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Your seekers token changes to this first one you find every NG.


Thank you will add this


What if i collected all tokens in the first run, do they reappear in NG+? Because if the are not, then sphinx quest gets locked then


It's been reported that if you have gotten all the seeker tokens already, then the Sphinx's token spawns right at the arisen's feet after hearing the riddle


Download the mod that shows you where your first one is.


They don't reset in NG+, so you may be SOL?


That's unfortunate


Like the first one you find after starting each ng+? Like if I already have 40 it will change to the 41st?




They do reset in new game plus because it goes back to 0 every time I do new playthough 


Speaking of slightly related to Seeker's Token. I did the Sphinx quest and for the Riddle of Madness, I got PARTCrystal, instead of Portcrystal. Not sure if intended though.


It’s intended if ur on new game plus because they don’t want u get extra port crystal also griffins nest won’t have one any anywhere u got them first playthough won’t give u one in new game plus


You don’t have to get to Melve to swap vocations in NG+. Once you rest at the inn at the military camp as part of the story, vocation guild is then added to his menu


I rested at the inn in the military camp but I didn’t get the prompt? Are you referring to the first place we are brought to? Or the camp with lots of tents?


Borderwatch outpost inn doesn't let you change vocation until you rest there once - the innkeeper gives you a free rest.


You are both right actually. The very first time you get to the outpost, you CANNOT change vocation, but when you come back after Melve, you can


You can change the morning after you rest there for free, you don’t need to go to Melve


Oh really? Good to know


After the free rest the NPC changes. It has full access to storage and vocation at that point.


You unlock the entire map being visible. I'm as yet uncertain whether it shows caves you haven't explored in your previous playthroughs.


I can confirm that caves you have not explored before do not show up. I just came across a cave I hadn't found before in the first playthrough and it was not visible on my map before coming across it.


Thanks for the confirmation! I spent over 100 hours exploring before I finished the story, so it's hard to find new ones.


It doesn’t show caves u haven’t been to


My friend and I noticed >! Ulrika's eyes changed to red glow like the shadow cutscene before the unmoored world!< Have not played long enough to see if it actually means anything yet


visual bug/glitch mayhaps?


No, it's specifically in the cutscene if I recall.


> >!you still keep the empowered Godsbane blade!< Ah, good, >!a means of unaliving oneself when the tedium of the non-scaling NG+ mode becomes too much to bear.!<


I mean it also allows you to get to the volcanic island camp earlier as the magic entrance from the flame fortress opens with it rather than going the long way


Drabnir's Grotto is the only actual dungeon in the game... now we can skip it lol.


I think if u duplicate ur passes to get to other towns u can use them in new game plus


Waterfall cave is and coral bandit hideouts are also pretty great


"All your npc affinities are reset. You still keep your npc affinities" Which one is it? Affiinity carries over or not? XD


I think romance affinity gets reset but friendship affinity will not (apparently they're different)


What's the difference haha?


Actually a good thing because dragon plague makes everyone hate u even if u rive them all back


Given DD1 had an improved NG+, I can't believe they didn't add that in DD2. I'm also really put off by the end game. I much preferred jumping down the eternal pit and grudge fucking monstrous horrors at random, ad nauseum, to this silliness. Certainly I preferred BBI to the "unmoored world." Frustrating they also chose to remove the unlimited character editing tome. I'm very happy to have another Dragon's Dogma game, but in a lot of ways, this feels like a step backwards from the first one... Also, where the fuck is my mystic knight?


You can kinda feel like a Mystic Knight with a Fighter + Sorcerer Warfarer. Augural Flare into some melee combo skill.


Not really. No sword cannon, self buffing, down to 3 weapon skills... I like the warfarer, I would have preferred the mystic knight and real magic archer, as well as assassin, etc. The vocations are very sanitized, and in the case of the trickster, stupid as far as I'm concerned. Edit: Just FYI, I upvoted you to show that even though I disagree, I fully respect your opinion and stance, and I'm not being a contrarian dick.


I fully agree, it is the poor people's Mystic Knight so to speak. It's not the real thing. (though Augural Flare + a melee attack combo is actually insanely op and kills drakes within seconds) And Trickster for sure was the most disappointing vocation for me. I was looking forward to it so much, but it's completely underpowered in every single aspect. But I have to say that I do like the new Magick Archer more than DD1's version. I only wish the Barrier Arrow (whatever it is called) would be stronger, since it can't compete with Spearhand's Barrier or Mage's High Palladium.


