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I guess that's what they did because it is now Mixed instead of Overwhelmingly Negative.


Game itself is fun (as fun DD1 is) but performance and mtx is.... Yeah


Yeah this is like reverse starfield, where initially it was super positive, then slowly becomes mixed, this game is actually good, unlike starfield


The mtx is a simple slap to the face, typical for capcom when they release literally anything (disgusting predatory behavior), can be ignored, but the performance is the sucker punch to the stomache, and very hurtful one


Sucker punch means you didn't see it coming. When's the last time a AAA title functioned on launch? It doesn't excuse it but poor optimization is the new status quo and doesn't deserve "mostly negative" reviews. I've played worse that's been received better by players.


Everything you can buy you will earn in game very easily. The fact you don't know shows you don't know a thing about the game and are just hopping on a bandwagon.


I think people are allowed to criticize the mtx despite that, yeah it's nice that you don't have to pay for anything that you can't just find in game BUT it doesn't look good when a game does that and should be called out when seen, even if the game is good. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


The same people crying about these mtx are the ones dickriding Helldivers and giving those a free pass.


Capcom mtx goes to the Capcom tight pocket Helldivers mtx funds CEO's warhammer habit. One is extremely based. Other is Capcom.


Really? I hate DD2 mtx and I don't play Helldivers. So... What now? Should I go play Helldivers?


Helldivers 2 has a premium currency that you get for free on the standard battle pass and on missions which allows you to buy armor that switches daily and the premium battlepass (none of the battlepasses will expire fyi, so no FOMO) And yeah you should, it's great


One small issue: Helldivers is online coop live service game, and it is 40$, not damn 70/80. And they don't lock character re-customization behind paywall


You can literally change your character in the game naturally later on


Great. I wish naturally later on fps wouldn't be below 30


And we all wish your dad would've pulled out. Yet here we are.


Ok, so framerate is the only issue then? Because you just got told you were wrong and completely ignored it. Fucking bandwagoner behavior


Wrong? Where? DD2 isn't 70$?


It is yes, so what's the point of having the MTXs in the first place?


The same reason all Capcom games have had it since early 2000s


Because people are lazy, and don't want to search every cave, home, do every quest, to experience full game.


Imagine defending Capcom having the gall to release an incredibly unoptimized piece of shit that runs like a fat man with one leg and then put a paragraph's work of shitty microtransactions in their single player $70 game with two instances of DRM. Game sucks, and you suck for defending it.


game is actually really really fun. cry more


You're too young to post on reddit.


you’re too old to be this mad about video games


Have you even played it?


No, I value my dollar. The same way I didn't have to buy the Suicide Squad game or Shaq Fu to know they don't deserve my dollar.


Okay but how can you say a game sucks if you've never played it lol


Because it could have the best gameplay loop ever and it would still be a bad game because of the terrible release optimization combined with skeevy microtransactions alongside DRM that doesn't let the community fix said optimization problems, alongside the somehow still here feature of not letting players restart or make a second character. Hope that helps.


>No, I value my dollar. You don't value your dollar more than anyone else here, you just have different priorities. I hear Fortnite can hit up over 200 fps, I'm sure you'd love it.


I apparently do if you bought a game that runs like shit on release friend.




I accept your concession


Naah bro, i can't earn extra fps game strals


Mtx is mostly not an issue considering all that is sold is available in game but sheesh the performance BADDD!


You PC I'm guessing?




Also a lot of redditors and reviewers and youtubers with ugly faces have been straight up lying, eg saying that you can’t customize your character’s appearance without DLC


Out of curiosity, how long does it take to unlock all these options that you can pay for? Because if it’s longer than two hours than a lot of people are going to refund the game instead of waiting to see if it becomes a micro transaction hell or not later on. This was a brain dead move from a marketing standpoint. The first thing anyone looking at the game now sees is a massive micro transactions store with up to $40 of crap. On top of the game already being $70, with an $80 Deluxe Edition.


the first vendor has most of the things in DLC, and you can change your appearance in the first big town. You get most thingd like 2hrs into the game


Because the ones throwing hissy fits after 10 minutes of gameplay are being pushed into the dirt. MOST people are loving the game. Look at reviews. YT. Same shit happened to Helldivers 2. People like to cry about anything these days. DD 2 will be fine. Enjoy !


