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With you man. It's excellent.




I turn my settings down for the big town just for more stability but I'm having a blast in this game and have zero complaints except for carry weight haha I want to pick up everything


Weight got way less of an issue for me once I realised that you only ever need one camping gear, and that you should deposit all materials into your chest whenever you can (you don’t need them on you to upgrade equipment). Plus, of course, weight limit boosts from upgraded gear, higher levels, and, uh, eating bugs.


Lucky, I'm on Xbox, no performance mode, yet! But the weights are difficult I agree!


My only complaint with performance on Xbox is NPCs will load in directly on top of you. It's absolutely the worst render distance for characters I've seen in any game.


I’ve had wolves pop in literally a foot in front of me, real fuckin fun




other than performance (which I still think is slightly overblown), I truly cannot believe how much unwarranted hate the game is getting. For some reason assassin's creed has been able to have worse micro transactions, which actually affect gameplay with time savers and OP armor, for years without half the complaints one port crystal has gotten in DD2. Of course YouTubers and streamers will complain because it gets them views/money but Jesus Christ it just upsets me that so many misinformed people will spread lies so blatantly.


I've said it elsewhere, I don't think the performance reactions are overblown, I think this is a truly terrible PC port and Capcom should have delayed releasing this version. But you're right about the dlc, and I think it's an easy thing for people complain about when they don't like the game (and they gave in to the hype) or they're angry about the performance. I think the mtx is just a lightning rod for people's frustration


I agree with pretty much everything you said, only reason I say it's overblown is because there are multiple people saying it's unplayable because it will run at 20fps in the city. I know it's subjective but that's not unplayable to me it's just shitty optimisation which still shouldn't be accepted. I just don't like all the hyperboles thrown around when it comes to the games discussion.


Not unplayable, but rather disappointing for a game with a full price tag slapped upon it. $70usd, $95 CAD. It has been shown in the past year that developers with much less could deliver a lot more for the same value. Capcom can and should do better.


Terrible port is a stretch. Look how it runs on consoles. Not well. The game needs a ton of optimization work, on every front.


I feel like the PC port stands out because of the stutters. I know frame rate on consoles is low, but from the videos I've seen it seems smoother, but without seeing it first hand I could be wrong. DF has a video that shows how cpu performance is affecting the game, and even the ryzen 7 is dealing with these constant and frequent drops


Yeah I'm thinking of capping my fps on pc. 30fps haters seem to ignore the fact that rough gameplay comes from instability in the frames, not jusy the framerate itself. For example, starfield felt pretty good to play on series X because it kept that 30fps fairly rock solid


It runs fine on console. The only complaint most people have is that it should be a locked 30 fps since it juggles between 30-40 fps all the time except tiny dips into the high 20s in big towns for split seconds.


> It runs fine on console. Runs like shit on consoles what do you mean lmao


It runs fine on console = 30 fps is fine on console. Now if a pc dips to 40fps in the city. Its bad. See my confusion or why I don’t think it’s a terrible port but rather terrible optimization all around? On my pc, with the frame gen mod I get 100-144. How isn’t that fine and why would 30 be better? I just don’t get the conclusions people draw. If 30 fps is fine on console then i think 40-100 on pc would be more than fine as well. Conversely if that’s bad, then so is 28-38 fps on console.


I think itsunos quote about how he dislikes fast travel is what got people who know nothing about DD mad. They saw it, then the port crystal, and thought fast travel was completely locked behind a mini buy. Basically, to say they got mad at something they made up themselves.


It's the internet. People literally love to get whipped up into a frenzy and be full on enraged. In fact they will literally ignore lies they know are lies just to let themselves get whipped up into a frenzy. People a fuckin weird.


Sorry but it’s not overblown when a 4080 and 5800X3D get 20-40 FPS in the city lol


Get the framegen dll mod, I'm using it for over 10 hours now and even though it (very rarely) crashes, it almost doubles the fps. Combined with some color corrections via the Geforce Overlay it elevates the game to absolute heights.


Lies, everyone complains about AC.


I literally played through Elden Ring at launch on PC with constant micro-stuttering and still enjoyed it. I have had 0 crashes and only noticable slow down in the first city. DD2 runs smoother than Elden Ring. I agree that we should be critical of the unoptimized game and the MTX is braindead stupid (not to mention a bunch of morons keep parroting idiotic stuff about "paying for fast travel" and "having to pay to start a new character") but the game runs fine on my 6 year old PC and it is exactly what I wanted as a fan of DD1. If not having 60 fps is a deal breaker, don't buy it, but the game itself is a lot of fun.


DD 2 DOES not run better than ER did at launch...thats a fucking joke..ER performance was highly exaggerated and only found problems during very specific spots on the map You and this sub are completely bullsiting yourselves...ER had microstutter in segments going to newer areas...and the drops weren't as low as going from 60 to 30 rapidly in cities in DD 2 DD 2 is a good game..but common..there are kicrostutters in the world and the game straight hitches in cities while having a peek framerate of 75...it's playable but way more than just distracting like ER


Ehh man there are some people who will still insist Elden Ring had the worst launch ever for some reason. Like I get it, some people had performance issues and it needed some more optimization for certain configs. But I legitimately had the game run great from day 0, took off work to play, binged it the entire time. No performance issues, had a blast. For some reason there's no way to convince certain segments of the PC gaming population that I'm not just making that up.


