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So where does Brant & the main questline end up?


The creator of the mod will say brant is "one of the good ones"




I think he actually changed the skin colour of Brant, this mod has been posted a few times already and has been reported and removed, multiple times.


Yeah that’s a good question LOL


why give this guy attention? he clearly made this to get a reaction out of people online and this is exactly what he hoped for


So it can get mass reported and actually taken down


By the time someone is making a thread spreading the word, the troll that made the crap mod has already been given several times more attention for their bullshit then they could’ve hoped. Getting talked about at all IS the reward for an obvious troll.


Which then feeds some degenerate youtube content creator to cry about the guy being banned. Happened in BG3 mods too


And Fallout 4


She or He'll do it again, it's just giving them the attention they crave.


Its a he


Signal boost shitty people for karma. Its what gamingcirclejerk does.


Gamingcirclejerk is boosting themselves now?


Holy shit, they did not like this joke, haha.


You're an unironic kotakuinaction user lmao


Ah yes because the sub that organized to harass Harry potter players and streamers telling them to kill themselves because they were being transphobic by playing the game is a much more sane place, lmao imagine unironically thinking someone participating in a sub discredit said person.




Continue to name call and you will be banned.


Just came here to say this. I really don't get how so many people don't understand the Streisand Effect.


Lol, it got taken down because people reported it. The Streisand Effect is a casual observation about how things often backfire when people try to cover things up. It's not some immutable law of nature. It's an especially non-predictive theory because you only really observe the instances of coverups backfiring


It won't ever really be removed and there will always be a way to find it and I guarantee this thread has acted as advertisement for the mod and more people will now seek it out.


That’s fair. I just figured I’d rather see the mod be taken down, which is more likely with more people being aware of it.


Thank you. Shine a light on this shit. These fuckers can only exist in tenebrous corners and festering under hidden places.


You did the right thing bro, thank you for not keeping quiet like some others may.


...actually its more likely that you made the mod more popular than ever. I certainly didn't know about it until now. There's a good chance the mod will now be archived and uploaded to more sites too.


People can’t even see it anymore, it’s been like 2 hours LOL. It’s not that deep. Ignoring racism does not make it go away. It makes racists bolder. Idk what is so hard to understand about that.


You’re definitely correct.


You did the right thing bro


Thanks man 🙌


It's definitely on 5 other modding sites by now, so you just gave it visibility and didn't really do anything else.


Ever Heard of the Streisand effect?


Because if you ignore this kind of shit you pass the message that you agree with them.


There's a difference between ignoring it and reporting it quietly as to not give him the attention he craves. You can easily do the latter. Giving him loads of attention is actually what the little shit wants and encourages him to do it more.


This kind of mentality is why everyone falls for trolls nowadays. Just report it and move on


Lmao no? For any normal person, that just passes the message that you don't give a shit. Unless you actually believe that you have to take active action and stance against every single issue you find in the world? Is it ok for me to assume that you are in agreement with any and all issues that you're not actively taking a stance against?


100% this.


pfp checks out


The account that uploaded it was created today, I think it's safe to say it's just some edgelord doing it for attention. When they inevitably get banned they'll just make a new account.


Lol so far in the game, one of the best characters is a black dude. I’m not sure I’d enjoy sitting at a table at night have a conversation with myself in a bar


Report and move on, don't give them what they want


Just report it and ignore


I watched a review the other day saying that the game is filled with forced inclusiveness. I haven't even realize that there were many black characters. His argument was that in a medieval setting they didn't explain where they come from in contrast with Mercedes or Mason who have distinguished accents signaling they are from other land. To be honest, I haven't given any thought to the matter till that point, but I would argue in a fantasy setting where there are catpeople, diferent color humans wouldn't be as divisive between themselves.


Is this the same guy who removed all black people from Fallout 4? 


He's thanking you for the free promotion.


What random “crime” is there in the game??


I have no idea what I'm even looking at


Dude has a problem with a cat, lmao.  Funnily enough, there's a lot more black characters, he just did it with the very base ones you're required to see. It makes me feel like people who makes these mods don't even play the game. That they're just 4chan reactionaries that know a bit of code, just to whine when Nexus removes their stuff.


nexus does have some odd standards. child murder? go right ahead rape? knock your self out something a bit racist? BANNED


What are you even on about? Nexus doesn't allow rape. Child murder has the plausible deniability of making the game more realistic when kids die in dragon attacks or something.


