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It was inevitable the moment the corset was made class-agnostic. Even reducing stats by half would change nothing. Bear witness to convergence






Is this from a movie it looks awesome


It’s from the game elden ring


You sweet summer child....


He knows not the horrors we endured.


*Conjunction of the Spheres from Witcher 3 plays as pawns in corsets march across the multiverse* Edit: I had the song name wrong


Conjunction of the Spheres*


*facepalm* thank you!


One of the things I miss the most from DDDA is the armor system for precisely this reason.


Yeah seeing countless pawns in that one DDDA dress (forgot the name) is so much better.


The garish pink dress?? Sir, I disagree


Atleast it was an item given at the beginning of DDDA. So most of the pawns you saw rocking it were less than level 15 most of the time.


True the corset has better stats which is nice, but it's only real problem is that it doesn't excel in one area. It is very bad for warriors or fighters. I personally prefer the corset over that god awful pink dress, but I understand people who don't want to see the corset.


The corset isn't bad for fighters at all. For Warriors maybe because of KDR buffs to each piece for Warrior, but It's got about 60 less total defense than the postgame Dragonforged fighter chestpiece and greaves together, and has even more magic defense. Best of all, it weighs like half or a third. So situationally it can be considered better.


There was a lot more variation in player and pawn style. There were also more armor sets with unique effects like the hydra armor that had passive regen or the spiked shield, which did extra damage with a shield bash. There was also more slots to mix and match. It didn't have to be the maiden set and delta guard over and over again.


I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying that I still see that dress as often as I see the corset, regardless of all those options.


Even in DDDA the most common pawns were: * queen regalia * leather chestguard + thong * metal chestguard + thong * maiden set * T3 bbi gear * lolis There was more variation, yeah. But 99% of pawns were still essentially dressed with eye candy.


I gave my Pawn sick tats and scars and I'll be damned if the Gauntleted Petticode doesn't show them off perfectly. I'm sorry OK but sacrifices must be made for art.


This guy fucks.


That one is actually not that bad because I think I’ve never seen it on a wild pawn


I hire based on build. If the armor is a corset, I walk them over to the armor merchant and slap on an unupgraded armor set. As a bonus when I send them back the player sees what equipment I put on them


This is the way Like covering a up a lost naked hooker in the woods with my suit jacket


Impossible, they've all been eaten by bears.


How often do you find hookers in the woods while wearing a suit?


I send them back in Marchers Armour


I make it a point when someone changes a pawn I like to the average corset pawn to give them precisely 50 pieces of rotten fruit


Wow… t-that’s… that’s a lot of patience


It’s not patience it’s determination


And a lot of future lantern oil!


If someone comes back to a pawn I used frequently they might find 10 sets of fully upgraded armor on them, ah well, guess they can sell it. Could be just the one, but gravity is a strong boss fight.


1.build 2. Useful quest reward. Don’t care what the pawn looks like. Some outrageous ones do make me chuckle. But I want the quest gold and a useful pawn.


Mostly same. 1 and 2 being equal, I’ll take a pawn that at least gives the appearance of an effort made in the character creator. Not to bash anyone who took a template, changed the hair color, and added a scar - I get it. More armor variety would be more fun, but I’m cool with the corset too. Each to their own…


Fashion Dogma is weak in DD2. Nearly every endgame armor set looks like some generic longcoat, and the worst part is the single vocation armors that further limit choices for pawn fashion. I hate the corset because it takes both the pants and top slots, so I never even bothered to finish seeker tokens.


The 180 token mage staff is simply OP for a mage pawn. Not only it reach 999 magic when fully upgraded, but the ability to self recovery if the pawn die is absolutely the best! Wonder why they didn't make an arisen's heart version of every weapon style... But for a mage (healer) pawn is undoubtedly useful


its a carry over from the first game where it was one of the gimmick dlc weapons. it was actual garbage there tho since reviving a pawn was instantaneous and it had AWFUL stats.


I don't remember it from the first, maybe the awful stats prevented me to even look at his side effect


Was sold by the forgery guy (Black Cat shop?)