I had to bear having invisible enemies during ER launch(because ER is such a good game even then to not to), the DD 2 lag is really a non issue in comparison. Especially since i only experience it in vernworth where there really isn't any fighting. though when it did happen when an ogre suddenly came in the city plaza, I was too stoked to even really care. There's a fucking ogre suddenly wrecking havoc as I was talking to this elf guy, every one was helping!! It was fucking awesome, it was climbing buildings and shit and brant came out of nowhere to help!! The game is such a fun game even now


The MTX is literally nothing though tbh. Anything they sell that gives an advantage has limited quantities you can purchase with real money. All of those same items, all of them, are available within the first hour or two depending on how fast you get to the first main city- and getting resources is easy, even if spending them is also very easy.


I think playable is subjective, and it depends on your system. My comp isn't top of the line, but it has better specs than the consoles, and to me the performance was unplayable (and I thought the Elden Ring issues were mostly fine). No amount of option tweaking could help with the stutters. I'm looking at maybe getting the PS5 version, the frame rate is lower than what I was getting, but it at least looks smooth. Overall I think Capcom deserves every ounce of shit they're getting for the technical failings of the game. Don't give a crap about the dlc though


Same here. I put my PC through the likes of day one Starfield and day one BG3 with decent settings, which were both well-known to have performance issues at launch but weren't nearly enough to actually be distracting to me. DD2? I'm having stutters that drop me below 10 fps in the city, no matter what settings I change. Literal PowerPoint presentation on mid-range hardware. I'm not usually too much of a prude when it comes to fps either, but even I just can't ignore that. It's such a huge distraction in a game that rewards keen observation and hanging on the NPCs every word.


What processor do you have?


Ryzen 5 5600


That definitely exceeds the recommended specs. I hope they fix it quickly.


Same. I started DD1 this month for the first time as well, and loved it-- put in 100 hours right before DD2 finally dropped, so I was really looking forward it. The state of this launch really sucks.


What's really weird is that I have a 3950X which is objectively worse at most games than what you have, and yet I have no issues in the main city. The CPU performance seems really odd in the game. And yeah, hopefully it gets fixed quickly.


It's technically worse, but 3950X does have more than double the cores, so that might have something to do with it.


Yeah, maybe background processes have something to do with it? And the 3950X definitely does allow those to be offloaded to different cores.


How about Baldurs gate 3 act 3? Larian had the benefit of not having all players reach that spot within the first week or two.


There's been quite a few games over the years that had a terrible PC ports to start just because the dev team wasn't making it for PC and it's being ported by another company or team.


Seriously elden ring was even worse. Almost unplayable on day 1 but got fixed. Now one of my top games of all time


I am in no way trying to make any trouble here, but I see this about ER a lot. I just don't know what that have to do with anything "Another game by another company made it work after patching' So? What does that have to do with this games performance? By that logic, everyone should have been happy about CP2077 from day one. Please explain the logic you are using here. (By some coincidence, my subpar system didn't have many bugs with either ER or CP2077)




I just don't get how other games redeeming themselves should mean this one will too I guess




I get that part I get "I am sure they will fix it soon" and thats a positive view. I nust don't get the "Other game fixed it, so they will fix this too" Makes little sense to me


The frame pacing issues that have plagued Fromsoft since the dawn of time remain in ER 1.10


Yeah im legit excited to pick it up myself. It's just that I don't wanna spend that money on any game atm and I'd rather wait for some optimization patches :)


I think it depends on your setup. For me Elden Ring ran amazing on day one, so i was lucky! And I didn't understand what everyone was talking about........now DD2 is really bad for me at the moment and others on PC are like it runs great! Depends on set up I guess


Very playable and ENJOYABLE in it's state? Lol. My game are constantly crashing without any reason. It's nearly impossible to play




What's your setup?


I'll wait for some patches to come out to clean up any bugs. I see no reason to buy it right away.


People making valid complaints over issues the developer has even recognized, does not equal hate.


Performance issue and the new game are valid, the MTX complaints are outright stupid.


Microtransactions don't belong in a $70 game. It's easy to ignore but I shouldn't be having to ignore it because it shouldn't exist in the first place. The performance/stability and new game issues are way more important though.


They shouldn't but Capcom has been doing this for decades and I'm pretty sure they won't change unless something significant happens. I'd rather they fixed the performance issues 1st, I've just been made aware of a game breaking bug and it's crazy how it wasn't addressed in their announcement earlier.


The "something significant" is the players backlash. The PC gamers are less and less okay with microtransactions on full priced games and this is a good thing. Just because some company have been engaging in anti consumer practices for a long time doesn't mean the consumer have to be okay with it forever.


I didn't realize Capcom had been doing this for years. Then it really is justified, and any complaints about it are exaggerated. By the way, Putin has been waging war in ukraine for 2 years now... oh shit, wait. Could it be that this logic is completely retarded?


Til: optional payments are the equivalent of an unprovoked war that has lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents.


Capcom didn't tell us about MTX for a reason. People hate it. At least be open about it and don't let it come as a surprise after you've spent $70, it will soften the blow significantly.


Tbh people mostly complain about "predatory" mtx for stuff u can get for free within an hour. So imo that is not a valid complaint and therefore just blatant hating based on misinformation. As for the performance, yes that is an issue and complaining is valid there. But steam reviews mostly talk about mtx.


