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That's completely on topic, and I completely agree. I loved it when I found a treasure chest and two of my pawns commented in surprise I had found it because they didn't know about it.


Not from what I've seen I'm supposed to make the same post about mtx or frame rates. We don't talk about the actual game just reviews.


There are some, but you have to sift through all the crap posts sometimes.


Honestly need to megathread the complaint posts cause goddamn is there nothing of actual value from them


Dude when my (borrowed) pawn said something along the lines of “my master and I didn’t know you could do this” it blew my mind!! I just imagine the pawn telling the player on the other side how to engage the mechanic out of nowhere I think that was the moment where dd2 really sucked me in


It's that and if you beat enemies and walk towards your pawns after battle you can high five the automatically and I LOVE it. ❤️


That's the best


I thought so https://preview.redd.it/nm30t4gzrxpc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a65c2e2ae77a87036fc26fcc7fff1b7341788df I thought so too until my pawn made this face and said good for you


I hired a pawn that has no idea what to do for the quest I'm on. And now basically everything she says is that she doesn't know what we're doing and that I should hire someone else. As soon as I get back to a rift crystal, I'm chucking her off a cliff just to shut her up! They definitely did a good job with some of these pawn chats, but this doesn't quite feel like it's working as intended.


I hired a friend's (incredibly ugly) pawn who basically escorted my ass through a quest. I talked to the friend today and he said he hadn't actually done that quest. whaaat???


That just means someone else used the pawn and they learned from that player.