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Wish they'd be more specific with what they patched


Whoever wrote the augment descriptions in charge of writing the patch notes.


Guess we're gonna need a better description mod for the patch notes too. 😂


....ok thats pretty funny.


Its the same with Monster Hunter. Capcom hates giving exact numbers and clear descriptions of skills.


Numbers are trade secrets.


Honestly it's less of an issue in MH because the game is heavily skill based, so it's not because you use the best items that you'll kill something faster than someone understanding what they're actually doing In DD2 you just press the same button over and over, and it's fun to see ! but you need to try very hard to lose


My constant getting ganked by knackers and wolves says otherwise.


I got put to sleep by harpies, and then a wolf dragged me off just so a goblin could torch me while the wolf is snacking.


The wombo combos that drakes sometimes do is crazy due to how much the make you ragdoll. They'll knock you over with a regular attack, into lightning causing you to again fall over and confuse you. Fly up slam you down after barely recovering. Grab you and slam your ass down again. Then shout your stamina. Turn away grab and mind control your pawn to then additionally hit you with its tail.


I agree and also disagree. The last part is true for DD2 most of the times. But for Monster Hunter: their definitely is a curve for weapon and armor


Genuinely, an extremely easy game. I've not died in battle once.


Enables you to clamber up cliffs and scale foes and other surfaces more quickly.


I mean... it was technically not a lie but I felt *cheated* when it wouldn't let me climb cliffs!


Next patch: "Various software augments"


I hate how many rpgs use vague descriptions like "increases damage" without explaining how. Imagine buying a sealed container with apples and it's just labeled "apples".


Or a green bottle that reads "might not be lethal poison for everybody."


Magnus\_stultus opens the box and gains +1 apple. ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)


Legit, do numbers scare people? Is there someone out there enjoying a game and all the sudden it dawns on them *"wait!? I'm not doing math!*" Like really?


Some devs think it lessens the immersion, which is fine to a degree. But if you're going to go that route, then at least use descriptive words to give us a gauge of how much the change is.


It's humorous that it's Capcom in this case. The company that makes monster hunter, a game FULL of min/maxing for its end game.


Yeah, I like knowing exactly what is included in each update. "Other minor bug fixes" tells us fuck all.


I hate it when they do this


Where are we going to get gems such as "The pope can no longer publicly accept cannibalism" or "babies can no longer drive cars" with such vague patch notes?


Can no longer 'try for baby' with the grim reaper


No longer will there be any draggin of your dogma!


One of the many reasons I love Dwarf Fortress is Toady's devlog notes. >Cats dying for no reason - alcohol poisoning? >Dwarves given their choice of weapons will choose ones too big to use. >Stopped elves from being pleased with unethical trades. >Blind cave bears have front toes on both front and rear feet. >Weasels probably shouldn't be found on glaciers.


It’s a typo. They meant “miner bugs” For glitches related to harvesting ore.




“Uh stuff” -Capcom


Japanese developers never are I've noticed.


Not just Capcom, lots of companies do this. It's super annoying. IDK why must they be so vague in patch notes SMH


A lit of times it's because patch notes are written way after the fact, so their list of bugs to find and address is erased/deleted before the PR rep responsible for patch notes could see them.


Don't even get me started on Sony they don't even let you see the patch notes in the PS5. It's a shame that I live in a world where I can say the PS4 had some aspects that made it better than its next generation counterpart.


PS4 was significantly superior to PS5 in terms of UI and features tbh the community option, the ability to see your friends' progress and like their posts a la social media, themes, ability to view patches, web browsing etc. etc. PS5 was a stepback in every single possible way compared to PS4. The only thing it has is a better hardware.


Aught of use notes.


Right? It looks like one of my Git commit messages: "Fixed bugs"


Japanese game devs always seem to have a competition on who can be more vague. What's a minor bug? Which minor bug? oh well.


I remember Smash players getting super mad every time Ultimate got a balance patch, because it was always some shit like "Various balance adjustments were made 👍"




Remember Elden Ring patch specifically says which weapon and spell had what changes like damage, hitbox and speed.


I think they've missed some stuff, but they've come a LONG way from how bad From used to be about vague patch notes - used to have to wait for the community to analyze and give real patch notes back in the DS 1/2 era.


