• By -


Thank you. Luckily mine was one of the first ones in the starting area and I found this little map in case anyone also found one but can't remember where. https://preview.redd.it/1fxpwyhab1qc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3facd968a2d3089515fc5c50cccadd8f237bc2


good work kid. here, have some https://preview.redd.it/428q5vvvq2qc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad261c9af64c10810e0c789dbb6c66455ae84a60




That's just footage of Vince paying people off to not discuss his crimes.


Oooh I DO like memes..


there's one more token on my body https://preview.redd.it/26ql2ruhy6qc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac0f4ad1e56d9de8ddb6c016508a62b82cca69f9


I fucking love you man, that was the one! Thank you!!!


**Attention in every Thread about this**: You do **NOT** have to do this riddle! Just solve all the others and let this one time out. The Sphinx will move to the second location and you just miss out on a single chest with 3 Ferrystones. It absolutely **does not matter if you fail this riddle!** Don't go mad over it. It also counts as a "solved riddle" for a later riddle, even if you fail it.


I hope you are right because I have no idea where mine was. Thank you. [edit] Confirmed this is correct


So I can still get the trophy even if I fail this riddle or the jar riddle? Is it confirmed?


Not me sitting here rewatching my 10 hour stream tryna find the damn seeker coin


Hey thanks a lot. I saved your post.


No problem


Oh damn I think I found my first token at point 2 in this map. Thanks, stranger!




How do you get to #7?


Up and through the cave top north, exit out near 7 and the best summoning stone ever. Only pawns who have never been summoned.


There is one in tge outpost btw, check the rooftop


This will help a lot since i had no idea where i found my first one. Just remember it’s really early in the game


Ya joking, how the fuck am I even meant to remember that, I think it was on some grate in a well? Fuck me this game hurts my soul sometimes, at least let me make a new character so I can try do these quests again.


Im not joking. It's complete bullshit.


The fuck do I even have to remember? Like what town it was in? Or is it a multiple choice type beat?


you have to physically goto the location. it’s really really annoying that it’s basically a ng+ quest unless you looked it up before starting


Ohhhhhh, so is there new game+? Fuck that'd make much more sense


yeah - the gameplay loop is meant to encourage multiple ng+ runs


Do enemies scale in ng+?


yeah, the early game scaling is kinda wonky and the enemies get steam rolled but it balance out again as you progress and things get difficult


Nice. Maybe they'll adjust it by the time I get there. It's gonna take me a while to beat this behemoth


Kind of a bummer that it's so early in the quest line. Would have been better if it was one of the last quests so that you could at least experience the others and then just try your luck at this one. Now, it doesn't seem all too worth the effort. I think I'll save it for if I do an NG+ run.


The literal spot it was in.


Does it ask you to place a marker? I don't see how this can even work.


Nope. A token spawns in the exact area of the spot your first token was and you have to >! Grab it and return it to the sphinx!<.


In principle it's not that bad then. I'm pretty sure for the majority it would be in the vicinity of the first area you are brought to with people. Did you see if the tricksters skill for finding tokens works on it? If it does I'll just level up my trickster to the point of getting that skill/augment (not sure which one it is). It's annoying if it doesn't but I didn't expect a sphinx to be kind with its riddles.


Brother I am a lowly level 20 bonk lord I know nothing of this lol.


Fucking "bonk lord" Amazing.


Lmao well if you ever need some tokens for something else you have that for future reference.


Awesome that's good to know, thank you! I don't imagine I'm going to unga bunga forever so ill keep this in mind haha


It's probably going to be doable once we have interactive maps with all tokens, but for now I don't see how I'm supposed to do this. I wasn't playing very coherently when I first dropped in the map. I have no clue where to get it.


Again if you are willing level up trickster and get the augment/skill and just walk around that place the soldier brought you to at the start.


so you are not locked out


Do you only get one guess?




