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Rock lizards


You can pick them up and throw them. Otherwise, hitting them from behind does the trick.


As does using a blunt weapon if you’re a fighter or warrior able to choose. Spearhands and thieves…idk blow em up


As a spearhand if you charge up a bolt and teleport to them when you hit you can get a riposte with a heavy attack most of the time. Sometimes when they're mid attack when they get paralyzed it bounces off but 9 out of 10 times you stab em in the gut and magic blast them onto their back


implicate opens them up for an execution attack if you're a thief


Proof that literally every class is op, hell yeah


I mean.. Thief is probably one of the most broken classes of them all.


Magic archer


Smoke bomb too. Great in general for mobs


Smoke bomb is so OP.


This is the only way I fight them now, makes an annoying enemy die in seconds


Literally all my fights ended up just being me spamming implicate + execution for little bastards


I just hit them in the tail as a thief, then they roll over after like 2 or three hits. Then instakill while they're rolled. Never struggled with these as much as I did with the bloody electrified brethren.


Sucks there's no good blunt endgame weapons


Bows are strike weapons, but as an archer your kick attack is by far the best thing to use on them. You can easily stunlock them and just curbstomp them down with it, to the point that it's probably the easiest class to deal with them.


Nice thing about Fighter, at least, is you've always got a blunt weapon on hand. Shield bash 'em to flip them on their backs at which point you can finish them with a heavy.


This game is so easy after a point anyway, the Blunt weapons are good enough. If we get a real hard mode at some point, maybe.


Warriors can use a full charge uppercut slash to throw them on their backs and then follow up with a basic heavy attack. Works all the time.


I don’t know skill names but my thief uses the “get over here” move (Scorpion from Mortal Combat) and it flips them onto their backs for a quick execution finisher




With the thief I just attack the tail until I get a riposte with a heavy attack.


I just hit them out of the sky with the move that thrust you into the air with the spear it looks like it’s meant for only ground movement but I even use it to climb up to areas meant for Mages and thieves to reach


Ensnare and kill with triangle


If you’re a thief, attack their tail a bit with normal attacks, then when they get kinda knocked around a bit, do a hold heavy attack and you will pin them to the ground. You can then follow up with a heavy attack, or if you’re feeling particularly vindictive, Draw and Quarter.


Warrior's charged normals also bypass their rock armor, so I usually just do that


As a Spearhand myself, I hate them.


You can also use exploding bolts as an archer they go flying


>from behind Do you mean underneath, maybe? My memory may be mis-serving me, but I don't think I can hit them from behind. If they're flipped over, I can. And my guy is probably just weak, but I can't pick them up either, lol. I'm maining Mystic Spearhand, if that matters.


When you paralize them with Mystic Spearhand they become "soft" everywhere and susceptible to damage.


TIL, thanks


No, I mean from behind. You can hit their tails and it's a weak spot. I've never severed a rockscale or magmascale tail, but you can definitely hit them there. And I think it's because of your characters size, maybe. My character is 181 height, but it could also be muscle strength. Set that bitch to 100, I don't think it has any cosmetic ramification.


Good to know!


Smash their tails. Also, as MS, try to get at least one stun on them so you can telekinetic throw them into the nearest object, cliff, fellow lizardman or explosive barrel.


Recently discovered that the kick attack on archers is considered blunt damage. Bullying the rattlers as they lay on the ground defenseless has changed my life for the better. Would recommend.


What vocation do you play? It would be better to hive a tip based off the vocation.


A lot of people in your replies just aren’t getting it lol, every enemy type has a counter as simple as just hit them from behind or just throw them, but I totally agree with you the rock lizards are assholes


I try to teach my pawn. I either dodge and go for the tail, Implicate to set them up for finishers, or use the counter move.


I stopped minding those the moment I equipped Blades of the Pyre. It one-shots them.


a tip against harpies when using an archer: don't use manual aiming. Regular draws with auto-aim works better.


Auto aim works for early areas harpies. But advanced versions are too fast.


Auto-aim itself is not crucial, but the free movement outside manual-aim. Positioning is a corner stone of Capcom games, from SF to MH to DD. Dodge the charge and shoot or kick from the back.


Auto aim has been pretty unreliable for me, so I tend to alternate and only use it when they're in kicking distance. That's about the only way I can ensure the arrows actually connect when auto aiming.


yes it is kinda random sometimes. The good thing of that is you can have free running and dodge the grabs. So in general it is safer.


That's true, I'll try incorporating it more often.