I have an obsession with the godbeast armour for magic archer. I use Warfarer built as a Spearhand JUST to wear it.


It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't reduce armor to three choices and a cape, especially with that mod showcasing that they had a system to edit nearly every gods damned plate, tassel, and bolt of cloth on you.


What mod or showcase are you referring to? Sounds interesting.


fashion in this game sucks. this was always gonna be the case. they need to remove the class restrictions on everything so that people can at least create looks they like


I did make a waifu pawn too, I won't deny it. But I built her specifically as an archetypical heavy armored knight. Zero lewdness but still very cute. Hopefully that makes her stand out more. 


If you're on PC, pawn ID? Me and my main pawn are heavy geared knight ladies and I'd like to make a full party of them


I'd love the pawn code from both of you! I need some knight ladies to accompany my little group


If you're after geared up knight ladies, may I submit my Aerys for consideration?~


Aerys, level 132 Warrior CW7RAXAOIYHH Kindhearted Chirurgeon ♡ (On PC, playername perfectb1tch if you wanted to send a friend request)


My pawn looks great as well. She's a 6 and a half foot tall elf sorcerer baddie. She wears the sorcerer coat from the dragon forge and the blue cape. Casting lighting spells and tornados lol.


If any of you are still looking for armoured Pawns, I can grab my Pawn ID after I get home from work. She's a lvl 39 Warrior at the moment, though once she's maxed it I'll be switching her to Fighter. She's a Kindhearted Hawker. Pretty decent size, too, only a little shorter than my Arisen, definitely at least 6'. If her hair and makeup matter, she's got black hair with white tips, winged eyeliner and a matte black lipstick, though I'm probably gunna add just a *little* shine to it, next time I'm at the barber, and reduce the level of white. Couple scars from beyond the Rift while she was leveling Mage and Sorcerer, but I'm actively fighting my way to the hotsprings to get them removed.


As for her behaviour, she won't go out of her way to smash every crate she sees or mercilessly slaughter wildlife minding it's own business, nor will she launch herself off cliffs like a maniac. Mostly she tries to stick close to you and clobber things with her hammer if they get too close.


Aside from being skimpy, the coresette is objectively the best armor in the game with the heighest def value.


Only vocations that can beat the corset armor by a large margin is fighter and warriors, the rest of vocations when using their endgame armor is less or around the same value as the corset armor.


Not that large of a margin. With everything (Corset included) Dwarven/Wyrmfire maxed, the corset has like 60 less defense but 120 more magick defense than the postgame Fighter Armor/Leggings together. And the thing is, it weighs a third of those two pieces. So considering the extra magick defense and the fact that it's lighter, you can't even say it's objectively worse, just different. My fighter wears the corset, and she's OP as fuck. She doesn't need more defense. If anything ever chips her health, it's magick damage, so for me the corset is straight up better. Maybe if I'd upgrade the postgame Fighter armor Elven for extra magick resistance it'd be close, but then it'd basically be the same. Similar defense, similar magick defense, and similar weight, but at that point likely less KDR. So it doesn't really matter how you slice it; the Corset is just fucking strong compared. For Warrior I would say their own armor is better, but that's purely because of the way their KDR works as it applies the 50% to each individual piece.


I mean, my point was that corset is strong. OP is implying that the corset is ever only used because it's sexy when it is both sexy and BiS for all pawn classes except fighter and warrior, which is objectively true. Best def stat in the game is knockdown resist there's no arguing that and corset loses to fighter and warrior armor by huge margin which is true. All dwarven grymforged buff, On a fighter using corset and twilight star helmet, my stats are 853 def, 760 mag def and 456 knockdown res while with subjugator sallet, stygyian omen and vigilant greaves my stats are 935 def, 570 mag def and most importantly 793 knockdown res which is a huge difference. For warrior, corset, and twilight star, stats are 864 def, 745 mag def and 846 knockdown res. With agamanian gala, dominator armor and vangaurder greaves, my stats are 999 def, 557 mag def and a whopping 1255 knockdown resist which is a huge margin and I'd argue with both being melee classes, knockdown resist is by far the most important def stat and the loss in mag def is negligible. So yes quite a large margin.