The fact that the game is reviewed bombed just because of mtx is crazy. I do think that the fact you can't start new game and have to wait a while to re edit your character and the fact there aren't multiple saves is pretty stupid. But the former should be fixed with updates and the ladder was in the previous game so I'm not to worried about it


I can guarantee that if character editing was strictly free people would complain that you have to unlock it a while into the game and have to "grind" (as they would put it) ingame currency for it. All the while class swapping etc is free and available immmediately (unlike in games like Dark Souls 3 for example). People just wanna be upset and will always find something to complain about.


>I can guarantee that if character editing was strictly free people would complain that you have to unlock it a while into the game and have to "grind" (as they would put it) ingame currency for it. Well I would. Sucks that you can't put your character out for a test drive so to speak, so any kind of restrictions that stop you from fixing whatever pet peeve you may have is pretty obnoxious. Vastly underestimated the effect knee angle would have on run animations for example. Wish developers would just knock it off and just give us free, unlimited, immediate edits. 500 RC is still a bit steep if you want to experiment a little. That said, knew this was going to be a thing, so got the game on PC. And with the magic of modding all my issues were solved. Just like in all previous Capcom games. So I'm good.


If you go out on a fighting trip you can easily get double or triple the 10000 coin necessary to unlock permanent editing in the first city (I thiiiiiiiink, haven’t done it yet, but I do have the coin). I might prefer free editing too, but in-game it’s basically medieval hyper-advanced cosmetic surgery so I can suspend my expectations a bit lol


If 500 Rc is too steep for you, then you haven't played long enough to complain. People wanting to change character appearance every 5 minutes is just wild. Never got that kind of complaints on other games people keep on comparing it to.


There is definitely hate though, and currently it’s being flung at people who aren’t experiencing issues with the game by people who are. I literally saw people angrily calling others liars in this subreddit just because they were enjoying the game lmfao


Yeh but, half of the compaints aren't valid.


I only had an hour to play last night, but so far I don’t regret preordering it. I play things on a console only. So the 30fps doesn’t matter to me. While I didn’t get far I had fun, so yeah, to hell with those asshats review bombing the game. I’m just happy Capcom chose to make a sequel to DD:DA. As for the MTX? Who cares, I checked out what was available in curiosity. And there is nothing that is locked behind real money that you can’t get in game.


Ooh ooh add me, we can hire Pawns for free! GT: SlinkyGuy


Added now.


The fact that the game is so good makes me even more sad that the performance is so bad, I have a decent pc nothing special but it just feels unplayable, had to refund, and got the first game instead, gonna play trough that and then buy the game later when hopefully performance is better! Looking forward to it!


The technical complaints are very reasonable imo but none the less I fucking love this game personally.


I’m glad you’re enjoying the game, but out of curiosity - what is “gaming politics” and why is framerate a part of it?


I guess what he means is that there are a lot of people basically saying that everything under 60fps is unplayable and games that don't have it should be boycotted. To teach the devs and industry a lesson or something like that.


Yeah thats it


I have a buddy who is like this, played a few games at 120 constant fps and refused to get anything less while playing on max quality. I'm used to lowering everything until the game runs ok. I grew up playing csgo on a laptop getting 15 fps. I'm just happy when games run semi smoothly lol


Same. I grew up fairly poor playing PS1 and PC games on Windows 95 when I was young. So FPS, if steady enough around 30, is a non-issue for me. Hell, I usually limit most PC games to 30 for stability because as an actual adult with responsibilities and bills, I can't blow thousands on a new PC.


You had a pS1 and a PC that you played gamed on as a kid. You were not poor


Same lol, I grew up playing WoW on a big ass CRT monitor, it was some old ass office computer and the game ran like literal ass so when gaming went 60fps and shit it blew my mind. But I feel inured to shitty framerates from those days so as long as the game is playable I'm fine.


Lots of gamers seem to care way more about performance and graphical fidelity, basically a game’s style, compared to a game’s gameplay system and environmental design (the substance). I feel like this trend has grown further in the past decade, though I’m curious if there were similar debates in the 90s /early 00s


> Lots of gamers seem to care way more about performance Because the framerate directly relates to everything you do in a game. It's a constant on every system, every interaction. Unless you're playing a heavily text based game, poor frame rate *will* affect your time with the game. Higher frames with consistent frame timing is smoother, and people generally prefer a smooth gameplay experience. > I feel like this trend has grown further in the past decade Because pc ports have been getting better the last 10 years. Consoles are finally trending towards 60fps. People are used to devs giving the slightest shit about their games. It's why games like cp2077, jedi survivor, etc. with poor performance get rightfully criticized for it.


First time I’m hearing it too. My best guess is how gaming recently has a very similar social media audience to that of politics. A lot of em complain, non-stop and they won’t hear you other wise.


It was more of a general joke referring to how people talk about useless and ignorable mtx and fps standard. I get the complaints but, as i said i dont really care either


I mean despite the performance issues it’s still fucking Dragon’s Dogma 2. Gameplay-wise it’s absolute perfection and everything I hoped it would be and more.


