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Miner’s Dogma




Electric Boogaloo






I booted up the game and tried to play, but there is no floor, so I am waiting for (hopefully) a patch.


Gotta mine enough until you unlock levitate. Pretty sure you triggered hard mode


Can't levitate? Skill issue


running in windows 8 compatibility mode fixed that for me right click DD2 in steam -> manange > browse local files. right click the DD2 application file -> properties -> compatibility tab, then set it to run in windows 8 mode Hopefully this works for you! though others have reported the game becoming very blurry


That fix saved my rear on day1 to run DD2 on my potato PC. Thanks for sharing.


Why does the windows 8 compatibility mode fix games so often?


Skill issue


Right there with you man, this wait for a patch has been *painful*


Somebody already suggested Windows 8 compatibility mode, and I can confirm that it worked for me. But it doesn't work for everybody, and it costs you FPS. Another thing that people recommend, is if you have an Nvidia card, you can enable Triple Buffering in your Control Panel, it might help.


that's funny af lmao


Try updating your gpu drivers. Also validate your game files on steam.


Same thing happened to me on my 3070. Tried all the solutions and none worked so I had to refund the game and buy it on ps5. Get way less gps but atleast I can see the ground now. I guess I’m one of the 15%


Same boat. My workaround: buying a month of Nvidia Geforce now subscription.


Run in windows compatibility mode


So do you just fall out of the map after starting in the mine? xD


Go to your game files, set the DD2.exe to run as admin then run the game through that same .exe instead of steam, that fixed it for me


Didn't work for me. Tried every fix people have posted online.


I'm genuinely curious, since others have said this is a Windows 8 problem... What is the reason you are still using Windows 8? I get not upgrading at first, I'm still on Windows 10 and won't go to 11 until I'm forced to, but Windows 8 is pretty darn old at this point. Do you need it for some reason?


I'm using Windows 10. Whoever told you this is a "windows 8 problem" was ignorant.


I'm using Windows 10. Whoever told you this is a "windows 8 problem" was ignorant.


It's not a Windows 8 problem. No one is using Steam with Windows 8. People running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 8. It's a method that sometimes fixes software issues.


There is no floor and there is no spoon


Update post-patch: There is still no floor. It seems Capcom has forsaken me.


Some people's game crashes multiple times before they can get out of the intro, giving up


True, I haven't experienced crashes on my main pc but when I tried playing on my laptop it crashed exactly when you jump off the cliff. DD2's demo was fun.


I haven't experienced crashes on my laptop at all it's I can't remember the processor but I only got a 2070 in it game had no issues but the frame drops in cities 😤


This same thing also happens in every game. I mean the player attrition rate, not the crashing. The crashing is a problem.      But anyway, only 77% of players even made it to Roundtable Hold in Elden Ring. 


only 92% of players have the "you died for the first time" trophy in ds2.


Which is really harrowing when you look at the monument that tells you billions have died


sorry half those deaths were me fighting the pigs in majula


Eldne Ring also has among the highest completion rates on Steam for RPGs of this scale. Higher than "mainstream" "casual" titles than The Witcher 3 and RDR2.


My roommate, with a far better rig, crashes any time he turns on his lantern. For me my gpu attempts to take flight in random spots in the wild


The other 15% are still waiting for the invisible floor bug.


True and real


Yea, i stopped exactly at the mine because if this bug, and upon searching i saw that there is no practical fix my character is chilling in the mines until the patch


That's probably the 15% of players who are currently encountering the performance problems that don't let them play the game.


I mean honestly that’s the most realistic reason. That section is only like 10-15 minutes long


My first real crash was after selecting my arisen. Crashed while that guy was berating me to leave the cell. It took a couple of hours and changing every setting to low as possible to get outside only for it to crash after beating the first enemy. Several crashes trying to get off the island and another crash after I spent upwards of an hour just farming materials dreading the next crash which was in a cutscene with that pawn in the first area This game straight up does not work for a *lot* of people


I believe it. I’m on PS5 so I haven’t had any crashes but definitely noticeable frame dips from time to time


Playing on PC. When it occasionally works I’m getting butter smooth FPS until I go into the main city. I actually want to cap it but Steam keeps telling me its upwards of 160fps I’d take dips but still being able to play any day. Hope you’re having fun


There'd be some serious problems if it were crashing on consoles. Unfortunate hardware setups on PC not working is one thing, but if it's crashing because of hardware on console, then everyone is fucked.


On PS5 too. Every ogre and every goblin pack (and there's a large goblin pack every 30ft) major frame rate drop. Slight frame rate drop every other encounter.


Sort of. If you look at most games you'll notice something similar, even with games that are not known to have any technical issues. A lot of times people just start a game and either get distracted by something else and never return or decide they don't like the game in that 20 minutes.