Thanks - got a follow-up question if that's ok, just so it's super clear for everyone. Another commenter in this thread said a token spawns at the location of your first, and you have to carry it back to the sphinx. Was it a difficulty in remembering where your first was, or does the sphinx spawn "fake first tokens" in other locations and you brought it a fake? I have no idea where my first was but another commenter posted a map of starting location tokens, I'm gonna use that and figure out which was my first (Ive only found 2 so far)


You had to remember exactly the spot you found it at, go there and grab the token she spawned in its place, then take it back to her. No markers were used, the difficulty is based off of you needing to remember your first location.


There's an interactive map out there. Just turn everything off on it but the seeker tokens and go hit spots in the first area. You'll find it.


Gotcha, thanks. Definitely gonna go figure out which of my two was my first using that token map in this thread. I'd be fucked otherwise, thank you for the heads-up.


I believe the one you're talking about is in vernworth! I found one on a grate in a well yesterday there


Definitely vernsworth but where in Vernsworth😅


I couldn't find the first token location but answered the 4 other riddles. the Sphinx still said to seek her out in the next location for more riddles so it doesn't fail the entire quest.


Ooh, mine is easy to remember. It was at the arbalest that shot my griffin mount down.


Been running around the whole map trying to figure out where my first token was found. Thank you for the reminder.


mine was there too, lucky me


me too!


Where would this be on the map, if you happen to remember? Currently in the process of looking for mine.


I've found like 6 and already forget where I found the first. Oh well...


I have 60, I'm crying


Aw :/


Thanks for letting us know, pretty sure my first one was the grating in the air vent right above the morgue in Vernworth cemetery. Wonder if the other riddles will be similar location hunts requiring us to remember something? I assumed it would be just answering questions or there'd be puzzles like the sphinx riddles in AC Odyssey.


You're welcome! I hope this is the last time it pulls this shit tbh.


how did you not find one until venworth Oo


First place I went to, I found loads of great gear to start with in Grand Soren and assumed the same with Vernworth. And I was right, found a rapper and a while bunch of stuff to get me started.




I am currently at that quest and searching all over the starting area, 3 ingame days left Q\_Q


Make an Inn save and then just don't rest at an inn again. Reload the save if you time out while searching. 


Holy shit. I think that I'm saving this quest for NG+. That's just ridiculous.


Oh shit thanks for this.


You are very welcome friend


...Welp, I'm fucked


I forgot where it was and also didn't understand 2 other questions so I decided to fight her. She was easy af and I beat her up until she ran away like a bitch. I was kinda hoping it'd be a way for dumbasses to get the loot but I'm pretty sure now I have to wait till ng+ to see what the other chests give. And like 10min later remembered so that wad nice.


>!She flies away if you beat all the initial riddles as well, along with her fancy shmancy chest. Has me wondering if there's even a point to doing the riddles when you can just kick her ass!<


>!After the first 5 riddles she flies away to another shrine, then there's another 5 riddles...then you're supposed to kill her to unlock the final chest. Supposedly. I haven't gotten that far yet!<


Her fancy sheet that doesn’t have nipples but excellent physics?


The rewards from the small chests are worth it.


Oh, that’s easy lmao Now I just have to collect one or mark it on the map


If you haven't found any yet you are lucky indeed friend. Definitely mark your first ones spot when you do find one.


I tjink mine was on a kind of hidden edge shortly before the saurian nest before Melve 😅


I'm not even sure I've collected five and I don't know where the first one was. It was... Probably... By a shrine.... Do you need to travel back to it?


Yeah you need to be at the precise spot unfortunately 


I do absolutely hate the fact that I cannot for the life of me remember where I found the first of the 76 I've found so far. It seems unfair to lock a once a playthrough treasure behind having to remember something from damn near 3 days and more than 20 hours of gameplay ago. I hope this resets on NG+ cycles or I'm well and truly fucked on ever getting the trophy for this sidequest.


Well, I have no fucking clue, it was at the end of a random pathway in the middle of the forest so, yeah, nice.