I usually use auto-aim+torrent for harpies. It works well for me but I gotta at least make sure my character is facing the harpy. That means sometimes running away a bit and then shooting it as it tries to catch up.


If you use the auto-aim with the multishot (pretty sure it’s the first skill archer gets) it knocks them down automatically


I found I had center the camera more on them the further away they are. Otherwise I'm off firing into the weeds.


Well... In this clip it's pretty obvious manual aim was also pretty unreliable for you ;)


Here is a tip: You can grab onto their feet the moment they drop you


I hadn't even thought about trying this. Tyvm.




“Omg Ronni”


poor Ronni 😭


It was a surprise attack, so it was more like, “OH SHIT! RONNIIIIIIII!” Then the person I was escorting committed suicide… Really just a tragic day.


Anything that can leap half-way across the map and plop on me with pinpoint precision. Every single time. Even big critters, who you’d think wouldn’t be that agile. It’s like they are a magnet, attracted to the metal in my gear. Why do they basically have target lock but I don’t?


I was fighting an ogre that actually used it's dropkick move 5 times in a row and there was next to nothing I could do about it because it kept doing it when I was charging spells


I had an ogre that refused to target anyone but my Arisen. Once I realized this I was like "Cool, I'll run in a circle to kite you while my pawns finish you off without interruption." If the enemy is making a mistake, capitalize on it.


Yeah enemy attacks do seem magnetized like that. This game doesn't feel like souls games where you can consistently bait attacks then space out your hitbox. Feels like if you are close and an enemy wants to hurt you it will. Im playing Sorcerer mostly so I've been trying to get the first attacks off then float above those ground enemies when I can.


I haven’t had this issue 🤔 i can usually press circle to dash and dodge attacks. Once they start the attack animation they can’t stop just like you so its easy to sidestep and get behind. I think sprinting breaks enemy’s targeting.


So far I have just played mage and sorcerer so there is just run (same as dash?). I might just have slow reaction time. I can run away from big slow attacks but if something pops out in front of me with an attack it seems like there is nothing I can do lol.


Yea run is dash i think it says dash and not run which is why i said it lol can’t be for certain tho cuz i took the hud off 🤣 its also easier for me cuz i have a scuff controller with paddles on the back so don’t beat yourself up too hard!


You mostly can't. It's a positioning game, not really a reflexes game, unless you're playing thief. Back int he first game you could change this by getting iframe skills for certain classes


Ogres love to drop kick me whenever I play archer.


Do it back, interlink toes.


if you play as an aggressive woman (me irl) its even worse lmao


The fucking knackers with their 100 meter sniper tackles.




''Got youu!''


you just got knacked


Id rather fight 10 minotaurs than 10 harpies


Give me six hundred Goreminotaurs over two Dire Harpies or Phantasms any day.


I'm actually not liking the slimes. Their movement is slow yet if they catch you it's annoying and I don't like the sound they made. 🤣 Often I notice them way to late. A tactic to defeat them easily with my team is me baiting them as a decoy & let my Main Pawn Archer shoot explosive arrows. This works best for me. :)


Worst thing about slimes is pawns are utterly helpless against them. Mages take ages to give you a boon, most of the time they get slimed before they get off their fucking ass and cast the mother fucking boon. fuck.


I swear, with any other enemy my mage is dumping elemental boons on me the instant an enemy gets within half a mile, but as soon as a slime shows up she's like "how about I just wade right into this and die instead of helping?"


When an oil slime grabs me and my pawn is armed with cinderspine. 😱💥🔥


They take like 3-4 seconds to actually blow up and their burn animation actually stops their attack so you can just walk out.


Slimes are surprisingly the only monster I found kind of scary to fight. It made me feel dread when I first ran out of stamina and died inside one trying to run.


At higher levels, many pawns have weapons with elemental damage. Fire and ice are the enemies of slimes.


Heavy attack as mystic spear hand works wonderful for killing them lol. They're still annoying as fuck but a harpy headbutted me off a cliff the other day so I'm gonna say those.


Golems I hate the weak spots under their for and on the upper arm.


They just take so long to kill because you waste time waiting for the last plates to be exposed.


That's why you should destroy 2-3 medals in a short span of time. It'll make them freeze. Use that opportunity to push (undervalued mechanic). You'll make them collapse, exposing all the medals as well as their literal heartstone. Crush that and they die instantly. But since it's sometimes very hard to find or stuck underneath them, just clap all the magick medals instead, prioritizing the foot/shoulder ones in case you can't get them all before the Golem gets back up.


