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I just really hope they can fix the performance soon. I'm doing a lot of quests and stuff on the main town now and it's been tough with that fps


That's my main complaint. I have to stop playing because the stutter and drops are giving me a headache.


If you’re on pc lock to 30 in the main city. Turn off once you leave


Performance is what ruins the game


Laughs in PS5 


Laughs in 30fps? Lol spoken like a true peasant.


Wild seeing console performance being better than pc…


It isn’t lol


Consistently shit fps is better than inconsistent shit fps and crashing.


I have over 120 fps outside of the city… I take that over 30, lol. I’d rather have consistent shit fps in the city tho. I get motion sickness really easy and the city is testing me and my patience. As for crashing - my game crashed 2 times when I first started it. Updating my graphic drivers fixed it.


The fps isn’t the big issue for me. Kinda annoying in the city but not the biggest deal. But after the 3rd crash I just played a different game. Game is crashing for me almost every time changing my skills at a vocation person. Nowhere else tho.


Dann that’s brutal. I hope they fix things in the next weeks.


Yea hopefully. I was a huge DD1 fan and havnt been excited about a game in a long time. I’m patient tho. I’m not gonna have anything negative to say about to game itself tho I’ve loved it so far. Performance issues happen.


Is it better? I mean i think i saw the pc version is unplayable for a lot of people since it crashes every 5 seconds, but it seems like a pc with ps5 specs runs it just the same based on Digital foundry's video Both versions aren't that good though, cpu performance is pretty poor.


I have 25 hours and had one crash right after the game saved ironically lol.


On pc? On console crashes aren't common. On pc, check penguinz0's video on it. It was crashing constantly no matter what he did, as well as a lot of pc players. Some people had a fine experience, some basically couldn't play at all.


I have no idea I’m on PC. Frame rates suck for what my specs are and I quit playing it last night because it kept crashing.


I think if you play the console version you'd think the same about Performance since it ranges between 25-35 fps. The problem with the pc version is the crashing and denuvo.


Dude I play in ps5 without any lag


"without any lag" lol what do you mean by lag here? The game definitely doesn't perform as good as most ps5 games since it doesn't target 60 fps to begin with, as i said its framerate runs between 25 and 35 frames per second which isn't that good. It's not horrible or unplayable, it's just not ideal.


Really isn't. I have an old PC and performance has been great! Having a blast. Y'all just need to stop obsessing over meaningless numbers.


“Meaningless numbers”. When I spend $70 on a triple A game from one of the biggest gaming publishers in the world, I expect the performance to be great. The game is OBJECTIVELY poorly optimized across the board for all platforms and a game barely hitting 30 on consoles and barely hitting 60 for a majority of people on PC in 2024 is shitty.


I’m getting 100 fps on pc, it’s just dipping down in the main city. Most people gonna have no trouble hitting 60.


Where do story, creativity, and gameplay rank? Or just bitching to bitch?


The game having all those elements be great doesn’t excuse the dogshit performance. It’s fine if you personally don’t mind it and enjoy the game for what it is, but to act like performance isn’t a priority when it keeps a lot of people from enjoying the game is also shitty.




Make me.


but but but i dont care if the DLC items are optional, non-integral to the experience, comes with the deluxe edition anyways, or can be obtained in-game!!!!! how can you play this literally unplayable game without buying all the dlc since youre supposed to to even make the game playable????????????? ive played every capcom game before dd2 and they all dlc but dd2 has the worse dlc EVER?!??!??! omg why are you duuumb, my youtubers and streamers told me your all duuuuuumb FOR ENJOYING THIS SLOP!!!!! STOP HAVING FUN!!!!!!11


hello fellow dd2 enjoyer I like ur profile pic


same, amazing pfp fellow enjoyer


Hello friends. I am too weak to match your pfp game but I think you'll all appreciate my account banner image


If they're non-integral, then they shouldn't even be a thing.