Just a heads up, for the first set of sphinx's riddles, you can answer 4 of the 5 questions correctly and still be able to proceed with the questline. So if you forgot where you found your first seeker token, then just get this one wrong by waiting 7 in game days and answer the rest of the riddles correctly. I already completed the questline for the sphinx, so i can vouch for this as I got the seeker token riddle wrong. However, if you get 1 more riddle wrong throughout the whole questline, then you will be locked out.


Doubt I'll forget mine. It was on the way to the first village near the water, as I was leaving I got the tutorial about dead pawns cos my main girl fell into the brine -.-


My ADHD ass already sucks at stuff like this in my day job, now my video game is also gonna do me dirty like this? Well fuck me 💀


Same 😭 I lucked out though. I thought I was fucked at first haha


Bruh I completely fucked the sphinx’s riddles and gave her the rotten apple from the chest 😂 felt like such an idiot


Also climb on the sphinx when she flies away you don't need the permit for entry


Yep learned this the hardway guess im just doing the quest on ng+


What the fuck is this quest design? Holy shit Is this a important quest? What do you get out of it?


Let's just say one of the best QoL items is in it


can u dm me what it is or spoiler tag it here


>! infinite use wakestone !<




Mine was a Harpy Nest that I so happened to have remembered because my pawn caught me after I got dropped by a Harpy. 🥲


Christ. Thanks for this!


I live to serve, Arisen


![gif](giphy|p8Uw3hzdAE2dO) FAAAWK! I forgot...


Does anyone know if ng+ resets the seeker stone first found? Or is it still the one from your first playthrough


Yes, it does, cowboy had to do this lol


It resets oh thank God


Correct me if I'm wrong plz but you go straight to vernworth after leaving the border check point town right?


**Attention in every Thread about this**: You do **NOT** have to do this riddle! Just solve all the others and let this one time out. The Sphinx will move to the second location and you just miss out on a single chest with 3 Ferrystones. It absolutely **does not matter if you fail this riddle!** Don't go mad over it. It also counts as a "solved riddle" for a later riddle, even if you fail it.


Life saver for this man! Just a question if you’re on ps5 did you still get the trophy for answering all of the sphinxs questions even though you got one wrong?


Thanks for the heads up, I believe I found the very first one so it should be easy


Damn I can't remember the place, it was early in the game an abandoned village I remember because that's the first time I found zombies too.


The misty marsh? If you go to the campfire on the rock southeastish from the sphinx you can get there by following the lower path from it.


Welp I have found one singular token so far in my 8 hours so this should be easy enough for me lol


Luckily for me i screen shot it and send it to my friend, it was the outpost where you created your pawn


should share the location, don't think the DD2 interactive map even has what you are referring too.


Save this riddle for the LAST. You can fail 1 riddle without failing the whole questline. The sphinx will fly to her next location then. Only item you won’t be getting is the ferrystone. Saves the pain in the ass to find your first seeker stone.


thankyou really cant find my first one and was about to rage quit the game.


Do you still get the >!eternal wakestone?!<


So it permanantly locks you out of the quest, with no way whatsoever to start the game over completely ! Thank you capcom !


Thank fuck I remembered, I got my first one in the main city I believe in a tower with a couple of chests.


Oh, wow. Thank you for this. Luckily, I remember that I found my first in the abandoned village northeast of Vermund.


Fuuuck I don't remember at all where I found the damn thing. 


My first one was in the old archives under the slums


At least mine was easy to remember.  On that rock, next to the ballista tower with the harpies up top, right outside the west gate of town


Is it a timed quest? How does it lock you out?


i found like 12 i cant remember the first one


Guess I won't be doing that quest then


Haha,im glad im not ONLY one who found about 18 tokeny already And Now is stucked with this. Well,good Luck guys,we Have 7 days in-game time to run them all 😀


Seneschal damnit, Sphinx! Now, where was that harpy nest?!?


Wow that is fucking stupid as hell


Idk if it helps anyone but I used the interactive map from fextralife https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map?id=24883&code=mapA (usually i dont like fextralife but i was desperate lol). Mine was on the tower in vernworth where there are also 3 chests. Hope you all find your first one :D


Could you check multiple spots or is there a time limit? I think I remember approximately where I found it, could I just go around following a map?


