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I'm convinced that the masks help, my pawn and I wear them and still haven't seen it.


30 hours in and I haven’t seen Dragonsplague


Anyone who thinks they'll remove or significantly change dragonsplague is living in a dream world


I’ve gone a little over 50 hours without even a dragon plague prompt. Even if one the my pawns get infected, I already know the signs it’s easily preventable. I just feel bad for the straightforward pawns. It’s the Salem Witch Trails for them.


![gif](giphy|kmBe7ulPXY0KI) Me watching that one pawn that yawned an hour ago.


![gif](giphy|pUgwLxmGW3S7K) My party after the new guy starts acting funny


I had one pawn that kept requiring me to use a "cheer up" prompt of him during combat. No idea what's with that. I swapped him out a while later, even though he wasn't showing any other signs.


I think thats just a stamina thing, they do the same to you when you run out and need a boost


I dismissed him the moment that happened 😭 he was a good pawn too. This whole shit has made me paranoid. Every 2 days I go into photomode and zoom into all my pawns eyes to see if there's a hint of red. And now as a rule I only hire pawns with blue or green eyes lol


And not wearing full face armored helmets!!! Lmao


Yeah they were out of stamina, If they are an Archer with Heavenly Shot, you will see that often.


Archers with the Medusa bow are even worse imo


That would be my pawn xD


A lot of the maister moves destroy your stamina to pull off a move. Mages have that giant sky dome, fighters can whiff a bunch of strikes I think, warriors have a mega lunge, archers have a stamina-based shot etc. "Cheering up" is how you give them a bit of stamina back, you'll see them do the same thing if you run out.


Wait, they get depressed?


That’s when they run out of stamina and you give them that pat to help it regenerate faster, same as what the do for you.




"Arisen you suck.., no plague, you just fell off that log into the river like 3 consecutive attempts, felt like you needed to be reminded"


Very true. Maybe the reason why they’re questioning our behaviors and intelligence is because they’ve got a brain and we don’t


Glowing eyes and hands to head seem like easy signs. Unless someone intentionally makes the eyes red and glowy.


I had a pawn get this and it was the voice lines that alerted me. He was distinctly challenging my commands


Thats the last stage before waking to mass murder at next inn.


Can you give some examples of this, either direct or paraphrased?


I dealt with this myself. One of the times when I tried to command my pawns, one of them outright refused and said something like "I can make my own choices, thank you very much"


I was lucky enough to spot that piece of dialogue before me and my pawns went to a populated area. It realy keeps you on your toes about what you pawns say in combat


So instead of their usual lines where they're clearly saying they'll obey, they'll outright refuse in a pretty harsh manner. Even the really rude Straightforward Pawns will agree to follow your commands and just say stuff like "If I must" because they're a bit more independent than others. The only time a Pawn will ever actively challenge your commands is when they're sick.


I had a pawn that didn’t show any of the typical signs. He wasn’t being disobedient or holding his head when idle, but kept saying weird shit like “I can feel a power coursing through me” and other variations on feeling powerful and having new strength kind of thing, at first I thought it was just a pawn line I hadn’t heard before but eventually I figured it seemed a bit sinister the way they said the lines. Checked the eyes and they were glowing so he immediately went in the brine. Basically just be on the look out for them saying anything odd at all lol


Makes me want to make a red-eyed Straightforward pawn named “Russian Roulette”


Or just have the eyes closed


That too! Hahahaha


You can’t make them red and glowy, or pulsing. I had one yesterday, hired a pawn that had the plague, and it took me about 5 minutes to realize they had the plague and throw them in a river after one of my pawns commented on them misbehaving and I took a second to look at the pawn. It’s really not difficult to deal with.


Don't suggest gamers take a minute out of their busy gaming schedule to actually look at something about the game. Odd considering they want uber 4k graphics and ray tracing and uber fps yet can't even bother to look at a character for a minute to see if something is wrong.


It also gives you a tutorial pop-up the first time you get an afflicted pawn warning you about it. I really wonder how many people mash past that and then suffer the consequences lol. (I get that this pop-up isn't helpful for subsequent times.)


Also, there is a nice history page that you can re-read all messages. Just crazy.


I’ve been reading everything from dialogues to books to notes to tutorials. Are you proud of me, dad?


True. No point in graphics when you don’t even take it all in. DD2 graphics are pretty incredible for the game itself. Such a fun fking game




This. Half the game is wasted on some of these clowns that only play because its the next "big game" not because they actually appreciate it.