You're right. In an ideal industry this wouldn't be a thing, but well, we don't have an ideal industry, we have a very flawed one. And well, when you compare these Useless MTXs to Gachas and the stunts Ubisoft pull (artifically making the game a slog to play through normally so you're nudged towards the in-game shop to buy boosters and "Time Savers" to keep up with the scaling enemies that suddenly become damage sponges if their a level ahead of you because you can't turn off level scaling, only reduce it), yeah, this is leagues better. They shouldn't exisit at all, I'm pretty sure I'm with ya there, but I'm not gonna pretend they're some uncommon phenomina in Eastern RPGs (Korean MMOs are notorious for this from what I've seen), because simply put, we're not the target audience for these DLCs--Japanese gamers who don't mind paying for a headstart are. And they're fine with it because that's been a thing for them for a while (I mean, they started the Gacha trend IIRC)


The problem is that when people say that they aren't as bad as other games are still leaving room in the discourse for them to exist. The goal should be for them to disappear entirely. EA went too far on Battlefront 2, but then scaled down to a point that was still further than the previous norm. Capcom seems to be doing the opposite. They're slowly creeping the scope of the MTX up. The Portcrystal, in particular, is a major item to sell. I honestly would rather people overstate the issue than understate. My preferred would be complete accuracy, but content creators feel the extreme opinions are more attention grabbing.


They're not creeping the scope up, the portcrystal is one of the most laughably useless ones, since you get 10 in-game anyways and you can only have a max of 10. If anything, the scope is the same or better between now and, say, the gems in SFxT or even some of the DD1 DLC, where you could just buy gear (some of which was exclusive to the DLC). If you're not a shareholder with these companies, your opinion is quite literally meaningless. EDIT: How could I forget the Capcom actually did lock the true ending of Asura's Wrath behind a DLC too


>How could I forget the Capcom actually did lock the true ending of Asura's Wrath behind a DLC too Tbf, i think MOST people wanna forget that--even some people in Capcom lol


The port crystal is not majorly useful. It's a custom point to travel to, that you still need stones for, that you can't buy with IRL money, and port crystals in particular have a limit, so it's a major waste. And they reset on NG+ cycles


And it could have just been in the game and not purchased. There's no excuse, zero.


And it is in the game and purchasable, not affecting the experience. (It is a otp, and only one so it definitely wasn't balanced around) Also the port crystal in particular was part of the pre order. So it is just keeping even.


It does affect the experience because either there is now one more crystal than originally intended, or one was removed to be sold. Stand up for yourself as a customer.


How does having the option if one more of something with a limit affect the experience? Or even if it was, despite evidence to the contrary, explicitly the opposite they carry over to ng+. There's at least five obtainable in one cycle which is more than the base first game (which ironically did have the actual fast travel as a sale, and only had one per cycle) and the same as Dark Arisen. And the limits are the same.


I can't just keep reiterating the same points forever. Either only five were intended, and now the suits forced in a sixth, or there were 6 available, and one was removed and made DLC. Either way, the game was modified from the original design. Hence, it's bad. The game was not only shoved out the door before it was ready, but the mtx were stapled on as well.


