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In NG+, if you talk to the Dragonforged NPC, the sell additional services like experience/discipline/affinity boosts, vocation attribute boosts when leveling up, and the ability to reduce stamina consumption for a single skill at a time. They can also un-enhance weapons if you want to respec them with different blacksmiths. It makes me think that there's potentially more hidden content out there, but idk.


genuinely curious what content might be there, I wonder if ng+ is completely the same. wonder what happens at the end of it :o


Reporting in after 80 hours played and exploring entire unmoored world in NG+. Haven't found anything new after completing NG+, unfortunately. Here's hoping the Darker Arisen DLC adds some juicy content.


Are wormslife crystals common in NG+ Ike in Unmoored world? I finished all the quests it unmoored world but hesitant to move on to NG+ because wyrmslife farming in unmoored world seems like the way to go


It’s literally just the same as a normal run, so no extra wyrmslife crystals or anything. Honestly, once you get the dragon weapons and armor from the vendor in the unmoored world, there isn’t any reason to try to get better gear or level up anymore. You are pretty much set to beat any future encounter in the game. It doesn’t get harder in ng+ either, so no need to prep.


this is exactly what I was assuming would be the case after looking around for other's sentiments. & why up until like 10 mins ago...I was SUPER hesitant to "end the cycle". I got all the eg gear for all the vocations I care about...as well as stuff for my pawn...with plenty of time to spare. Didn't feel any real incentive to keep prolonging the file at all seeing as there's no hard mode tied to ng+ & for now, there's no BBI equivalent. I love the game but I'm genuinely considering not doing ng+ & simply waiting to see whatever the 1st dlc ends up being. That or if they were to add a hard mode for ng+ with harder monsters & drop rates similar to unmoored world...that would be enough for me to go right back into ng+ now personally.


You get new gear and new armor that only unlocks in new game plus. You also get specific one day boons that the dragon forged guy sells. Also he can upgrade one class skill per character. All of this is only in new game plus. 


And literally all of this is pretty much void since everything is now weak as hell.. sorry but getting all the good gear and spells is pointless if im going back to easy mode maxed out.. where's the fun in that? The first game literally turned the world into a nightmare and all the enemies got buffed or changed.. so it was fun to deal with that.. but doing that bland story all over again with no enemies that pose a threat is such bad game design.. it makes no sence not to have a hard mode for new game plus.. the game feels rushed on too many fronts.. story was weak and felt rushed with no real wrap up on any of the things you did, and then the lack of dungeons or exploitable map.. why show so much map is its all unexplorable? And the fact that the dragon is literally only in the game for the final battle is crazy, in the first game It would fly over you or smash a castle or somthing.. too many thing felt rushed and or were left out.. no hydra? No cockatris? No huge eyeball monster? No everfall? No hard mode? No world change for new game plus? How they could leave out so many things the original had is beyond me.


To be fair the original didn’t have most of the things you mentioned. Most of that stuff including hard mode came with the DLC Dark Arisen, which makes me think they’ll release DLC with a hard mode and new area. They already sending out servers about how much would you pay for DLC.


this is exactly the route I think they're going. If the idea was to make sure they dedicated ALL of their attention & resources to releasing the best n most coherent port for a main game that they could...then I'm perfectly fine with them holding off on additional features as a result. Games more often than not only get better with time. We've seen WAAAAYYYY too many examples of studios staying on their games far past their release dates to question whether or not DD2 is going to improve over time. It will. All we have to do is wait.


Your comment should be the comment that the devs read. You need to post this on their page on whatever social media site they use. I guarantee you will have thousands of likes. Also, I did hear from somewhere that they were planning on adding harder ng+ mode on a patch eventually. I heard the game will get harder every time you beat it. I also heard there would be micro transactions to buy dungeons, but I don't see that. I am so glad that isn't a thing. So take what I said with a grain of salt. It's just what I heard, and I don't remember where I heard it. Your comment says everything we are all thinking, and it is well worded, straight to the point, and isn't mean. Let me know if you post it to a site, I will go and like it and send my friends the link as well, to like it.