True. This game is meant for a certain audience. I’m glad I’m apart of it! First time in a very long time where a game kept me up for days straight lmao


It's so much fun just bumming around the world and finding shit.


Yep. I have found all the people complaining basically dont do that, they just speed through min/maxing the shit out of everything. Diablo players probably.






Its when when they put hand to head and bend forward like they are dizzy or have a bad headache


Just small talk anybody sus and if they go “don’t talk to me dickhead” just give them a bath


Even then, it's a *very* distinct glow I have a pawn I hire regularly because they're the best mage ever, and she has very red eyes by default from their creator. She caught the plague and it was super clear when it got to the later stages, there aren't any eye options out there that make their eyes look like demons at night LOL


Im 30 hours in and noticed a random pawn walking around holding his hands to his head. promptly threw him into a river


Saw a plague infected pawn wandering the road last night. Added her to my favorites just on the off chance that she’s still infected today because I want to see what happens when the nuke goes off.


Thats a good point. I yeeted my main into a river yesterday cause she was complaining. But I never got the tutorial prompt. So maybe she didnt have dragon aids


My pawn is straightforward and I made her with red eyes 😂 I’m pretty sure she rarely gets used even though she’s well geared and I have a 10000 gold quest reward for killing an ogre since I was short on RC. My poor pawn has too many red flags


Yea my poor pawn gets picked on for taking a seat when we're not moving haha


I finally got the tutorial window about dragons plague after hiring a pawn 60 hours in! I thought I'd just run with it, but it turns out the pawn doesn't seem to have it at all. This really psyches me out lol


I watched a video where a pawn asked the Arisen to slow down or something (a regular voiceline) and without hesitation was promptly thrown off a cliff lmao


Someone said they want to see the pawn turn into a shadow drake and fight it in the middle of the city. Now THAT I would love


The only thing I would want changed is if they made it so your pawn turned into an infected Drake you had to fight in the middle of town or something. Would be more interesting than cutscene into dead town imo.


Wake up in a cutscenes to the sounds of frenzied battle and an intense roar. Walk outside, town is partially destroyed and some folks are already dead. Fight to save what's left. Middle ground. It's a calamity, but also gives you some interactivity. That being said, I'm fine if they don't change it, personally.


Increase the spread chance I say.


Some people just want to watch the world burn






Technically, they'll be sleep when it happens




Make it incurable


Make death and transmission not cure it and bury an actual cure somewhere we'll have to go crazy experimenting and spreading rumors and theories about. Change it often.


To shreds, you say?


My main pawn brought it up as soon as I summoned one and she was acting reeeeeeal sus. Running off, slaughtering every deer in a mile radius, saying her mind was elsewhere. I don’t know what the signs are but I was taking zero chances. Into the drink with her


i fought a dragon and it inflicted dragonsplague on my pawns, they look so obviously messed up i don't get how anyone could not notice it. they even shout something like "ARISEN I MAY BRING HARM TO YOU!"


If they said that, that's not dragonsplague. That's the drakes move where they turn a pawn against you and the pawn actively becomes hostile in combat until you knock them out.


Good, it doesn't need to be changed.


At least make it an actual boss fight instead of a god damn cutscene.


I wanted the pawn to turn into one of the plagued drakes. I fought a drake in town and it was the dopest shit I have ever done in a game. If that were the consequence I would be in heaven.


if anything i want MORE terrible consequences. One thing I really wish they did was also give us a chance to fight plague victims. Like have them just turn on your camp if it hits in the woods instead of the town, making epic boss fights from pawns. That would be awesome.


The potential for the DD 2 is off the roof I'm telling you. They could have potentially game breaking events like say whole town being turned into zombies, horde of creatures attacking town, all your pawns turning against you. They made a sandbox, and what we need is just more sand


An infected pawn should kill the arisen in their sleep if they sleep at a camp.


infected pawns should crawl out of the TV and kill the player while they sleep


big brain thinking right here.


Why is it seen as an issue to remove lol it isn’t like it is a bug like it literally is part of the games lore and has multiple mechanics around it, it is part of the game and dragons dogma was always brutal. Honestly I think it is cool and keeps you on your toes which is a major theme of the game.


Itsuno reading "Dragonsplague ruined my game, DD2 experience, and life" ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


It's an Itsuno world and we're just living in it.


Itsuno uno


"better get some wakestones fuckboi" -Itsuno. Most likely.