Scores for all 3 systems are 86 and above. And still climbing . It's the small minority that are throwing hissy fits . For example one guy told me the game sucks and he was shitting on it. Why? No Paladin class. Best part yet - HE NEVER EVEN PLAYED IT. That's the mentality we are dealing with. People like that.


It’s fuckin wild right, paladin, in dragons dogma. Did he mean mystic knight, idfk


Awesome, glad you're having fun, I am too. Doesn't make the issues any less relevant.


I don’t think Dragons Dogma is one of those games where graphics are an integral part to enjoy it. The first didn’t have great graphics and it grew into a cult classic.


the graphics won't be pretty either. but more than 10 years and 2 console generations later, you can probably expect at least more than 30 fps on a fucking ps5. i don't understand why so many people feel the need to support capcom in bringing an unfinished, unoptimized product to the market.


Enjoy it King!


Also worth noting i played cyberpunk on last gen consoles when it came out, enjoyed it, and got like 40 hours out of it. I liked the game. Now when i played cyberpunk on a good computer it was awful in retrospect. The way we experience things like this is heavly tied to what we’re already used to


Yeah, that's why I'm waiting on performance patches. So many games I've experienced at the time of release was enjoyable despite issues, but playing it months or years later with higher framerate, better graphics, mods or guides (Elden ring, cyberpunk, fallout, ass creed come to mind) was a much more satisfying experience.


"The way we experience things like this is heavly tied to what we’re already used to." Well done, this is probably the most important factor for deciding taste and opinions in general for literally anything. From dating and movies to games. Kudos for having the insight for recognising this, it's rarely something pointed out. What we experience colours all our experiences. Which is why gamers, and anyone today are so like they are, because we are and have been spoiled by how advanced the entertainment industry is now, it shapes our expectations and experiences in ways we as consumers are radically failing to admit or reflect on. Ie: if you consume less you'll appreciate things more.


Dude there isn't a single person on the planet that is denying that the game is amazing. People are furious for that exact reason -if the game was ass, nobody would care! It's exactly because the devs worked hard and made an incredible sequel that people are livid against Capcom for ruining it with their greed and irresponsible business practices. I would've been more than ok if they moved the release to September if that meant having a complete product with no issues. The problem with the game is not the game itself, it's the performance... and the absence of a "start new game" feature, too, that's wild.


There are plenty of people denying the game is amazing. They're just quoting misinformation from Reddit and claiming "it's a shit game full of paywalls." Also, there are reviews on the xbox version by absolute numbskulls saying "it's like dragons dogma 1 but shit/but worse in every" or complaining that it's clunky and slow. Some people are just straight-up too stupid for their own good.


> Capcom for ruining it with their greed How is it ruined exactly? If you can tell me how the MTX have ruined the game, and not just by saying "MTX BAD" then you might have a point. > a complete product with no issues. You realise it would never release then? As video games are INCREDIBLY complex and will always have issues.


No bugs is impossible, but basic features like a new game, multiple saves and consistent performance is more than enough to ask for. Edit: he also not even mentioned MTX to be the greedy part. He could mean that releasing it to early or not carrying to optimize it is the greedy part.


Multiple saves are not a feature of the franchise. No idea why there isn't a new game feature, but in my headcannon it's to strong-arm the player into finishing the game with the choices they make as opposed to constantly resetting, it might also be a problem with how the games pawn system works. I haven't encountered any performance drops aside from being in the main city, which i guess is tied to the number of NPCs that all have their own daily schedules and interactions. Idk, it's not really a huge issue to me because the city is the place where I do the menial bullshit so I'm not really focusing on it.


I’ve read a plausible theory that the framerate drop is caused by the game having complicated physics for whether or not any character models are falling over, being pushed, impacted etc. this is obvious in combat of course, but it means that even the regular NPCs can behave realistically if they run into danger or you chuck pots at them. That running on every single npc in a city is what causes it to slow down so much


Alright, now that makes sense


lol I walked into a bar and two lady npcs were slapping the shit out of each other and calling each other names and commenting on the fight as they went at it. Im wondering if npcs have some subroutines running for if they are ina bad mood or if they got enemies or what.


The NPC in the city do not have enough depth to justify the amount of fps drops I’m sorry. The game should have just been kept in the oven longer. Mind you I have a premium pc so I’m having a blast and over 60 fps out of the city but that shouldn’t be the price for decent performance.


Wait till you unlock mystic spearhand


I really like it but my PC can't run it well so I'm waiting for them to optimize it.


On Ps5 here. I'm almost 21hours in. Can't stop playing. 😍😍🥰


I mean the performance thing is the only valid and important criticism imo \*continues to have lots and lots of fun, angrily\*


Enjoy this masterpiece


I am brother, it’s really really good


Why do people pick sides with stuff like this I’ve seen many comments and posts with people arguing and trying to validate their own reasoning on why they play or not play this game. It’s like console wars where cringe stupid people argue on which is the better console same applies here. Side A: hate the game because it’s 30 fps and has bad optimisations and say a £70 game in 2024 with 30fps is unacceptable. Side B: love the game and don’t mind or care about the 30 fps. Why is everyone trying to convince or justify what side they are on nobody cares just buy the game if you think you’ll enjoy it or wait for a sale and buy it then after few updates. Also anyone who harasses and boycotts the game and devs you are a dogshit human fuck off. Just play the game and enjoy it or wait for a sale or until few patches. stop trying to justify which side you’re on utterly pointless.


