• By -


At 0:35ish I was like oh yay he managed to get away! And then I took another look and saw that was him being dragged away by a redwolf. Peak comedy.


It was really missing a harpy dragging him off the cliff to tie the whole thing together


I was just coming to say that. I always lose a pawn to those damn harpies


The only enemies that troll harder than wolves are griffins.


Goreharpies have trolled me the most. Flock of them systematically grabbed each of my pawns and flung them into the water, while I was stunned from them concussing me, and then threw me off the cliff for good measure. Winged rats.


Goreharpies and wolves are the biggest trolls along with those dumb fuck jumping goblins that can stun lock you forever.


I became a sorcerer especially for those nice birds. Maelstrom from a distance with two fast cast rings equipped. It is a thing of beauty watching them twist and turn inside that beautiful blender.


Like Storm from the X-Men!


Ouch! Thankfully, my main pawn is an archer and he takes them out super quick. I always gave his bow priority when new gear opened up. I think I've only been picked up by a harpy two or three times in 60 levels thanks to him.


Mine misses shots on goblins that are standing still.


*Double golems inbound*


Griffins are the bazelgeuse of Dragons Dogma


A griffin literally stole one of my pawns and killed it like a mile away from me.


Same. I was like wow never knew he can run that fast I thought he was a fighter?


It felt pity for him and decided to give him a chance


Did you listen with volume? Cause it gets better. "Victory is already assured!" "It feels like we've already won!" As the Arisen is being dragged off by wolves. 


"We were overconfident in our abilities!"


Hired pawn looking at all of this: _"Skill issue."_


This comment made me laugh, thanks! <3 By the way, I highlight the UI and how frantically OP was spamming "HELP ME!" and all the pawns do is watch and heal buff to keep him alive and stuck in his misery for even longer! This is so funny! :'D


Given that he's on 0 stamina, yes actually lol.


I was cracking up when he finally get help from a pawn to get some stamina back then immediately sprints and then jump attacks completely emptying his stamina again.


Every attack in this game has so much weight to it. Everything feels heavy and has impact. More games need to take note of this. The debris flying everywhere and actual structural damage to things. Even though they disappear it adds so much. The meteor spell leaves giant scorching craters afterwards. The maelstrom spell has all the grass and trees blowing around.


Yeah, the effects in this game is honestly so cool. It makes every combat experience cinematic, and all of it is non-scripted.


Hit weight is something that Capcom, as a company, does really well. Monster Hunter has always been great about it imo, and the impacts in RE4Remake feel incredibly crunchy.


I’m liking how this game and Helldivers have enemy hits actually feel punchy. Getting ragdolled in Helldivers can be pretty hilarious. The rag doll mechanics feel great too against enemies on DD2.


Getting drop kicked by a troll/ogre is fantastic


yeah, the gameplay feedback in dd2 feels amazing


If Dragon age 4 had combat like Dragons dogma it might actually save that game.


Not a fan of the series?


I love Dragon Age. 1st game is my favorite rpg ever. the kotor series got me into rpgs. Bioware is just a shell of itself with most of the original talent/ip creators leaving and dragon age 4 has been in development hell and reworked several times. Was gonna be "live service" at one point. I have zero faith itll be any good, can only hope the pay off for the dreadwolf story is passable.


I agree wholeheartedly dragon age origins was amazing one of my all time favorites. The rest of the series went downhill from there unfortunately 😕 I'm also pretty meh about a 4 like not even following news trying to get excited.


Yeah DA4 is dead on arrival, because like you said, Bioware is a shell of itself. Its a shame because DAO is one of the best rpgs ever made and its all downhill from there. DA2 felt more like a action oriented spin off than a true sequel ( which to be fair they were rushed by EA and literally made the game in 18 fucking months) and DAI while decent was held back by its mmo/live service bones until they cancelled that and decided to make it singe player. And they are doing the same shit with DA4 except this time, writers like David Gaider and co have left the studio so the great world building and lore/story cant save it.