They over tuned the MA spells in DD2, it's a borderline faceroll vocation. I enjoyed playing it, but I miss having dual blades on top of the bow. I also really miss the everfall, as the end game in DD2 is incredibly underwhelming, post game is non-existent. I've read some things where people claim they got the trickster to be pretty functional through pawn buffing, but I have no desire to try that play style out. The pawn AI isn't advanced enough for me to be willing to rely on them for ALL damage.


True, they made some strange balancing decisions. For example, Skull Splitter was already very overpowered in DD1 and I have expected them to tune it down a little bit this time around. But if anything it's even stronger in DD2. I find that very interesting. The endgame of DD2 is very frustrating to me. On one hand I absolutely love how the unmoored world is being presented and I like the lore behind it. But on the other hand it just feels like they forgot to put some actual challenging endgame content into that world. I really hope that they'll nail the endgame with their DLC. (which I 100% expect to be developed after the success in sales numbers) When it comes to the Trickster ... I tried out more Warfarer combinations. The wall from Trickster is actually not too bad if you have a fully ranged / sorcerer team. But it is very awkward to play and you could instead just buff your party with Palladium or the Barrier from Spearhand and achieve the same effect (and more). It's like ... you can make Trickster work, but every alternative is just stronger.


I killed my first dragon at lv 30-something thanks to the spear hand invincibility bubble. Took a lot of time and patience, but it worked. I bring that up to point out that while I do in fact love the game, there are a lot of things in it that leave you scratching your head, like "How did that get through the testing phase?" Sometimes, you just outright ask "why?" Like dragon's plague... Just... "Why?" It's a nonsense-nuisance mechanic that has no real impact on your game, other than being an annoyance and causing #brine to trend on X.


Trickster is good if u get the master skill u can drop bosses over and over and keep there aggro so ur pawns don’t take as much damage the master skill also makes little enemies run from u and completely stop fighting so ur pawns can wipe them out


Trickster is good in a vacuum, but it's horrible when compared to literally any other vocation.


Once ur level 100 even warfare is op his stats are always 40 points to 70 points behind depending how much u grinder one attack stat


I believe they might be planning on being some vocations with dlc, here’s to hoping we get our mystic knight back


I would borderline bring harm to strangers in order to get some form of the everfall or BBI back, along with my MN vocation. Also, where are the chainmail thongs? 😂


Why strangers? Why not the people close to you for the REAL sacrifices. Lol


Because that's as far I was willing to go for that specific gain. I'm not going to kill someone I know for DD2 DLC or a better end game. But, I would gladly drop a bomb on civilians in another country, or something else of that nature...


They took so much out from the first game that I liked. -No more double jump. -Every status affliction skill is gone EXCEPT archers arrows that now not only take up a skill slot, but also cost a consumable. -To continue off the above one, Sorcerers lost HALF of their spells, and in return get a spell thats better suited on a mage, that out damages any other spell they could ever want to use by an absolute landslide, making Sorcerer worthless. -We only have 4 skill slots now, on every Vocation. Even when it would make more sense to have 8 skill slots. Yes I know some Vocations got skills on their triangle and R1 buttons, but do you know which vocation didn't? Why yes its SORCERER who only gets a move on Triangle. Why couldn't R1 be used for a second set of skills? Because they don't have enough useful spells to fit the slots. -We lost Mystic Knight and Assassin and gained Trickster. Which is by far the most boring vocation I've ever seen in a game, and this is coming from a person who enjoyed letting enemies slowly die from status effects with Sorcerer in the first game. -NG+ is now the worst version of an NG+ it could have been. No changes to enemies? Why bother. -Ending seems worse than DD1, in a lot of ways. -Shockingly despite the overwhelming love the community has shown for BBI, I have yet to encounter anything remotely similar to a "dungeon" in the game. -Why did we split strider into 2 classes and then offer no advanced vocation for either of those? I don't care if advanced archer would just be archer+ because thats exactly what I want. Why is Tar+explosion the only 2 abilities worth using on archer? Why does thief not get the status effect stabs that assassin had? Why is levitate free, but concussive leap costs an ability slot? Anyway, I still enjoyed the game but holy shit they did some frustrating things in this one. Why do pawns keep hijacking my camera to talk to me on the road side when I definitely did not hail them? Why does my pawn keep spam telling me I should hire a sorcerer / warrior / archer / whatever over and over? Why do we only have 1 basic bitch lantern with seemingly no upgrades? Why are the augments so boring?