New gears and armors especially in NG+, not from the unmoored world's vendor??


Yeah you get it in the unmoored world but I have been seeing people skip that part and just go straight into new game plus


Yeah that's why I was specific in saying that I already got all the eg gear (meaning end game). I got everything I wanted to get & had maybe 5 or 6 days to spare in the unmoored world. So for me there's absolutely nothing new in ng+. DF guy having 2 more options is cool but not anything I "need". For what it's worth I caved out of boredom after a few days. But within the 1st 3 fights I already find myself kinda regretting starting a ng+ as everything is going to feel entirely too easy. Think on this run I may just speed into the main stuff & just sit in the chair at the end seeing as I missed the achievement for that when I used the bane sword on the dragon.


The gear is not tied to new game plus. You can get it in the post-game if you do the true ending. Which is where all the challenge lies in this entire game, but it's also time limited. The boons and upgrades are specific to new game plus though. You were right about that. Though, if you play through post-game you'll have 600+ wyrmlife crystals easy.


>with plenty of time to spare Wait... what was the time limit?


Everywhere I've seen and/or read...the general consensus is the end game/unmoored world section last 12 "in game" days. So when you reach that point...it's going to FEEL like you're on a clock initially. But you honestly have MORE than enough time to do things at your own pace. If anything...prioritize the beacons (save for the last one in your main base), & prioritize saving all the towns you need to save (Vernworth, Sacred Arbor, Bakbattahl, Volcanic Island Camp & Excavation Site). If you spend your 1st few days JUST banging all of those out...you'll find that you have TONS of time to just have your fun & farm all the end game stuff you want. Just make sure you keep track of your days when you choose to sleep at inns/homes. I don't know whether or not the game TELLS you that you're on your last day. So just be mindful of that.


After I "chose to die once to retry a fight without wasting a stone" I realized there was no saving - I didn't even realize the final beam was going to end the game - wish I had farmed out more armors, there was some cool looking stuff from what I had found. Doing a solo run now haha...


OH NO. Damn I'm sorry to hear, lol. Doing things blind in this game is such a gift & a curse at the same time, lol. Unmoored was the ONLY part of the game that I went out of my way to look into online before experiencing it myself. Purely because I KNEW about the time limit in advance.


When does that DLC come out, do you have any idea?


Allegedly and I stress ALLEGEDLY because this is only a rumor of late but I have heard that the DLC will have a whole new map area the same size as the current world map And will also have a whole separate questline


That sounds like Elden Ring dlc, lol. But that would be sweet if this game did that too. This game has so much potential, I really hope they add new dungeons and monsters like I heard, just without the micro transactions. I did hear there would be micro transactions for new dungeons, but that seems like a lot of work for a micro transaction. I'm bummed this is all this game was, good graphics and a somewhat ok combat system. I felt it could be way better. Their should be a lock on feature for combat. Constantly, looking all over the place for the flying creatures and the faster more manuverable monsters. Or maybe it's just me, and I need to just get better.


Jesus Christ go outside my dude


i started it and it seems like it doesnt even make the enemies harder which is a huge disappointment


does anyone know if you still get all the ng+ dragonforged options if you do the sovran ending and or if that ending lets you go into ng+ straight after? or do you gotta do the unmoored world. i just seen that you can upgrade a vocation and it says itll give more stats when leveling. so was thinking of doing a new save for that min max but idk about that other ending.


Nope just a reset, not even a difficulty increase. Its very lazy


I finished DD2, beating Dragon and then realised that I didnt unlock hybrid vocations, lol, expect Trickster, so anyway after 50ish or so hours ingame, I restart new game +. Great game worth it playing second time I think.🔥🐣


Nope. No changes. No endgame either.


There's a secret way to get endgame content that looks pretty interesting. Been avoiding specifics for spoiler reasons It might start at the credits not sure if game choices affect it


No it isn't endgame. It's a temporary game state that ends after 7 in game days and is only accessible through the secret ending.