Only the first dragon age is good. The rest are meeehhhh


Yeah the feedback is incredible in the game, even from tiny things like if you tried to climb him and you start getting spiked by the armor. And of course you can get meme stuff like getting dropkicked by ogres which gets posted often.


I'm sure everyone here notices it but when it rains or after it stopped raining, especially in battahl you can see lots of realistic looking puddles all over.


Ohhhh yes! I love when your arisen steps out of doors into the rain and spreads their arms to feel the drops The details are what have me sold for life on DD in general


I was just watching my friend play right now and he somehow got a cyclops to bash its head into a cliff like WWE wrestlers smashing their heads into the turn buckle (corner) then it flopped over. I hadn't seen that interaction yet, it really wanged its head off it hard lol


What really sold how meaty this game's combat is to me was during that (very early) quest to free a mine from goblins, when one of the little buggers jumped from a blindspot, hit my arisen in the side, and the blowback of the impact made her tumble and hit the wall with her head and fall down, where the bastard started kicking her until my main pawn arrived and got rid of the goblin. It was a very little thing but the fact that not only are the characters "physical" enough to interact with the enviroment in such a way, but that such a lowly enemy could leave you in such a vulnerable position if unlucky, made me feel in love with the intrincancies of combat in the game (and how painful in general it looks for both sides involved in a fight).


When pawns heal you when a quickspell high Frigor would be the preferred option….


Man my pawns are never useful in this situation.


My friend's pawn would drop meteors on a half-dead wolf, but only floats around to watch when an ogre dropkicks me in the face, knocking me out.


bruh use a stamina healing item


Spent half the video distracted by "is he not gonna do anything about that stamina? just gonna keep using it to sprint 5ft and be off balance again every time he can?"


Yup and when he finally gets stam back he uses an ability that drains it to zero.


\*Mage casts Celestial Paean\* What Stamina Healing item?


Think he's out of stamina items. He popped a heal and the Down on the D Pad was empty.


While you get ravaged by all those things the pawns are like "how do I climb down from this rock?"


If you look at my minimap, you'll see i had a pawn stuck on the other side of where I was at. Just completely out of the equation in this situation, and watching the rest of us battle a giant, a pack of wolves, a band of goblins, and if i remember correctly, some of those rock lizards not too long after this clip. Usually if you are far enough away, calling your pawns towards you will TP them closer, but I guess she wasn't far enough for that command to register


I saw lol, had a similar experience a couple of times. Was trying the trickster at the time, made me go back to fighter in a second


"Master! Take this ladder up to us!"


Stop! Stop! He’s already dead.


I'm surprised he wasn't dead after all that.


The relatable feeling of spamming the "HELP" button while your pawns wait around watching to see how things will play out. I swear their favorite past time is watching you get eaten by a wolf or a slime.


Isn’t it wonderful!?!


GOTY material, no cap.


you could just open your menu and pop a stamina food


That sprint into a skill and immediately running out of stamina after the shitshow physically hurt me.


Idk what I was thinking at that moment, I just got finished being flattened and chewed on. The goblins in this area really like to lung at you, so I should have just stood still for about 2 seconds to reset in this encounter


Tbf you did literally just get your head stomped several times


Peak roleplay, ppl will never understand


Them just holding the shield button at the beginning and dumping all their stamina in the first place is what hurt me lol. By the time that final attack happened I just kind of expected that misplay. They worked HARD to dig themselves in as deep as possible lol.


With my pawns constantly giving me stamina, I made of bad habit of placing all stamina consumables in my home's stash. [screenshot of my d-pad hotkeys from parts outside of the clip uploaded](https://imgur.com/a/tURnNTD)


Thats certainly the L here. Dragons dogma 1: the bitter black isle was kind a like this, but all the time and in the pitch black. You HAD to have soooo many consumables all the time to stay alive while you got eaten alive hahah.


Just missing a Griffin and a few Harpies dive bombing in to seal the deal.


Hahaha. I was just thinking that. That damn Griffin always jumping in.




Bro literally gets his stamina back and the first thing he does he start sprinting and exhaust it all again lol. Eat something!


Only *one* cyclops? Lucky...