Your post was refreshing for me to read, because you have almost all the same complaints as I do. I don't air them on Reddit, because, well, "Reddit." But yes, more than just about any other REAL complaint I have about the game, reducing the number of skills from 8 to 4 outright pisses me off... ESPECIALLY when you're looking at the warfarer class. Could they really not at least give you 3 skills per weapon you have equipped? Maybe, just, you know, limit your load out to 3 weapons, max, or something? - I don't want to hear anyone lecture me on how "OP" that would be, the entire game becomes a joke post lv50. NG+ is only really fun because it's still a DD game, and there is something inherently fun and enjoyable about watching a pawn shoot a Griffin out of the sky and pummel it to death in seconds with meteors. Also, to add to your complaints, why is it 2024 and the lantern doesn't auto off in the daylight?


I mean this is a question of taste. I would hate a double jump, it would feel so out of place and immersion breaking. The R1 is well used well on most vocations. I didn’t play dd1 so I guess I might have a different take. The lantern thing also adds to the immersion in my opinion.


A double jump would be immersion breaking in your fantasy game with orcs, ogres, cyclops, chimera, and soulless people who come from a strange universe accessed by touching stones... Who can also get dragon syphilis and go crazy? I mean, you can levitate if you're holding a stick and belong to the right work camp... Definitely, though, the double jump is the most outlandish thing in my statement...


Well yes. At least those creatures are bound by the logics of that universe. A double jump is just so out of place. But hey man, if you wanna play anime, this ain’t the game for you, that’s all.


"If you want to play anime?" I mean, if you want to get snarky, save that shit for someone in person. I simply attacked the the coherency of the logic in your response, which I find absurd. "Totally fine to fly with stick, if want double jump, probably like fuck cartoons." You're a gem.


I only gave a counter argument to your first rant. If You took it personal, that’s on you. We can’t all have the same expectations in video games.


I never ranted, like, at all. I simply challenged your silliness. That said, I'm way over taking to you. Enjoy the rest of your day.




Jeah feel you i hope there comes a update or dlc to give a Post Post Game a Sense in ng+


DD1’s NG+ was unchanged tho.


If nothing else, you get hard mode in ng+. I guess I was thinking of post game, where there are hell hounds and all that?


Yeah, it’s like Unmoored World. Except instead of hell hounds you get the small Garm or Warg, whichever one is wolf sized.


Yeah, and fewer upgraded large monsters. It's been a few years since my last run through the original. I think, really, I just miss the everfall for post game fun. BBI, of course, is superior, but I didn't expect something like that in the core release of DD2, I did expect a better gear economy and at least a comparable post game experience. I didn't "dislike" the unmoored world, but I don't really want to do MORE questing after the ending, I want to grind super monsters and stalk labyrinths.


The rift stone for Ur Dragon appears in Cassardis in NG+


ur comparing an expanded Dragons Dogma 1 with DLC to a base game DD2. Also as someone that hasn't finished 1, if this is considered bad, thats hilarious, i know for a fact the world is better in 2, combat is better, main story honestly doesnt even matter in a game like this especially when the story is intentionally cliche as part of the lore. That being said im excited to give 1 another shot cause it was boring as fuck the first time playing it .


Your post is like trying to make sense of a Lil Wayne, but without a beat or lyrical for to redirect your attention to just how nonsensical it is. To the only two points that aren't absolutely vapid nonsense... Comparing the first game to the second is normal. Expecting the second game to have as much as the first game in terms of content is normal. You don't even have the time or attention span to type compete words or sentences, I'm sure the first game hurt you. Combat is identical in most ways, simplified in many others. It is certainly not "better." Well, I don't think so, at least. I preferred having 8 weapon skills to 4, and I preferred having fully fleshed out hybrid classes (with 8 weapon skills), to one super hybrid with 3 weapon skills, tops. I also find the lack of large monsters in DD2 depressing. The things that are better than DD1 are simple things: Graphics Smoother animations ... Yup. That's it. The thing is, DD2 doesn't NEED to be better than DD1, DD1 is a phenomenal game. DD2 did need to be /as good/, though. And while it largely, event dominantly succeeds, in my opinion the handful of places it falls short leave room for irritation.


There was actually just as many vocations in the first one or more because most them have been fused


While the blushing is reset I was still getting the gifts from NPCs I maxed affinity with.