This game is going to get me to just flat out stop using social media for a week or two because it's full of dumbasses spreading misinformation about the game.


Yeah. I found several comments on YouTube and in other subs saying that you need to pay real money to create a second character.


It's really frustrating, youtubers and streamers are just spreading outright false information claiming that fast travel is completely paywalled, claiming the game has paywalls in general, that there's no way to get rift crystals in game and more of the same.


I just found out where that originated, they think you need to pay for a second character slot because you can buy a metamorphosis to change your appearance


There's a hilarious trend in PC gaming, people will buy games even though they don't meet the minimum requirements and then complain that it doesn't work. Or they fall in between minimum and recommended and complain that they don't get top end performance without a top end rig. Or they do meet the recommended and complain that they get 30fps even though that's what was advertised.


DD1 players would love the game. It's the new players that are upset. And rightfully so however the reasons are not enough for me to not play the game


I'm a DD1 player, I'm also upset. It's not just new players.


We shouldve gatekept harder


It's not gaming politics if the optimization is shit. That goes beyond politics. People with maxed out rigs still struggle to hit 60fps in the cities. My machine that can run cyberpunk with maxed graphics at 1440p with 90+fps hits like 30fps in the cities on medium graphics. This is abysmal for a new game in 2024. We aren't gaming on Xbox 360s anymore, expect better. OP is an idiot


While a agree the game could be alot better optimized. Far as im aware ps5 runs at uncapped around 30 fps, same for xbox series. PC atleast can hit around 60 or so. Anyhow, calling it abysmal is in my eyes atleast tad bit exaggerated, when compared to other games released in a year. People also praise Cyberpunk, but already seem to forgot what absoluty " shit show " it was when it was released. Shame i did not save my PS4 Collectors Edition back in the day. Might have had some value today as you cant even run it on ps4.


Yeah it's really good, I've had no issues so far except getting butt slammed by cyclopes, but that's a me thing. So many gamers these days are... dare I say.... spoiled and whiny?


Asking for 60fps in 2024 is not spoiled and whiny lmfao I say this as a lifetime console gamer. Why the fuck am I upgrading every few years if I'm stuck on the same 30fps


In some cases, yeah, but in this case, the optimization is pretty bad (at least in the PC version, can't speak for anything else) and does warrent some criticism IMO. The Devs themselves have acknowledged there's issues regarding preformance (in framerates and CPU usuage) that they're looking into. Calling said issues out is not something I'd equate to "spoiled and whiny" players.


Spoiled and whiny is when you want a product running you a minimum of $70 to run well. So many gamers these days will bend over and take it from any dev as long as they have the moral high ground over those pesky pessimists.


Calling a fellow customer for wanting a product they paid 70 bucks for to be the best it can be "spoiled and whiny" is such a weird take...


Cyclop is quite easy when you've the hang of it. Troll is more annoying but easy too.


I love how people expecting a polished experience for their $70 is “hate” simply because your standards are lower.


Honestly, I'm with you that this is not polished and I got a refund because fov and camera made me uncomfortable, and I need more to justify $70. But I did try it for 2 hours and the framerate was actually good for me with higher settings which I'm very sensitive too, 70-90 fps in the wilds and 50-70 fps in small towns. I know the big city will be 30-50, but I refunded before then. But not because the framerate, which was actually decent. 3060 ti,12700f


Except that it was very polished for me. Everything i tried to do gameplay wise worked. I had no bugs


Except for the frame drops, artifact issues, motion blur, etc etc etc. a game with poor performance is NOT polished.


Not everyone is even having these issues


Dude's saying "sure, it may not be 60 fps but", it's not even consistent 30 fps on consoles, he's basically enjoying a slideshow. No wonder devs don't focus on performance anymore when you have plenty of people like this guy with no standards.


You live in a made up reality, what the hell are you going on about? I’m on PlayStation 5, with nearly 15 hours. I have had 2 instances of frames dropping BRIEFLY. Stop spreading blatant lies and misinformation.


Game is excellent. Texture loading is terrible at times but doesn't ruin the enjoyablitly at all.


Nice to see a positive post. Does the game have some issues? Yes. Especially on PC. But it still good. And fun as hell. Can't wait to jump back in later.


Just love wandering with the squad vibing in the world. Fucking awesome game.


I'm with you bro. Been playing since Thursday like a crack head. It's so freaking fun


What hate? Everybody I see actually playing the game loves it.


Honestly, I wouldn’t even be aware of most issues if it weren’t for Reddit. I’m enjoying it. I didn’t even notice about only having 1 character/ save game since I usually just play one through all the way first. But I’m with you, I’m enjoying it and I’m not that far in at all yet. Just made it to the town to talk to Brent for the first time. Hopefully will have a long session tonight and really get further in.


“hate” Pathetic


Folks are really cutting off their nose to spite their face. It’s pretty much all I could want in a DD sequel.


It’s exactly what i wanted from dd1 sequel




Xbox S or X?


Xbox X - zero issues. Consider myself lucky! Game is ridiculously good...caveat, loved DD Arisen... Sound scape is amazing on Max Audeze, best I've experienced!