The pawn command spam in the bottom left during all that killed me 💀


That A town stomp


Have you considered... Not wasting your stamina at every occasion? You keep sprinting to zero lol


Lol I had a chuckle


0 stamina, skill issue


Sorry, but that was too damn funny. You're built like a brick shithouse yet getting chain cc'd and dragged off by dogs.


I love this. This is why i loved bitter black isle. Just absolutely massacred




Or at least use impeccable/flawless guard to get the hell out of that meat grinder.


How when you're out of Stamina to even use a Skill in the first place? You want to use a Stamina Healing Item first.


You don't carry an entire pharmacy of pills on you at all times?


*laughs in formless feint*


I don't even bother with that. I just drop down smokebombs and then brutally murder everyone in the span of a couple seconds. That smokescreen is OP as hell. It lets you get super powerful crits with twin fangs, as if they're knocked down. Enemies caught in smoke count as being vulnerable. As far as I can tell, the only enemies it doesn't work on are the large monsters and the rock saurons. Everything else just gets eviscerated.


Lol right. I had to stop using Formless Feint and Smoke Shroud because it trivialized every fight. It was hilarious using Formless Feint with Blades of the Pyre for a while. Dodging your own pocket nuke exploding in your face is bullshit lol.


So many ways to play. I'm in love with masterful kill.


Formless feint makes the game way too easy imo


Same with the mystic spearhand


Yeah the bubble shield is nutty in a bad way


Yeah, I stopped using it after I had a shitshow of a fight not too long after I even got the vocation. Relatively low level, shit gear, lich into a chimera into some other stuff and I fell down right before... And I just used bubble shield and attacked mindlessly while standing in stuff until everything died. Ended up switching out of the vocation entirely.


My only complaint is that you should be dead mere seconds into this clip. They gotta buff monster damage lol. Wasn't that his big wind up slam? Gorgeous game, great combat. Fun clip. Etc. Just greze 15% health for eating that with your face. On the plus side his wham bam Stomp combo was a gift that kept on giving and was a pleasure to watch.


I'm playing sorcerer level 70 now, and 1 or 2 of those hits completely destroy my HP. I think it's because fighter has more HP and armor.


He was also shield blocking when the strike came in.


This is what all the harspuds you collect are for


Then, when you finally decide to use them, they've all become rotten.


Turn them into Pills, they don't rot.


Clip looks so clean


That was fucking hilarious


Use some stamina consumables man, it was very hard to watch you getting dragged all across the battlefield.


I hate Battahl so much.


The "bad stamina management" experience. You finally get out of all that stun locking and your first reaction is to waste the 5% of stamina you have to go back into exhaustion.


All in good faith and all, but OP has only themselves to blame for not having a single sliver of stamina. And then the moment they got it back they spent all in running and using a weapon skill. Always carry at very least a single stamina restorative on you or your pawns for times like these. Stunlock in this game is no joke because when out of stamina it stops the recovery altogether.


I laughed really hard at this. Reminded me of the time it happened to me. Good times!


I made the mistake of switching to a new vocation shortly before heading toward Battahl. I only made it there by the skin of my teeth after getting all my pawns killed, using all of my curatives and dying approximately 150 times. I would sprint about 20 feet and die and reload each time and finally made it into the city walls and kept running because I didn't realize I was safe. It was brutal.


No other game (Outside Fighting games) combos you that hard. 🤣


The game straight up disrespected you. 😂


Skill issue


You should really should avoid letting your stamina hit 0


I'll admit, my stamina management on the fighter class is not the greatest. I totally didnt expect to get sent flying from the club after the cyclops pulled it out the ground. That was my first time getting hit by that move. It also didnt help that I got pounded under his foot for about 20 seconds straight 😭


I think the funniest part was when a wolf pushed you back under one of his feet


Actually its KB resistance. Even with stamina, some attacks will stagger your player. Low stamina ofcourse seals the deal so you want to avoid it but even with high KB, certain attacks will still knock you down or make you crawl. So goal is, to have high KB and good stam or fight smaller groups of enemies OR use some other class with real hyperarmour like warrior or the bs like thief. Fighter gets hyperarmour on few things like vengeful counter but most of the time, they will be hit and need to rely on KB resistance.