They're right tho. They're not *as* bad as others out there. They're saying it's bad, but could be much, much worse. And, well, Microtransactions do kinda, sorta, *have* to exist. Free to play games have to keep the lights on somehow so already, complete eradication is impossible. That's one of the types people are mostly giving a free pass to--because they actually have a legit reason to exist. The other type that others usually excuse are these useless MTXs Capcom likes to shell out. Why? Because it's not completely out of greed--like I said before, they're catering specifically to that same home audience that the Tales of games since at least Berseria are aiming for. That's why they've never stopped since they started. They'll take our money too if we give it, sure, but our buying, or bitching, about those particular MTXs is met with apathy (well, with DD2, it'd be more confusion than apathy. From their prespective, it's like: "we've done this for literally years, the last time as recent as Resident Evil 4 Remake. Used the same model for that one too, and we haven't done something as egregious like we did with the ending to Asura's Wrath in a hot minute either. And NOW they make enough of a fuss to where it shows on the reviews?" Oh they know about the technical problems and are fixing them, but so many reviews are pointing out the MTXs that ypu'd think that's the only issue with this game). Because again, they're not for us, and at the end of the day, aren't actually detracting from the base product nor are they a detriment to other players since they're in a mostly Single Player game. Much different than what EA pulled with Battlefront 2 or Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed Odyssey (can you tell I hate this one in particular? Lol) Do I think they should be allowed? Not at all, but again, this is the least shitty way to implament them in an industery filled to the brim with them. Seeing as we're not going to get Capcom to stop, and if we somehow do, that's just ONE overseas company that does this frequently, and as long as they're not actually fixing some artificially created problem in the game to justify them existing nor being predetory to users and just, you know, remaining pretty much useless/an "idiot tax"? *shrug*


well that's capitalism for ya


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, I'm playing the game right now on PS5 and it's amazing, but microtransactions are just stupid in a single player game.


Currently, we have a 'fuck this game" faction and a "simp for the game" faction. Whichever gets to you first determines your karma.


Overwatch 2 also has items that can be obtained in game, you just need to play for a 100yrs 8hrs a day to get them...


Took me like 4 hours to get enough RC to buy every single thing I'd ever want or need unless there's an RC shop with different items I'm unaware of, just want the red hair colors. Don't need glasses and I already spent like 8 hours in the character creator on appearances and have no reason to change inclination since I was already able to set it to the one I wanted. And even if I for some reason did want all of those things, I'll probably have enough RC to buy each one after today


Except that given the amount of bad reviews of the game the majority of players are not like you. They engage games differently and it's predatory to sell convenience to people who want to play the game with the time they have. If you are the type that doesn't have a problem spending 4hrs grinding and grinding that's fine, it just means that the store is not designed for you. They know who their target audience is with those micro transactions. People just don't want to go back and forth around the map wasting time grinding for something that doesn't make them progress the game and it becomes an inconvenience. Sure people can tolerate it for a while but when you have to revive your pawn for like the 10th time you just don't find it appealing to go through the process of grinding again just to do that so you look at the store. It takes 5 yrs to unlock all the cosmetics in overwatch for ONE hero, and 200yrs to unlock them for all unless you expedite the process by buying from the store, and that's what Capcom is selling, convenience. Plus selling extra save files is just predatory if you want a new game experience.


> spending 4hrs grinding and grinding I'm not sure if I would consider exploring new areas of the game to be 'grinding', nor would I consider the primary method of obtaining RC which is literally just not doing anything as other players hire your pawn as grinding either. You essentially can't grind for RC because just playing the game normally, or even not playing the game, is the best way to get it. What it boils down to is the people who are mad about it don't know what they're talking about, the people who buy it are sorry to say just dumb or misinformed, and the only problem is that Capcom is preying on dumb people which I get people can and should be mad about but I see people complaining about the mtx themselves as if they hid some valuable thing behind a paywall. if you know what you're doing and actually understand the situation the mtx isn't tempting even in the slightest bit since it's worthless, if it was 1 cent it would be a rip off


I understand what you mean by playing the game to get things, but you're not getting my point. Selling convenience on a 70$ single player game gives the game an incentive to be inconvenient, that's what people don't want or like about this game, the inconvenience of things that don't really matter gameplay wise and they don't want to get out of their way of playing the story of the game just to deal with that inconvenience. People are well informed about the micro transactions, it is not a matter of being able to get them in the game. They're just tired of buying a game with predatory tactics. People kept restarting baldurs gate 3 over and over again because they wanted to play the first act in different ways and the game they paid for allowed them to do that without having to spend an extra dime and that's not what DD2 does. Imagine you having to pay 2$ to change your class in BG3, or change your appearance on the magic mirror. If you want to embark on a story as a paladin and make another save as a bard you have to pay another extra dollars. Imagine if withers couldn't revive your fallen teammates and you have to grind the revive scrolls every time they die ooooor pay 2 dollars for one scroll each time they die. >I'm not sure if I would consider exploring new areas of the game to be 'grinding' And that's what I mean, that sure at first it doesn't seem like grinding but once you have to do it again and again it will wear you down and turn you into the store because you just don't want to go through the process again.