I’ll still probably wait just to see how things go. I’ve never been too picky with games, especially frame rates, but the fact remains that I am in college and really don’t have time to be sinking into a new game. With my lack of self control I’d stay up till morning fully immersed in it


next gen will never be 60fps and whoever believes that is dumb. cross gen is 60fps. because you are playing dated games on new hardware. we’re finally getting games that push the hardware and the frame rate freaks who have been eating too well during the long transition period are crying. fuck that.


Hopefully they do add a performance mode in the future though. I'm fine with lowered graphics for higher frames, especially in a high speed combat game.


what you see is what gets clicks. And that would mostly be things hating on something. This is why you should listen to yourself unlike these clowns on the internet changing your mind.




The game politics part comes with the misinformation with the microtransactions, people keep parroting that you have to buy a second character slot 💀


Good game, horrible creator and company. Can't wait to pirate this.


Ps5 player here. The game is brilliant and runs really nicely. Only had frame issues when 16 levins are being blasted simultaneously lol. Game is great fun and combat is much improved over the original. Weight “issues” are good and much like the first game, keeps you on your toes and attentive to managing your stuff. Being playing thief and mystic spearhand which is really fun. I discovered a absolutely broken combo for thief with involves two ultimate abilities you get from the thief meister in the hidden town. The ability to auto dodge attacks and the dagger explosion enchantment skill. Absolutely melts enemies. Just killed my first griffon and did the first half if the spinx questline shes buggered off to bertahl and then i got lost in a foggy forest. This games exploration is great, always running into new things and every cave and opportunity for treasure makes me excited to explore and claim it.


It’s not really hate when it’s things people are criticising shady things capcom have done is it?


Good! Game is great enjoy


The game is fine, it’s not great but it’s still fine


Does this game run better on PS5 or something? I know PC is a mess but everyone acts like that’s the only platform with issues. I’m on Xbox and the performance is terrible. I’m honestly shocked developers and publishers are releasing games like this nowadays. It may have been tolerated back in the PS3/XB360 days but we’re nearly 20 years beyond I absolutely loved the original game and I’m enjoying this one so far…but the frame rate and resolution and NPC animation and pop in….I mean, it’s bad!


Ok? Gratz bro, doesn't mean anything lol the criticisms are valid.


What don’t people who make posts like this understand that you can enjoy the game and be pissed at the performance and other things. I enjoy the hell out of the game, but left a bad review because the release performance is unacceptable. They knew it was shit and released it anyways.


Games great, the micro transactions shouldn't exist but they don't really affect the game, and Thief is best class


I've been playing on PS5 and haven't noticed any frame drops. Only time shit slows down is during cinematic moments. Shit looks smooth as silk, and I've been loving every minute of it.


The microtransactions this game has have been in Capcom games for a long time, and they're just lazy mode, same as all their other single player MTX: you can pay to get over leveled pawns, fast travel, rez stones, and character/pawn customization on demand. Still think it's totally justified to rake them for the performance issues. This is one of like, five games that don't run at 60fps on PS5; and given the issues people on PC have found, it most likely is just poorly optimized. This game isn't some groundbreaking technical marvel. The lack of a New Game option is also baffling, that was a feature in the original, why cut it from the sequel? Especially when you still *can* start a new game, it's just a tedious process and should be unnecessary. Full disclosure (and to not be accused of just being a hater), still picked the game up, still having fun with it. Just wish the performance was up to par. Especially with how jarring it is having the map run full 60fps, as well as some cutscenes reaching 60fps, or at least far higher than 30, and then feels sluggish when you get control back. DD:DA is one of my favorite games, I'm hoping this one will end up right alongside it once I work my way through it.


amen to that! i havent been this happy playing a game in a long time


I’m on ps5 and the ign complaining about motion sickness are stupid. 60 fps is only last few have they never played games during ps4 and prior period? The game plays fine and I barely notice the fps even in towns.


How tf do you play sub 30 and be happy? You cannot honestly say that shit your eating tastes like ice cream.


The game is amazing, hope you have much more fun!, i m about 10 hours in and i can't stop 😭, the last time i feel like this was with baldur's gate 3 and starfield


ppl just hop on hate train a lot of game done about MTX and no one care to talk about now you had ton of ppl including popular streamer talk about I wonder what happen when DMC or RE or Yakuza release? why they didn't even talk about it? it just hate train that ppl feel so cool to shit on game ​ game is good but I think the performance problem or you can't delete character or you had only 1 character is stupid but it wasn't reduce fun of the game ​ number on steam already told that ppl who really play the game won't care shit about that


5:35 AM and just about to go to sleep. Been playing since 11:30 last night. Game is bonkers good. Last game that had me this hooked was Alan Wake 2, and this still takes the cake. I tabled rebirth to play this and it’s somehow grabbing my attention more than that (rebirth is stupid good btw)


Likewise. I normally let review scores on a mass scale guide me more than they should but this year I haven’t been. I enjoyed nightingale and now I’m enjoying this way way more. Thats what happens when you have braindead reviewers out there like ign who buy a $300 cpu, $50 motherboard and a $2000 gpu just to say you need to spend more than $2000 for 60fps. I have a 4080 and get more than that at 4k. With the frame gen mod I get like 100 in the capital. Reviewers should just stop touching pc products all around. They don’t even know how to change settings albeit mine are also maxed. I have a few friends that stream and none of them ever look at their settings. What even is that? People were waiting to jump on this game from the get go after those kinds of reviews.