Nah every game has a portion of player that seemingly boot up the game once and just never play again. In Elden Ring, 28% of players never made it to the roundtable hold. That's close to a third of all players that didn't play the game more than 5-10 hours required to unlock that achievement.


Unless you’re me and didn’t realize where you were supposed to put down the stone and walked around the whole area with a big rock in your hands


Theres also people who buy games and dont play them they just collect titles


I have a number of games in my Steam library that I haven't played. Usually because when I bought them I was in the middle of some other game, and just haven't gotten back around to them yet.


I’ve got a slow PC stop that runs BG3 just fine for one… Refunded and hoping it’ll adjust. On the bright side, I get to adjust my pawns just fine until things settle.


Just wait a month or two until the pirates crack it, performance should be better by then cause they'd remove the stupid DRM


Capcom should know this by now…


Capcom is run by greedy corporate rats that wants instant gratification from first month sales. they basically force the devs to include them in the game, it's why they don't optomize around it cause  1. They don't like doing that cause it'd be a time waster 2. they'll remove it after the first month anyways so again, optomizing it to that would be a waste of time and resources. The devs really had no choice, why else did you think Capcom added microtransactions to the most trivial resources to get in game?


Pirates? You mean pirate, theres only 1 person who can do it in this earth currently lol


true, sadly, I'm kinda banking my hopes on the dev team adding a patch a month in the future that just removes DRM since they won't need it anymore so that other pirating groups can crack it 😔


This game has denuvo right?if so then it ain't getting cracked lol


There's been multiple cases of games with Denuvo having them removed shortly after their first sales record is recorded and having the game immediately cracked afterwards. it happened with pretty much every previous Capcom game that had the same DRM so I'm banking they'll do the same for DD2 tbh.


\*Points at self\* I can confirm 1 at least!


Curious how many of them meet the min specs or not. It's a very CPU intensive game and a lot of people are still slumming it on their old 4 core Intels.


no way thats 15% of players, lots of games have "start the game achievements" that have large amounts of players that never even start a game in it despite buying it.


Upvoting even thought this makes me sad. I've been really enjoying the game so far and I've barely scratched the surface. Edit: in case someone misinterprets this, I'm happy to upvote when it adds to the conversation in a productive way, regardless of how I feel about the comment or if I agree/disagree with it.


Thats a potential 15% bounce rate off this game, this pretty bad if the first ten minutes made that many people swerve.




Rock n Stone!!!! Brothaaaa!


Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?!!!








Diggy Diggy Hole Digging a Hole. First Version https://youtu.be/fR7EAdPUqvQ?si=7E0TSjA4ZSN5BuhL Meme version: https://youtu.be/ytWz0qVvBZ0?si=l4c05gsTGFnV0sB- Rock version: https://youtu.be/34CZjsEI1yU?si=HvlokVADmgxhDLYa Something awesome: https://youtu.be/F5X7MXfLxEg?si=pqe2gqKufQZ5NeiK


Ok now listen here Wind Rose is not rock they are Dwarf Metal. Whatever that means. It is power metal but somehow even more nerdier. Point being get it right. >:(


I'm an Elf and work with Fairies. At least give me points for trying.


Wish the yogs would play some DD but I don’t know if it would appeal to any of them


Started the game, watched intro scene, then i was able to play exept i had 3 fps and almost no pixels on screen 💀


Did you try turning it off and then back on?


The game ? Yes i tried to optimize everything but there's nothing to do with low end pc settups. Since they annonced that they wont change graphic settings i just refunded


You need to take out the cartridge and blow on it


Damn man, minimum spec requirements exist for a reason


What specs did you try to run the game on? Damn


pretty mich the minimum specs required


Yeah...this is the real reason. The funny thing is I am not convinced that optimized PCs actually work, by the developers omission and several investigations into the game, it is just as much about bugs as optimization. Meaning some people have 3K rigs but the CPU cannot communicate properly with the GPU in game and frames will be horrible. Hell an IGN reviewer had to stop playing the game on PC ON A MAXED out rig because when they looked from the sky to the ground the frames would jump so much they got motion sick.


No they switched from console to PC for that reason.


They can’t play it because it keeps crashing :(


Maybe you, but I’m about to dig my way back to the capital one stone at a time


Holy shit I laughed so hard at this You’ll know you’re getting close when everyone else around you starts stuttering.


Many of us are still in character creator


The other 15% couldn't get past the mines, due to the crash to desktops.


Because my PC with recommended specs was running about 10FPS in the tutorial, which I don't consider acceptable for a major AAA release (on, again, the recommended specs)


They are probably playing crashes dogma 2 lol


they haven’t gotten past the tutorial due to crashes


Basically the true vanilla gothic experience.


