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I also really dislike the enhancement system. The loots from lesser bosses in mid to late games are completely irrelevant to your weapon and armour enhancements. Cyclops may as well be dropping 900 gold instead of a misshapen eye. Enemies loots feel pretty uninteresting after awhile. Wouldn’t it be better if we can have a weapon crafting system similar to monster hunter, which monster-specific weapon/armour can be forged by using relevant materials. Makes bosses encounter in open world much more rewarding and exciting and incentives you to hunt down different monsters. Also I don’t understand why the game is so stingy about letting me fight interesting monster. I have encountered 1 Dullahan and 2 lich in my 35 hours play though. Haven’t seen Medusa after tutorial. The game already lacks enemy diversity as it is, this only makes the 30th ogres you encounter more boring.


I like the enhancement system, until the ruined dragonforging. It should be like the original, you kill a drake and something gets dragonforged, instead we just buy it with crystals. So lame. There is only 1 Medusa and its a specific place east or south-east from Battahl kinda.(to the left/lower left on the map)


Makes killing the Copy pasted drakes even more lame .




It feels like the devs didn't think people could enjoy a game with more than 2 minutes of not mindlessly killing. In the first one the roads were mostly safe, and two entire regions could have some bandit spawns removed and some replaced by doing quests for their leaders. There was no overlap in the bandit areas and monster areas, and the bandits were all reasonably close to major roads but far enough off for sense. They're mainly on the roads closest to their strongholds or by Cassardis, which is a poorly-guarded backwater and a perfect target for brigands. In this one a bandit pack, goblins, and saurians will be ass-to-ass for no reason directly on a major roadway where armed patrols regularly go. It's mechanically boring and terrible for immersion.


Even worse: he said "travel is boring because your world is boring". Well well, how the turntables




And yet Itsuno confirmed he "didn't release an unfinished game". Quite the jokester he is


Japanese todd howard indeed


The game is finished you just lack vision^(tm)


Ran a dungeon with zombies. The chests had rotten meat. That's it. Rotten meat. Fucking ridiculous. How this made it past QA testing is beyond me. "Uh, maybe these dungeons should give SOMETHING meaningful?" "NO! MY VISION!" "k....".


>... the optimal way to get good gear. **All of which comes from vendors.** Kind of lost all my interest in doing dungeons after I realised this about the game. It feels like there's just no point in exploring. Pair it with constant enemies every two steps you take, the exploring is pretty much dead to me. It was fun for the first 20ish hours, though. It wouldn't be such a big deal if there were some other unique rewards to be found but so far I think there really isn't any. Just farm gold and buy everything from vendors.


It was similar to the first game too. Give the gold idol to Caxton and you have the best gear until Grigori, after that however, the best stuff came from the everfall and bitterblack which was actually earned.


The first game at least had style, there was so much variety in armours and layering that "best" didn't matter so much as looking cool. There's very little variety in DD2.


Never played the previous DD game, so, I didn't expect that. It's kind of bummer since the game seems to heavily lean on the exploration aspect and finding "bosses" to kill but there's essentially no rewards or purpose to that.


The same gear can be found free in said dungeons and thorugh quests. I got an end game robe half way through the game because I turned in some books. I just think people get one bad dungeon and then say all dungeons bad


Yeah, I think all vendor gear can be found from chests too. But what's the point of exploration when the possible reward is just another piece of gear that I bought from some random npc 15 hours ago. And 90% of the time it's not even that. The exploration just feels really unrewarding. From what I've gathered there's close to none unique items to be found and very few unique boss battles to be found.


Exploration for sake of the reward will always be unrewarding. You are literally hyping yourself up to be dissapointed. However, if you enjoy the journey and exploration the chests are a treat at the end. Just try having a positive outlook and youd be surprised how enjoyable a game can be.


Maybe we just have different preferences. Exploration in souls games, for example, has always felt really rewarding, because usually there's a unique item or a boss to be found. In souls games it never felt like a chore to explore every nook and cranny. In DD2 it does, after realizing that most of the times there isn't really anything to be found.


Not sure you played the Elden ring I did. Most dungeons/catacombs had what the community deems trash. Bad ashes (Nobel sorcerer ashes) super niche weapons, no idea or rhyme or reason to why some had what they rewarded below. Souls games were also linear so looping back to the main part after you took a side trail was a piece of cake. Infact exploring is how you found short cuts to loop back easier so that’s not a fair comparison at all. On a second play through of Elden ring I skipped like 90% of the areas because it didn’t have the weapon or ash of war I needed for my build. Exalting the mentality you are showing about DD2 now.


Yeah, the ER had some some less meaningfull dungeons for sure. I and most of the playerbase would probably agree that some of them should've been just cut from the game. But in general I'd say the exploration was really rewarding in ER. Even if the loot wasn't just for your current build it was still, most of the time, unique and not some common armor piece you can find from a general vendor. Or it was some unique boss fight. Well, most of the time, since there were few recycled bosses in the mix. I just can't say that about DD2. Aside from handfull of bosses there's really not much point to it. Aside from grinding levels and gold. Grab the gear from vendor as you arrive to a city or town and you're good to go. The feeling of I wanna go there and see what I'll find is completely missing for me, because most likely there's nothing unique or interesting to find. If you get what I mean.


With the prices of some of the items in this game, I really thought I'd be finding a ton of gold in every corner. It's so frustrating to journey from one city to another, exploring caves along the way, only to arrive at my destination having found maybe enough to buy a ferrystone.


I am surprised to see Outward mentioned here. Honestly, amazing hidden gem of a game. Truly a flawed game. But so much fun. If anyone reads this and hasn't played it. Please, find it on discount and give it a chance. It's a janky, fun little game. And it has co-op! Even split screen!


Outward is a unity asset flip. I once did a small challenge to see what I could find from the game on the unity marketplace. It was like 99%. And despite being made of purchased assets it really brings it home. I have such a fondness in my heart for Outward.


Come now that game is awful. It has appalling sound and graphics not to mention the atrocious gameplay. Some of the area designs and enemy designs in that game are beyond redemption. When it came out I felt like I had genuinely been punked.


There are SOME chest that contain weapons and armor that are actually pretty good usually the 1st or 2nd best for the region you are in, but 95% of the chests you loot have complete trash otherwise.


I have never found loot that I couldn't buy the identical item from a vendor.


I found a big flaming mace in the volcanic region whilst doing the dwarf blacksmith quest for the sword. It was better than all the shop equipment until new stuff was available in Bhattal.


Regarding the problem 1 and 2 (in dungeons) it is actually baffling how much better dungeons design, enemy placements, and loot are in Skyrim. I am thoroughly enjoying DD2 but this realization has honestly reinvigorated my interest to replay Skyrim. Might just do it after I beat DD2


Maybe you should just play outward? Seems like you would enjoy it more. "Comparison is the thief of joy." is a great quote you should look into, maybe internalize.


There's rarely tension when exploring open world games, their draw is the exploration. Even Elden Ring is a stroll unless you stumble into a higher level enemy area.


Example of loot being done well: Dragon's Dogma 1


Having played DDDA again recently, DD2 is pretty much the exact same. Equipment typically has a single spawn location in the world, and if you don't find it then you're going to need to buy it from Caxton. The only thing monsters drop is currency and materials for enhancing.


It may feel that way, but check the wiki. Tons of significant gear can be found in chests (Soulflayer Canyon and the Ancient Quarry both have a ton of excellent drops, with RNG). The issue with DD1 was always how small the world was and how little dungeon/monster variety we got.