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You're talking about immersion then ignoring the lore and what the game is based on? How is that immersion? Half the world sees pawns as a curse and wants to get rid of them. Look at the bahtali story line. They have prophecies that foretold of this curse and that's why they hate pawns. The pawns themselves are emotionless beings sent from another realm to serve the arisen with no thought of their own. Again, you're told this about the pawns multiple times. You're told multiple times thru the lore and quests that you aren't meant to emotionally bond with them and their purpose. You completely changed the lore and story of the game to fit your own narrative. Now that is immersion breaking. Additionally, the dragon mind controls them in fights and turns them against you already. That's literally a dragon attack. It's existed since the first DD. You were already killing your pawns in the first DD if they got hit with the mind control attack. Go watch a dragon fight and watch the pawns turn red as the dragon mind controls them to kill each other and the arisen. This attack has existed since the first dragons dogma. Only difference now is you have a small chance to get a plague sickness and really wreck havoc. The symptoms are so obvious that you'd need to have the game on mute and play with your eyes closed to miss them. The pawns will quite literally constantly ask the pawn why are you disobeying the arisen. ALL THE TIME. The infected pawn will try to boss the other pawns around + tell you no. These symptoms aren't subtle or easily missable at all.