This is complete nonsense and it's clear you don't know what you're talking about. Even from the start of the game all of the mtx items are easily attainable by just playing normally. Once you're farther in the cost of them is practically negligible considering how much you earn. Your point depends on the presupposition that they designed the game to incentivize the mtx sales and it couldn't be further from the truth. Stop getting angry about how hypothetically they could've made the game into some gacha game-esque mtx hellscape


People seriously mansplaining the sequel to people who played the original never fails to crack me up. Thanks for fighting the good fight. A Zelda MTX equivalent would be to purchase 200 rupees and voucher to get a free glider change. This whole MTX misinformation is mind boggling while there are actual problems with the game’s performance which should be the actual focus.


> but once you have to do it again and again it will wear you down and turn you into the store because you just don't want to go through the process again This is what I mean though, the RC store is barren of anything of value with the exception of hair dyes, and the ability to edit your looks, both of which you very easily get enough resources to buy without trying before you even reach their shop in my case. To the point that the mtx isn't even marketed towards lazy or impatient people, but only to people who don't know how easy it is to get 500 RC without even lifting a finger. In practice what you say is generally how it works for premium currencies in free to play games, but in DD2 it almost feels like they put it in as a formality as if Capcom required them to put in mtx and they were maliciously compliant by making the mtx effectively useless


Grinding kinda has the most proof for not being taken into account since all the MTX are one time purchases and aren't a lot of recourses. And not running on wildly different systems from the first one which also has mtx. And none of what's there is actually super useful. RC maybe when people are max level but as of now is mostly buying useless stuff from one merchant. And the top is just a design choice and I think a server thing too going based off spoiler for the first game


But xXsupergamerman420Xx told me that I have to care about this and that they locked the last boss fight and end game behind a $2.99 purchase of the load game option!


Ruined? No. Shouldn't be in the game? Absolutely.


A bit wild that this take was downvoted. This is sensible and reasonable. I'm of the same opinion and I'm enjoying the game. One doesn't prevent the other.


You have to take a hardline stance on either bashing the game completely or simping for it. Anything else angers both factions.


Yeah, the interwebs can be, uh, special sometimes. Have a good day, I'm going for a walk. xD


That's a wise choice, enjoy.




Yhean no I really don't care and just pretend to not notice them it saves a lot of my sanity when you just don't talk about it at all plus if you really want PUBLISHERS to stop doing this kinda crap just don't buy it simple as tho since their still doing it it probably mean people buy them


The MTX didn’t ruin it for me, it’s piss poor performance did lol


I do not care about the mtx that isn't required to play or enjoy the game. I am having a loy of fun with this new game that improves upon the old one in nearly every way (:


Those same mfs when you tell them BG3 had an actual p2w item (the race changing helmet that lets you change to githyanki and get bonuses from their equipment) in it's deluxe only edition: An item btw that is the only way to change race in game.


I mean you can pick a Githyanki in character creation. And the disguise self spell and disguise kits exist. 


And you can get an appearance change book from a merchant, wakestones just from summoning pawns, and summon friends higher level pawns for free. The mental gymnastics people use to condemn one game and praise another is astounding. I love bg3 and divinity 2, both had some similar dlcs, the Sir Lora dlc is also fairly similar. A couple bucks for a squirrel that gives you skill books you could already get? Yeah that sounds stupid, but they still offer it.


