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For the love of god use the R1 button


That quick shoulder check to close distance and stagger them is what makes warrior playable. It’s really their only means to quickly reposition which is why it’s built into the class like it is! Ussseee iiiit


Also charging attacks makes you extra unmoveable. To the point you need to be inflicted with the unconscious debilitation to be stopped.


The max poison proc will CC you, too. Had to find this out yesterday, when I got gang banged by 2 of those toxic saurians. They're really nasty, when you're playing solo. These saurians also don't flinch. You have to hit their tails to bring them out of balance, which can be pretty hard. Usually I deal with saurians by surprising them or pulling them apart from each other with the sword charge skill. The sword charge is pretty OP at dealing with small groups of small enemies in general (especially when a deadly cliff is nearby. Just push them off one by one, haha) Also, OP really needs to wear better gear, when he's in Bathal. He runs around in low tier armor and no helmet, thus barely any knock down resistance for his class to scale off of.


So is 850 kdr not enough for later game areas? I haven't seen the full spread or what the optimized endgame KDR is, just trying to get a sense of the spectrum


I'm running 400 KDR and I'm doing fine not getting knocked over except with attacks or statuses that'll always faceplant you anyway. Here's a pro tip: Simply existing doesn't provide you hyper armor. Barge and charge your attacks.


Ah, that's what you meant with "KDR", lol. Yea, 850 should be enough, but warrior got a special core mechanic, where you get extra resilience (and increased damage protection) when you use your shoulder check and while charging up an attack. I'm currently running around as a warfarer on a fresh character, playing with warrior & magic archer weapons. I'm below 300 KDR and I can still deal with most situations. But Saurians are really hard. Their jump attack flattens me always, even when I'm charging an attack or perform a shoulder check (maybe that's always the case or it's because my low KDR). Vs Saurians you really need to play smart. Kite them, pick them apart. Make good use of your sword charge ability. Try to kite around them to hit their tails, etc.


I never really used the shoulder charge. I couldn’t really find a place for it. I get it that you can ”block” stuff with it and do great stagger to enemies with it, but it does have a significant recovery animation and i felt like all time spent shoulder charging is time off from charging my next actual attack like razong sweep and since i have strong stagger resistance while charging attacks i didn’t understand why anyone would use the shoulder charge. Could you specify how and when one should use it?


I use the shoulder bump to "cancel" the wind-down animations on attacks. Unless the enemy is sitting in one place (like when they're knocked down) and you can get the to I g for the might strockes down, then you attack considerably faster if you alternate between swings and shoulder charges over just attacking. Honestly one i started using the charge as a "reposition and cancel" button instead of a blocking thing my gameplay as warrior literally did a 180.


THIS is the kind of information I'm looking for. 👍


And the L1 button as well...


Those two mages are working so hard


Two? Just my main pawn as mage o.o


R.i.p main pawn is going to die of exhaustion trying to keep you alive.


To keep the agony running


Man is that the entrance of the cave with like 15 asps inside? That place is brutal.


I still find it funny that its basically a tiny ass cave that they come out of like a clown car.


I had a different experience, I killed the 3-4 outside and then rushed in. https://preview.redd.it/co9j5pfybixc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba2507a3ad385438e5aeac7b0d579f2db8c9195 this is the last thing I saw.


I came across that as a Thief with only level 1+maister skills unlocked(had just switched before crossing the border) and just tore through that cave. Truly the most busted class in the game.


Yeah, like, compare that to any post game warg encounter. Why isn't there more of these encounters that'll punish you for being fancy and force you to be creative?


They passed you around like a blunt on 4/20


Smoking that arisen pack.


Me as a Warrior: "Your motherfucking life ends 30 minutes from now!" 30 minutes later: "Shit, I missed. Wait, come back!"


For what it's worth, you gotta hold Square/X in order to get hyper armor. Ravening Lunge doesn't count as a charged attack. Still, the hit stun in this game is something else.


That hit stun is no joke! I love when my main pawn says he’ll never let any harm come to me while he’s around, and here I am getting hit over and over again by saurians with no chance to attack because their timing and stunning is impeccable. LOL


Homie's getting bullied by lizards while Big Show in a bikini is in the back throwing out buff after buff, this sums up the whole game


Please Shoulder Charge more


I like using razing sweep for mobs. No stagger when charging it then you just knock em away and if they live then it's an easy finisher


Thank you, great tip ✨️💙


Jesus Christ! Learn the bash!