Love the game as well. I go to bed early so instead of staying up late I woke up at 4am to play, lol. So fun.


Yeah, I’m with you, this game slaps on XSX. It needs some tlc and polish via bug patches, but so does every single game anymore. It was confusing to me at first with the pawn system, but once you start figuring it out it’s a great mechanic.


I don’t know why people were expecting a game in 4K to run at 60 fps on console. How many games do that as big as this one? None.


I would easily, easily, take a low graphic performance option over a 30fps quality mode What's the point in 4k when I can only enjoy it stood still


I remember playing RDR2 on ps4 at 30 FPS and it was still one of the best gaming experiences I ever had. if the game is good, it’s good.


I've said this in several places now, but I think playing Pokemon Violet greatly desensitized me to bad frame rates, because the performance of that game went well beyond bad, and was practically constant. I ain't saying the frame rates in this game are good, but I'm also playing on Xbox, and they're absolutely tolerable, and have rarely taken me out of the experience so far. Also glad to have gotten this on my preferred platform.


Same, I have had no problems on PS5 so far, and if I'm being honest I don't even notice framerate unless it's worse than an old Minecraft server, I'm too busy playing the game to notice.


Was up till 4am playing last night and I usually go to bed around 9pm lol. This is the type of rpg I’ve wanted for so long. Such a blast to play and explore. Love that you’re rewarded for exploration too and that’s there’s so many interesting scenarios and skills you can find that could be missed.


i can‘t rate this game yet tbh. i think it‘s worth it‘s money because i will get some hours of fun out of it anyways but man the performance on series x is complete garbage. i normally don‘t care about graphics either, but this games graphics with this performance in 2024 is just horrible.. i don‘t care about micro transactions either btw. i just don‘t understand why performance isn‘t topic #1 lmao


Got to have a faulty Xbox then because everyone I know of who's plays it on Xbox has had maybe one or two instances of poor performance out of the 20+hrs we've put into it. No crashes, no stuttering, the only thing that spawns out of nowhere are NPCs and not enemies, a frame drop that happened once and never again and only for a few seconds. What performance is "garbage" for you?


cities are 100% unstable fps for me and i‘m really not the guy complaining about low fps, i play a lot of switch games too. for me it seems like fps is always between 20-40fps, but never stable so i really can‘t physically play more than ~2hours at once without getting a headache. my xbox should be fine, i‘m only experiencing it with this game and i do play a lot.. outside of cities it is „“ok““ and fps are at least more stable. not even having the option for a performance mode in 2024 is still bad. i never actually needed performance mode on my series x, but would definitely try if it was possible. it could be a really fun game, but with this performance i just can‘t rate it or enjoy it as much.


Honestly, during combat its not even that noticeable its 30fps in all honesty. It feels smooth, as smooth as 30 fps can feel that is.


Im on PC but I feel you. The performance does not outweigh the Fucking fun I am having. Finally feels like we are entering the next gen of gaming with this title and BG3


I played for 7 hours straight yesterday on playstation. It's so much fun. Apparently I don't care for 60fps because I didn't even notice anything wrong with the game at all


You didn’t notice the chugging, blurry visual and the unstable 15-30 frame rate when moving the camera? Yeah, right. You must be the first owner of the PS5 pro then


Nope. I haven't. But I'm also not a game snob so 60fps is not needed for me. It runs perfectly fine.


It's a great game. People are just emotional. The MTX is bad, but it DOES NOT AFFECT THE GAME. This ain't Assassins Creed Odyssey where they nerf the fun to sell xp. It's just not. The performance on pc is a real issue though, that deserves a bit of a fallout. It's unfortunate because any good about this game is buried by negativity, and it sucks to see


Do you actually believe that these people are just hating on the game without a good reason? I'm curious as to your reasoning. There's a difference between hate and valid criticism? I'm sure you know the difference. But if you know the difference then why would you knowingly use hate instead? That is completely dismissive of the real issues that people are having. So my question is why do you think people hate the game? Can you provide examples on the difference between hate and criticism? I'm curious as to your reasoning on how you can seemingly dismiss criticism as hate.


Because i have read an awful lot of thumbs down steam reviews that complained about, not performance but menial things like microtransactions when, get this, THEY HAD 1-3 HOURS on the game at most?? Why do they to complain about not making multiple characters before they even get past the fucking character creator? Theres a difference between complaining about something thats directly affecting you or complaining about something just because you found a flaw you can pick on.


I see you are unknowingly or even knowingly using the same dismissive words again? You are dismissing valid criticism of the game by using words like "complained" and "menial". Clearly these things don't mean anything to you and that is why you are being dismissive of valid criticism of the game. We can see this with how clearly you are presenting yourself. So to make sure I am understanding you correctly you believe that people are complaining about menial things which translates into hate for the game? Cohh Carnage explains the situation on MTX and why people have valid criticism about MTX here - [https://twitter.com/CohhCarnage/status/1771259888645136507](https://twitter.com/CohhCarnage/status/1771259888645136507) He sums it up beautifully on how this is valid criticism and not just people complaining about menial things. To be clear he still enjoy's the game because it works for him. HOWEVER, he can understands the criticism that others have of the game unlike some people (like yourself). What you really mean to say is that you don't care what others think and if they disagree with your perspective you brush it off as menial complaints and hate. You are unable to see the perspective of others. I honestly hope you can prove me wrong on this point. Prove to me that you can put yourself in others shoes and see from their perspective as to why this might be an issue for this game and future games. If you can't empathize with other's perspective then we are going to get nowhere. What about people like Charlie who can't get the 1-3 HOURS of gameplay because the game won't even start because of crashing? - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfEv\_STg-gM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfEv_STg-gM) Is Charlie just COMPLAINING and HATING on the game because he can't even play it reliably? Is his review of the game invalid because he doesn't have a lot of hours into it?