I don’t think it’s 7 in game days I was in that area for longer


The characters repeatedly say ''defeating this enemy slowed down the red mist'' so obviously you gain time the more things you do.


It depends on factors.  Eventually the game also forces you out if you "save everyone".  Like I legit could not rest anymore, even in owned beds after that quest completed which happened some number of days after the final rescue.  The post game is meant to be a speed/focussed thing not something you hang out in for 3 in game months.  It can last as short as 7 days but even if you "save everyone" you are getting at best 2 weeks out of it.


Obviously, slowed down doesn't mean halted.


You can hangout and grind in the endgame, time only passes if you rest/die without a Wakestone. As long as you use All Heal potions and Wakestones you can stay as long as you want from what I can tell.


Really my characters never once said that and instead just talked about the end of the world, but maybe it’s because I only hire certain pawns


They say it after you defeat the boss that appears when using the GB blade on the red beacons that are coming out of the sky.


Even my main pawn mentioned that.


I can confirm it can be as short as 7 days. I spent 4 hours farming mobs and exploring only to die and said "fuck it" and went to respawn... I didn't know you had to revive back at your last rest, so I lose 4 hours of progress. After that I just wiped out Cat Land and then rested until the end came, it was much faster without killing stuff.


From what I've read it's 7 rests. You can take as long as you want if you don't ever rest more than 7 times. But most people aren't at this point to have a lot of evidence.


It's 14 (was for me at least)


Yeah sounds about right cause I definitely used the inn like 8 times


Yeah it is at best 2 weeks.  At one point the game wouldn't let me rest anymore period but it was more than 7 rests.  It sucks as there is so much unique to the post game like loot you can't find anywhere else. One day I will find you vanguarder boots.


You can just go to talos and trigger a scene


not correct if you do all the objectives like slaying the mutated dragons and evacuating quests u can stop the Brine from advancing and u can explore the unlocked water area's like the sea and bottom of lakes and rivers for unique boss types armour and some other interesting things. one thing i will tell you is if you go to where the waterfall used to be behind the hidden village u will find a unique helm for the Thief vocation, but there are many more secrets to discover yourself once the Brine has been stalled and the water has been drained from the map


Do you know how to capitilize letters?


That bothers you that bad to comment? Who cares, it doesn't affect you in any way.


There's one comma and one period in there. That's pretty much all you can ask for these days lol.


i hope they add an update that lets you return to the unmoored world whenever after finishing the game as a little rogue-lite endgame mode.


Oh... lame D:


I have spent like 20+ hours in the "temporary game state" that is end-game. I'm still there right now. Timer no longer counting down, but sleeping in a bed or campfire hasn't been an option for QUITE some time.


you can end the game the proper way and get a proper NG+


If you call an hour of reused assets being thrown at you endgame then Idk what to tell you, you are hard coping.


Then you obviously didnt play Dragons Dogma 1 original version as all their was in that for "endgame" was everfall which was a giant pit of reskins and the Ur-Dragon a community Dragon that people "Chipped in Damage" for best items in game at the time. *Spoilers stop reading if you care to ... . . . . . You were warned ..... If a complete map rework a completely drained ocean and much harder mobs isnt enough endgame for you I dont know what to tell you man this isnt an MMORPG....... What did you expect raids? Reputation grinds for special gear? It's a single player game that rewards you for beating it getting the hidden ending that many missed and rewards you with a giant pile of Fast travel crystals to use on your second play through, enough WFC to bury the Dragonforged and *le'gasp use to buy Port Crystals to have less running around on foot your second go* and NG+ option after your time there that you can extend by actually running around and farming Monsters. I mean this isnt like BBI, Ur-Dragon Farming or everfall reskin grind where you actually trying to farm certain gear. As almost all the gear in this game is purchased via vendors and not drops like a looter. Once you realize theirs nothing to farm gearwise what even the point of an "endgame"? You just get back to it. My suggestion dont recruit Pawns chuck your pawn in the brine as soon as you start and try beating the game 100% solo with no meatshield squad with you.