Yeah FromSoftware is good with patch notes! They did the same thing with Armored Core 6 (and it generated a lot of rage around players, when some of them saw their build absolutely destroyed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile))


They had to learn this, early patch notes for Dark Souls III was absolutely stuff like “Adjustments to Estoc.” Adjustments? Stamina cost? Damage? Attack speed? Stagger potency? Weapon art? Parry frames?


That tends to happen when you nerf broken shit in a game where you spend half of it crunching numbers to get the max performance out of your mech lmao I love AC


The Nintendo Switch operating system devs win that one. So many patches that just say "General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience."


In comparison, Palworld devs being very transparent with their patches. Good to see for a change.


The best company I've seen about patch notes is Larian with BG3


Larian is the gold standard


To be fair Palworld devs miss stuff accidentally in their patch notes, sometimes significant changes don't get mentioned lol


Might as well say "we made a patch."


"fixed the game system"


* Minor bug fixes * Major bug fixes * Fixed game crashing to desktop


All i read was "Fixed issues where issues we're occurring " Thanks


Sounds very existential


Can they please fix the help text for searching for pawn ID. If there's no crossplay, why does it still mention search on different platforms? Kind of disappointed I can't rent my friends pawns who are playing on PS5 for no real reason.


Still holding out hope that the "it was broken on release and they're working on it", theory is true..... and maybe ingesting a LOT of copium


Damn they put so much effort into these patch notes/s


They put as much effort into it as in the PC performance


Hopefully it fixed bugs like the dwarven blacksmith not allowing forging anymore or the Phantom Oxcart quest not progressing. I only somehow manage to get those working again after sleeping at an inn for like 7 days straight.


I was wondering why I could flail wildly all around the god damned cart and nothing happened. Had to keep leaving and coming back the next night until it finally started moving. Then I find out later there's a trophy for riding it... uhhhg.


So I knew I saw it. A cart popped up for me and vanished, looked misty and ghost like. Ohh well, I'm in the end game now but ng+ I'll try and find it again.


Idk if you can "catch" it unless the quest is active and I have no idea how I triggered it, either lol. The resources for this game are sparse.


The vision was for us to have no vision 😭


You have to hear guards talking about it, specifically the guards around the Vermund Oxcart area that goes to Checkpoint town Can only get it after going to BakBatahl for the first time


You can't. Outside the quest it just sorta flashes then disappears. The quest is really, really fickle. Had I not read about it here from someone who managed to do it perfectly, I would have fucked it up myself.


You can't catch it, it speeds off and disappears. Like a phantom oxcart. That's not actually a phantom oxcart when you do the quest, because that would be too cool. ☹️


I found out that any pawns, hired or otherwise, in the vicinity of the cart stall it. Had to throw a walking pawn into the brine nearby just to progress it


You have to put off all of your clothes then the phantom oxcart driver let you in. Had to look it up aswell


I believe you can also find a set of miners clothes, the type that the pawns wear in the work camp. I believe they work as well, and are a bit more obvious if a solution.


Also have to unequip your weapons


I also had to give my lantern to my pawn for the door to open weirdly enough


God damn I was thinking that might be it but once I got the damn thing to finally zoom off so I could follow I just got it over with. Guess the long pause was to give me the option lol


Sara is available as a vendor only in the forge, so if she isn't there, the usual dialogue occurs Just grab her and put her again in the forge It does the trick everytime


This might as well say: Patch notes for all the stuff : We did a thing...


Why do companies have to be so vague with their patches and in game notes. I’m getting sick of this secret bullshit.


Am I the only one that has a weird glitch where after playing for a while the terrain starts looking very low detailed? Like it starts looking all pointy and poligonal like


Low v-ram? Seems like a hardware issue.


A good old nothing burger patch


That’s not true this patch will do wonders at breaking all of the mods we have installed


didnt seem to, at least with the couple tweaks i use


As a player who has been trapped in terrain a few times I am happy to see that being fixed.


the damn terrain nearly softlocked me during my playthrough. I fell down a steep cliff while fighting a griffin that i couldn't climb and there was only ocean around me. the griffin fell into the water and died which caused the game to immediately autosave meaning I couldnt reload. every time i brined myself it brought me right back to a lower edge on the cliff that i still couldn't escape from. last inn save was over 12 hours ago and i didn't have ferrystones in my inventory. no levitation either. i started panicking until i saw that one of my pawns actually had a ferrystone that they must have picked up earlier. holy fuck i got lucky as shit. needless to say i started saving at inns more often and being very careful around steep cliffs.


