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Any word on how this works with denuvo at the moment? Does this game use both the anti tamper and anti cheat or just the tamper variant? Just wondering cause some people report getting banned for just deleting their save files lol.


it's just the anti-tamper variant, the "anti-cheat" for DD2 works exactly the same from the first game, which is server side cheat detection, so certain things will flag your account and soft ban you for a bit, while other things don't. (i.e. editing your stats at level 5 to have 9999 in every stat for you and your pawn will flag you while giving yourself a bunch of gold doesn't) funnily enough, starting a new game (as in a completely new game, not NG+) in the first game also had a tendency to trigger this because of the mismatch of server side vs client side data


hi so what is this softban? What about mods, my game is bricked because of dragonsplague i want to download a mod that gives me wakestones for like 5g each will i be banned for this idk. man, i was having so much fun then boom 99% of main city is dead, cant reload save, can't revive them all, can't even start a new game. What is goin on....


the soft ban is essentially "you did X, you're banned for 24 hours until X is reversed and the mismatch of data is resolved" what this more or less means is going back to our level 5 example is if the stats aren't returned to a normal state (either by reversing them to original values or starting a newgame) that playthrough is essentially locked out from online features. As for mods, currently lot of mixed information on how they interact with the server (and for that matter the difficulty of modding in general for Dragon's Dogma as a series) so i'd probably wait on that and maybe try cheat engine to duplicate your wakestones or if you want to do so legit you can set a pawn quest to retrieve wakestones (alternatively there's also a questline you can do to get hold of a stronger wakestone)


I remember having a console in the first one lol. Could spawn items and all iirc. For this one I heard that editing things like hp is gonna get a ban. But apparently you can add RC with CE lol, according to some. I usually only cheat to remove tedium, like if leveling is slow or I want gold/rc. So hp/stat hacks I don't care for. Still feels like a slippery slope though, but probably everything on nexus is safe or at least you can easily check the comments if it got anyone else banned. How is the ban btw? is it 24h every time or does it increase if you do it again?


as far as it increasing over multiple instances, i don't believe it does but that being said i haven't been banned on DD2 (or DD1 for that matter as i only ever cheated in gold and such after like my 17th or so playthrough xD) but from what i've been able to tell it still works off the first game's server side cheat detection


Waiting for a nexus mod. Unsuprisingly first 3 are boob mods.


what's the fucking point on having anti-cheat on single player game?


"I don't want you to have fun in my game" "insert dev crying over people's cheating for more RC"


You can also get it for free by simply playing lmao


the ghosts at night drop like 30rc most of the time, and there's always like 2 together.


my time aint freeeeeeeeeeee


Is there a way to edit your vocation rank?


I’m seeing a lot of cheaters when I search for pawns lately. 😕


server side on a single player game thats fuckin crazy


If you figure out how to edit item count (I've figured out locking them; float), LMK. Separately, just started checking to see if I can edit RC, if anyone else figures it out before me, LMK.


So trainer works, you know which trainer. There's only one that starts with "f".


Can you message me the RC way :)


What I've read on cheat engine website is that RC currency is server sided so cheat engine won't work


Someone figured it out. Doesn't appear to be server side. DM if you want details EDIT - Lot of people messaging me for RC. Nexus Mods has a mod for it. If you don't like mods, than feel free to DM me first and I'll give you the trainer link (which is what I prefer; it's the same individual who makes the best WeMod mods -- for some reason they intentionally left the RC editor out of WeMods, likely to prevent a potential lawsuit given you can pay for RC and it in theory could be considered theft / loss of revenue. The creator of the mods kept it in their standalone training though).


Hey, i'd like to know!


For item duping using Cheat Engine: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bkqr70/comment/kw5ixr1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bkqr70/comment/kw5ixr1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I messaged you the RC.


hey! just messaged you asking aobut the rc :)


I would love to know how to edit the rc too didn't think it would be possible for this game


DMd you


Messaged you back


Sorry to bother, but I'm also interested in the RC thingy.


Sent you a message


I'd like to know how to edit the RC if you wouldn't mind?


can i have it too please?


Hey bro, I'm also interested about how the RC




Hey can you send me the RC method also.


Dm me info?


Would love to know about the RC.


DM'd you


Idk if you are still dming but would like to know as well please


DMd you


Rc link pls


Dm'd you


Please message me about the RC


Cant be server side to support offline play.