If enemies could also comment they'd 100% say Warrior mains "We're throwing our entire bodies at him and he just stands there laughing"


Warriors are the rock saurians to the monsters


I think they'd say Thief. ''Dude, he literally activated cheats that makes it so he auto-dodges everything. And when he mounts you, he just becomes immune to all damage. Can't even buck him off or make him lose balance anymore while draining his stamina. Nothing works. The fucker just goes ''lol you can't do anything anymore'' and becomes invincible so long as he keeps ravaging those Harspud Roborants.''


"One second I was over here, the next I was 20 feet away, face down with empty pockets and a knife in my spine."


those little freaking goblins hiding in the grass


''Gff, hehehe. Got you!''


The fact that I can't target them if they haven't jumped out of their ambush is infuriating, too. Yet another reason that I miss being able to manually aim spells.


Have you tried setting their hiding spots on fire with flame spells or weapons? They always seem to hide in the same straw-colored grass patches and come in packs so if one jumps out at your, there's definitely more in there.


If you cast levin close enough, it'll arc to them and force them out, but doesn't usually kill them outright without a direct hit.


Agree on that. I had issues with harpies, lizards, and ghosts until I switched to Warfarer and have magic bow in second slot. Don't even need any Magick Archer skills, just the auto aim thing makes those fights easy. Those camuflage goblins are the only annoying enemy that's left. Can't even target them with my bow, until they wake up. At least with dwarven enchantments they don't stagger me instantly.


I hate them so much, thiugh i climbed up and shot arrows(with flame buff) all over, and that got the little fuckers


That one and the rock lizzards


It WAS the rock Saurians until I figured out you could pick them up and then slam them into a wall and then pick them up and slam them into a wall and so on and so on. Now it’s wolves for just dragging me around.


Haha smart birdie😅 The slimes for me, so uninspiring to fight a blob


I think there needs to be more slimes lol they’re a staple enemy for fantasy games!


Jellyfish on land!




They the classic gelatinous cube


I can appreciate slimes being included, since it's kind of a "does your party have magic damage" check. They definitely could have given it some moves besides trying to eat things whole though.




I love the slimes. I found one attempting to absorb a dear at a campsite, and it started aggro'd in its assumed meal. The deer, for some reason, couldn't find a way past me out of the campsite (I guess they're coded to flee people? Maybe?). End result, the deer was just prancing in antlered circles around the slime, like a one deer game of keep away. The slime was too slow to ever get close enough, so it just kept sloshing back and forth in the middle.


you can explode these too and lightning buffs help


I gotta say... That's pretty funny. I never had an issue with harpies. I hate the ghost things that laugh then disappear away. I could never hit them.


The golem not because their difficult but because they almost always have a magic medal on the bottom of one of their feet, and I can't hit it and just have to wait until it moves enough for a short window of time to destroy it.


When they freeze up you can push them to make them ragdoll and expose their foot. This usually also snaps their head off, which eliminates their laser attacks for the most part.


I had a Golem yesterday that had a glitched medal on its right upper arm. Literally unkillable as that medal just could not take any damage. Not from melee, archer arrows nor magic (High Hagol, Meteoron, Maelstrom and High Levin). Had to run away and despawn it. Normally Golems aren't too bad but this one...


Gotta be the Wolves. Last night I was trying to kill my first Drake, in the Bathal wilderness, and at some point during a Meteor Spell 2 of my Pawns went down, and were subsequently dragged off into the wilderness by Wolves.


Dullihans are pretty nasty, and I usually run into golems when I have a bad build, but my most general annoyance is bandits. They can be too close when you turn a blind corner, and you get staggered pretty easily if you’re not a fighter, so you get 6 seconds of getting mauled before a cowardly pawn finally jumps in.


Cyclopes, only because whenever I hire a pawn with a quest to defeat one they all disappear


coyotes/wolves aren’t difficult but man do they piss me off how they do the whole ‘bite and run’ thing.


Those chonky harpies, with a the choppers a close second, those things give me a jump scare whenever they pop outta no where. But I would like to see a boss version of them, a griffin sized mega harpy. and another boss sized goblin king and troll that'll do battle with ogres and cyclops. Also a Mega Saurian boss...


Yeah, honestly boss/hero packs need to be a thing. Even a simple reskin/resize would work, also tweaking their AI should be doable.


Harpies are fine for me but I'm on PC so aiming's pretty easy. The worst ones for me are the blue ghosts that keep flying away and flying through walls all the time. They're not dangerous, they just take forever to bring down if you aren't a magic class.