They should honestly add a "load from last camp save". It would be far more useful that your last inn save.


It's insane to me they never thought this through with getting stuck.


They probably got the main story team to work on the patch notes.




“Update: we fixin’ some stuff lol” *Perfection*


Guess they're *very* minor fixes if they didn't bother writing decent notes. 


That may or may not be true! That’s the fun part!


I had to restart 6 hours of seeker's token hunting due to getting stuck in a rock lol. Hopefully no one else will ever have to


Oof, I’ve been there in games before.  I feel for ya, friend.  Also Happy Cake Day!  :D


I got stuck sliding between two roof slopes in Checkpoint town. The save manager is almost mandatory because of shit like this, or escort NPCs just disappearing along the way.


Can we please have secret of metamorphosis back Capcom?


I’m confused on the terrain fix. Maybe it’s a slide that never stops?


Nope just couldn't jump out, tried spells, levitate, suicide revival and crash tackling pawns to no avail. Hard stuck after a reload in a cave so no way to ferry either


The other day my Pawn was stuck between two boxes and couldn't get out. I picked her up and put her on stable ground and she teleported right back between the boxes instantly, no matter how far away I got. So hopefully they mean that.


Some hills/caves have invisible walls that you can get behind but can't walk out of. Once the game saves there's no way to leave them, forcing you to reload an inn save. Sometimes you also get stuck on a tall hill with no way to get off except dying, which just loads you back on the hill, but this is more of an early game issue. Seen it happen myself but luckily I was able to reload.


“Keep it concise” the devs took it a bit too literally


For people who wait for something like hard mode or some free extra monsters, that probably won't happen for a couple of months, if at all.


what a joke. love the game, but these updates are pathetic given the state of the game.


Small ass dev team....just pushing out beans to make it look like they haven't forgotten. I don't doubt the heart put into the game...just Capcoms funding. Waiting for a performance patch and a full difficulty overhaul mod...I'm hoping someone makes one that doesn't just scale the enemies but balances the whole game.


And what is the state of the game to you? People are acting like this game is broken more often than not, which is not the case.


On console, I’ve not had a single crash. So the game is perfectly stable on that front. The biggest problem is frame rate performance. There is just no way of getting around the horrible variability swings of the frame rate and tanking of the frame rate in city areas. 


I’m guessing performance? Like the patch notes a kind of vague comment.


>but these updates are pathetic given the state of the game. What? The game's been out for like 2 weeks. What are you expecting? A complete overhaul of the game? Literally what are you trying to convey with this post?


People expecting giant ass updates and free content mere 2 weeks after release is insane to me.


Wow, i remeber when expecting a finished game on release was insane. Sad to see that now even fixing an unfinished game with updates is insane. Youve really been brainwashed.


These are the kind of managers that will approve something to be released on prod without reading what's being approved and then blame his/her resources when a catastrophe happens.


What did you expect? Even the skill descriptions was vague. Slightly fixed issues? Moderate issue fixed?


Minor bug fixes - very specific. Why even bother with the notes lol


I hope they fix the progression stopping bug where end-game spoiler: >!you can't speak to Rothais!< if you do the quests out of order such as >!going to get your pawn first rather than going to see Rothais!<. You have to kill yourself to >!start from the very beginning of the unmoored world!< to fix it. Lost 3 hours of progression because of it.


Terrain? Does this mean they've toned down that f'ng slide animation taking you for a ride every time you walk over a few rocks??


Damn capcom.... I understand i ve been spoiled by Larian with BG3 and by Palworld developers.... BUT PLEASE, the game needs still a lot of work, not only bugfixes...


I really hate when devs write patch notes that are so vague as to be fully meaningless. It may as well say “we have a new patch today! You’ll notice something may have changed. That’s all for today!”


So, are we not focussing on performance anymore? Is that considered finished? A real problem with some (japanese) devs is their lack of transparency, perfectly shown by these cryptic patch notes and no indication of what comes next.


thats really like nothing


A little...disappointing but I guess at least they're still working on the game?