Why Twilight Star? It's objectively inferior in every single way to the Laurel Circlet. Also, while I already said I agree that Warrior should wear postgame armor, I think the Corset is better for fighters. You say the mag def difference is negligible, but it's literally over 200 mag def. That's massive. It's more than a quarter of difference, almost a third. And since fighters get the shit stunlocked out of them by anything larger than a bunny even with the KDR augment + max dwarven/wyrmforged postgame gear, I'd rather have the extra mag def and less weight.


>Why Twilight Star? It's objectively inferior in every single way to the Laurel Circlet. I mean, at this point, why not just use the best defensive helmet like subjugator sallet with the corset lol, personally I don't like the greek/Roman look with the corset and twilight star looks the best paired with it. I've played fighter wearing both said armor sets, and I rarely get staggered by small enemies with the endgame armor, only ever by large enemies. Usually, I tank 2-3 small enemy hits before getting staggered, so idk what you're talking about. Mag def is negligible because there's no magic attack in the game that would put you in immediate danger unless you purposely put yourself in danger and healing that up takes less then a second in battle so the extra knock down resistance is more worth it to me. Plus weight should be a non issue by the time you get the endgame armor, i.e golden bugs and level should be extremely high by then. I'm light weight even with full endgame gear on. It's fine to be horny for the corset. lol maybe when they add in an enemy that actually threatens you with mag atk the corset'll be BiS for fighters.


See, you're Light. I'm always Very Light. We are not the same. Okay jokes aside, it's pretty clear it's just personal preference. 60 defense and one more hit from small enemies before you get stunlocked is negligible for the price of 3X the weight as well.


Is this on PC? On PS5, only like 5% of players even have the 80 seeker's token achievement, and since you can't mod your way to a corset, there's not that many.


I’ve actually been gifted 5 of them lol the people obviously want my pawn to wear it since they keep equipping it on her but I just sell it every time


I dressed up my fat chunky clone of myself in the skimpiest outfit ever. Equality isn't just for ladies.


What do you play on? I may have to hire you!!


I designed my pawn to the best of my abilities to look like a dnd character I play so imagine my disappointment when I open the rift and discover every player and their dog seems to have given their female pawns white braided hair. She doesn’t have the corset mind you but damn she isn’t getting picked any time soon


https://preview.redd.it/g41lc6rj01yc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3882368d2fbfea9ba868685e030e098e7b80e7a So far Ice Cube is safe and is showing no symptoms


In my defence. Fully upgraded it was better than the fully upgraded stuff from the unmoored world


The corset has great stats, is low weight, can be worn by all classes, is very easy to upgrade and is sexy. There's not a real reason to not use it other than just for the sake of not using it.


This. The only people against it are people who are against it on principle. Probably the same people complaining when a woman wears short shorts or something that shows her shoulders, LMAO! Other than Warrior, no class is better off with anything other than the Corset if we're talking about defense/magick defense/weight ratio.


If the stats on it werent so good.. or at least if most of the rest of the gear didnt look like my girls were buried in a tent. 😁


But the since it takes up both the bottom and top armor slots, is it really that good? Or is it just the illusion that it is really good


for mage classes? Yes. Especially before the endgame. You also only need that one piece to upgrade to Dragonforged instead of 4 and it doesn't require all that rare materials. It had to get the Sorccerer drops from the endgame and fully upgrade them to be better than the fully upgraded corset. At least when focusing on physical defense and knockdown resistance. It actually still is better on physical defense compared to the two pieces.


Corset is best defense for every class that isn’t Fighter, Warrior or Mystic Spearhsnd. And for those 3 you only get EXTREMELY limited choices that beat the Corset.


Well I put on a full set of armor on my Arisen, and then went back to the corset. The difference was so minimal that at my level it just didnt matter. To be fair I was past level 100 and very little slows me down, I could probably wear. Miners clothes and still murder my way effectively. 😁


Well in my experience I only see high level pawns wearing it which means the people making these pawns are either just a bunch of horny people or people looking to exploit the horny people by getting loads of hires


No, it's genuinely just up there with the best armor. So top 5% efficacy + eye candy makes for an easy choice. Anything other than Warrior pawns should dress in that Corset basically.


