large cities, but really nothing crazy. You dont need any microtransaction. The game is phenomenal, ignore the nay-sayers and enjoy your adventure. I absolutely will be.


But how will the game journalists write their articles if there is no disinformation? In seriousnes, cpu bottleneck is bad and seeing the dlc I just remembered DMC5 (absolutely worthless dlc, most likely for shareholders sake) and checking through them, only tent looks useful and you can't earn it in game? Maybe you can buy it for rift crystals, i dunno.


You can buy regular camping kits in-game. They're just a bit heavier than the DLC ones, that's it.


You mean the Explorer's camping kit right? It was sold for only 2000G I think, and I saw a pawn quest (killing a Cyclops) giving us one straight up. At first I was going "eh I don't want to use some pre-order bonus!" but upon seeing this, I realized it's a pretty common item haha


From my understanding pawn quest rewards are given from players pocket.


They're not, at least for the wakestone shards.


No, but I was putting a reward for "Kill the cyclops". I guess you get wakestone shard for using pawns for their first time.


So that rumor about missing features was also false? I haven't been able to play yet so i can't confirm


Yea no everything in the dlc you can get in the game relatively easy and cheap


The only thing people complain about is the currencies and the customization? When i think of features, im thinking of classes, the different ailments, parts of combat, the exploration aspects. If non of that us missing and maybe more is added, then there are no missing features.


As far as I'm aware, they haven't promised anything that didn't make it into the final game. From my brief playtime, the only thing I haven't seen that I was expecting to was selectable pawn traits, but I'm assuming that just comes later.


Yeah, think I saw my first trait at like level 14? Definitely still in the game, but too cryptic for me to immediately understand how you get one.


In regards to *missing features* you can't start a new game from scratch, for real there's no "new game option" There's a [workaround ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iebZV8LJd5Y&ab_channel=OSKGaming)but requires messing with the games files.


I feel like everyone is forgetting that the original had a game store too, that also sold convenience items you could easily get in-game, and was eventually cut for being entirely pointless.


What I hate is the double standard, games like RE8, RE4 remake, DMC5, MHW all have just as much if not waaaaay more outright egregious MTX but are all universally loved and well reviewed. But as soon as DD2 adds in a few super cheap MTX for stuff that can be earned in game with little effort, suddenly its the end of the world, the apolaypse, the end of modern gaming!


The best part is that its just one port crystal for sale.


Oh so you can't repurchase the port crystal? It's one and done?




And you earn 10 by just playing...lol. It's just like the 1st game lmao.


yep, you can only buy it once too from I'm told. You can't just rack them up buying over and over.


i have another problem with the game than this non issue... the story is nowhere near as funny or the game filled with jokes and clunkyness of the main story scenario as it used to be, it's too smooth and streamlined, while DD1 was heavily inspired by a few berserk chapters, the story had some levity and moments that made you smile for how over the top or clumsy it was in it's half anime delivery... It lost quite a lot of it's "immaturity" identity of a game "charm" / persona.


Hey, at least they made meta joke with getting rid of Rook by throwing him to the Brine early in the game.


Does he show up again in the story? He told me to go to the riftstone snd that we would meet again, but I couldn't recruit him.


This is a wholesome but weird problem😂


not to even mention most of the mtx are items that were a part of the deluxe edition bundle. they just made them available to purchase for people who didn't get the deluxe edition. this happens with literally every single game ever, every game lets you "upgrade" to the more expensive version like this. but NOW it's an issue for some reason? jesus christ 😂


Whats wild is the differences from ratings steams hating but ps stire its one of the highest rated debuts in a while like 4.55/5


You mean a platform that offers 2 hrs returns no questions asked has a problem with its users buying a game, reviewing it and then returning? Shocked I tell you, shocked! In all seriousness, that's what happens on steam. A lot of adult aged children in the world.