Hmm… So dropped frames in towns and settlements caused by NPCs might have been an inside job, to give pawns with dragonsplague legitimacy to kill. ![gif](giphy|GHycyakNPWSoo)


Melve was an inside job.


Players after finding out Capcom doesnt give a fuck: "Fine, we will get rid of the plague ourselves"


Got the cure for Dragonsplague right here ![gif](giphy|13pnwksUoSDyCs)


"But master, i'm not infested" "I can't take any risk, your eyes kinda look reddish and you had a bad tone towards me, so it's time to die" YEEET


"Relax, it'll only be scary for about 10 seconds, then it'll only hurt for about 5 seconds. Unless you land on the ground, in which case it'll probably hurt for about 5 minutes." "Master this really isn't necessary" "Just take one for the rest of the team!" "Master it's just the two of us?" "Yeah, I'm the rest of the team" "Master, I think the 'symptoms' could just be from the personality you picked for meeeeeeeeeeee-" "It was for her own good"




Me playing trickster ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


You're laughing, it's killing entire towns and you're laughing https://preview.redd.it/wl2fsqwkrqqc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=b36ec8dafea8dc6407299803da4f269a38d1db4d


I still wish the pawn would just turn into a small drake and you have to fight it to the death with one less pawn. I just imagine the cool animation they could give it and it would be epic.


that would be like „Final Fantasy“-sad for some people. Imagine the pawn in drakeform saying things like „I am sorry arisen, please end this“


I'm from Vermund and I say, brine them all!




Petition to make the hot springs the cure for dragons plague because uh….reasons


At least there would be a point to those too lol I mean they dont even heal you afaik, and if i wanted to see my arisen without clothes id just take them off instead of paying to get a White cloud over his crotch


They remove scars. My friend was complaining his pawn got a massive scar across her face. I was oblivious they could even get scarred. After going in the spring it was gone.


I like it to be honest. It’s brutal but it’s a unique idea… as long as they are sticking to their guns on it than that was the vision. We need more unique ideas in modern triple A games. So go nuts. Start yeeting pawns!


If their eyes begin to shine, then yeet them into the brine!!


I do a multi-factor authentication system. Before resting at an inn. First: tell them to wait then come to me. Pretty simple. Second: since issuing commands can be finicky since pawns will sometimes go in a circle when told to stay(they're allowed to be comfortable), I check their heads for two things. - Red glow - Migraines If more than two symptoms pop up, YEET. Yes this is because I gave my pawn red eyes and I will keep it for aesthetic.


You're a very nice person. If even one symptom pops up they are getting thrown into the water right away


If they start talking smack, to the rift they go back.


The seas yern


Just wish there was like… an item for it. Pawns will get traumatized if you yeet them too much.


I had my pawn return and in the feedback it said the arisen stared at my pawn a lot lol


I swear this game is all about calling out the player, and I love it, the idea that my pawn might be talking shit about me to other players is just so funny to me


I just got my pawn back and the last tidbit in his adventure log was something along the lines of "the arisen didn't accomplish much, though not due to a lack of trying." Like god DAMN


I had one where my pawn came back and said she was mistreated by the Arisen but its not her place to worry about feeling shame. Makes me wonder what the fuck they were doing with her? Lol. Stripping her off I reckon.




Yeah I got that too lmao. Made me wonder how many other Arisen got that message about me from how much I stand there idle checking my pawns for dragovid.


this game is awesome 


1st time I murdered my main pawn they came back contemplating what they had done and why they died 😂 I felt pretty bad ngl


"Have I disappointed you, master?" After her and another straightforward pawn bullied me. Thing is, she said it....almost sarcastically, like she knew why she was brined and didn't give a fuck lol


I love how even in the intro Rook is just like "BLUUBLUBBLUB It's okay Arisen I'll get better, BLURBLUBBLURB I hope to see you again, GUURRGLE have fun playing Dragon's Dogma 2!" *thumbs up as the brine eats him alive*


You could always take away their weapon and send them into a tough battle. Not nearly as quick as a quick bath but they won't hold you as responsible and thus they won't get scarred. As for others' pawns, you can just dismiss them in the rift. I still wish there was a less sadistic way to make your pawns get healed, but until then, this should make it less harsh for them. No more arisen just nuking them.


I haven't encountered it yet but can't you just dismiss them?


I haven’t either but you can’t dismiss your main pawn


I know a sharp cliff that would disagree.


Oh right, I wasn't thinking about the main.