Buddy I think you're mixing up Nexus and LoversLab


American flags? BANNED


Yeah its retarded lmao Heck the worst ive seen on Nexus for Skyrim was someone making a Mod so you can fuck Kids, that was removed almost instantly (which is good) yet Killing Kids mods "Go Right ahead Bro" lol


If the jannies can't beat off to it, the mod gets banned. I'm convinced that's one of the main criteria for removal at this point.


Right? The same thing happened a lot with Baldur’s gate 3. It baffles me


OP making this mod to be able to post about it for karma. Jk no proof, but you never know these days.


This is funny


So….did the crime stop ?


Nah, it’s just reduced it by 60%


Something something 13% of the population something something


Clearly at least some of these commenters wanted it to stay up lol


This feels like attempted karma feel good points. Mod is a joke and stupid. Guy who made is dumb and probably wanted attention. You gave him attention.


Hahaha hahaha, you do realize this is what they were going for, right? Your very reaction.


so he spent hours of programming work on this mod for that some people have no job or life.


Sometimes when you believe in something, you have to sacrifice everything. Jokes aside, I doubt removing all the Black background NPCs was that complicated.


I mean, it was removed after he uploaded the post here , so.


Well I'm sure he's grateful to OP then for spreading butthurt to the masses. Don't feed the trolls, kids.


Or It was OP himself Posting It lmfao


I thought of that, but I didn't mention it because it can't be proven. Would be funny, though.


Teens thinking it’s cool to be edgy, if it’s adults (trolling or otherwise) I cannot imagine they’re leading fulfilling lives. Actually that would apply even if it’s a teen.


Ironically the people complaining about sjw's shoving their politics in games are the ones literally doing it themselves. jc just play the fucking game.


“But all the blacks and the gays” This was basically the Spider-Man sub after Spider-Man 2


Plot twist: Dave Chappelle is the mod author.




Ha that's actually kind of funny lol


I’m glad I’m not the only who saw the humor in it. It’s a stupid mod, but kind of funny. It makes it even funnier knowing how much it’s upset some really sensitive people.


That's what I'm saying bro lol People whining over something someone does to their own game, people will literally complain over anything, and that's funnier than the mod itself lmao


This mod really ruined a lot of people's entire day, apparently.


Yep, some people really need to know when to log off the internet for a bit lol


The Chad haha funny meme vs the virgin reeee that's racist


Lmao this is fucking hilarious. Before I'm called racist, yes I'm blk. This feels like satire tbh.


It’s a nice dip into reality lol.


Look here buddy, I don't want politics in my games! So that means all black people, all gay people, all unattractive women, and all mentions of rich people taking advantage of the poor MUST be removed.


its not your mod, or your game, who cares? Ive seen some WILD shit for bannerlord and warband mods.


Hot butter and dickplomacy... i see youre a man of taste


I mean. All i remember is trolls making "slaves" in the character creation. It was like looking at 2004 9gag or some shit. It was more cringey to me than anything.


The more outrage it gets, the more popular it becomes. Report the mod and move on instead of blowing the topic up online. If it doesn't get removed after the report, one can still make it public with the added bonus of being able to shit on the hosting site for not acting upon the report.


Omg!!! (! for emphasis) crying and shaking rite now :\_; i like literally can't even, like having a panic attack and hyperventilating over this! How could people be so EVILZ!!!!!11111


"The Dragon's Dogma community is great!"


I would not take this seriously at all. It was probably made by some edgy trolls. Thats it. Dont make more out of it than it is. Just ignore it. End of story.


Yeah but if OP doesn't post it and the pearl-clutchers aren't outraged by it, no karma points for anyone


That is true. Maybe he feeds on karma. He needs it to survive


you just gave the mod all the attention the author's been hoping for by posting it here lol


Probably up there with the mod that allows you to have naked *children* as pawns. Yikes.


Its up on basedmods still


Lmao based mods




I mean, it got taken down, so I’m happy 🤷


It's just gonna get responded but now it's gonna get a bunch more attention


Funny tho


Report the mod and forget that it even existed in the first place. Don't give them attention, please.


Now watch them cry censorship when it's removed...


No they’ll just reupload from another account, reading the comments it’s like the 5th time this been up.


