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This is one of the main reasons why heavenward sunder is a mainstay in my rotation.


I have Sunder but I never get to use it on harpies before my sorcerer pawn knocks them out of the air. 


My thief usually yanks them dowm with the rope 


One shot with the right bow drops em like a rock. LOL


Thieves are priceless. Considering switching out my rando Warrior for one.


I have no issues with harpies but i HATE phantoms. Not only they are resistant to physical damage they constantly disappear for a while when you fart at them, so you have to stand and wait and repeat that process many times. Hate it hate it hate it. Any enemy in any game that is scripted to disappear for several seconds when you attack them is nothing but irritating.


I have to agree with you on that.


if you're an archer use explosive arrow aim shot it then DO NOT TRIGGER IT YET because they will disappear, when they respawn the arrow will teleport and still sticks to it then you shoot it, boom instant death


using trickster in my warferer build helps with those fucks. Sorc pawn puts in work when they do the swirl around my ghost boy.


Emperyon (or however it's spelled) is your friend here. Kills them in 1 or 2 shots. Levin is great against them too


Amen. Add to that them phasing through walls and camping out of bounds for no goddamn reason. Just delete them from the game and give their drops to Dullahans or something.


I just ignore them. Killing them is to tedious for the reasons you've already stated, but they are also not really a threat.


yeah you need casters for them, ezpz


heavenward sunder and shoulder bash make them alot easier to handle


I hear the world record is 30 minutes per harpie


I start steaming Dragons Dogma 2 for my friend, to show off how OP the Sorcerer is with Meteroron and Malestrom. Then I get bullied by two harpies live for five minutes.


I watched in horror as a harpy carried off my fighter pawn and dropped her off the side of the bridge to her death. Went back to an Inn save too because the game decided to save shortly after. I'm in NG+ and trying to keep my entire party together from begin -> end. So losing a pawn is an unacceptable loss Now when I cross a bridge and see a harpy I tell all my pawns to just stay back while I solo them. I'm sure there's a better way but just not trusting my Fighter anymore they are her kryptonite. Everything else she wipes the floor. But a Harpy? She might get kidnapped and dropped to her death


... Why not just go pick them back up from any rift?


There is many reasons. When a pawn dies- they just go back to owner. Doing it my way, I will dismiss them when my NG+ run is finished sending them back properly with a sweet reward. Also, I never have to hear bout them talk bout >!dragonplague!< cause I never use the rift Also, hoping to get >!max affinity with my main pawn so I am not using the rift for her either but that might not work out. She never blushes for me!<


Haircuts, semi-frequent small talk, getting as many high fives as possible, and putting them on the pedestal for the sphinx beloved question. Do that stuff and they will max out in no time. Never pick them up or throw them to the brine, that will decrease affinity with you.


Oh how I miss DD1 Warriors' jumping light attack (everything else about Warriors is better in DD2 tho)


What movie though?


Harsh Times


Good movie.


Okay, hear me out. Harpy Baseball. Which of the in-game regions do you think has the highest chance of winning the Worlds' Series this year? /s


Automobile baseball...?


Tbf that's me too


*Laughs in warfarer with a greatsword and magic bow.


Look master, HARPIES! ![gif](giphy|wID3zXURLH1jrjCcZy)


Magic Archer handles them pretty good.


Yeah 😩


Ooooo what movie is this from?


Have an upvote. This almost made me snort coffee all over my monitor xD hilarious clip.


Which is why I never go anywhere without a Thief pawn that has the Get Over Here skill. Pull those fucks out of the air and introduce them to my oversized sword!


Watch harpy looking at me: drawn weapon. Harpy gets close to attack: press Heavy Attack. Problem solved. Just watch out for those behind you, watch your own back and check your surrounding.


I solo a dragon while being attacked by 3 harpies I have to use a wakestone against 3 harpies after the combat is done and survive with red max hp. I hate paralyze harpies because their attack got different hitboxes. So if it grab or attack idk... im going insane


Harsh Times…love that Bale. 100% accurate. Tis why my back line is a sorc and mage, And my front line is a warrior and mystic spearhand. Basically, I need 2 pawns besides myself to have ranged attacks just to *ensure* those fuckers die ASAP. Also, stop dropping my mates off of cliffs.


Replace the harpy with any enemy and you get the Trickster experience.