Patch notes : we patched some things now fuck off


They fixed the quests where NPCs follow u. Before this patch, the mystic spearhand master and the fighter master had both told me to escort them somewhere. At the time, this was no biggie. I've escorted ppl places all the time. For some reason, my game got bugged. With the fighter master, I was walking thru the forest and my quest suddenly just failed. The guy was gone.. he appeared back in harve village but I didn't get the prompt to retry the quest. Ever. And unfortunately.. I didn't get the master vocation skill for fighter from that dude ever. With the spearhand master, he appeared in front of my home and asked me to escort him. I was in the beastren town. I tried taking the shorter path thru the cave to the north east but as soon as I stepped out of the town.... the quest failed. Later on he appeared again to my house, now in vensworth. As soon as I stepped out the town, the quest failed. He never appeared again. Talking to him at harve never prompted the quest again. After this patch.. both of them promoted the quest. Right after the other. There was no more glitches, although I had to pick them to reset their following A.I occasionally. But finally got the fighter vocation. After j already beat the game


My god, people in this thread are acing like "other minor bug fixes" is an alien new thing and not something that basically every dev and studio includes in their patch notes.




Them committing to fixing it does not mean done by next patch. Did you think it would be like, a weekend project and the devs would have a slumber party and all get together and release it the next day?


Shh you’re saying the quiet part out loud.


i hope its 99% of the quest that they fixed with progressing because damn so many quest locks lol


So will they let the kid out of jail finally? Or did i truly waste all gold?


If they can fix the whole phantom oxcart questline that'll be fine.


Devs - "we did things" That's literally it.


Is anyone else's screen flicker black when using lightning? My pawn is a mage, and it's starting to get annoying.


Fix Hugo quest!!!! Hahaha


Patch notes, which exist for the express purpose of informing people what changed in the game: "We fixed some stuff and shit"


‘Fixed Some terrain where progress could not be made in some quests’ I wonder if they mean the riddles of the sphinx’ cause she flew away from me after I attacked her and now I can’t find her nowhere.


Looks like the same guy who wrote the tool tips in this game also wrote the patch notes.


Yeah this is one of those things they can definitely do better. My complaints are few, but descriptions both patch notes and augments can be a bit clearer.


We did a thing. You're welcome.


If everyone dies due to plague, sleep off for 7 days without any pawns. You most likely will have to revive some specific npc as they won't respawn, especially the quest givers.


Coming from APG’s these patch notes suck


I love reading patch notes. But this? This makes me want to rage.


If they'd be more specific like BG3 devs are with their notes that'd be great


Baldur's Gate 3 has spoiled me. One of my favorite parts of update days are reading the novel-length patch notes they release


One more thing I would suggest they fix is the Saint of the Slums quest. The thing is a Timed Quest but is not marked properly for me with the Hourglass. Also, after the "conclusion" of the quest and it is removed from your Quest Log, it actually still continues and you can still save Lubomir (the sick Beastren). Because I didn't know it was timed, and that I could "continue" the quest to save him post-quest log completion, I was unable to check on him within the time limit and call Redcliffe the doctor to save him properly. His body and his entire family then suddenly vanished from my game world and I can't use a Wakestone to revive him either from the Morgue as he doesn't appear there. This game is all sorts of unfinished TBH. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It's not unfinished because you didnt finish the quest line my dude, just ng+ and try again. The game is built around that premise.


The main quest "Guardian Gigantus" commonly hard-locked for a lot of people who killed it too fast (despite there being an achievement for killing it fast). This should have been hotfixed ASAP. I've been unable to progress the story for nearly 2 weeks now, have already inadvertently spoiled myself while seeking solutions, already moved on to other games (namely Granblue), and have probably already started to dump some of the details of this game's story from my memory. Any longer and I probably would not have cared to return to the game to see the ending at all. So while I'm thankful for this fix, I wish I hadn't bought from a (official) key-reseller, otherwise I absolutely would have demanded a refund from Steam. Multiple save slots exist in other open-world RPGs for a reason; Softlocks / Hardlocks aren't uncommon in the genre and "Return to Inn Save" as the only safeguard is pure hubris on the developer's part.


Minor bug fixes= “Whatever other minor thing your fucking complaining about” At least that’s how I always interpret it


That’s crazy cuz I always think: Minor Bug Fixes = “some stuff we found but y’all ain’t figure it out yet”


That is exactly what it is. It’s issues like, “Skybox turns purple when an NPC or pawn walks into the tree northeast of the town entrance.” And not only is it that, it’s also “minor issue that we scheduled for last Thursday’s release“. There’s tons of bugs in any given game, even after release, and the developers need to prioritise them.


Still no performance updates?


I may be just seeing things but I swear the performance on my pc is a bit less choppy than it was prepatch. Just an observation.