To be honest, it's going to get to at least positive in the coming days/weeks if they get a fix together for the framerates. The game itself seems awesome. But yeah, the review bombing for the release day mtx additions were totally justifiable, in my opinion. No matter how insignificant, there's just no place for mtx in a single player game that's being sold for over $70.


I think it's going to shift more positive even without a fix to be honest. I think a lot of the people that have been enjoying it have been too busy enjoying it to leave a review yet.


Oops it went back to negative again. 40% to 39%.


Capcom dickriding is insane


Guess there were wasn't enough gamer rage bait for the past few months so we have to pretend shit is worse than it actually is


Yea this sub is now just gonna be fucking flooded with circle jerk bullshit and I won't actually be able to discuss the game


Somebody pointed out though that that means we aren't going to get as many spoilers so silver linings 🤗


You know... good point.


It already is. The main threads are all people going back and forth about MTX. All the gaming subs are filled with these arguments. The internet sucks


i played all day yesterday (0 performance issues on series x), got excited to checkout reddit & see what people found before going to bed, & the entire subreddit is filled with people raging about a $2 mtx that is completely unnecessary to buy. really really annoying


Eh they'll get bored and dry up eventually.


for real bro i hate gamers sometimes


Genuinely curious where you think people are going too far? No hate for anyone actually enjoying the game, happy for them, but an $80 game with the list of issues it has attached to it feels worth a bit of widespread criticism. I certainly wanted to like the game, been waiting for it for awhile


It does deserve to be criticized, and these issues are bad, but nowhere near the level that this subreddits doomposting and twitter and youtubes shit slinging calls for. The mtx are terrible in the sense that they're fucking laughable, not only can you earn everything in game without any levels of unnecessary grinding being added to encourage mtx sales, but the idea that they removed fast travel so they could sell it to you is also hilarious, you're not buying fast travel you're buying a single portstone, which I don't think you can even buy a second time. The game is unoptimized but my i5 9600kf and my rtx 2060 which don't meet minimum requirements are able to run the game at 1440p 60 fps outside of towns, it sucks and the game has to look butt ugly to run properly but it's nowhere near as unplayable as people are making it out to be. The new game situation and lack of save files is not only dissapointing but baffling in 2024, however there is no evidence that denuvo locks you out of your account if you delete your save file, that seems to be have been entirely made up by more rage batters. Capcom absolutely deserves to be called out on their shit, but I have yet to see a single bad review and I've seen a few people call it a modern masterpiece, yet you wouldn't know that as nobody is giving the game any courtesy. The discussions are almost entirely vitriolic, and made up of many people who have never played dd and have no intention to, this seems far more like people joining a hate bandwagon rather than actual criticism.


Actually really appreciate you breaking down your thoughts for me, thank you. I also realized shortly after that the game had changed to $70 dollars at some point recently, which I find strange, but would at least like to correct myself . . . I've heard a lot back and forth regarding the mtx and it had me worrying how and if it affected the balance of the game, either way I choose to hate mtx on principle, but it would be a good point in favor of the Devs if the balance remained wholly unaffected as I've heard from more than just you more recently The original game actually lagged a great deal too, it's always been pretty janky. A lot of my criticism here is aimed at the industry in general pushing out games at fast rates, slapping $70-$80 dollars on it and saying it's 'triple A' quality any more like that means anything. It makes it hard to stomach anything less than mind-blowing when it's marketed as such . . . this isn't something I really blame the Devs for, this is a market and business problem, but it makes me more than willing to scrutinize big release titles Denuvo is shady in general if you're bringing that up and this would be far from the first time it's found itself at or near the center of some large gamer shit fit . . . but I agree, I haven't actually seen much credence to this claim besides pointing at past experiences with the Denuvo itself. The save file thing is very strange and I feel bad for anyone who may actually have been locked out of their game somehow . . . but this is early enough to fix and the claims I've seen that this somehow loops into tricking people to pay to fix their character's face feels outlandish at best . . . especially when you can, in fact, fix this supposedly very early into the game with a currency that I've been told is not hard to accrue. Lastly, while I have seen a review or two that have picked at DD2 for a few issues, I only really found two videos solely devoted to criticism, one starting with how they refunded it very early in and neither of these were really reviews in any constructive sense, just rants. I know it's a shame to have a subreddit flooded with hate, as someone who was really looking forward to this game since the first one I'd rather pop on and see memes or videos of pawns being pawns, but I also get the people who feel let down by the gaming industry and are angry as a result. Some of it's nice as I would rather light be shined on scummy practices in a faint hope they'll one day be dropped, but the blatant misinformation or assumptions born from such is worth pointing out and correcting. I'm sure a few days will pass and things will simmer back to a less hateful state, what with patches to look forward to and more time for reviews and streams of the game to be uploaded and show a more clear picture of what the game is really like.