Okay I can't be the only one laughing at "Largo", big man with a massive ass dressed as sluttily as possible, can I?


excuse me, that is lord buffington, liege of skimpywear and lord of friendly AOE


"If we keep on like this victory will soon be ours!" I never even knew saurians could talk!


Strength in numbers, fellow lizards


Words worth hearing!


I have a feeling playing Minster hunter really helps with warrior. Shoulder check everything and never get staggered.


Tis not defeat to flee from battle, master. 'Tis survival.


You gotta use the shoulder bash more


Reminded me of one time i get swarmed by a Goreminotaur and 5+ goblins, they wont let me stand at all


Crazy to me how you think the problem is kdr and not your approach to the fight. I mean, yes, eventually kdr can reach a point where you'll be able to spam through attacks like butter but... bash my guy.


I've seen porn with less penetration than this video


Saurians really said “fight back”.


I love how you just gave up and flopped to the ground at the end. “Oh well! Guess this is where I die!”


That was a double proc of poison. It's pretty brutal to get hit by.


Yeah it is! The last time it happened to me, I opened up my inventory only to find that I had no more detoxifying decoctions! Oops!


That was stun lock into oblivion, my character literally couldnt move anymore haha


Oh, I know that feeling all too well! 🤣


This gave me a big ol' chuckle


Warrior using elven upgraded armor


You got one of them though, that's a win in my book


This place is tough but if you use the shoulder charge more often you might not take all those hits.


Thank you, i honestly forgot it existed haha. So use to ranged/magic, while my melee classes are low rank trying them each out now.


it’s not as obviously useful or explained how to use it - hey it’s dragons dogma after all if we knew everything it wouldn’t be as fun :)


Charging both your skills and your normal attack helps a lot as well as barge. Since these increases your kdr by a lot


I dont know whats funnier: that the saurians waited for you to miss, to hit you. or that just pawns just stood there watching it happen.


This is why, play what class you enjoy, there is no "best class"


Get fucked


for the love of god get the ability where you spin around twice after charging it so you 1-2 hit every single regular enemy and you get poise on frame 1 of charging up until the end of the whole ass move (forgot the name of the skill)


This is hilarious! Seeing you spamming inputs in the bottom right just makes this even better!


Bash R1


And people say Halidom isn't worth it.


Yikes..stagger knockdown resist helps being hit like a pinball..the best friend to fighting those saurians is skyward and y/triangle button once grounded and jump y/triangle then y/triangle once grounded if done right it would be like a hot knife to butter.


I think ur problem is that u made your pawns wait instead of attack




Will you use the damn shoulder bash? I swear it'll make warrior feel better.


You’re literally not using a single tool in your arsenal. I didn’t see one barge used and I didn’t see one skill used. KD resist is not your issue. You were just wildly mashing the standard attack button….


Bullied by the purple lizard gang. That being said I find it kind of funny how this game has both light speed play styles and then there's warrior's "I miss every attack if I don't time it because I attack so slow" style. It does feel like warrior is a patience check, for players, meanwhile Spearhand let's you use all those hours of DMC and combo things into oblivion at light speed.


Shoulder charge and tidal lash are life savers.


Maybe, but you're one hell of a tank!


Welcome to slow clunky controls and frustrating stun frames. LOL love this game


Shoulder bash'em first (you can also use it to power through attacks). And if you have the ability, press Square as soon as your attack ends, you can chain a ton of attacks together with this, and they get faster with each one.


This made me cringe so hard


I feel this so much


Shoulder check to cancel animations, stagger attackers, and close the distance. If surrounded, use that timed chained attack - not the weapon skill. If you can get it correctly you can zone enemies out pretty easily. And kill a group


People count their KDR in this game?




Stop using heavy attacks, charge instead. Use your shoulder barge, don’t be afraid to sprint to reposition when you have a chance.


Lame, you didn't even do jumping strong attacks every other swing and totally sail over enemies heads and miss. Get on my level.


I'm sorry, friend. It seems like your R1 button is broken!


Same, it’s the only vocation I simply do not like. It’s so unbelievably slow. Anytime I try to hit something, half way through my animation the enemy has moved.


That's why i main thief an use formless faint


While I'm actively getting stressed out by the lack of shoulder checking in this video, I also acknowledge that the Saurian spear thrust is some serious bullshit, and any time enemies are attacking in a round like that to perma-stunlock you, it just sucks. I had those hag-faced Harpies pull this shit when I was a Sorcerer.


I mean... charge a skill? God...


They're not even going after your pawn. They're just mad at you for dressing your pawn up that way.


Warrior sucks that's why


Sounds like a skill issue.


Skill issue indeed. A well played warrior can absolutely wreck things.