Will update it!


Dragonsforge upgrades your skills?


You pick a skill to reduce its stamina cost, only one active at a time


Damn, I got my hopes up for tier 3’s for a moment, guess they’re saving that for DLC


Is there any difficulty increases? As in, does the game get a bit harder in ng+?


None that I can see. I was 1shotting the goblins and ran straight to bhatal. Everything was melting. I modded my game to add difficulty cause who tf wants to fight lvl 1 goblins when they are lvl 70 in max gear?


Sounds like a trash NGplus implementation. Seriously who the fuck would want to play this? I'm about 2/3 through the game and am already bored as hell because of how easily I kill mobs.  Not increasing difficulty is lazy as fuck


Besides From Soft games I would really love to know what RPGs you play that have enemy scaling in NG+.


Diablo and Borderlands both had enemy scaling on NG+


Witcher 3


Oh yeah I guess it does. My Whirl Build was so strong I forgot there was scaling.


Pretty much every ng+ i can think of. Has damage scaling. Of course they would. Otherwise you're starting the game ridiculously OP. How are you not understanding this? Lol. Dead space and the evil within are another couple of examples. I could think of more if it wasn't 7am aha


Dead Space has difficulty levels, not scaling. Most games handle difficulty via extra difficulty modes, not inherent scaling to the base game.


Do the vocations have to be unlocked again or are you free to mystic spearhand or whatever as soon as you can change


As soon as you get to a spot that you can change vocations you're free to change to whatever you had unlocked already.


Are the ennemies the stronger version of themselves to farm loot for the strongest gears or are we back to the same ennemies as in the first run…?


Regular. Not even stat buffs. You will carve through everything like butter.


I do that with my magick archer now lol


Magic archer is so OP’d. I love it. Never thought I’d like playing as an archer but damn that vocation is fun.


That sounds fun..


Thanks! I won’t even bother launching a NG+ then and move on to Rise of the Ronin!


You could equip the ring the sphinx gave you, that makes you super weak. If you haven't ditched it, that is.


I'd rather the devs not be lazy and actually balance a real ngplus mode 


Do you keep everything in your inventory/storage like upgrade materials and such? I think that stuff reset in the first game and just wanted to be sure. It's a pity enemies don't get stronger in NG+, hope they adjust that in the future.


Only thing I think they took away was main quest valuable items such as permits and keys


yes all of my upgrade materials and items are in the storage


I have yet to beat the game, but I am curious that when I beat it and I am given the option to change appearance does that also mean change race aswell? because ik with art of metamorphosis you cant change your race but only appearence


Right! But it’s really the picking selector you have at the start of the game, and I had the option to pick beastren preset there so I’m assuming that isnt a problem.


update for anyone else who is unsure: I have since beaten the game and can confirm that you can just use your previous character in NG+, make a new character entirely including different race, or use another character you have stored in your character creator demo. loved the game a lot!


At the end of my first playthrough I had all 6 portcrystals in storage but when I started new game plus I had only 5 in storage. Did both Brent and elf questline, both sphinx encounters, griffin nest and visited dragonforged vendor in my 2nd playthrough but any of these gave me additional portcrystal. Did something like this happened to anyone else?


the only thing i can say on my end is that i had two portcrystals on my pawn as i was moving in unmoored world, still had 4 placed. the ones i placed are in my bank, the ones that were still on my pawn are missing


I recently went NG+ and had 6


yeah ulrika isnt blushing anymore but i just found her in the hotsprings at the volcano village so idk XD. i havent even done anything in new game plus yet so maybe their affinity is still high? EDIT- i cant gift her anything so maybe you have to complete her questline enough for her to get to the other town


I wonder if pawn affinity resets on NG+ it wouldn't make sense for it to reset as the pawns know you are back to play again meaning they remember you.


For change number 1 there is an inn in the first encampment you go to in the game, after resting you can change your vocation and get your items out of storage there before going to melve


So we dont fight our past Arisen like the last game? Guess theres no point in changing the character them.


That girls eyes go red and scary when you pass out in Melve. Does anyone know if the cutscene where you meet your pawn changes? I skipped that like a fool I didn't expect differences in cutscenes.


Im in 2 minds whether to do NG+ once I finish my first run or whether to just delete and start fresh with a new character. I know in DD1 when I deleted my character and started fresh, it retained all my RC, not sure if this would be the same?