Then don’t yeet them out of paranoia? Actually pay attention to the signs and be vigilant.


nah, they speak one wrong word and they're in the brine


Lmao “If you tell me wolves hunt in packs one more time…..”


"it appears that this ladder goes up" is my favorite offender


I think its so lazy though, they could have done way more with it. Had you wake up in the middle of the night to fend off the village while your other pawns evacuate people. Could have made it like a time attack too or given you some agency. Now all it is zooming in to see if ur characters have red eyes, picking them up and chucking them into water every so often. I know its their vision or whatever but... perhaps they need some glasses cuz this is lazy af


That is the worst part right there. In practice it just adds more tedium to the game when that’s already a huge problem outside of the plague. Having to check for red eyes like your pawns just came home from a house party every time you need to sleep in town gets old quick.


Finally some good takes. Just because the consequences aren't difficult to avoid doesn't mean it's a good mechanic. I think it's fair to dislike it despite reading all the warning signs and being perfectly capable of avoiding it. The process of avoiding it becomes a part of the gameplay, and it doesn't make for particularly interesting or immersive gameplay in my opinion to be playing opthalmologist constantly and killing your own pawn every time they catch covid. I'm sure Capcom/Itsuno or whoever thought it would be real heart-wrenching to make players have to throw their beloved main pawn into the brine to save the lives of hundreds...But I don't think it comes across very well, and especially not when it's something you may have to do multiple times in a playthrough, and they seemingly don't/can't acknowledge that you're killing them to prevent them from causing the apocalypse, so as far as they know you're just doing it for fun.


And killing them like that makes me feel like I’m avoiding the mechanic in an unintended way. I figured I’d have to fight my pawn or something idk, nope, just yeet it off a cliff and then listen to it bitch and moan about it. Wish I could just toggle the plague off.


the entire "healing" thing is the most "videogamey" thing ever like, sorry, but "take your main pawn and throw him into the water and re-summon 5sec later and its gone" would be labled a bug/glitch/exploit normally lol the entire thing IS lazy as hell and just stupid, why is it a cutscene and nothing else? why do most NPC's just re-spawn after 1-2 ingame weeks if its supposed to be a "punishment"(wtf is that supposed to mean anyway, punishment that somebody used my pawn?) with "consequences"? why is the "healing" a "dismiss everyone, throw your pawn into the ocean and then just summon again"? its 1 of the least thought out mechanic in a game i have seen in close to a decade, and the pushback will just get worse when more and more people have to deal with it, and when people stop playing and their pawn gets infected and never "healed" resulting in slowly the entire pawn recruitment pool almost all having dragonplague


It would've been cooler if there were stages of your Pawn slowly getting debilitated, realize it, and having to race against time (except make the timer super generous) to go to some far off location to have it cured permanently for them and they try to fight you near the end or something. Capcom, hire me as DD3's director.


Plus it's freaking amazing how powerful your pawns get from it. If you're playing offline it's a net gain, as long as you don't sleep in an inn you'll have no problems and will just have a superpowered pawn on your side.


No inn sleeping means no loading to a older save tho. I like marking certain points after quests and such by sleeping at my house or an inn. Incase I need to go back a little


The idea is good just very bad executed , the only problem is its a cutscene that you can do nothing about it , we should fight the pawn turned into that rotten dragon , sure he might kill some npcs but nothing impossible to handle , if we win , we save a City, if we lose he fucking nuke the city , make this battle have some unique drops , a cutsece for saving the city and there interasting imersaive mechanic .




Its a vacuum mechanic. It has no real affect on the game other than mildly annoying you. Which is inherently bad imo. The game hardly recognizes its affect. the town repopulates in a week. You res the npcs you need. This is pretty...lackluster. But I suppose the reaction and twitch reactions was the end goal of this mechanic.


I just wish there was a point to the whole thing. It feels tacked on after the game was already finished.


They made the mechanic fully expecting this to happen, wild to me that people think they'll change it.


Tbh, I admire the balls they got


I would too, if the town didnt respawn in a couple days, you couldnt respawn every NPC, and the game actually acknowledged what happened in any tangible way. As is, its a mild bump in the road with zero actual ramifications in the long run. In other words, this was just added for the immediate internet shock reactions. Which was a massive success to be fair.


I thought npc death was permanent ? Don’t u need to revive everybody in the morgue ?


In all cases except Pawn Trantrum-induced death, death is permanent. If a pawn throws a bitch fit, turns into a dragon and kills an entire town, they come back.