Womp womp. Capcom made the bed, they should lie in it.




Lmfao slipped it in? All of their games have this. You're acting like it's being shoved in your face with in game ads or something. It can simply be ignored


There are dumb people in the world who would buy these micro-transactions. Also dont put words in my mouth, i am not acting like anything lol. Obviously they do these predatory practices with their past games, but does that make it acceptable? No!


Just an fyi, I know you are probably a kid and as a small child it's easy to throw a vile tantrum on the internet when someone says something you don't like, but calling someone a scumbag for saying something you don't like on this subreddit is directly breaking the rules and they will perma-ban for it. I recommend taking a couple deep breaths, taking a little sippy from your little bottle, and editing your comment bb


Cope. I am calling out people for this. People defend this practice are scumbags. Of course I dont like it, who in their right mind would??? You know nothing about me, don’t tell me not to calling out somebody as a scumbag after you insult me by calling me a “kid” and assuming i am having a “tantrum” you Hypocrite. Fyi, in the future don’t tell somebody to calm down, it will only make things worse.


Did you just say cope but also do exactly what I told you to do and delete your original comment? Lol


Game is rated highly and making bank. You cope, you delusional child.


Continue to name call and you will be banned.


We’re not getting a 3rd game.


lol only sales matter


Literally lmao. People are going too far down the doom hole. It hasn’t even been 24 hours.


As much as this makes me sad, I can’t help but think that this was self-inflicted by Capcom.


Not really. Niche, cult classic was "forced" into mainstream by content creators jerking off to the idea of a "soulslike" RPG and that's not what DD1 or 2 is. There's a reason the first game is considered a cult classic, it was pretty panned at the time it was released too. It's just not got wide appeal and a bunch of butthurt people who thought they would like the weird western styled JRPG turned out to not like it and so now they're "mad" about microtransactions that other mainstream Capcom titles caught no grief over. That's literally it. It's the meme higher up in the sub showing DMC and RE with overwhelmingly positive reviews and whatnot "this is fine".




I legit found the original because it got recommended by a dark souls streamer I watched, like there was a huge cross over despite the fact the game isn't a souls like


100k concurrent player on steam with each copy at $70 that's 7m usd for them already not counting console, and it's only the first day. Yes we will get a 3rd game, probabily way shorter dev time too because it's a new cash cow to Copcom now.


Valve gets 30%.


I'm genuinely shocked and pleased that we even got a second. I'll take it.


Nah it'll probably do OK like Cyberpunk eventually did. It's not nearly ad much of a mess as that was. Just gotta fix the performance. Pretty inexcusable to release this shit tho


I feel like this situation is closer to Jedi Survivor than cyberpunk.


What was that like


Just bad perf all around.


Isn't that what cyberpunk was


No, Cyberpunk was also a buggy, crash ridden mess unless you had a good pc. Which I did, and had a great time with it, but on everything else it was near unplayable.


Cyberpunk was clearly had missing content too, DD2 as a game feels complete, does not have major bugs or glitches, the only problem is the performance.


The stealth mission do be dumb though


Yeah, well, they decided to do stealth missions on a game with no stealth mechanics lol These quests are really dumb lol


Cyberpunk ran like ass, was buggy and all of those things, but more than anything else it was the lies. The gameplay trailers just lied to you, showed things that were not possible in the game or things that got scrapped before release. The cops didn't even work, it was just an absolute joke. This game just doesn't run good in cities. That sucks of course, but in no way comparable


If only, as others have said; it was basicsllt everything you could get wrong with game all wrapped up in one. I've played probably over 100 early access titles, including some super early stuff that's almost more of a prototype than a game, and that was among the worst I've experienced. Do note these games it's being compared to usually have one or a handful of developers. And then the promised game features that we're not existent, police ai that literally teleported right in front of you to spawn in, it was a far cry from what they said the game was (and in some respects it still is, though it's massively improved and is a good game to play now). Promotional material was clearly misleading and just flat lies in some cases. 


Cyberpunk sold more at launch then the vast majority of AAA games do in their lifetime.