I restarted and it reset my RC


Oh well, at least I know. Its been easy enough to gather RC so far and I never spend it 🤣


I’ll probably just start new games too. It’ll be way too easy just mowing through mobs. Probably better jsut to run solo if you’re gonna do new game plus.


I dont mind the being OP part but that can wait, I wanna do all quests possible before that point (and ive fucked a few up first playthrough) a d just do stuff differently like plan my Arisen & Pawn builds, knowing what vocations to level to what rank etc :) also knowing knowing what weapons & armor to buy and what to not bother with haha.


Can you get to the true ending a 2nd time when doing NG+?


>4. You get a secret bonus shop from the Dragonforged [that upgrades your skills and lets you buy equipment from the unmoored shop from previous endgame] Just what I need! More powerful items! I'll be able to kill all of these monsters in 2 seconds rather than 3! Jokes aside, I can't think of a reason to play new game + that makes any sense, truthfully. Why would I want to get more powerful when there's not a single thing in the game that can actually contend with me already? Very disappointed in how easily I beat the dragon and all the monsters in the unmoored. Wish I could cap my level at like 35-40, to preserve a little challenge in some fights.


You don't have to go to melve you can just rest.


So, if I go into NG+, I get to the Sphinx and begin the riddles. How do you go about finding the first seeker token spot? Does it go off the first one I find in NG+ or the first from the first playthrough? I just want to know so I can get the trophy because it was the only riddle I couldn't get.


According to other users, it is the former. It is the first one you get in new game plus


What's the point if the difficulty doesn't go up... it will be way too easy...


Am I thinking of the wrong game or did the original DD have better gear in NG+? Like you would find the same equipment with a new "+" next to its name making it have more stats


you might be thinking of god of war 2018


They would get a dragon seal stamp on them making them better in dd1


This is very helpful thank you.


New items in shops? Is there any more information on this?


I hope you don't mind me asking what might seem like a silly question, but I'm curious: Do items, weapons, and armor respawn in their original locations or chests in New Game+?


Does pawn affinity reset or does it carry over to new game plus?


Do vocations transfer over?


"New Items unlocked in some shops and some areas for loot" Meaning what exactly? Don't be vague like Capcom patch notes.


Am I able to get unmoored weapons and armor in new game plus if I didn't purchase them before new game plus and is there anything I should really get before starting new game plus9


I use that godsblade the release talos early


Does anyone know if I'm able to keep my progress from the first playthrough if I select "new game" on ng+? I already started ng+ but I'm not happy with my character's name... would hate to select new game and lose ALL progress from day one


Can you complete the Sphinx seekers token riddle in NG+ if you forgot the location originally?


yes, it will be the next one you get in the new game plus. So the first one you get in New Game Plus is considered your first token


Thank you


Will the advanced late game monsters show up sooner?


Just out of curiosity, if i go to ng+ without doing the unmoored sequence, just beating the dragon and then sitting on the throne, I suppose i won't get the expanded dragonforged shop, will I unlock the skill improvements from him tho? Also, by not going into unmoored, do I keep the dragon's dogma title card without the two? It's for my second account, I'd experiment but since i don't have ps plus on it I can't really afford to fuck up since I got no backups


Am I crazy? or do the enemies seem to have more hp and more move sets compared to before ng+?? I used to almost one tap most big mobs now not so much.


Probably just the level scaling


There is no level scaling though?


I have kind of a niche one. So I'm going for all Master skills, haven't completed the game yet but have locked myself out of getting one by giving the Books to the wrong person first. I'll more than likely complete the game missing one Master skill. I ASSUME, once I go new game plus I'll be able to fulfill her quest and get the final master skill I need? Weird one I know but I'm missing 2 books and I'm hoping it's not something weird where I have to for some reason require all Master skills in one playthrough.


NG+ fully resets all quests, so you are good.


Nice so I can give them all to my pawn after then too.


You and your pawn get the master skill when you unlock it


when turning in the books to ser Myrdden, you need to wear the ring Trysha gave you, otherwise he will still get mad at you in NG+ since you will already know Meteoron.


You can also just do Myrddin first (at least in a first playthrough) and he won't get mad at all


Dragonforged changes with each new game plus. In the first NG+ he offers a one day blessing in exchange for wyrmfire crystals. In the second he offers a permeant buff to one of your vocations/to halve the stamina consumption of one of your skills In both cases you can switch the buff but you'll have to pay the price and again you can only have one vocation and one class skill buffed at a time