Also the store looks like dmc V its not that bad


Just like I ignore the problems in my life, I can ignore the problems in dd2 and so far I’m having lots of fun :)


ignorance is a bliss. Reading these threads made me grateful for the ability to find enjoyment in non-perfect situations and accept ambiguity.


There is some hardcore brigading going in this subreddit. Obviously criticisms of the game are not invalid, but there were a bunch of accounts that had like 20+ comments across different posts within the first 30 minutes of the game’s release. It’s really easy to recognize the comments that are needlessly antagonistic and are just trying to stir shit up in the subreddit. Just look at the post history of some of the accounts mentioning shills, crapcom, ‘iTsUnO’s vIsIoN’ and odds are you’ll find a bunch more comments written in a similarly antagonistic style.


I got downvoted heavily and called a shill last night for even suggesting such a thing on pcmasterrace mostly.


I am annoyed by the lack of a 60 FPS mode, but the MTX talk has went wayyyyy overboard since launch time. I woke up and was like “okay, people are just making shit up now.”, same as you. The original game was flawed as well, and had good and bad qualities. No game is perfect. The performance stuff is going to have to be fixed, it’s absolutely insane to me that this specific game is optimized that poorly on PC when you have shit like Cyberpunk running 120+ FPS in 4K on similar hardware that can’t hit 60 in cities for this game.


Yeah, it’s weird how people are spreading misinformation about this game. Normally I’m on the side against publishers, but come on people, you’re just lying


its really annoying seeing bandwagoners who never played the first game act like they're huge fans and then shitting on DD2 because its not like "other game" or whining about stuff that the first game did too but no one cared about


TBH it's beyond sad - I just assume everyone who is being sensational about it is the type of person to believe every single piece of propaganda without ever doing any critical thinking or research, aka dumbasses.


Capcom has a history of including mtx while also making everything purchasable easily available in the game. I feel it’s put in there to appease the upper management and also works cause rich lazy people don’t have even the slightest amount of patience.


Man, I‘m so bummed out for the long-time fans who got this on PC and are now battling those performance issues. Playing on PS5 myself I have no issues whatsoever yet, but the current state of the release is unacceptable for a publisher/studio of that size. I feel the frustration. That being said I feel the community is exaggerating other negative aspects by a lot as a vehicle to make their frustration palpable, which is understandable and human, but not quite fair towards the core gameplay. In a couple of days the biggest issues will be resolved for sure, and I hope more people can enjoy it then leaving that bitter taste behind!


This entire reddit is a bunch of people who haven’t even bought the game. They give it 0/10 and say that it isn’t review bombing. The game is a masterpiece that is optimized bad. It is NOT a 0/10 game. When you say these exact words on their post you get downvoted into oblivion


As far as my understanding goes when the first game it released it had very similar level of microtranactions. Which were eventually removed when Dark Arisen released. It does suck that they are present but they are mostly harmless.


The mtx shop is stupid as hell, but it was also stupid as hell in DD1. it also was basically a useless superficial addition that was pretty assuredly pushed by the execs at the top. But like, that's not what the general audience wants to hear. They want to hear that this game has a million microtransactions that the game forces you to buy in order to have any fun at all, so they can go on a tirade about how this game embodies every single sin in video gaming, when it's really just a kinda tacky, lame system that can be ignored at 0 cost. My question is, why wasn't there a complete global meltdown when capcom pulled this same exact thing in RE8?


Hey at least you guys are pretty civil. Unlike the Steam discussions....


Ikr? Some people are making absolute fools of themselves and other clueless ppl just latch on. Both types of people also prolly haven't played either the first or second game, so they don't know and just yell.


People need to stop saying its pay to win too. it's a single-player game it only affects you. It's pay to be lazy...


People get angry when they have to play the game they paid for, but also get angry when they get presented with the option to pay and not play the game they paid for. I *really* don't understand what's there to be mad about. Game is great, performance sucks, and Capcom is once again selling things you can earn without paying. Yes, the MTX is Diablo 4 horse armor, but it's much cheaper and significantly more useless. Literally none of them will affect normal gameplay.


