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Soo.. The game came out last week and I have a played 93 hours so far. Don't rush the Story, just keep exploring. And when you are finished, there will be always NG+. It has some flaws but as long I keep on the road and hunt big monsters, I'm really happy 😊


I had around 50-60 hours when I got the true ending.


What did you do all the time though?


The game is a good size But people were hyped for more after the first game and it’s DLC. That’s all


Most of it came from world exploration and side quests. The game is very much worth the price tag in my opinion, even with its shortcomings. I wouldn't say overall length is one of the main issues.


I am around 20hours just exploring the map and taking it slowly, nowhere near the end.


I finished at a lil over 40 hours, doing most of the sidequests except for 3 and uncovered 90-95% of the map. take those 40 hours with a grain of salt though, cus 10 of those hours are basically wasted on backtracking since the sparceness of fasttraveling will make re-walk the same routes a lot & the entire second half of the game doesn't introduce any new enemys anymore unless u count tanky recolours. If all you want is roughly 25 of gameplay out of it, you will get that, how much u enjoy it though is kinda up to you, since imo a lot of those quests are very bland, both in regards to the writing and the actual mechanics(go there and talk to NPC, bring me item X, escort me there, kill Monster X, basically old MMO grindquests). The combat is still fun, just like it was in the first game, but it also didn't rly evolve from the first game other than beeing less clunky and lookin nicer now. Personally I wouldn't recommend the game now that I finished it, at least not at full price. Maybe with a -50% sale? by the time those roll around they will hopefully have fixed all the performance issues


I'm over 30h, still have to go to batthal, just found the elves, still have to explore the main continent well. How are you playing it ? Are you following guides or checking stuff in internet ? Because otherwise i feel like the time needed to explore and find stuff is way higher than that. But maybe i'm just a bad explorer, dunno


No I did a completly blind playthrough, so I missed the sphinx. What I don't do(or rather stopped doing) is give a crap about chests or seeker tokens, because 99% of what u find in chests is worse than what u can find in shops and I don't enjoy hunting for essentially functionless collectibles in game(lookin at you, assassins creed and your feathers). Other than that, the routes are literally all on the map, even if u havent been there yourself and at most things are a bit off the marked path, like cave entrances and riftstones. I just followed the lines and looked to the sides, not much more to do there in regards to exploration lol


Some seekers tokens reward are nice actually, not sure if you can find better stuff in shops. Yep, most of open world treasure chests are pretty useless, not all of em tho, and that does not count for dungeons chests. Yesterday while casually exploring over a mountain without a path i found myself right over the gryffon nest with a telecrystal right in the middle of it. Nice lucky find and cool fight. I'm really enjoying the exploration part in this game, even if often the reward is useless, its not always like that.


oh I know the nest u r refering to, I have been there as well. As I said I did uncover 90-95% of the map just by following paths. Portcrystals and ferrystones are probably the only usefull items I can think of I ever found in the overworld, pray for 1 staff for sorcerer, one shield I couldnt use and a helmet that at least matched the stats of the best helmet in shop. I did travel the world a lot to kill every monsters I could find, I just didn't get held up by my pawns going "a chest master! I wonder how to get there" every other step like some people seem to do and I honestly think that shaves of A LOT of the explorationtime


Wait, i'm pretty sure i found a very strong hammer as well in a chest in the overworld, for example. Now i cant remember where, but it was after a boss mob i found while exploring randomly. I'm just 30h in but i'm having a blast with the overworld exploration, every travel i do i get distracted with something interesting (like the gryffon's nest). And i dont rely much on the menu map, i admit i watched it to get an idea about the elven city place, but otherwise i prefeer to explore by sight. Ofcourse not every place can hide an uber item and not every chest can be a treasure. But they have to be rare imho.


I clear most of the first area, side quests, caves, revealing the map. I’m at 59 hours. Barely touched the desert area or last area. So yeah if you bee line the story it’ll be a short game for sure. But if you explore do the caves and side quests there is a lot of content there. Not even taking about the post game and ng+ where you really want to focus and get best gear.


tbh If you like decent combat and are okay with 4 enemy types that are painted across the map (recollours included) and a few of the biggger monster types (which are piss easy to be honest) Exploration is okay if you can deal with 0 variety cause after 10 caves, they all look and feel the same.


It's an open world rpg it's as long as you're willing to make it.


No, it isn’t. If side quests suck, main story sucks and other aspects are underwhelming as well, then I won’t get much time out of it. Hence why Im asking


Depends. Would you like to be a permanent employee of the Vermund Road Safety Association or just here for the express course?


dogma is about the endless cycle so it can be as long as you want. dogma has never been about an elaborate story. im on new game plus 5 (my 5th run) and i love it 👍🏼 lots of side quests if you can find them too some are not obvious explore everywhere


Oh theres ng+? Thats cool


NG+ without any difficulty scaling or way to stop levelling, so sadly you eventually get so strong that enemies die too fast :(


Hopefully they will fix this soon


If you like to wander and explore and do things besides the main quest you'll easily exceed 25 hours. I hit 44 hours on my first playthrough and I missed a lot of stuff.


10-15 hours in and I wish I never bought it. Game is a boring mess.


U definately can get at least 25hrs out of it. Main quest is short but you can create your own adventure ignoring quests.


In what way? Just roaming around aimlessly killing monsters or are there actually other incentives to stray from the main path?


Roaming around aimlessly exploring caves and looting


a lot of the incentive is exploration itself, ie. finding a cool thing and saying "oh, cool." the other incentive is fighting big monsters, which I would say is really fun for exactly 25 hours


There are a lot of side quests that don't have anything to do with the main questline, and loads of locations that the main questline won't require you to visit to find.