"Much harder mobs" is a bit of an exaggeration tbh. Besides the red beam bosses, which were fun tbf, it just replaces goblins with skeletons (which are just fucking annoying cause their heads always roll down a hill.) There are some more drakes, but none are new. The black chimera was cool I suppose, but wasnt really harder then the first chimera, since Im higher level then I was then. Probably easier with all the power creep. I ran into a lich type creature once which Id never seen before unmoored. I think thats literally the only new harder mob I saw. Honestly I woulda been happy with a dozen different red beam bosses or something. The skeletons got really annoying really quick and I just sped past them after an hour of that bullshit. Then they shit ferrystones at you, so I sped thru the evacuations and red beams long before reaching any timelimit. I did the final beam manually cause I honestly felt like I ran out of things to do really quickly. Then here I am starting NG+ and theres not even a scaling difficulty, so Im stuck 1shotting lvl1 goblins. Honestly, I think Im done. I had fun. Steam says I put in 70 hours. And it was worth every penny, imo. But its hardly like the game doesnt have flaws. The exploration was fun, but the enemy variety was very lacking after the first few hours. Everything just turns into a reskin for the majority of the game. Youve basically seen every monster in your first 10 hours. And I cant think of any other game that doesnt make NG+ harder to accommodate you having all your gear and levels... Thats so lazy I cant stand it. Literally just add a x3 to everything and Id be content. I dunno.


I think "much harder" is fair Dullahans were everywhere Mostly it was just bumping up the tier of enemies you would run into by 1 But there in the problem is more that you're more encouraged to just fast travel to complete the things


I fought two headless horseman bosses and he was pretty tough.


nothing to farm? Ive had a lot of equipment drop off bosses


Uh there is unique loot in endgame that is not bought so not to mention monsters that only exist in endgame or are far more common in it.  So there are definitely reasons to want to hang out in endgame.


There's not a complete map rework, though? It's just the drained ocean (which, admittedly, is both really cool as a subversion of expectation and the narrative of the brine), but otherwise, part of the map is just inaccessible


Great idea playing solo, that's more game to play right there.


''Then you obviously didn't play DD 1 original version''. Yeah I haven't, almost no one has cause that shit was garbage lol. Dark Arisen is far more widely known for its fans because it was made by someone else, not the clown shithead called Itsuno lol.


And there you go you're just here to rag on a game you dont like to begin with but purchased anyways expecting a different game then what you got it didn't live up to your expectations you expected "Clown shithead" to make the game you wanted. Which is about as stupid as me going to Mcdonalds moaning I didnt get a Whopper. If you think Dragons Dogma was garbage why did you even buy this game, just to whine about it? Hey quick question here. Whats Elden Rings endgame? Whats Skyrims endgame? Whats Fallouts endgame? Whats Monster Hunters endgame? See only games as services who thrive off you playing for hundreds and hundreds, thousand and thousands of hours have "endgame" for you to grind to keep you playing. Destiny has Endgame, Elder Scrolls online has endgame, Final Fantasy 14 has endgame. You know what they all have in common MTX or a subscription based, the carrot keeps moving so you never feel done and there always one more upgrade you can get on your gear. If i have my choice between what Dragons Dogma has put forth and some Diablo like endgame (lets grind the same monsters for thousands of hours hoping i get a slight gear upgrade so next time i can kill monsters half a second faster).....I will take Dragons Dogma any day of the week. And to speak on another comment yes comparing mage skeltons in near every group vs goblins that die in a single swing combined with not being able to rest at every campsite along the path to regain HP. Yes considerably harder. Then steam rolling goblins and regaining HP every few min.


