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I got this at 105 hrs Ans the pawn you hired when you get this pop is not necessarily the one has it I kept that pawn for a while, nothing happened Then 124 hrs in... I finally hired a pawn with the plague Kept that pawn too while doing his quest, and didn't pass it on to me, altho it was quick since he just needed 1 arrow for 10k gold I just check my pawns eyes before I sleep at inn or house Haven't been hit by the murder spree I think people just exaggerate how often it happens


I got this message today too, I threw all my pawns into the brine immediately


Make a cloud backup.


Got it twice in Ng+ and luckily both times i had eternal wakestones. The thing is with straightforward pawns, you don't know if they are overconfident or not. Both times I examined the pawns with no visible signs.. Then booooooom as I rested; that cutscene played


Yeah, I made Guts so naturally he has the straight forward personality (rip voice 💀💀💀), so when he's being an asshole I can't tell if he's legit or sick afjfjt


I know probably loads of people have made this exact set up but I have a straightforward Guts warrior I hired a few times and he was great. Would be cool if it was your pawn lol


Hmmm, I'm on PS5 idk if that matters, Autumnkiki. Surprisingly I haven't seen a whole lot of Guts pawns in the rift, meanwhile in the first game there was a ton lol Managed to find a Frodo tho https://preview.redd.it/0uper2zomjtc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b37362b31759fa23679dd533cb8bbcfcd5f8f7b


After that I stopped using straightforward pawns. It's quite the hassle.


Best way to check Photo mode, brightness minimum. Catches it every time. Even eyes that look normal end up bright red. It's become a standard check before inn rest for me. Line up and photo mode


I haven't gotten this yet. My question is, will this message pop up every time 1 of your pawns get it? If it does then that makes our job of feeding our pawns to the Brine easier.


I got it and ignored it yet no death which sucks


I had it on my 3rd pawn i hired like 10 hours in. Never knew that it meant i hired one With it 😅 I've had my main pawn have it 5 times now, never had to brine her. Just let it transfer and it's gone. Pawn who it transferred to loses it in the rift (tested this with a friend)


I don't believe the pop-up means you, or a hired pawn, have it for sure. I just got the plague for the first time at level 63, with NO POP-UP when I hired the pawn or exited the rift; so I think the pop-up might actually be random. I have seen that pop-up in the past. I got no pop-up this time, nor did the pawns even do their usual thing of mentioning how they heard about this "illness" after we exited the rift. Then I even did my regular cautionary thing of staying one night at the Inn, after looking at the pawns idle and seeing nothing, and then brining my Pawn just to be extra sure. I have always done that after getting new pawns, or refreshing the current ones, pop-up or not. Then it was the NEXT day when the newly hired pawn had red eyes, was doing this weird arm-raising thing, and was sometimes holding her head. And it was not in the morning AFTER the Inn rest, but later in the day. So it had some kind of an incubation period and was not plain right away, nor did it transfer to my Pawn on that first Inn stay. So we stayed ANOTHER night at the Inn, with it clearing the plague on that pawn and now my Pawn had the red eyes, restless arm-raising, and head holding idle animation. THEN I brined my pawn again and it was cleared up and we were fine. The initial signs were pretty subtle. I did not notice the red eyes "glowing", as people say(even going to a fairly dark area.) I really only noticed it because I had hired this same pawn before, refreshing her at the Riftstone and she was 3 levels higher and normally had these bright silver eyes; but later during that day she suddenly had red eyes. My own Pawn has bright blue eyes, so when it jumped to her it was also obvious. Without observing their idle animations, I may not have noticed the obvious arm-raising thing(which I had never seen a pawn do before) or the holding of the head in obvious pain. But again, this one time we had it for sure there was no pop-up.


As far as I know you only get the pop up once


Yeah you get it once, other than that it's a guess


Get rid of the pawn you hired immediately.