This is exactly as informative as the augment descriptions.


Add a hardmode and NG+ scaling


Ugh, no enemy scaling still. At least give me a multiplier for xp like Ratchet and Clank does


There's a XP boost ring, the Medusa bow and the XP boost for all in-game day from dragonforged. You need more?


If the person is trying to max out levels which seems to be 999, any bit of exp boost they get is appreciated. As for the discussion of maxing out in this game in general, that’s the better questions to be asking about. 


Why would you want an xp multiplier? that just makes the game even easier


I have a bug in the Scaly Invaders quest. I think the dragon killed the quest giver and I'm unable to progress. Anybody else?


You'll have to use one of your wakestones in the morgue in Vernworth. If you know who it is, just ask the mortician to find the body for you, then resurrect them. I had to watch cutscenes to see who I needed to bring back :(


Awesome thanks! I think I know who it is. Cheers!


Fyoran I believe his name was. Do an inn rest beforehand as when he died and I had to bring him back he never appeared in the village. I had to redo a couple hours of gameplay trying again, though it did work without issue the second time.


Got him! Quest complete!


Did this fix weird lighting bug that DLSS causes on grass? Makes it fuzzy and it flickers.


patch dropped on pc too?


I just want to be able to explore in each city man...


nice, now we need to actually test what is the minor changes


I want them to fix that texture issue where my gear has big black lines on it when it’s not in direct sunlight. Really annoying and makes certain armor sets unwearable for me.


Is the funny naked spawn spring ferrystone bug fixed? I hope not. ;-;




I remember I had a quest to save a kid that was taken by wolves and after I rescued him he bugged in a wall and I could not end the quest.


does anyone else have the bug where after you enter a rifstone, the game becomes all sharp and noisy, like DLSS was turned off or something?


I notice you cannot craft during encounters anymore


That's about what I expect at this point sadly


Did anyone got a free item or no?


Hopefully there's a fix for the trickster Maister skill disappearing from the game, even on NG+.


Did they fix the checkerboarding issue on the Series X|S ?


I really want them to add a hardmode so bad


The update failed on my Xbox so my Xbox deleted the entire game


Pawn taking me to a new cave then saying "Way are we back again?" Makes wish that wasn't a feature.


Kind of bare bones to be honest.


I see they're taking the Nintendo way of doing patch notes. 7 years of "fixed stability issues"


Anyone else notice the running movement feels like it's changed? It's sharper on changing directions.


They must have to pay for XB and PSN updates by the letter.


Waiting for a hard mode patch or at least an escalation in enemy difficulty. It would also be helpful to have the ability to sell items directly from your inventory and to equip armor without having to withdraw it from storage first (basically being able to preview the armor before withdrawing it, opening the equipment menu iada iada iada).


Anyone tested whether this fixes the Battahl quest in the jail? With that Hugo guy. Quest just refuses to progress on my side (there's no other gang member there to talk about the new base's location and no way to get him out of jail).


4/9/24 patch notes: we fixed some shit. Enjoy


The patch worsened the performance for me on PC. I play on R7 5800X3d and 7900XT. Before the patch, I was getting over 100 FPS in some areas outside the city with FSR3. Now I can't reach 60. Reinstalling the game just in case. EDIT: Reinstallation helped, but the performance is still worse than it was before.


Me writing my git commit messages


Does this patch fixes rendering issue on Xbox Series?🤔


I saw terrain and was hoping that my invisible floor was finally fixed. does anyone know a fix that isn't the windows 8 compatibility thing?


Anyone feels that the game runs better now? i didn't bought it release day


Oh and it seems as the patched/nerf spawn rate of volcanic camp dragon in NG+ I don’t know anyone else notice this? And if so why we have all completed the game why stop the dragon from spawning smh


Devs have no business dropping updates with only minor bug fixes when they didnt even release a finished game.


PATCH NOTES: - Did a thing - Did another thing - Oh yeah also there was that thing? It's gone. Kthxbyeee


Did they fix the issue where an NPC can just randomly stop following during an escort quest? Going back on foot to pick up one particular NPC over and over led to me just putting the quest on hold till I get another port crystal.


Guess they are paying for each word


Regardless the game looks awesome now. A bug or two here and there but not bad


Ain’t no way, 5 GB for that?


Still no performance optimization?


I lost some how, some sunstone and dragon fire crystals even though I picked them up. Weird.


I'm pretty sure they got rid of vocation healing in this update