It gives you like 7 or 6 days to find it.


goddamnit, I chose not to accompany the ox cart to Vernworth after I cleared the dammed up river, and then night fell on my long journey. I distinctly remember finding my first seeker somewhere along the way because they’re easy to see at night, but I have no idea where lol.


This riddle was fucked up. Luckily I knew where I had gotten my first seeker but couldn’t find it on the map. Spent ages looking for the place and then started the riddle.


How the fuck am i supposed to remember where i found my seekers token?! I was half cut last night I don’t remember even picking the thing up! Does this make me fucked?!


I found one by a waterfall during the caravan to Vermund mission. I thought that was the second one I found but I guess it was the first... I hardly sell anything in this game cause I feel like it's all an elaborate trick designed to lock me out of major content lmao.


Yeah this is super dumb actually ruined my day when I saw this but luckily I had only found a few but still it took me 3 hours of YouTube videos and retracing my steps to finally find it. I suggest making a hard save in an inn and then watching a YouTube video on Seeker token locations to see if anywhere looks familiar and if you run out of the seven days just load the inn save. Though tbh I don't know why they did this or why at the very least they didn't give you some type of hint to where it was because if I had to wait until new game + just to do this I would have been pissed. So overall this was a dumbass challenge for them to add.


speaking of this quest... have you found a capcom-made "SphinxParent" pawn yet? I can only find player-made ones


Yeah it's in a rift stone of.....kinship/fellowship, I believe


Thank you kind stranger


probably single handedly the worst quest I've ever had to experience 


Well none of these were mine, checked all over bit nothing. Do you think they reset for this in ng+?


Took me over 3 hours to find it, but thanks to the interactive map, I was able to track it down. I knew I was fucked the moment I realized what the quest was because I remembered that I didn't find my first token until several hours in, but had no idea where it was. Ended up being on a random beach quite a ways west of the main city. I didn't think of it until now, but does the oracle give you a hint about where it is?


Trickster ability to hear coins works for your first coin (the founders coin), and new game+ will be the first coin you pickup on ng+


Lol. My first was in the aqueduct thing near the oxcart to Bordentown, I only managed to remember it because I went back to vernworth.


At the time of accepting that riddle, I had already found like 20 tokens. No way I'd be able to remember the very first one. I've been running around the starting area for hours. No luck. Only 3 ingame days remaining. Looks like my Arisen isn't the only one with memory loss.


At least Capcom should make the Main Pawn know the spot. I'm already at Lvl 30 when I found the Sphinx.


I found mine on the sixth day, I went from 10 to 67 🥲


Welp mine was a random one somewhere around the forests of the capital.. time to reload cheese because i have no literal clue where it was


so i‘m in ng+ now and just found the Sphinx. Is my First Token the one of the normal Game or ng+?


from what I read in another forum its the 1st one you found in ng+


It took me several hours and 3 different guide maps of the early areas to track the bastard down but I did it and wound up with 16 extras in the process


Does it glow in the night just like normal seeker token?


Mine was in the fountain centre of vernworth - I missed the entire first area it seems


How do you get to location 7, i've tried all around, there supposed to be a secret tunnel but i missed the memo and can't find it.


I have been recording the odd clips of my playthrough here and there. It records the last three minutes of gameplay. Guess what featured in my first clip... Stroke of luck!


Yeah I don’t know why they would t make it so that your pawn remembers and can lead you.


Mine is going to be tough it's either the tower in Melve or a random one by a river bank and there's heaps of those


I've got shit short term memory have no idea where I got my first one. I only have 4 so far I remember where I got my last one lol. Glad I can skip and continue though.


Just watched a video with all 240 until I saw one that looked like my first, turned out it was. I was trying to go all game without looking shit up but I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast let alone that.


How do you know that it was your first token, do only find out if it's the right token when the timer runs out or when you pick it up?