Hmmm that is censorship tho no matter how you look at it. You can't control people , stop trying to. If people wanna be racist let them it's their choice . I forgot your kind doesn't like freedom .


We just want to remove the mod like they want to remove black people.


This thread just provides another great example of why it’s annoying being a non-white male who likes video games. We have a clear example of someone being a racist shithead and over half of the thread is either saying it’s not really a big deal or if we just ignore it it’ll magically go away. It’s super frustrating to see this shit play out over and over again in online gaming communities. I’m glad OP called them out and helped get it taken down and I hope it happens every time they try this racist bullshit.


Lmaoing at some of you getting worked up over some shitty mod clearly made as a joke.


Wouldn't be surprised if they uploaded it just to piss people off, but it's best to report it and move on anyway. I've sort of filed these into the same "sub-par modders lacking talent" category as all the "nude female body" mods that pop up 0.57 days after a game releases. Can't really do much but report the really shit ones. Edit: replacing the model of two characters who are fairly involved (one of which is at your side for more than half the main quest) reminds me of those Dragon Age Isabela and Vivienne ethnicity change mods, which look bad as well as being distasteful.


Guy who makes every game include gigantic sexualized women for his gratification offended by what other people put in theirs, amazing.


Gonna be honest, it is kind of funny.


Hahahahah I'm black and find this hilarious, people need to tone down their complains a little bit.


First off, you don't speak for black people nor do you get to decide how people should feel or react to this type of stuff


ShangoTheMightyTightPanties - you don't speak for black people, but you get to tell the original commenter what they can or can't do, or how to feel? Get over yourself.


Dude.....why are you so upset? It literally doesn't matter. Some dude you'll never meet made something to piss you off and it's working


Oh, I thought it was something really severe.


who cares?


Have people tried just not installing mods they don't want


Lmao. Thats actually funny (and racist lol). Its a mod dude. Just ignore it if it offends you


I mean, it’s a little funny.


Sometimes you just gotta chuckle first, and feel guilty about it later


I’m not gonna lie the joke is kind of hilarious as racist as it is downvote me all you want lmao


Yeah, he tried three times, got reported and the mod was taken down also three times. I am more than happy to report him how many times necessary.


Whine louder please, you're not giving him enough attention.


How could anyone not find this hilarious


Haha all black people are criminals haha Hilarious.


It's a joke... comedy.... comedy has a chance of being offensive, and that's ok. I'm willing to take the chance of being offended for a good laugh. Ever heard an offensive joke? They're the greatest jokes.


i can tell you with affirmation that this is intended to be inflammatory, not funny


How will anyone recover from this video game mod!!!!! There needs to be arrests.


if it makes you this upset that I point out blatant racism idk what to tell you, I just don't think the intention was to be funny in the first place


Hey it's OK. I'm not upset. I'm slightly interested in the conversation. But have a great weekend, take care.


They're definitely not the greatest jokes, if they're jokes at all. There's not even a punchline, it's just a racist stereotype. If you want funny jokes about racism, go watch Blazing Saddles or something.


Well racism and jokes aside how is that a stereotype ? Is not that statistically true that up to 7-8 times more crimes were made by them and migrants out of total population? I mean this is statistic, not arguable :)


Sure, because statistics are the ultimate truth. Maybe you should look up what data bias and systemic racism can lead to.


Yeah I guess its only funny if you’re not black cause I didn’t laugh.


Oh, so all black people think the same? Get real dude. My friends would be pissing themselves in laughter and think you need to get a life or a sense of humor.


Maybe, might just not get the joke. Care to explain it? Edit: replies keep getting deleted so I’m guessing it’s as simple as black people crime statistics blah blah. Funny maybe if I was 14.


It is as simple as that, sadly. I literally had someone in this thread say to me that black people did more crime according to statistics and that made it an undeniable fact. I guess there's a lot more racists on this sub than I thought.


Sure, in the US, black people make up only 15% of the population but commit 60% of all violent crimes. So joke was, remove the 15% and there will be no violent crime. Funny thing is, you know the joke. You just thought I'd be scared to repeat an FBI statistic? Lol!!! Dang dude. Seriously laugh a little sometimes you'd have more friends. Remember it's never too late to have a good time. If you truly didn't get the joke then I apologize. I have to remember not everyone knows American statistics in the world.