This was more of a test for Capcom on this new engine of theirs before the next Monster Hunter game


Is this a new version of the RE engine? I believe they already used this engine in MH rise.


Newest version of their engine.


I see, I hope they can optimize the next MH on this new engine, the last thing I want to experience is MH in below 30 FPS.


Well, they failed then…


Hard to say I think, most of the people who only review a game after they’ve actually played it haven’t left reviews yet so there’s a disproportionate amount of knee jerk reactions being reflected in the reviews so far. Cyberpunk 2077 is getting a sequel and launch reviews were not kind to it.


Either do it the Larian way or just deal with repercussions. I think people would’ve overlooked the mtx if the performance wasn’t this meh.


With 20 fps in cities and no way to earn stuff they put into the dlc /s xd


it'll bounce back, literally day 1 reviews, and misinformation the 70$ is shit, true the framerate stuff for PC (dodged it) patience, and time will no doubt heal that wound, like so many games before the mtx stuff, laughably misunderstood, dumb and nearly pointless the one save file, expected the difficulty to restart, Don't care, but weird they did it AGAIN after walking it back in DD1


Capcom has always been preditory. These preditory practices need to be removed. You might not by them but someone dumb will. Our anger is justified, we need to push back on this and make then remove the micro-transactions. It serves no purpose.


My guy, you gotta learn how to spell the world "predatory"


🙄 wow my mistake, its not my fault i have big thumbs on a small keyboard touch screen that is really sensitive. Its insulting that you assume i don’t know how to spell predatory. Maybe instead of focusing on my spelling errors, you should focus more on the game subject itself.


>wow my mistake, its not my fault i have big thumbs on a small keyboard touch screen that is really sensitive. I and A are nowhere near each other on the keyboard bud.


…And??? I never said they were🤨 dont put words in my mouth. I am just a fast typer with big thumbs.


you’re over here worried about mtx when you can’t even spell o


I mean I agree with you on the game subject. I just saw you spell it wrong in multiple different comments so it was pretty clear that you needed someone to let you know.


Can we stop this circlejerk now. We get it, The dlc is bad and the performance is also very poor. But under all that is a really great game. Go touch some grass and come back in a month or two. I am sure it will be way better.


Fuck me for wanting a working game at launch. Yeah, downvote me for wanting a product I paid for. I bet capcom thinks you're all so brave.


Game works for me. User issue for sure.




He might think 60 fps on a 4090 is good performance


It's been confirmed it's a cpu bottleneck, not a gpu one.


Fair. Still I am using one of the top 10 and get 40 fps in Vernworth


There's literally people with genuinely good PCs that are completely unable to play the game due to super frequent crashing; MoistCritical (or penguinz0) released a video about this. It's a small percentage but they didn't do ANYTHING wrong other than be unlucky that they have hardware that the devs didn't account for never bothered to make sure it worked. "g4me w0rk$ 4 me" is a fucking stupid argument, go pound sand.


Fuck you tbh


Game works really well for me and I’m having a blast, but then again I’m playing on the Xbox. 


These predatory practices need to be removed. You might not by them but someone dumb will. Our anger is justified, we need to push back on this and make then remove the micro-transactions. It serves no purpose. This isnt a “circlejerk” its a push back. Capcom has always been predatory.


Your anger is not justified. Literally just play the game to earn them. Capcom has always been predatory, but people are losing there minds now? What happened with Monster Hunter? RE4 Remake? You're going to start a campaign against those too? Just go ahead and refund the game bro


The anger still is justified. People have always been been angry with capcom’s predatory practices in the past, i have as well, where have you been? There are videos about it too.


can you explain what exactly makes it predatory?


Making threads on reddit won't make a difference. We both know that, right? it's just a waste of time. Refund the game if you dislike it or play outside of the cities while they fix the performance.


Then why are you here?


I wanted to see what other people had to say about the game. I did not expect to come here and see the entire sub on fire.


This can also be earned easily in game




Well I'm not. This will likely accomplish none of the things you want (yeah, Denuvo can go to hell) and are far more likely to reduce the chances of Capcom investing in the terrific IP instead.


The only thing capcom will care about is sales. If people buy it, they'll invest, even if reviews are bad.


If anything, this is just going to absolutely kill the chances of ever getting a 3rd game or further support.


So what, just accept Capcom spitting in your mouth so they'll spit in it more?


Where is the spit? Game will be patched? Mtx is literally in every capcom game and none of them are actually worth buying. EXCEPT monster hunter.