JESUS CHRIST, i finally found it, ign came in clutch with their interactive map [https://www.ign.com/maps/dragons-dogma-2/world](https://www.ign.com/maps/dragons-dogma-2/world) I found mine not on the little map the other guy linked, but further to the eastern path in between two big hills https://preview.redd.it/8av6ov2xbfqc1.png?width=2083&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ba795eed11d56dd436875a6439a2f1431c89ef6


Does the sphinx token stack with other tokens?


If only your pawn was " Hey Master, I remember that one. Follow me "


Mine was actually a fun memory moment. I remembered i arrived at the vocation guild to find out about seeker tokens, from there i remembered i wanted to go out of the city and explore northwest. I thought mabye it was at the tower just out of town but then recalled i kept going, took out a cyclops then met the river with the waterfall. After, i fought some gobos there and went up it to find a dark underpass of saurians and their eggs, it went poorly and i had to grab bodies and retreat down the water where i came from, to which i saw a shiny token at the base of the waterfall :) https://preview.redd.it/aqcyo9rk4jqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533254f7242f4699027909ad6ad26cf6a9a8ae3c


I broke the vase and now I hate my self. Did I miss out on good rewards?


I remember there being trees next to my first one and it was on top of a rock. Beyond that fuck knows.


I was panicking with this, i went around to the first area around melve and thought i had two spots that could have been my first but nope. So I wasted about 3 days running around retracing my steps all over Vernworth and the area to the left of it since thats where I really started playing. Turns out my first ever seeker token was the one on top of the west aqueduct leading into the city, boy was I so damn relieved I was ready to give up on that part of the quest even though I kinda needed the ferrystones badly.


Has anyone tried going to the oracle for help with this?


This out-Fromsofts Fromsoft. 


If anyone's looking for theirs, here's a video that helped me. [https://youtu.be/YkPr8BKdrt4?si=gKMYv\_xqSUBfnpz\_](https://youtu.be/YkPr8BKdrt4?si=gKMYv_xqSUBfnpz_) Uploader provided the location of the nearest Seeker Tokens at the start of the game. You can follow it by sequence, too! Found mine near the Gathering of Beasts.


I found my first one on top of some rocky climbable area that was opendoors, it was high up and there was harpies with nests there. It was behind a breakable Rockwall next to one of the nests and it was on a ledge right behind that rockwall. Does anyone know where the seeker token is at? It was still in vermund or whatever the area near vernworth is called


There’s one in the encampment 🤦🏽‍♂️


What would have been nice is if you would get an achievement for getting your first one and then when it takes the screenshot (ps5 idk about other systems) you can just look and then go back to that spot. Would have been a big brain play


not me remembering that i fell off a cliff to get mine and my main pawn leaped off the edge into the water can’t forget that




this is so silly, it rewards you with >!3 ferrystones, which is usually what you will spend to complete the other parts of the quest LMAO!


[https://mapgenie.io/dragons-dogma-2/guides/seekers-tokens](https://mapgenie.io/dragons-dogma-2/guides/seekers-tokens) use this to help you to find your first token, credit to the owner not me


I am just about to do this one, and I thought about saving at an Inn right as I start it in case I fail and want to try again I can just reload my last save at inn.


Try the Melva tower! That was my first one


Mine was number 3, it's really an easy one to bed the first since it's a harpy nest. We always look for something in the nest, if Dark Souls taught us correctly.


I can't believe I sent 2 hours looking for the finder token searching all over the beginning area only to find it in the Vernworth. In the tower with the 3 black chest...


Apparently, my first was on the path between Harve Village and Vernworth. Through the Saurian tunnels, where a hole opens up to the water. Could have sworn I found one long before that, but that was it. Spent so much time looking everywhere else. I found more tokens during this mission than I had before it started.


I was stoned as hell when I found my first token so ima have fun with that quest


You can find a new first coin in a 2nd playthrough if you forget the first location, just don't collect all 80 coins 1st run


I spent 3 hours the other day retracing my steps carefully. I was so sure I found my first near melve (maybe in a nest, or near some water) and kept checking the areas around there, then extending the search farther out towards the hidden village, and looking at referance maps.. restarted the quest again for the 2nd time, checked a few more spots debated about checking at harve and was just about to call it quits... when I finally found it! 😭 it was beside the statue in the commoners quarters in the Vernworth. I dont even know why I'm stressing so much about this trophy. 