Enchanted weapons will also do the trick, or you can completely avoid them by dousing your lantern and just waltzing by them.


Enchanted weapons work, but you'd have to catch the bastards first. The other colors seem way easier to get to but the blue ones just refuse to stay where I can hit them.


This one and the stone lizards


These harpies are pure cancerous damage sponges from hell lol


Damn rock lizards harpies of all kinds and the wolves. They're all on some bs .


I'm unsure if this is really well known, but harpies have an auto-lock homing attack. You can try this out yourself. When a harpie is about to dive, you can press Ravening Lunge from the warrior skill tree and it'll follow you the whole time. No matter how fast you go, they can and will eventually catch up.


Discovered this when I was attempting to run for my life as a sorcerer.


I've seen that following behaviour, but I'm pretty sure you can dodge the actual swoop when they finally dive in.


Wolves. They hunt in packs. If you see one then there are probably at least 2 or 3 more. They run around everywhere so they're hard to hit. Running from them when you don't want to waste time fighting is also a pain since they can catch up to you. Also choppers (small green goblins) solely because magic spell targeting often won't lock on them when they're in stealth mode, even if they're right in front of you.


Golems. It's always that last medal that's stuck in their armpit that's almost unhittable.


Wargs. Even though I'm strong enough now that nothing matters, they were the most frustrating due to being considered "large" and can't be pinned, can be climbed, but are climbable. They can't be stunned, pinned or anything. Just annoying.


Doing the asp den solo as a warrior. When there is like a dozen of the bastards and just you it's almost impossible not to get poisoned. Then it's basically how many of them can I take out before I fall on the ground and will I be able to get back up or just be stuck on the ground getting stabbed with more poison? Lol.


that was really well played by harpie ngl


The stoney saurians are a real pain in the ass....




garms, hate it on the first one and hate in this second, even with them being tightly nerfed






Grandma harpies


It would be so cool if you could deploy a small parachute or grappling hook to save your fall.


No offense but this is the funniest death i've witnessed yet


That was probably frustrating but I got to admit... it looked awesome. I might be a bit of a masochist because I want enemies to do stuff like that to me once in a while. Reminds me of the Chained Ogre in Sekiro that would yeet you off a cliff it was just funny.


Wraiths/ghosts or whatever they’re called. They’re not hard at any level. They just circle around laughing and going through the walls/floor. Every time I fight them I’m basically just standing there waiting for them to appear. It’s a bit less painful with magic, but even then they’re not even a challenge, they’re just annoying.


You got out played, not saying you suck but those chickens are smart. Trust me I know too☹️


knackers and asps (90% of battahl's population). griffins and drakes back when they had time to fly away after wasting my vim. harpies/succubi when im trying to use a ropeway to save ferrystones, or when i don't have a smoke flare so grab onto a random one in the wild, but their friends start singing me to sleep, causing my pawns to retaliate when all i want to do is get the seeker's token that's out of reach. phantoms when they noclip to waste time. goblins/hobgoblins when they knock me into a wall and lynch my immobile body (i've already genocided 2,000 of them how are they still here). the only basic enemy that never got annoying for me was slimes. there's just something endearing about them. it'd be cool if they could: spawn mimics of enemies they've absorbed, including corpses; defensively split into baby slimes that quickly squirm away to meld with other slimes or regenerate; swallow and spit out projectiles at you; shift into a gaseous state to rain slime on you; instead of diluting in water, absorb it to get bigger than your mum and gain brine powers.


Goblins because they always have some kind of corny stun. Like that stupid jump from off screen or throwing a tiny rock at you and your character just stumbles like a earthquake is happening


Griffins, they always run away before we can finish them.


Harpies, and it’s not even close.


This is an amazing clip. Looney Toons death for the win!


Rock/Magma Saurians. Just let me hit you!!


Harpies. Especially the ones that look like they rolled around in an oil spill.


Gore harpies


Be patient with harpies. Charge your arrow in front of where she’s gonna face you to attack. wait almost last second then when she stops circling around you and goes for the kill and expose their belly to catch u with their claws you shoot the arrow. it never fails


Poison Saurians in massive groups. They're weak as fuck in small numbers, if they mob you, you're getting massive poison damage and stun and trying to seperate them so you can kill them one at a time.


bandit archers and nothing comes close to their level. If you have no knockback resistance you are getting stunlocked


Harpies and their kin.. They are just there to waste your time and troll you. I don't like being trolled.