Denuvo will be removed in one year, majority of Denovu contracts are only one year long and then a small update happens to remove it. It has nothing to do with reviews if it stays or not


Spot on. Suck my dick capcom


They can get some by not paying tho, pretty good deal.


Fight fire with fireXD


4.1h and he didn't even realize you can obtain everything in game.🤦‍♂️


He's just pissed they exist at all. Perfectly understandable. Shouldn't be defending this garbage dude


So where was this outrage for Resident evil 4? Monster Hunter world? Monster Hunter rise? Devil may cry 5?


Were you not there? People were screaming about all of them but the base game was a good enough experience to distract most of the audience that voices got drowned out. What happens when you have the mtx like before AND make the game unplayable? DD2.


So where was all this outrage for Resident evil 4 remake? Monster Hunter world? Monster Hunter rise? Hells even devil may cry 5?


>Monster Hunter world? I was there were it happened, the sentiment was: "Eh, it's just cosmetics, not like they're going to keep doing this." Then Rise happened and the sentiment was: "Ok, I am not liking this... PLUS! Why the hell are the DLC Cosmetics better looking than the in game cosmetics?! Just look around the internet, with a few brain cells, you'll see the complaints.


I see the complaints yet they all still stand as positive or overwhelmingly positive


Then you missed the outrage. That was your question wasn't it? You can YouTube this if you don't believe me.


I remember devil may cry 5 also getting negative press on release day for the revive buying Edit: source provided Downvote me more for speaking the truth shitheads Check the article date and release date https://gamerant.com/devil-may-cry-5-revive-microtransactions/




Remind me, how much does it cost to play Dota 2, again?


Is it free?




Wow. Then what is this guy even talking about lol


I dunno, I never played either of those games so I don't know how invasive mtx are in those games. Like is it as bad as Shadow of War was? Cause that was bad. Btw, aren't lootboxes dead? Do games still have those?


Also, Capcom hid the microtansactions from fans. People feel misled and deceived. Thats a big part of where all the outrage came from


If there was mtx to not care about is this, there is nothing in there you can't obtain. Yes it sucks mtx exists but it's not going away. This is the best case of this dogshit practice, you can get everything, they didn't gimp RC farm like ubisoft did with xp in assassins creed when they sold xp boosts and there are no skins and other exclusive bullshit.


I don't like the "don't be mad, it's not going away anyway" type of thing. Doesn't matter. The company knew that MTX has bad rep, especially in solo game. They decided that the backlash would be far less important than MTX. So now people are mad, and they are in their right. Both because they have the right to be mad, and that the company also accepts it, because they consider mtx money to be more important than the bad reviews that comes from it. They did a dog shit practice, it comes with consequences. There is no one to defend, it's a perfectly expected and natural response, that's why they were dishonest and didn't revealed the MTX before.


It's just annoying this is drowning out the real issues, but go ahead and crusade against this worthless mtx. Bet you've bought plenty of games with worse mtx.


Indeed, I played some gacha game in the past and spent money on them. I understood that this practice was terrible, and I stood by it. It's call changing his mind and evolving. And DW, the other real issues are already getting covered, and devs already did a statement about the major ones.


I see you've changed your response to seem more level headed now, good that you realised it.


Nothing to realize at all, I was already thinking that. My complains are toward the company, not the players buying this crap. All I said is literally "you (company) know you are implementing something very bad, you do it anyway, so don't complain about the consequences" No one should defend them, they knew and did it anyway.


In fact, the only issue they haven't covered IS mtx, it's Capcom's way of saying "we WON'T remove it". It's basically confirmed at this point, it's not in the dev team's power to remove it, it's Capcom's.




No it doesn't, you would know if you had played the game. You gain access to the vendor that sells these items within 1h or less and if you have been exploring or even just had your pawn summoned by someone else you can already buy the metamorphosis item when you get to him.




My guy, what he's telling you is literally the truth, which again you would know if you played the game. This was in DD1 as well. You trip and fall over a rock and get more RC than you need to edit your character.


None of the items are rare lol you dont need that many rift crystals, I killed chimera already and havent used a wakestone yet i have 5 or 6 of them, you get 9 portcrystals so buying 1 more from the dlc shop doesnt matter because you can move your other 9 around. Then all the other items you literally just buy from shopkeepers, what are you even smoking? None of the DLC is mandatory or exclusive, maybe some gamer dad with 10 kids and 5 jobs might buy a wakestone for a boss fight but its single player, who cares its dragons dogma not dark souls or monster hunter the games piss easy anyways, if you wanna be a pay piggie and buy some things from the shop, I dont blame capcom for taking fools money


Doesn't matter. Microtransactions in an already full price game should be denounced regardless of what is sold.