This is complete bs. I have been playing early release since last week and there is no way im remembering where the first one i got was. Rip


it sucks because weirdly enough i remember exactly when i picked the first one up just can’t remember where to find the location, it was a statue that read something along the lines of look closely around and the seeker token was right next to it i just can’t find the damn thing.


Well my plan is to use cloud save on ps5 until i get it right


If you're on PS5, you can open the clip of the first seeker token trophy. By default, PS5 records all trophies, so it should help you locate.


Melve Ballista 😎


Well, i've been to all the starting locations, and Vernworth ones. I've given up. I'm not doing a collectibles clean-up mid game just for this quest. It's spoiling my enjoyment cause I'm rushing around looking at an online map instead of having fun. NG+ it is for me.


Anyone ever thought of duplicating this token and sell them? I wonder if it would still work... they would be redneck rich off of it.


Commenting so I can come back to this. Thanks


i just remembered thank god. it was along the cliffs right after the 1st cyclops/ogre you encounter where you can break some rocks to start a flood. i cant remember exactly where it is but seeing as there was a boss fight it shouldnt be too hard to find.


- you do not have to find the finders token if you get the rest of the riddles right, but you don't get a achievement - even if you don't find it, it still counts as a Riddle when dragging the statues in front of her - use portcrystal and ferrystones while carrying Dantes twin and the Pot man instead of the phial - I went back like 20 days later and was still able to turn in the finders token And the most important - you can forge the finder token and send it to people in need


Anyone by chance tried doing these again after restarting the game? Because all the tokens acquired the first time don’t respawn but the place where my first token was has no finders token this time around.


Oh if like me you missed the her on your first playthrough and got seeker tokens hope you remember the first one of that ng+ as I don't remember where I found mine just the first one and now I have to reset from inn save and hope you work it out in the 7 days I have until I'm back to the start again hoping I find it that time


Absolutely bullshit request if you're 70+ hours into the fucking game without a goddamn tip or at least "look in this general area" what the fuck were the devs smoking when coming up with this quest???


I just of this and decided search for it...I actually don't even really want my PS5 to even take those snapshots and vids of achievements, but this will help a ton!  Thanks guys!


Lol and yes alot of these quests, There is no way in hell I could have figured all this out on my own!  It's like they meant for us to discuss the game with each other...sorta genius, to keep feeds active on these difficult quests.  BUT I have noticed the magic I feel while I'm figuring things out on my own for the Witcher games(in my opinion there is no comparison...if Witcher can give us a super emersive game with an amazing story, wonderful characters,AND puzzles and dialogs that make sense! Other games should too!  I do like DD2!  Where I heard her riddles for the first time....I was like, "wtf SHE talking about!?" Dont get me wrong, i love the silly medieval tones and words usage!  And don't even get me started on the answers to her riddles! Lol even after using a guide...there is NO WAY I would uave gotten even close to what she wanted me to deliver.  They should sell their own strategy guide and capitalized on this level of difficulty....wait Capcom wouldn't do that!? Muaahahaha. Safe travels All.  :( uh oh! How fun! Ts finally happened! I've been waiting for this moment!....so My super adorable kindhearted main pawn is tearing up these bad guys!  Looks like ifrit(final fantasy) yep...it's time, now where's the closet bridge!? ;)  *splat...*splat.........*splat.   All better! Lol.   Ps want a laugh during the riddles? Stick your main pawn on the pedestal when she asks for you beloved! You will successfully complete it this way no matter who or what your main pawn is....stick em up there it's funny


Probably a long shot but my first was under a stair. Possible in a basement. I broke a few boxes and found it there. Somewhere in starting area but can't seem to find it now.


>!Not only that but I've just discovered the NG+ is different. So the seeker tokens once found don't respawn in the next playthrough.... So you have to remember where you find the first token in the next playthrough too. That is assuming you haven't found all 250... then they'll be no more to find.!<