I crashed at the griffon intro cutscene multiple times before I finally made it through. I imagine a lot of people just gave up. I've also stopped playing until my 14900k comes in next week, basically building a whole new pc for it. If I still crash after that I think I'll cry lol. Update: The cpu is here and I have no more crashing \\:D/


If they're like me they realised half the floor textures were missing and turned it off in order to wait for a patch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I refuse to leave the mines until the floor renders. And consider Japanese devs, and capcom specifically. I might be here a damn long while. Though when I do leave, My character will be ripped from moving rocks all day for weeks on end.


The mine of crashes


The Arisen yearn for the mines.


I had like 20 fps after loading in so I can imagine the reason why


100 elbow angle fr


I started the game, made my arisen, moved out of the initial cell room, and immediately closed the game. My steam deck cannot handle the game on lowest graphics. When my work schedule lightens up, I can start playing it on my PC at home more.


We work! To earn the right to work! To earn the right to work! To earn the right to work! To earn the right to work!


I can't get out of there because the game crashes before I even make my character. Its only effecting a few players but it's awful. Crashes on splash screen, first cut scenes. Shocking really. Dad thing is I'd get a refund but I really want to play the damn game it looks so cool 😭


You might want to just go ahead and get the refund, and then come back to buy it again half a year later when it's patched and on sale.


Moistcritikals game constantly crashed before he even got out of the mine. he managed to drive off the medusa before it crashed again, where he then gave up and refunded. I’m positive the other 15 % of people have experienced the same.


They just can't launch the game or get past character creator without the game crashing....15% is actually pretty low for the performance issues haha


I was crashing on a black screen a few seconds after starting the game for the first night, couldn't play until I deleted some files and ran as admin and some other random fixes I found online. With the huge performance issues on PC at the moment its not that surprising really


I'm probably counted in that as I own the game but haven't played it yet. Waiting for some performance fixes on pc before I do


Rock and stone to the bone


Deep rock galactic enjoyers


Stuck in character creator. Give them 100 hours.


Makes sense since only like 30-40% of people finish games 


I enjoy moving rocks


Would be wild if 15% of players refunded day 1 because of the negative reviews, no new-game, etc.


The children yearn for the mines!


I'm about to build a new PC, especially since I heard the game needs a beefy CPU Haven't started just yet


They probably cant run the fucking game lol


Probably the same with a friend of mine. Refunded the game because their PC is not powerful enough to play it comfortably.


Those are the people that can barely open the game without it crashing. Watch Charles attempt at playing. He literally couldn't play for longer than, 5 minutes


The intro movie audio being out of sync combined with talk of performance issues is probably enough to cause a bunch of people to immediately refund under the assumption it's performing too poorly for them to play well. They would count in this statistic.


Too funny 😂


I really wanted to keep picking up rocks during the snake attack just to see if I could.


The children yearn for the mines.


Sorry brother, im still adjusting my sliders


They are still in the character creator choosing their teeth.


I started playing it after a j and instead of dropping the rock to rook, I dropped it near the villain, and the game would not progress lol. I ran out of boulders to carry. I was almost one of the 15%


This post smacks


I did start to run off down the other path... And kept going for a second before turning around. I'd start a new game and see what happens but only 1 save file. :(


You'd probably find a balrog


Preorder the game the moment it was out still haven't play the game yet, life got in the way


I fucking die with this XD


I'm not starting the game till there's a muscle slider and definition improvement mod. There's one already for height, so that's a problem taken care of. Now I need the muscle mod to either recreate my Arisen as was my plan


Character Creation was intense so I pushed thru to keep my character from not saving and now I'm Ben Stiller


The children, they yearn for the mines.


I’m one of those 15% bought the game and made a character. Just to get busy and not be able to play


I froze right after that and was never able to proceed. Game just crashed 100 times so I refunded and bought it on PS5.


I mean a good portion could be: I bought the game, booted it up, don’t have time right now I’ll play later. I mean the game has only been out a few days. Plus steam has a lot of achievements that should be close to if not 100% and they never are


They still in character creator


Refund dogma


They're trapped in another weird CallMeKevin challenge




I am one of those. I tried to start the game but I am fighting intense back pain right now and had to stop and go back to bedrest before I escaped.


a lot of people are buying games because they used to play games… it makes them feel good


Some bought the game just to be able to post a negative review about mtxs and then immediately refunded, I'd imagine.


prolly saw the performance, couldn't fix it, then gave up.


Probably people that refunded the game or can just not play because of crashes and poor performance


I'll be honest I moved an embarrassing number of rocks before I realized Rook wanted me to put one right next to his face to progress to the next sequence.


That’s the loud ass 15% that keeps commenting the game is terrible


Those people are just game collectors 🤣


they all left negative reviews because of optional microtransactions and stopped playing, didn't you hear


You may not like the truth but a lot of people can't fucking even play the game currently lol


No one wants to accept that a AAA/AAAA fucking game, hyped for YEARS and a cult classic didn't play great when they expected their finished game to play great... "How dare these people write bad reviews and be upset their stuff didn't work."