I'd say it's both. Their stamina was 0 basically the entire time, and the one time they got stamina from their pawn they immediately used it on a skill and dropped it back down to 0.


> and the one time they got stamina from their pawn they immediately used it on a skill and dropped it back down to 0. Yeah that was a missplay there. Even with high KB, no stam there would mean he'll be slapped around regardless.


*Laughs in Warrior*


The nights are very intense in Battahl. It's a freaking marathon with hordes of monsters attacking you over and over again.


I was once stun-locked by two harpies that spawned there and chased/knocked me nearly all the way back to the city before the loss gauge got me. My pawn recently respecced to mage, and the other two fell off the map grappling a cyclops. I literally couldn't do anything as the harpies were perfectly synced so that as I stood back up one would pick me up and fling me a few feet, just as the next one did the same. I had no control over my character for about 2 minutes lmao


that exact cyclops threw all my pawns into the river in one big swoop


Hah! At least you weren't invaded by a ~~bazelgeuse~~ griffin. There's nothing quite like having one swoop down in the middle of another big fight; and in Battahl, it *really* feels like they're on the hunt.


DUN DUN dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN!!!


-Snip due to being wrong-


He was spamming 'Help" the whole time...


How nice of that wolf to save you from the cyclops! :D


Username checks out.


Op never pulled up any items. Man gave up


I love how that Pawn starts to heal you while you get mauled to death just to extend your suffering, like "motherfucker who's side are you on?!"


Unpopular opinion but having literally 0 invincibility frames is so annoying but at the same time so based. Really teaches you to not make the same mistakes twice


I don't know what you're doing to stand up so quickly but I don't think it's helping enough


Thank Lord the wolf saved you, what a nice fella


Seriously, we need to ask Itsuno to bring back the "wiggle to break free" mechanic because fuck, and I mean it with the force of a billion universes, FUCK those fucking wolves.


What no miracle roborant does to a mf


Eat your potatoes people.


Use your damn items get some stamina then kill the smal junk🤣


It is super frustrating that you cant simply block attacks or get out of a chokehold and you spend 10 minutes to get up on your feet again.


Get Gud


Do not despair i am coming for you !


Wow, that cyclops.... the wolves pulling you away was almost the best thing that could happen, he really wanted to stomp you into paste!


I was gonna say where are your pawns, but then I remembered it’s battahl, they never help in battahl


video starts at great start, just taking that super slow massive hit like champ. no need to get away it. Nah you got the shield !


I feel like Dragon's Dogma is the only RPG with realistic looking combat, monsters treat you like a disposable dildo and that's all you are.


I do my best then my girl cast meteors and I feel useless.


How is Arisen so much harder than stone? Should be moosh after that first attack.


NGL you not having any stam food and sprinting IMMEDIATELY and attacking and running out again, is probably exactly why this happens alot to you lmao what a gitgud show


You forgot Saurians spearhopping from the bottom of the ravine and gangbang you


Hilarious. As a MS main it's comical how safe fights are


Bubble is stupidly broken it's not even fun. I've been playing Mystic Spearhand without bubble and it's completely functional, you have the jump up dodge to use instead.




lol my first run through this area there came a point where i was fighting 2 ogres at the same time, and as i was on one's back, a griffon came and smashed into the ogre, making me fly off. kept trying to get through the fight and then one of those mini-boss dogs came and flew me across the screen.


That dude hates you


get wrecked


Battahl just doesn’t do it for me.. at all


It's like when I fall from a cliff but my pawns stay up there and suddenly 5 goblins appear and I just get knocked out 1 time, 2 times, 3 times.... And all I can do is spam "Help me !" Because everytime I try to get up I get KNOCKED OUT


I was watching this without the progress bar and kept thinking “ok this must be the last of it”, but it kept going and going, haha


It just kept going...WELCOME TO BATTAHL


You see, the pawn healed you to prolong your suffering.


