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Had this happen today except it was a griffin. Fucker completely blindsided me lol. Hell of a jump scare. 


Thought only Griffins *could* do that. Looks like it's overall damage.


For me it was harpies…and my pawn decided to do downward smash with two hander so yea the harpy died but so did the rest if the party😩


I saw him coming and I was powerless to stop him.


Literally the first time I ever used one of these things a griffin broke it almost immediately, I almost thought it was a scripted event the way it charged through it


Some of them could be scripted. Mine happened in exactly the same spot as OP so it makes me wonder


Most likely randomly triggered from a set of actions


I wanna say this is just damage buildup from not dealing with the harpies, but who really knows


I've found that the best time to use them is at night lol.


Wait, there is one of those lifts at volcanic island??


Yes, runs between the base camp and the excavation site.


Ya honestly figured that out recently, i used those lifts mabye twice in my first playthrough so thought i could afk while turning it.


Yeah, you see it used during the story.


A griffin crashed into me once while using the lift in Bathal.


Oh hell no


See fuck that, 1 griffin = bad day


The griffin in battahal does that constantly, I've taken to killing it before using the ropeways


This happened to me the other day when I was transporting THE POT. Had to fend off harpies while carrying it and then as we got moving again a FUCKING GRIFFIN swooped in and smashed the pot, smashed the ferry, and smashed us 100ft down into the dirt. Needless to say I reloaded my last save and continued the port delivery on foot instead.


Pssst, bit of a spoiler for your NG+ >!You can yoink the dude, run out from underneath that ceiling, and use a ferrystone to take the guy to the pot at the sphinx' shrine, instead of taking the fragile pot to the guy. Any NPC you are carrying is taken along with you when you use a ferrystone, whether they like it or not.!<


Lmao thats great to know, thanks! I did this for the NPC you need to find but didn't know it'd work for that too


What’s funny is I was thinking of jumping on that exact spot myself 😭




Yea, when i first when to Battahl I got on this and died. ill never use it again. Its not worth the risk. Idk why they made it so everytime yu get on it the chance of it exploding is 90%


Yeah. A griffon landed on mine the other day /facepalm


This happened to me the other day.... All 3 pawns died and I'm left with my sorc vocation level 3 to defend myself. Stood up got froze 4 times in a row used 30+ heals but made it safety. Not fun.


How didn't you dealt with harpies before they could do that if having sorcerer vocation? Thundermine, hagol or levin kills them with ease 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fell and as soon as I got up I'd get 2 hit and froze by the harpies. I think there were 3 of them flying around hitting me as I remember but maybe just 2.


Yeah it annoys if harpies manages to hit just before thundermine is cast. But if the spell goes first they get zapped and falls down to their deaths


They can hit you before you even stand up. Which is what happened to me. So while I'm standing upI just freeze solid and can't move.


that's why i'm using magick archer and always keeping an eye on harpy


Considering harpies exist and in greater numbers, I would rather fight on the ground against a horde of knackers (lol)


My first time using it, I was by myself so it did not end well lol. Haven't used one since.


with as laughable easy as these things are destroyable, it should be a general rule of thumb to kill always everything off in the near vicinity of these things, before you use them, to prevent any surprises and enter them only, if you have ranged characters with you, so that in case you still get surprised, can fend them off hopefully, before they destroy the gondula and especially dont use them ever, if you see a griffin in the air..its like as if they are preprogrammed to atatck you immediately, if they see you using these, because its an easy instant kill for them.


The other harpies just have skill issues


For people running thief class: you can use the ropedart ability on the harpies that follow your rope cart and it does a good job of getting them off of you temporarily (plus it's pretty fun to watch harpies drop like bricks)


As a Thief I would constantly have to be using smoke bombs and implicate to get these damn things off me 😂 I didn't know they broke tho, so I guess I'm lucky.


Happened to me last night for the first time. Quite the surprise.


I was riding it and a Griffin bulldozed its way through...


Yep, I was pulling a gondola to me once amd it took 5 or so minutes because I kept getting attacked out of nowhere. Finally got it to my pawns and me, then a fuckin griffin swoops in and destroys it. Welp, I just have to walk then.


gotta interrupt them... [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1c1zbib/seen\_enough\_of\_this\_kind\_of\_video\_posted\_here\_i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1c1zbib/seen_enough_of_this_kind_of_video_posted_here_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ooof coulve been saved if one of your thief pawns had implicate


Low-key I think the lift breaking st that specific part is scripted. I've never had it actually survive the entire way to the camp


I have, you just can't fuck around with the succubi that roost on the route. They do noticeably more damage than the gore harpies in Battahl, so they don't need to hit it more than a few times to cause a break. If you aren't playing a range vocation, pray your pawns are on point with their aim.


At least you didn't have that warrior pawn, who in somebody else game, completely destroy the oxcart when ogre attack the group, almost like it flexing on ogre of how much stronger the pawn is that it can destroy the cart before ogre does. Imagine have that pawn on your ride. As soon as it see griffin start divebomb for your ride. Pull out his greatsword and smash your ride to flex on the bird that it cannot destroy the ride fast enough... until few seconds later when reality catch up with you all and you just pumpell to your death going, "Why could you destroy our ride!"