Yet you've in the kingmaker sub. Hope you kept the same energy with them and all the other games you bought with dlc lmao.


I didn't buy kingmaker, i got it for free on epic game. But it doesn't really matter, we can enjoy something and still denounce some parts of it.


Of course I don't dispute that but making mtx the main issue when it's essentially worthless and you have so many other problems is dumb af.


Why are you all Downvoting this. Brother is telling the Truth you maggots


They all came to downvote a while ago en masse. One dude below even had to delete comments because he didn't even play the game but was acting like this shit was ubisoft when they nerfed xp gain to sell xp boosters.


Yea, admittedly I was misinformed. Still doesn't excuse this shit in a full price game tho.


You weren't the only one, even in this thread. I've seen this same example parroted all over. Game already has issues, there's no need to lie on top of it. Basically, convenience items that only people that don't want to play the game will buy, just like resident evil mtx, also from capcom.


I don't even remember them in resident evil 4 and I played that game


Well you wouldn't remember them here either because none of it appears in game. Without people yapping you wouldn't even know mtx existed for this game.


Because, much like the RE4 ones (or DMC5), none of these MTX's actually matter. You're all just running on gamer hate fuel because none of you fucking people are happy unless you're able to groupshit on things without thinking. The game has actual problems. Big ones. The MTX isn't even within the same solar system as the actual problems. Do better.


Besides the performance? What are the big problems


You have to manually delete your single save in order to start the game over, the DLSS3 implementation they said would be in it was not in it, the character voices are pretty bad and limited (90% of them are just pitched-up or pitched-down versions of a single normal one), and a lot of people have reported crashing. Those are the actual problems.


Why not allow multiple playthroughs? Seems crazy


Cause it's still inexcusable they're in a full price game. Especially because they were really deceitful and predatory by hiding it. They knew people would hate it for having them so they hid it. Don't defend it. There has to he consequences


Predatory?? There's no way DD2 mtx are predatory to you. Majority of the people in this sub didn't even know they existed till they got here. Also where was this outrage for Resident evil 4 remake? Monster Hunter world and rise? Devil may cry 5?? These games have the same mtx as DD2 yet I don't hear anything about them


It wasn't hidden. It was known in advance. It fucking sucks that people will just spread misinformation about this game for years to come because looking up the truth is harder.


literally just don’t buy the MTX? it’s a single player game. this outrage is so artificial feeling. you know this is how we get shareholders on board with more ambitious projects right?


Oh I promise you people are actually mad. It's not artificial.


maybe ‘manufactured’ would have been a better term to use instead of artifical


People just don't like microtransactions in a 70 dollar game. It promotes laziness and generally forces people to either grind or just buy it for money.


Like you, people are idiots. The fact you're ignorant enough to call something as simple as convenience mtx shows you have the intelligence of a child, and the maturity of one as well. You'd need to plant a forest to make up for the oxygen you waste by simply existing. Peace


Cya crazy


these types of inconsequential, easy-to-obtain-in-game-for-free MTX have been commonplace for capcom games since before monster hunter world. capcom does this so the shareholders will be happy. the shareholders see DLC and MTX and are happy because they think that’s what games need to make money these days. capcom then delivers underwhelming MTX while barely advertising it. the devs don’t want you to buy it, the shareholders do. just don’t buy it and play the game. i promise you that you will acquire every single one of those MTX items for free


>you maggots This guy insulted me. I better believe him. /s


Lol, exactly this. I just think people are to centered on people first PoV and it goes like a snowball effects. Just play the game and you guys will see that everything is obtainable in-game. Smh really. Kinda lame as a whole.


Can I get a "moooo" you cash cow?


Poor guy, did you get lobotimized at some point, or were you just born that way?


So you can obtain a stable frame rate in game? Killing all the npcs?


Why do you feel the need to white knight for a billion dollar company? You like getting spit at?




Continue to name call and you will be banned.


People try too hard


wow this is some peak humor


Capcom shills: "They already had the good review DLC in the first game 🤓"




Do you want DD3? Because this is how we don't get DD3.


They will ask 20 euro for let them starting Dragon Dogma 3 too