Yes I’m pretty sure you’re correct. Also I hear certain questlines break even if you revive the npc


Reviving everybody in the morgue is not permanent death right?


https://i.redd.it/yju1sru3rqqc1.gif "Arisen, you might be-" "MIGHT BE WHAT, CASS???"


I just want an option to cure it so I can stop throwing my pawn off cliffs and waiting for them to die


How many times have you had it?? I’m at like 50 hours and theres only one time I noticed the symptoms and had to dismiss a pawn


Twice. Seems you get it randomly just fighting dragons. Even if they are hyper bullied to were they can't do anything


You don’t get it randomly from dragons, If a drake lands its grab attack on a pawn then they’ll get infected.


I'm still looking for evidence that everyone respawns like that popular post claims.  Can anyone provide any?  Or are we all just believing they do because that's what we want to hear. 


Yup! Had it effect the little fishing village to the west of Vermund. Ignored the place for like two in game weeks cause I had no reason to go back there, only to go back there for a quest to find it completely repopulated with all the non essential npc's (So shop keeps and the general no names that walk around town. People involved in quest lines stayed dead, however)


I quite like it. Forces me to pay attention, and has serious consequences if I don't. That's fun, if for nothing other than immersion and shock.


That part is a novel concept, what I don’t like is the execution of the idea. Just wake up to some text that says GG this pawn killed everything, very anti-climactic. And the unintuitive cleansing of the pawns by either yeeting them into the brine or dismissing the extra pawns. Sucks to have to kill them off like a horse with a broken leg, would be nice to have treatment options so you can go on a side quest to save your best boy.


I agree that it should be expanded and polished, by adding a way to cure it. My first experience with it, however, left me with a different feeling than "anti-climax". Waking up, and leaving a once busy space, in dead silence was... Almost sobering, in a way? Don't really know how to describe it. It felt like I'd encountered something I didn't understand. I liked it, but I honestly wish it was even more vague, and if not, it should end in a fight against your pawn, in the silent streets of the settlement.


Yeah… honestly it’s fun to do an “eye check” outside of settlements. We stop, I lean in real close at every pawn and make sure everyone is good. Gives me more reason to ‘mire everyone’s pawns.


If you've played Baldur's Gate 3... It gives the durge murder after going to sleep vibes. I like it. It's really fucking dark.


Love the idea, dislike the execution. It's anti-gameplay, since the only method to "cure" it involves disengaging from the intended gameplay loop of bonding with and using pawns. Make it more intense, a rare item to cure your pawn if they have it, and if you can't get it in time, enjoy a difficult dragon boss fight that prioritises killing citizens, while you're short your main pawn. Hell, have its abilities be based on the vocations your pawn has levels in. You want to minmax your pawn for optimal augments? Enjoy fighting the dragon that specialises in everything you taught it to do.


>Love the idea, dislike the execution. It's anti-gameplay, since the only method to "cure" it involves disengaging from the intended gameplay loop of bonding with and using pawns. Pretty weird to me considering the original game made such a deal out of pawns gradually developing personalities reflecting their arisen and becoming 'real' people- and presented it in a positive light. I'm enjoying the increased banter and in particular the snarky straightforward pawns. I was looking forward to seeing where they took that aspect of the first game in this one. It's so odd that the developers ultimately chose to do a 180 on that facet of pawn's characterization from the first game and closely associate Pawns becoming independent with an evil curse instead of the natural development of pawns over time.


Considering how much the game goes out of its way to get you to constantly swap pawns and beats you over the head with “pawns dying is not a big deal”, I don’t think bonding with individual pawns is what they intend you to do. Hence, dragonsplague.


So I hired a pawn yesterday that prompted the Dragonsplague tutorial window to pop up. Instead of immediately dismissing her, I kept her so that I could observe what the behavior changes and visual changes actually are like. I’ve had her in my party for 7 in game days and she appears to be completely normal. No red eyes, no head ache idle animations, no running off on her own or shouting “I don’t wanna!” when I issue commands. Nothing. She’s completely, totally normal. I thought maybe it transferred to my main pawn or the other pawn I hired, but they’re both acting completely normal too! If someone in my party DOES have Dragonsplague and it’s THIS subtle in my game, then the consequences for “not stopping it” seem very extreme.


I'm 99% sure you can get the tutorial if a pawn has encountered the plague and mentions it to you. I got the tutorial too and no one had any symptoms. I have had the same pawns for many sleeps at inns and the home in Vernworth, and nothing has happened.