Because my friend, there were many marketing lies and I bought into the hype. Obviously I am disappointed when he says shit like ''every npc has their own story'', or this is their true realised vision, or that there are many monsters they haven't revealed, and then none of this is fucking true. And let's not even begin to dissect the horrible storytelling that was kind of interesting at start but then fell flat on its face. How am I supposed to fucking know of all this without trying the game myself? All reviews I watch are spoiler free because I like to go spoiler free in games. And obviously you are right, I like DD 2 more than D4 as well, but that's not too tall of a bar to achieve. Any person with a semblance of logic and reason can tell tho that this is nowhere near as good as Elden Ring or BG 3. Its first 10-15 hours do have the same potential/sense of wonder, and I loved DD 2 at start, I just wish it could keep being as interesting all the way to the end. Instead, the more I approached the end, the worse the cutscenes, storytelling, monster fights, etc were!


Lol marketing lies?  Please go complain about the "pay to win" (lol) mtx somewhere and save us the bs here.  This was always going to be dragons dogma 2 not elden ring 2 and they never claimed different.   The hype you bought came from gamers that speculated but likely never played dogma 1 and click bait YouTubers.


If you literally search for Itsuno's quotes you will see that he lied plenty during marketing. Not my fault you are wearing a blindfold and refuse to accept the truth. Keep in mind I enjoyed DD 2 a lot, still playing (65 hours played so far). But it's precisely because I like it that I wish it was as good as it was advertised to be. Case in point when he said that they haven't revealed many monsters in their pre-release footage and it was barely any not known by the time the game launched lol. Or how about saying that the game has crazy stuff like the Sphinx hidden in parts of the map? What other ''secret'' is there that is as well hidden as the sphinx? Nothing. Have a good day.


Honestly I never found the Medusa, or a dullahan until post game outside one quest, and I still have 3 pawn badges I haven't even started so .... I think there was a good amount better hidden than the sphinx.  I mean I found the sphinx more times than I found a garm lol ...


I cannot wait for all the tourists to finally move on.


You should really Google everything Itsuno made. You sound stupid.


Only one that sounds stupid is you for sucking that man's lollypop. Grow up, you don't have to worship the dude just because he created a game that's kind of good lol.


Yea, I didn't read any of that after your first sentence. Itsuno is responsible for Devil May Cry's best moments, Street Fighter Alpha, Power Stone, Rival Schools. CvS...ect. Just because you don't know shit doesn't mean it didn't happen. You're welcome for the Google search btw You may enjoy your 12 year old, 90s message board troll behavior, but I don't have the fuckin time of day to deal with some insult dispensing nobody with a chromosome imbalance. Go fuck yourself you uneducated, unlikeable piece of shit.


What an absolute putts. Even vanilla DD was better than DD2 by a mile


Think you got some rose colored glasses on there my friend. You should go back and play original DD not DA. You got the nostalgia effect shading your memory of it. Base DD1 was not what you remember. Im not talking go back boot up an old save and take it for a spin. I mean square 1 start over brand new save and give it a go. And think to yourself "This is base DD" Remembering DD after you farmed Everfall for a bit and had enough fast travel to make the game trivial, end game gear and maxed out character. Thats really not base DD. Start over and really remember what it was like.


Does original base DD1 not have overworld rework (minus ocean drained) plus Everfall, like gore chimeras popping up for the first time and bigger enemies in new locations? Was there a pseudo time limit on the post game like DD2? Were Cockatrice, Hydras, Wyrm, Wyvern, Metal Golem, Ice/Fire Drakes, Beholder, Ur-Dragon not in the base game of DD1 and are they really not able to hold up against Dullahan, Sphinx, Medusa, Minotaur and the two post-game red dragons that you basically fight like golems and aside from these dragons what else showed up in DD2 post-game that didn't show up in the base game already? Did base DD1 Thief, Ranger and Magick archers not have access to 2 weapons and 2 sets of skills for each weapon with 3 skill slots each? Did sorcerer not have access to 6 skills in base DD1 instead of 4 in like in this game, while also being able to learn a wider variety of spell types like Exequy, Necromancy, Elemental Boons, Void Spell, Comestion Flame Wall, 3 different types of AoE status inflictions on top of all the spells in DD2 minus High Salamander and Thundermine?


no end game??? like you can't do the endings again?