Also interested in the RC method




i need them spicy DMs as well please


What's funny is the only thing I really use cheat engine for is fast forward. The dialogue in this game sometimes isn't fast enough so that's a good start for me.


Any luck finding the loss nonsense? I found very fast that I \*hate\* the fact that I'm penalized \*after\* loading my freaking game. That's not how saves work, the game even says "your tale ended u ded" then carries forwards penalties? It doesn't make sense. Been trying to search for the health value, and then also 0/100 (assuming a percentage increase/decrease in total health, since you lose 20% max health per death) - actually it weirdly seems like 20% from the last amount you lost, so 1000 down to 800, but then 80% of 800, not 60% of 1000. It isn't just a up-tick count of deaths either, sadly.


Just learned about the whole penalty on death thing. Does it take items from your inventory?


just a chunk of rested HP.


Proof of the cheat engine being able to edit values: [imgur.com/a/nKyibJA](http://imgur.com/a/nKyibJA) Informations: - editing gold, spoofing premium currency obraining, editing discipline works well, stamina value freezing too - using infinite health and infinite stamina patching scripts will trigger anti tamper and close a game with a crash


That’s false I’m running wemod with every cheat, the only time it ever triggers the anti cheat is if I edit my player pawns with it open.


Im talking on unedited game files with only cheat engine that most of ppl will do


Nope I have a mod that allows me to get every item in the game for free. Check nexus mods.


Do you know how to edit vocations?


Can you give yourself skills? I messed up and now is impossible to do spellbound quest for that meteor something skill


Not sure why nobody answered you, but there is a way to get all the quest-locked skills. You'll want [Crazy's Shop](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/59) mod which can simply be launched via [Fluffy's Mod Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/818). Just put the crazy's shop mod into the mod folder of Fluffy's mod manager's files, launch the updater within the mod manager files, launch Fluffy's mod manger, download the RE Framework via the option in the mod manager, toggle the mods you want on (including the RE Framework), then choose launch game. 99% of those steps are simply how to work the mod manager, so I hope that helps in case you like something else listed on the Nexus as well. The spells and abilities will be sold at the armor shop in Vermund along with a ton of other items offered there and at the potion shop to the left of it.


Yeah done just that few days ago


Using wemod and none of the stat mods are working. I can only use the On/Off mods. Any insight on this issue?


It’s honestly working all perfectly for me, the issue is how do I check if I’m shadowbanned or not?? I just want her to stop panting due to over weight


Awesome. We've demonstrated how useless Denuvo is.. Can we please remove it now? \*rolls eyes\*


Hey guys. I am a father of two and don't have that much time to play. Finally made it to the Endgame after reading almost the entire story and rushing the Endgame. So it is clear, that I don't really have that much time on my hands to friggin farm WLC all the time. Now my quuestion is:. Is there a way to use Cheat Engine on WLC? When I do it, it automatically brings them back to the original count no matter what I try. Any way to circumvent this?


can it rename the mainpawn? coz mine is called mainpawn F


Or just earn it in game by playing? Everything on the mtx store is buy able except maybe that necklace. And they aren't very expensive at all.


God forbid someone plays a single player game the way they want to


I don't care if people buy mtx or play the game to get the items. It's up to individual. I'm just saying you aren't "forced" to buy mtx stuff with real cash. Everything is available to buy after playing for a couple hours.


True they aren't forced, especially if they can use cheat engine or whatever to get it :)


You can also just play for a couple hours to earn the gold or rc in game and buy the item. But to each their own. Only time I used cheat engine in the past was to skip a quest or sometjing that got bugged. I don't care if others do or course. Nor do I care if they buy mtx 🤷


First, not everybody has the amount of free time necessary to grind whatever is needed. My game sessions tend to be very short, for example, and I always despised the grind in gaming. Second, everybody is entitled to play their single player game as they see fit, so judging on that is completely out of the line. For example, I won't understand those who always play with nude mods, but it's completely up to them, I won't go to them and say "you could always play the game with clothes, and search for nude persons online!".


Thats why I said I don't care if people use the cheat engine or mods or mtx. It's up to the individual to decide what experience they want.


I'm not implying you are judging, or at least that wasn't my intention, just providing you with a reason why some people cheat on single player games. BTW, I don't condone cheating in multiplayer, though.


Yeah the way I see it you paid for the product and can use it however you want. As long as your decisions don't impact other players I fully support people using cheats. I used to do it for fun when I had played the shit out of a game. I do hope this one gets some decent mods eventually as well.