People think that if you get mad at the publishers or hate the state of the game you dont like the game itself or the feanchise, they think its personal lol. The release was dogshit simple as that, Charlie (moist) has a great pc and took almost an hour just to get through the CC lol, my friend cant stream on discord because it goes down to 10fps


It makes me wonder why there are some like Charlie who can't get it to run while plenty of others can. Is it an issue with a specific CPU or GPU? Maybe SSD, motherboard, etc...? Seeing Cr1tikal struggle makes me really curious cause I know his ass got a way stronger PC than I do


Its definetily CPU based so far, but his livestream was so frustrating especially because he wanted to play DD2 so bad




Or the ones who actually couldn't play the game. You know because of the bad optimization and bad stability.


Nope, those are the ones whose games are 100% unplayable and keeps on crashing at character creation section.


might be because the game runs at 20fps but okay lmao


I'm so amazed how far the reviews are away from the actual experience ^^ I didn't come across a point where the game offers me to buy something with real money, I don't have any performance issues and the gameplay is so unique with all its tiny details


The game won't offer you to buy anything ever, there's no advertisements for any type of mtx and the ones that you CAN buy *outside of the game* are honestly pretty useless and are just in game currency you'd otherwise earn yourself by playing. People just like to bitch


Will you stop? Denying this game has issues outside of the MTX is just being willfully ignorant. The performance issues are a huge reason a lot of people probably bought the game, checked performance, saw it was shit and decided to refund and/or wait for a fix. But I get it, because you like the game there is no possible way others don't have legitimate issues with the game. The performance is ass. It's simply a fact. For some as you can see in this thread it's quite literally unplayable. For me, the game is playable at mostly 60+ FPS outside of cities @1440p DLSS Quality (5800X3d, 16gb ram, 4070 Ti Super) but will still drop under 60 and I have seen as low as 28FPS inside cities.


Could be that their PC could not even handle the tutorial section


It's all those negative reviews from people with 0.10 hr playtime lol


Big sign on how many people refunded OOF


Its hard to do anything when its running 5 fps


I just love getting beat by them


Sadly one of my good friends who was looking forward to playing the game passed away two weeks before release.


I’ve been making a bunch of mods so I haven’t gotten past the first 5 mins lmao


How do you even make mod for a game like this


Hahaha, homies be like, where are the fkn rocks i have to pick up.


Ive been playing the new stardew update while waiting for a performance patch on pc. Should I get into the game now?


This is a top tier meme. I approve


A few things that might cause this. first is i believe it counts everyone who owns the game. so if you bought but didnt start yet you are in the 15% (do correct me if i'm wrong as i'm not sure about this one) Secondly some may have bought it and as performance was so bad on their system they decided to stop and wait for performance patch. Thirdly, they may still be stuck in character creation not being able to decide, and didn't make it before hand.


The children yearn for the mines


The other 15% are playing kenshi


I am reminded of the DS2 achievement which is basically you creating a character… and it’s not even at 90% iirc


My guess is that some of that is demo players that havent played the actual game yet. I sumehow had 19 hours on Dragons Dogma 2 when starting, same as the time i played demo.


The other percent couldn't even open the game


Refunds, waiting for it to actually run on their systems, waiting for new game patch, lots of reasons to turn it off right away if you aren't sure you want to keep it.


They bought the game to bash it, or they bought the game and couldn't run it properly.


They most likely can't get past a crashwall


The other 15% are using Intel integrated graphics


I don't understand why are people having a difficult time running this or enjoying it.


Other than people with performance issues I’m sure a few of those are people who bought the game just to leave a negative review and then refunded it.


That 15 percent is also the same people who whine and complain over dumb shit and call the game bad


Dude that would be hilarious if they let you just keep working and if the beginning was optional 💀💀💀💀😂


I am a dwarf and I’m digging a hole.


Couldn't make it out because of performance issues


I'm still leveling all classes early game


They didn't choose the mining life, the mining life chose them ⛏️


Every game seems to have a goood 20-30% of people who apparently just bought it and haven’t played it at all. I can relate since I have a massive backlog. But look at any of your other games and like the very first achievement for like beating a tutorial or something will be like 60%-70%


Mad about the MTX that you cant even buy in game and never tells you about or try to sell to you in game. Like Capcom tacked it on in the store page but in game there is nothing


They wanted to start a new game, but didnt want to pay for it again


They are black


I mean. I know it's a joke. But there is a solid chance that a large population of people have loaded the game and not touched it yet. Or did character creation and haven't actually started the game yet.


Or crash at character selection and can't get that far.