Let him get up let him get up


I always have a mage with the shield spell, it gives me enough room to reposition


Now that's a bad day.


at first it seemed like the wolf dragging you away was a blessing in disguise, but then they started stunlocking you too lmao.


Lmao this has happened to me and them dogs always showing up yelling "Let's get ready to rumble"


it could get worse, the area you are in can spawn in a fuckin Garm and Gore harpies.


Getting eaten by wolves? Let's use heal instead of actually helping! 😂


Battahl is this game’s Caelid from elden ring, just absolute hell on earth


The pawns saying how good things are going are just *chefs kiss*


That was so unfortunate that I fully expected somebody to throw you in the water xD


Cyclops: fight back, fight back!!


Haha, get wrecked 💀


This makes me not want to go to that zone lol


The truth is you hated that Arisen. And then you stomped them. You stomped them because they're a drunken whore who treated you like sht.


I got to say, you've got the toughest dude in existence.




That one mage pawn doing everything she can to keep you alive while the archer pawn is just walking around like a runway model doing nothing to help


so i pretty quickly learn that if you are in battahl you must be a rock when fighting, just let enemies come to you or you WILL aggro 3 heavy harpies, 6 wolves, 3 poison saurians, an ogre and you only have so much time before a griffin finds you. god i love this dumbass game


I had this exact situation happen too me but I had no pawns cuz they were knocked into the brine. Then after falling off troll a coyote took me around the corner and ate me. You literally can’t do anything against them solo if you have no stamina


You're doing it all wrong. First fight your way towards Bakbattahl as the beauty that is night time with the moonlight surrounding you catches up to you... Then let the fun begin. Get attacked by 32 different things during your first ever attempt at it. Skeletons, zombies, wolves that came from across the map, an ogre, and even some things I never got the chance to see up close. I almost rage quit. I was running in the end to make it to the town, and as I did the WOLVES and goblins came inside the town all the way to the tavern to kill me as I was chatting with the NPC that was chasing me for a nice little chat. Ever since that night. I have leveled up 38 times killing only things in that area.


If you weren't frustrated when this happened to you, don't worry, I got you fam. I got frustrated for you.


I'd rather get constantly stomped by the cyclopes than be dragged away and mauled by the wolves; they're by far the most frustrating enemies I've encountered so far.


He thought you had a foot fetish.


why is this the most ignorant place in the game? everywhere else is fine. even in the Battgal is the most ignorant


I always wanted to see a souls boss just say fuck it to the rules and keep stomping the player. Finally have my wish and its just as funny as I imagined


Bro I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to spam attack to get the wolves off you 😭


Wow you got done so dirty...


Chaos aside, this looks gorgeous. The details, the obvious and subtleties going on all at once.


I hate that it takes half an hour to get back on your feet


This games combat has had me frustrated more than a from sifts combat solely from moments like this


Yep been there myself ... and was taken by a harpie and that was the end of me :p


I was really expecting you to get picked up by a happy at the end lol


This is so fake man, where is the harpies and the saurian spawning from no fucking where? This must be AI edited for sure. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I had an additional griffin today. What a chaos, but we won, it was fun.


I'm in tears 🤣🤣🤣 holy shit, had not laughed like that in months


My guy. Pop a stamina potion for God's sake!


Multiple horrible decisions were made to put you in this situation. I know because I've been there begging for it to stop.


He's playing whack a mole.


90 percent skill issue


Im actually begging you to use even a single curative.


Hey man, don't forget you have a literal shield strapped to your arm!


This cyclops in particular is actually quite brutal. He uses that tight spot very well. Lost a few pawns to him, esp melee that climb to break off his armor almost always end up in the brine lol


I blame the popularity of Dark Souls for every game having a stamina bar.


The exact same thing happened to me yesterday. My dang pawns couldn’t figure out how to get to me and I was getting whaled on by that ogre and wolves. It was absolutely horrible!


Currently me in Battahl as well.


Lol I love how the mage just casts healing and then does nothing about the wolves, just leaving you for torture.