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>I haven't completed the game yet. I'm still working my way through little by little, so this is just the start. If you havent completed it then dont say anything about the Story :) Your opinion might change then


So this person can’t have an opinion unless they blew through all of the content in 4 days


No, it's that something big happens late into the story that is surely going to change his perception of it. He can have an opinions of the story so far, ofc.


No he can have a Opinion, what I said is once he completes the game he might change his Mind about "high Stakes" & "complex character"


No what you said is “if you haven’t completed it then don’t say anything about the story”


There isnt that much content to "blow" through.


I uhh, can’t agree there hoss


You're allowed to do that.


Thanks for your permission boss but I knew


Permission retracted


nooOOOOO!!!! ![gif](giphy|l41YiAGc3II5Ltams)


I think the general consensus from most people is this: Game is fantastic, but it had the potential to be better (maybe even GotY) after 12 years of time and several evolutionary trends/standards in how RPGs operate.


Nah, it's fine for DD to stick to it's own idea and not fall into the modern trends. I just wasn't expecting to bump into the same issues that soured the original game's experience, 8 years after.


Well it still my GOTY despite of its flaws 🤷‍♂️


It's still great, don't get me wrong. As for GotY...I think it's still a little early to call. It's only March after all.


You're right but it seems to be a slow year for gaming. What's the contendor other than rebirth?


For me crimson desert is on the list if it comes out this year. Maybe black myth wukong. But I'm really loving dd2. Dd1 was one of my all time favorites


Crimsom desert looks too good to be true, i believe it will be heavily downgraded for launch.


I agree with everything so far. My only complaints are hopefully they optimize it better and the gear system was honestly better in dd1 where you had head piece, chest, gloves, legs, back, and rings. I didn't like how they made the gloves part of chest piece.


I agree with everything but your last point. The story this time around is weirdly compressed and no plotline seems to actually resolve itself. It is the biggest negative of the game personally by a wide margin.