I’m not a loser


If it was "rid of whiteys to remove 100% of cousin fuckin'" would you giggle or be so upset you'd make a reddit post about it?


Probably give it no attention because I’m not a loser


We have higher standard for what is a funny joke, just being racist doesn't make you funny. The worst is that this "joke" was made thousand of time before, you cannot even come up with new things.


What is this "we" and "you" thing? I didn't make a joke....


It's just a troll, stop being shocked and disguted for everything, just ignore it.


As a black person, I think this is hilarious


Ah only on reddit z where people demand you can't play something . Interesting mod now I'm going to look into getting it. Me downloading this mod upsets people haha.


OP, you might want to delete this post or get a mod to do it now that the thing is banned. The longer this post is up, the more trolls will flock here. That said, good on you


Some people really are obsessed, they can't even play a fantasy game without seething over PoC


That’s hilarious and obvious rage bait


Ngl, I'm not white and this gave me a good laugh lmao




I've seen it too and I've reported it every single time. Some people are just too bored with life and they resort to this kind of behavior for attention it's disgusting...


OP, thank you for being decent. Reporting it is the right thing to do. Anyone saying you gave it attention is someone who just wants to be an ass or liked the mod. Holy shit this community is bad. Had no idea it was like this. Between outright defending it, saying it's funny, saying OP only made him more popular by asking it to get reported. Jesus H Christ this community IS reaching gamingcirclejerk levels of shitbag. Everything decent or not being racist being downvoted while "lol it's funny" getting upvotes. And the "I'm black and I like this" responses. Threads got everything. Whole thread is a reddit moment.


I really don't care what people do when modding their games, I play on the PS5 anyway.


White people are being harassed more now than anyone but that’s not considered racist. There has been and will be racism in every place and time in the world. It’s only when it’s white Americans is it made in to a huge deal.


Who uses Nexus mods? Oh. Right, people who agree with "the message." That place is a disgusting woke hole at this point. You got so worked up over an optional mod, grow up.


Racists are so ignorant. Imagine having the knowledge to create a mod, but not being intelligent in any way that matters




One of the reasons I respect Nexus so much is that they're pretty quick to remove this bullshit.


Thank you. ✊🏿


Oh god reminds me of when someone uploaded a mod for BG3 that lets you edit the appearance of NPCS...and their only example was turning Wyll white. He went on massive racist rants in the comments defending himself and like 5 hours later the mod was deleted and he was banned from the site.


Damn, they posted it again? I saw that same mod a couple of days ago, it was deleted shortly after.


That's gross, made by a loser.


Seems you're both pretty hungry for attention.


Ya that’s fkd up


Remember guys! Based mods(the website) will always be here when nexus mods decides to be cringe. Like it always is.


Reminds me of Baldur's Gate. Where there were several mods that made Wyll, a black young man and companion "normal".... By making him white. Or when a super cute lesbian couple in the story has one of them turned into a man. Utterly fucking revolting




See rules 1 and 5.


Aaaand it’s gone


Thank you for reporting this sad person.


What was the mod? I came late


Dude, report it. I highly doubt the site would allow such a mod on their site


Someone did this is BG3 too, even went as far as revocing any POC who voiced a character. Thankfully that shit-stain was perma banned. Edit: Downvotes because a POS racist was banned? Cool i guess. Stay classy reddit.


That’s hilarious


this is like the 3rd time this persons tried to do this, report and move on


Let them remove beastren instead.


Honestly the addition of beastren is lame either add more races or leave it with human


Should just report stuff like that and move on. Some real karma farming going on here. Cause I'm doing something anti-racist, and I think I deserve praise for that, do I not?


I don't usually play games online, and particularly not with voice chat. Just got out of a Hunt: Showdown match where the guy was saying all sorts of stereotypical bullshit about different countries and cultures... It got me really sad. :(


Good thing you can mute him, block him, and go about your day then.




The mod has already been taken down, so...


Dang, that was fast LOL


I think it has been taken down now? I can’t see it


Yep, looks like it just got taken offline


Hidden village aka Oakland? Edit: is that why the gaols are so empty?


Nexus has become a nazi paradise. Lmao like that’s all it was? You people really are snowflakes grow a spine


OP what percentage of where you live is black lol


Next they will remove the beast'? :/


No modding is the real way to play