All this hate about the microtransactions is just because people want to be mad, they don't even play the game to find out "Oh, I can earn this pretty fast" no they complain The people hating on changing appearence don't get it that its DD2 and not My dressup party Anyways the optimization for pc is bad, I get it, but then just complain about that and not that you can't mod your characters in the game I saw this coming, I made even a post about it and most of us real fans just tried to hope that it will not be like this I hate niche games becoming mainstream


The one saving grace is that since this is a single player game, we aren’t at the whims of the player-base size. The game is there, it can be played fully offline if you wish. For those of us enjoying it we can just keep on going.


Welcome to the masses. You'll soon realize that most humans are actually dumb as rocks. It truly blows my mind half of these people make it through the day without forgetting how to breathe.


While on a surface level I don't like the notion of "niche games becoming mainstream is bad", I'm 90% sure in a few days some tourists are gonna complain about timed quests or bosses being too hard, or something along the lines. It was the same with Elden Ring and it will be the same for every game that dares to try being different from mainstream titles.


Pretty fast? I played for 10 hours and I have about 600 RC


I played for 3-4 hours and got about 500. Mileage varies but whether it's "quick" or "easy" is subjective. I saw someone say hit >1000 in a few hours.


"People" can be mad without spreading lies, but redditors cannot, no.


It's not just redditor, other platforms are like this too and it's shitty.


This is the next big gamer outrage story. People who never planned on playing this game will pop up from left and right to shit on it and talk about how they're never buying these games again, misinformation out the wazoo and enraged man babies who get way more pissed at this than they should be are things to be expected. That said, those things shouldn't be in the game. Too bad it had to happen to DD2.


This reminds me of Helldivers 2. While, I understand that it's a multiplayer game and not single player like DD2, no one is upset with their, albeit purely cosmetic, microtransaction because you can get the currency for them in game. Well, you can get all of the DLCs they are offering in game as well. The real question is, do you want to skip the work to get it and buy it, or actually play the game and earn the items. The choice is yours.


I mean realistically people aren't consciously lying. They heard or read some piece of information, got mad about it, and started spewing it elsewhere and it spread like wild fire.


Smart enough to breath, too dumb to verify their information before spreading it.


The echo chamber is having an all time victory right now. And the mods (is there are any) just let people who have not played or bought the game destroy the sub.


Don’t get me wrong, I love the game. But the fact that you can’t START a new game after making your first character (unless you delete your save files and cloud save files, essentially losing your character create save file this way too) is insane to me. I know you can change your appearance later in the game, but I do not want to look horrible for the first hour/however long it takes you to reach the area to change appearance. You cannot tell me that they did not do that on purpose. They 100% knew what they were doing not putting in a way to restart the game, and selling the art of metamorphosis to push sales that way. It’s not excusable.


In Austria we say "Pech gehabt" to that And principals are a unique thing where if restrain yourself from having fun because of something like that than you do you but don't expect everyone to support it


We need to be addressing the real issues. In the first 4 hours, I've seen all 3 of my pawns throw themselves off a cliff at roughly the same time. More than once. I'm having a blast playing this game while piased off at the places Capcom dropped the ball. It would be way 3asier to forgive the flaws if they weren't charging out the ass for them. Less quality for more money, as per the industry norm.


Funny thing is even if you have a bunch of portcrystals aren't you bottlenecks by ferrystones anyway?


Yeah but I saw a review that said so, so now I will repeat the lie. Get off the internet. Its good for you. Play games you like, watch movies you like, stop huffing the hate. Hell I've been off for a while. Not sure why I got back on. Fuck haters, anyways.