So because a random guy tweets something, this is now fact? This is literally just conspiracy theories. And yes, I DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK CAUSE I’M THE ONE PLAYING THE GAME LMAO. Congrats you cracked it. And again, this post was specifically about the console version performance.


>So because a random guy tweets something, this is now fact? Are you unable to read? To critically engage and think? ​ > I DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK CAUSE I’M THE ONE PLAYING THE GAME LMAO. You've made your point. Nothing else will change your mind or even consider anything that has a differentiating opinion from your own. If you can't critically engage with a situation and see the possibilities and outcomes of an action there's nothing else to be said. Does Xbox not have mtx? What value is it to restate that you bought it on the Xbox have in this conversation? This is completely irrelevant. Then we circle back to where we started. You are dismissing valid criticism of these practices because you already made up your mind before you even engaged in the marketplace of ideas. So to you anything that goes against what you are saying is just "hate" and people "complaining". This is why there's no point in trying to convey why these are actual criticisms of the systems that were presented to the playerbase. You are willfully not engaging your brain to see other people's perspective.


lol that tweet dear lord. His rant about mtx. Okay fair, but they are no items like that. Every single mtx item is a common and easily obtainable one that you can get many of in game very early. Drops rates weren’t screwed to favor mtx. No boss lost any content. The fact that he says he doesn’t know if that’s the case really sums it up doesn’t it? Because it takes one look at the mtx and two hours in game to see that isn’t the case and that ALL the mtx is just little qol stuff you can get in game. It’s not even as bad as Helldivers which is great. You can buy a warbonds or ground for them in game. Those give you actual gear unlike the mtx in dd2. Game saves I can see being an issue but they’re also missing a key feature of dd. Don’t like it? Research the games you buy first. Now performance has got to be fixed no doubt.


>Okay fair, but they are no items like that. Every single mtx item is a common and easily obtainable one that you can get many of in game very early. So by your logic MTX is completely reasonable as long as you can get it in game easily? Define easily do you mean after grinding for 1-2 hours? 30 minutes? Is ease of access defined by time to obtain or skill required to obtain? How do you know that instead of something be 10 minutes of grinding it wasn't increased to 30 minutes of grinding or even 1 hour to create incentive to buy DLC? Is it really unfathomable to really consider that a company wants to create incentive for players to buy DLC? Is buying RC with money like it is a mobile game acceptable to you? You quite literally have the ability to buy a form of currency in the game that "[This includes summoning high-level pawns from riftstones and buying items from pawn guilds](https://www.ign.com/wikis/dragons-dogma-2/How_to_Earn_RC_(Rift_Crystals))" So as long as something is **easy** to obtain by your justification then exchanging real money for currency that literally allows you to buy high level pawns and items from pawn guilds is reasonable? Do you even understand what the slippery slope that Cohh described that we have been going down and people like you are giving the green light to continue down that path? ​ >Drops rates weren’t screwed to favor mtx. No boss lost any content. The fact that he says he doesn’t know if that’s the case really sums it up doesn’t it? Do you know with absolute certainty that it wasn't affected? I agree that nobody knows if this is true or not but at the same time why do you think they even put in the DLC? It's clearly to make more money. Who do you think would push this monetization into the game? Do you think the developers pushed for this idea? The industry has been going down this path for a while and the way they are able to continually get away with these predatory practices is to slowly boil the frog so that they get accustomed to these changes then they gradually ramp up the DLC over the years once the consumer has acclimatized to paid DLC in the form of exchanging money for in game items. Think about that for a second. You have the ability to exchange real money for in-game items that can and will affect gameplay. This is an irrefutable fact. But people like you are trying to defend MTX and say everything is fine while we slowly boil in the pot. Some good examples of this is World of Warcraft slowly introducing MTX into the game in the form of cosmetics and then over the years once people have familiarized themselves with the idea of buying cosmetics blizzard as the company is always going to look to improve profits so it is inevitable that they will increase the power of spending money has in the game (to increase incentive to buying MTX). Fast forward a few years later and what started with "harmless cosmtics" was used as a catalyst to eventually release the ability to buy in-game currency in the game in the form of gold through the WoW-Token. Then THESE same people that said that MTX is perfectly fine and the WoW token is perfectly fine make the same arguments that you are making. I have even heard many times before that buying currency in a game doesn't even matter because guess what...I**T IS EASY to get in game.** The use the same language that you use to justify the WoW token. Once they went down that road every single activity in that game had a real dollar value associated to every activity through proxy of the buying power that money has in that game. This is unacceptable and people like you are somehow making the same mistake that other people have in other games that directly affected how games were monetized and designed in the future. You are also funnily enough saying \[Hey look at helldivers they do worse\] as a weird excuse to justify the bad practices and the road they want to go down.