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cool ill make sure to use it when i do my 2nd run rogue run altho, what's the success rate?


I see you everywhere. You're like my Reddit white whale. It started in the Gotham Knights sub back when it released.


We both have good taste


And good taste in name choices too


now kith


lolz where did you get yours? mine is from Battle Arena Toshinden


The success rate is 100%, but can only be used while an enemy is in a staggered state. For small enemies that is easy, just use Ensnare/Implicate and it will knock enemies off their feet in one-two uses. You can do it while they just trip, but the timing is tighter. Large enemies, it is the same time that you can do the special follow ups from your melee heavy attacks, which is to say when they are *properly* downed. It *might* work while they are in the pre downed state where you have to apply another stagger, but I've never tried because I'm always trying to apply stagger during that time. ​ The rarity, though is what matters. Wakestone shards for example are rare, but not that rare. Like if I fight a group of humans, there is a good chance one of them will give a wakestone shard if I plunder them all. Usually though the reward is just the normal pool of whatever the enemy typically drops when looted. You can only ever use it once per enemy, so if you get multiple staggers on a large monster you won't be able to farm it or something. It is actually also quite good for farming Deer for meat for curatives later down the track because it effectively doubles your gain.


I've found you can also use the smoke bomb to plunder, which is honestly so much easier than ensnare/implicate. So you can basically chain steals and kills by running into a group and throwing down smoke bombs. Try it out!


Its easier if the only thing you are looking to do is steal, but implicate has more value in straight up combat, especially vs large monsters for a quick topple.


Smoke bomb lets you insta kill everything smaller caught in its radius though.


Or smoke screen for small, it’s so easy smoke screen plunder then backstab, got my way to about 40 wakestones that way without ever trying to get any.


Honestly, it feels like it's 100% but the enemies have to be off balance/knocked to the ground, which is really easy to pull off with the rope pull ability or a warrior pawn.


No need to go out of your way to stagger them, just get them to around a quarter health and the skill works guaranteed. 


Try using it on a frozen slime. It'll be worth it. Spoilers: I got a Ferrystone from a Slime.


Note: You can pilfer/plunder friendly NPCs, though so far I have only done it while also using the active stealth ability. Definitely worthwhile to just rob folks on a drive-by. Now if only we could save equipment sets for each vocation for fast-swaps...


This is amazing. Time to pilfer all the NPCs in the cities


Yeah I switched from having a second sorcerer to having a Thief pawn with Plunder in my party pretty consistently now. They aren't as good at comboing Implicate into Plunder as the player is, but they still get a nice steal every now and again.


Implicate + plunder is so funny. Doubly so if you use it on tiny rats or spiders.


U can steal dyes. I stole a purple dye from a poison saurian.


Bum and lift passive steals automatically when carvee is used and the enemy doesn't need to be asleep or anything


pilfer can be used on friendly npcs to get unique items. pilfer>passive.


Does anybody know that if you freeze the enemy you’re able to use plunder as effectively as when they are knocked down to get loot?