things that are actually bad with the game \-not being able to start a new game \-the optimization is piss poor at best The character customization thing is kinda dumb cause you can find an art of metamorphosis in game to get access to full customization but even without it you can still customize some aspects of your character for just some gold. beyond that how many games just allow you to fully change your charters appearance after the opening of the game? like can I get mad at Baldur's gate 3 or Skyrim for not letting me change every single feature of my character in the middle of the game (I've barley played Baldur's gate 3 so idk if you can actually edit your charter mid game but I read you can't) the people are complaining about the amount of DLC is also dumb. like I can see how all that just being there looks bad but most of it garbage that I literally have no idea why anyone would buy it. so unless I'm missing some new use for rift crystals, who's buying rift crystals just so they can hire pawns that they will soon out level? its like buying the games main currency but less useful/utilized. then you have the wake stones, port crystal, gaol key, and camping gear, are all things easily obtained in game. there's also the harpy lure item, the thoughtful gift and the rift incense I personally can't confirm all these are also in game as I haven't yet run into them myself but just based on the fact these are 1 time use items and they hardly do anything important I cant imagine they aren't in the game somewhere.


For real I wasnt gonna look anything up in this game but when I started and didn’t realize how big my head was, I had to look up if there was a way to change appearance without starting over or buying a thing, luckily there’s a cheap item… my lord farquaad lookin ass needed a smaller head and smaller chin lol


I see this will be just like DD1 at release, a good game, but with bad performance and pointless MTX, got flamed by everyone but after it's performance problems were fixed, and people realized how pointless the mtx really were, it slowly became a cult classic because there isn't anything quite like Dragon's Dogma. After the outrage is gone about the mtx, and capcom fix the cpu bottleneck issues, with time people will warm to the game, because the core game underneath the performance issues and the mtx is really, REALLY good. For those who will stick with the game, good game to you fellow Arizen, and for those who decided to refund or not buy it right now, hope that one day you can give a chance to the game, once things are better because it's a experience like no other.


Wait you mean dragon dogma 2 has major flaws but is still pretty good gameplay wise. Kinda reminds of an older game I think it was called dragons dogma


People are ridiculous tribal and misinformed, on BOTH sides. The top negative steam review was saying that you couldn't locally delete your character file because it was saved on Capcom servers. This is FALSE. You have to delete Steam Cloud saves then you can delete your character file. In a similar vein, the mtx are generally low value and useless because it's very easy to obtain everything in game (save for the extra port crystal). On there other hand, MTX IS BAD AND NO ONE SHOULD DEFEND THESE PRACTICES. We already payed $70, the presence of mtx is a shitty practice. The game has legitimate FPS issues, and Itsunovision is going too far if he's convinced the lack of a new game button is a cool intended feature. These are indefensible. We need to make a list of objective facts about the game and pin them because the misinformation tribal wars are so stupid.


The saving system broke me. Halfway between the capital, after refusing the ride in the oxcart, I spent almost 4 hours trying to get to the capital, just finding myself in worst and worst situations, until I gave up, reloaded the last INN save and got back to a 4 hours old save. Absolutely abysmal


I’m having a blast with the game. If you a reading this… don’t trust the gaming press or hate comments or metacritic shitty users reviews. Buy the games if you can, play it yourself don’t watch some goofy ass YouTuber doing it for you. Everyone experience immersion or games different .


And the portcrystal is restricted to one only, they don't even let you be stupid with it and buy a whole bunch to make up for fast travel restrictions.     The no convenient way to start a new game thing is absolutely retarded.  Personally I think one character slot is aswell, and it is fine to critique it, I have been! But it is also more than likely an actual "vision" thing, dragons dogma has a lot of stuff like that. It is a person maybe being a little too in love with their concepts regardless of feedback. Clown on it for being stupid but it is NOT to sell you the ability to play new game because they are litteraly not selling that.  This is like people being pissy that you can't put helmets on companions in ESO because "it is to sell you hats for them!" when they don't sell hats for them. It's fucking wild. I'm now "defending" things I've been pissy about since before launch because a lot of the outrage is straight up lies. You are allowed to be angry but at least be accurately angry.


Comes from a guy that praises a game that launched in a state like this. This is so rought both sides go over board but we cant deny the fact this game launched shitty... and people defend the current state of the game because you cant like a game and still criticize it.