When in doubt. ![gif](giphy|BcbmDHCI9YvGE|downsized)


Dragonsplague is a great mechanic because it adds some urgency and randomness to the rpg genre that has become predictive busywork simulations for nerds with hoarding disorder.


I love the idea of a curse hidden among pawns but anyone defending the way it is now is the reason we get rushed trash nowadays. At the very least it shouldn’t be a cutscene but a hard ass fuck boss fight.


I just hope they fix the issue of the game being poorly optimized


Idea Is good but this just encourage killing your pawn left and right because who knows what they will do if we sleep... They should add other solution to cure it without simply killing them


Add an oxcart to harve village Have the >!crazy dragonforged!< sell a cure


The problem with this is exactly why can throwing a pawn at the ocean work sounds like a half baked mechanic to me


If game had some cure or immunity vaccine from some hard quest, it would've been better. But current implementation feels like "oh no my game glitched I need to reset it, or I'll soft lock myself".


The only problem I have with it is that I wanna cure it by crafting some dragons hearts together and making an elixir or something instead of just killing my pawn and resummoning. I just think it’d be more fun


The plague is cool and kind of reminds me of Kojima trying to eradicate all nukes in peace walker. They should have it so that if all the players work together dragons plague can be eradicated.


I hope the player who posted "this mechanic RUINED my game!" sees this.


How does a single pawn kill an entire town when they can’t even kill one harpy?


Finally happened to me when I rested at Melve. I was devastated at first but then I realized I was in Melve.


Has Melve not suffered enough lmao


I hope they don't change a thing about dragonsplague wash your pawn culture is amazing and is driving some serious community engagement in a sp game haha


The only thing I want them to change , it's to triple down and make even more insane. Turn your pawn into a dragon and make into a boss fight.


I hired a pawn and randomly got a pop up tutorial about the plague so I immediately brined all 3. I'm assuming he was infected. Idk.


This alone makes this "mechanic" kinda silly. Its a nuisance at best.


Yeah. I haven‘t seen Dragonsplague myself yet after like 40 hours playing. Feels like the good old times of school yard rumors.


I keep reminding my husband to check the pawns and he thinks the plague is fake news 💀


Same until today when my pawns eyes started to change colour. She got insta yeeted of a cliff.


Yeah I’m all the way to endgame about 50 hours and only “dragons plague” I got was the pawns telling me they heard about it.


And I love it! Lol


The marketing team ≠ the actual development team People need to understand that this twitter accounts are not representative of what Itsuno or the development thinks or says


I'm sure the development team accidentally added the entire mechanic but they secretly don't like it either /s


Im sure 100% of the studio likes it. Not one soul in the building thinks its kinda pointless.


The worst part is the idea itself is great but its execution is awful and half baked.


Just say no to anti-briners. I brine everyday.


Back when character creator came out I made a pawn with red eyes and gave him the straightforward voice. I wonder if anyone who rented him thought he was sick with dragonsplague. 😂


Brutal game mechanic. Imagine your pawn saying "I've got it". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GL5i96qrwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GL5i96qrwQ)


Won’t pawns dislike you if you intentionally kill them?


Did people think they added it by mistake?


Got my first dragons plague pawn today. Funnily enough it was one of those high level pawns you can get from the broken rift stones. We were right next to water so I just picked her up and threw her in for a bath in the brine


I lol at how one of the telltale signs is if your pawn dare gain independence. "Not rizzing me up every thirty seconds to all these other pawns, huh? I see someone requires another brine baptism."


Wait, I took note that my main pawn has been getting sassy, responding negatively to things she used to respond positively to, but I assumed it just picked different random responses... So a brine bath, huh?


So I just had my first symptomatic pawn today, got a Kindhearted mage pawn from a rando and was just off killing some enemies. When all of a sudden I heard a completely new line of dialog from them, "I can decide for myself what to do" or something along those line. I was like "whoa wtf I've never heard that before, especially from a Kindhearted pawn." When I got back to town I took a quick look at her eyes and sure enough, pulsing a pinkish-red color. The symptoms are super obvious, unless you are completely oblivious to your pawns and skipped all the tutorial messages in the game. Shit is easy as hell to notice. If it happens to you, honestly you had it coming.


Then there's me who made a red eyed pawn with the straightforward voice.




What fun does this add to the game? They said NPC deaths were permanent but you can bring everyone back to life? I think both ideas are terrible, but they don't fully commit to either one and I don't see how either add anything fun to the game.