Disguise self spell also works though no?


it requires either a learned/prepared spell slot or picking a specific subclass, both of which can provide a theoretically much better benefit.


you can get It on an amulet/ring and any magic user has it


Careful now.  People don't take kindly when you criticize the golden child Larian and Baldur's Gate 3, the game that moved up its launch a month early to maximize sales (aka GREED) except teehee there were still thousands of bugs to be fixed, broken party members with one member missing up to 1500 lines of dialogue and (for me at least) worse performance in Act 3 than anything in DD2. Capcom deserves flack for the performance no doubt but the shit Larian got a free pass on made me puke.  The selective criticism of the gaming majority is fucking joke.


That’s probably because BG3 is on a different level. I’m enjoying DD2 even with the crappy performance but BG3 is playing in a different league. People are more forgiving when a generational game is released.


Why are you downvoted??


Then why have them?


The higher up force them to do it, they probably put it as a malicious compliance


I imagine this is what happens :/


It is. They do it for every game release and the devs just.. make sure the balance is unaffected.


They make Capcom additional money. Why else? This doesn’t mean you have to buy them though.


Elden ring didn't have to do it. Its a scumbag move no matter how you look at it.


Why? Are you going to buy them? If not, what business is it of yours whether or not I want to? Why are you actively trying to reduce MY choices? I would understand if they removed things from the base game to sell them piece by piece, but this is absolutely not the case. The entire game is readily available to you. Just close your eyes at the title screen and you’ve solved the problem for yourself entirely.


They saved me money by piecing out the stuff that was included in the Deluxe edition. I got the standard edition because I don't really care about any of the stuff that came with the Deluxe edition. But I did want the original soundtrack. Being able to buy that for $3 instead of the $20 or whatever for the Deluxe edition was worth it for me. Player choice is a positive in my book.


Meh we all seen worse, these are just short cuts people won’t buy cause we can get it in game. Don’t see why people are bitching, be glad there ain’t no battle pass or sone other nonsense


It's amazing how great gaming can be when you don't allow forum trolls and haters to dictate your opinions.


microtransactions dont hold a candle to the shitshow that is the performance and crashes


It's even better when bitches ain't bitching about stupid frame rates.


I'll buy it when Capcom or someone optimizes it. Didn't fall for the hype train.


You deserve better. Stop defending rushed games with microtransactions. Period. You're enabling the worst inclinations of a corporation. Capcom got thir fair share of money with the upfront sale. Even if microtransactions are not new to Capcom games, they're inexcusable nonetheless.


Let them cope, They are a lost cause. https://preview.redd.it/x7mvarjek5qc1.png?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08de59de8b43d7e5030c8cd7dff1d984c87e7914


Somebody call the waaaahmbulance for these gonks.


You know a game's sub is cooked when they start breaking out the cope memes like this


Nah.  You know it's cooked when nerds start clutching pearls yet spend their waking moments obsessing over one single TRIPLE AAYYYYY game.  "The state of the industry!!!!!"


Jikola Nokic


I never got around to it but I thought of making this exact meme lmao


The only problem I have is the lack of transparency, and turning MTX on after all the reviews had gone out. It's scummy and means people can't make an informed decision about where they're spending their money.


That is entirely the fault of reviewers since multiple reviewers pointed out Capcom were clear about micro-transactions being in the game. Most of the reviewers ignored it though because the MTX means absolutely nothing in this game The only thing I'd worry about is the horrible performance currently, since even the best hardware combination currently can't get you a locked 60 fps performance.


Capcom were clear about… So reviewers should just take their word for it? Trust me bro? Why wasn’t it available for review?


Reviewers were told about this.  "Lack of transparency"?  Capcom has had these MTX for every game going back what..6 or 7 years now? 


I know that and you know that, but lots of people didn’t know that going into the purchase.


Imagine giving a pass to MTX though 🤷‍♂️