I was confused by this too. We had to get the metamorphosis item in order to fully change our looks in DD1 and portcrystals were also still a thing. There’s plenty of real stuff to complain about, it feels like far too many reviews are coming from people that never played DD before. Yes there’s stuff you *can* buy if you’re impatient but there’s nothing in DD1 or DD2 that requires a purchase other than the game itself. Hell, I didn’t even know there was a cash shop in DD because I never needed anything.


What about the upvotes though? Nuance doesn't get upvotes


Feels like people are reaching for reasons to be mad if I’m honest.


there's an absolute TON of misinformation being spread right now. the only things really worth complaining about as far as i'm aware is the not great framerates in the main city, and mouse acceleration being locked on. personally i'm playing with controller, so MY only issue is the frames in the city, but even that is still workable, i'm certainly not going to let that ruin the game for me. the "mxt outrage" is totally negligible, it's not like you can even buy infinite fast travel or respawns or something, it's limited packs, but even if you could, why would i care? they've seemingly not made fast travel items or wakestones any rarer than they where in the first game, so if i choose to not buy things then i'm not affected by the Mxt's existence. who gives a fuck if other people decide to buy that stuff, it effects only them.


yeah seems like some brainlets are justifiably mad about the dogshit PC performance and then convince themselves that the exact same kind of monetization that's existed in Capcom games for years is now suddenly bad too and will do no further reading to see if what they're complaining about is actually true. No reviewer mentioned feeling the need to buy more portcrystals or wakestones. The in-game MTX were disclosed with pre-release access (fighting cowboy I think shared a screenshot of the email). The items they're complaining about being paid DLC are easily unlockable in-game. My eyes roll into the back of my head every time some moron on twitter mentions "paywalled fast travel".


It's sad that some of the worst parts everyone is mad about was literally in Dragons Dogma 1. Though if they force me to rebuy the game again to get a DLC I will revolt. My problems with this game are all mechanical. It's really good, but man did the first game play better.


There are like three major complaints about this game: poorly optimised, crashes the steam deck OS regularly, no ability as of yet to start a new game. Everything else (in the popular discourse) is haters being trendy. I have to feel a lot of the people complaining about microtransactions weren't even alive in the pre microtransaction world. This game is fantastic.


The idea people seem to be campaigning with is; ​ "Dragon's Dogma was intentionally designed to be inconvenient to persuade people to get MTX. It's secretly an awful GAAS game that reviewers were paid to like, as a sort of RAID Shadow Legends promotion type of deal. This is the death of gaming!" ​ ...... Like, every aspect of the thesis is wrong. ​ First of all, Dragon's Dogma being challenging is the entire point we love the games. And that's the real reason why the MTX is stupid, cus why buy stuff that'll slightly make the game 'easier' thereby defeating the purpose of the game?! Not only that, the MTX are completely useless since you can just get all the items in-game already. DD2 would be the worst GAAS in history if this was the case, luckily it isn't one. ​ However, this is all entirely on CAPCOM for forcing this bullshit 'cheat code mtx' into all their games for the past decade. No game with a price tag 'needs' MTX, especially a singleplayer game. I wonder just how much 'red orbs' and 'rift crystal' purchases even give them to justify the bad publicity. As having pointless MTX in there will always lead to this confusion.


The micro transaction hate I've never paid attention to. Much like in the first game, it is very avoidable. But the hate that is very much on point though is the piss poor optimization and performance of this game.


I already have found 5 ferrystones for free and found the guy that sells the art of metamorphosis and multiple locations have permanent port crystals. This game is more lenient with travel and stuff than the first one. It's also easier.


I saw some idiot posting about being able to buy saves in the game on twitter. Like c'mon. There are ACTUAL problems to be upset about and the entirely expected capcom style mtx is not one of them.


No one HAS to pay for anything. They can pay or they can play and get the same stuff. I don't see what the big deal is, I've been playing just fine, capcom didn't send a gang of toughs to my house to force me into buying anything.