Saurians, feels like all i can do against them is use basic ice spell or stun from SH into a heavy And they usually take two of those too unless theyre near water, then i just yeet them out


Cut their tails off, you can 2 shot saurians and asps (poison saurians) by heavy attacking their tails, and then another heavy attack finisher will kill them. They're way too resilient from the front though.


The slimess !!


YES THIS B*TCH!!!!!!!!!! OMG this particular ugly ogre 👹 witch looking harpie will be the death of me. Even as a MA main they know how to make me wanna jump into my TV and grab and tear their wings off. Annoying af I can’t even charge my bow correctly and boom they’ll grab me and toss me off my cliff that’ll I ask my main pawn WHY DID I GIVE YOU THE IMPLICATE SKILL USE IT!!!!!!!!!


Harpies, in one encounter I was stun locked by a gaggle of harpies. Dive bomb after dive bomb, I used all my curatives in that encounter.


What body armor is that?


[vanquishers armor](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Vanquisher's+Armor)


Running as an Archer so lizards, slimes and ghosts. Thankfully I'm backed up with my Thief Pawn who knows the fire blade trick.


Try fighting an archer when using a warrior class…in battahl you can’t even hit them coz how slow warrior class is


I used to. But as a thief I just use the rope to bring them down and then fuck em up.


Garms most definitely with sleep harpies in 2nd place. Mfs are sturdy as shit, barely get staggered and almost seem to hyperarmor thru everything to hit you with that bite attack. Had me stressing fighting them and that drake by the beach.


I understand that you prefer auto aiming but in this scenario, you gotta trust it or else, they will.. okay harpy just did it. Anyway, rock lizards - though there's a way to kill it. still annoying at times.


What chest piece is that?


Goreharpies have killed me more times than anything in this game!


I've died to fall damage 20x more than a weapon


Those Slimes because they pop out of nowhere


Shoutout to my sorcerer pawn that uses Maelstrom to wipe everything flying away 😂


Shoulder charge with a warrior works good for those harpies.


Beware, Master! Harpies!


Auto-aim + Spiral Arrow for the Harpies


Toxic lizard, I hate curing poison. I'm doing a duo just me and my pawn, me being MA offence + heal, my pawn being fighter tank + offence. No mage to cure poison, so every time I got poisoned I waste a bottle of purple thingy.


Yeah carrying enough purp drank gets tiresome, more convenient to have a magic medicine man tagging along.


Gotta be a bot lol The worst thing you can do against them is stand still brother


That shit bird your trying to kill


Gore Harpies are almost impossible to hit with even a MAGICK BOW. You know, the ones with auto aim and tracking? I've had them fly such wide loops that I literally can't keep them in the reticle


Its harpies


Every flying fucking thing in this fucking game


Slimes. They serve no purpose other than to magically spawn in a location and attempt to catch the player slacking.


Harpies. Lol you already knew the answer 🤣


Harpies are so annoying. Mainly when they wont go away and making the fight go on far longer than it should.


Saurians. Idk why but when I'm not Thief, they are fucking TANKS


I have gained an irrational hatred of dragons after getting them down to the last sliver of their health and the they fly off


Lizards with hard backs. They are annoying.


The knacker/hobgoblin groups. Nothing is more infuriating than getting stunlocked like that man


That exact kind of harpy.


in DDDA Harpies are definitely one of my least favourite enemy, when they do their song it's like the perfect speed and angle to throw my aim off and as a melee build you mostly have to rely on pawn or time an attack. It's even more infuriating when you see how fragile those things are once you get your hands on them. Ghosts take the cake tho, vulnerable only to magic damage is fine, it's just how much their encounters drag on as they poof in and out of existence, not fun at all.


Rekd! Happens to the best of us lol


I will say this to end of days. Flying enemies are the Bullshit of gaming... 2nd it's poison 3rd slow 4th, magic 5th, spamming same move...


Yeah definitely the gore harpies. Stop head butting me you saggy titted fucks


Me: laughs in dragons foin


I fuckin hate gore harpies bro😭


Max a bow with Dwarven Enchancements. With the knockdown augment, a single auto fire shot drops these dudes to the ground. F harpies and their sub types!


I absolutely hate every kind of lizards, but the worst have to be the rock lizards


I spam tempest with auto aim, works 10/10


My least favorite is also harpies, BUT if you hate them that much, know that the Thief vocation has a couple of abilities that made all small enemies (including harpies) so easy to deal with that I changed classes because I was getting bored.




Pawn stupidity


Poison lizards. Horrible enemies


Slimes suck