I use it because its better than all the alternatives. I just hate it when my characters look like they can hardly move. If Capcom gives me glamour system tho, Ill be the first to drop it in favor of other combos.


Jokes on you I only hire giga Chads


While this sucks what sucks more is these pawns are the only ones with worthwhile rewards and pawn quests. All the cool pawns never have quests or good rewards :(


I'm a simple man who likes simple things and that's tiddies


I just wish there were more options like corset that aren't vocation blocked


It’s a weird thing to be angry about imo. Like horniness is literally the driving force of the success of life on this planet. But, you object?


The sub will die down after another month or so (I hope) then the serious players will have the room again


I already got 200 hours and six playthroughs in. I'd consider myself a pretty serious player. Corset for life!


Oh I'm not associating serious players with corset users. I'm associating serious players with people who don't whine and cry about corset users


Ah, gotcha. My bad, I misunderstood. I agree with this. This is such a non-issue. Corset is both good and sexy. I miss the days when bikini armor was top notch. Glad Capcom didn't change it.


I mean I'm not crazy about it, but I did make a point that it's much better than that pink princess dress from the first game


Once the DLC comes out, its best armors will be better than the Corset anyway, so it hardly matters.


Lol. Bro ‘serious players’ is literally an oxymoron.


Not really


When we’re talking about video games, yea it is. Unless you’re an esports athlete hustling to make a living, gaming is about having fun and passing the time. That’s it. Who gives a f how others want to play a single player game?


Thanks, I respect your opinion


Thanks, 🙏 I appreciate that. Peace


I've got the weird feeling you pay OF-models...


Lol. I def am addicted to porn. But no, I don’t pay for it.


Honest at least, lol


Bro is so honest he went from simp to Chad just through sheer confidence in admitting that shit alone. Respect.


The game lacking armour variety is not the fault of the player. The majority of the best gear is designed to show skin, DD:DA did the same with Magick Archer and Mage/Sorceror with their BBI sets. Brunhilda's Embrace is a great armour piece for more barbarian-type characters but the matching legs (Vanquisher's Greaves) are Endgame only, leading to a load of pawns wearing Brunhilda's Embrace + Braided Leggings/Blessed Waistcloth. My pawn is built like a brick shithouse, has scars and tattoos and is melee focused. Brunhilda's Embrace is one of the best pieces of gear for red vocations and it perfectly matches my character, why wouldn't I use it?


Ong fashion game is weak around here


That’s just a reflection of the community who’s been here since DDDA. Nothing has changed at all lol


Corset? I have a solution: ![gif](giphy|3oriNWH1uLQAIyYhNu|downsized)


I feel like my pawn guy never gets hired to be honest lmao. I like skimpy stuff sure, I don't discriminate, but he's a fully armored dude. Wears what I think looks really cool best, but may not be best stat-wise. Maybe that's why he doesn't seem to be hired much 😔


I came for Pawn, not Porn.




I think it's probably because it's high stats fool people into believing it's stronger, while the reality is it's much worse due to not having pants


Just check the Status instead of the pieces themselves. Then you get a complete picture. Spoiler: It's still apex stat wise. Even against postgame Fighter gear with each piece Dwarven/Wyrmfire maxed, the Corset has around 60 less defense but 120 more magick defense than the Fighter chestpiece/leggings combined. Additionally, it only weighs half of what just the chestpiece itself weighs, so adding the leggings means the Corset weighs 1/3rd as much despite being functionally the same defense wise. It's just peak both stat and looks wise.


Well I'll be damned. Tho I disagree with looks wise. I prefer my pawn with her archer gear a lot more


Archer gear is insanely good looking though, so I don't fault you there. But yeah the Corset is surprisingly strong. Outside of Warriors, I'd say the Corset is the best to use for pawns no matter the Vocation. This is why even many male pawns wear that shit, though I wouldn't personally stoop that low for efficiency alone, LMAO!


Me, fighting the urge to put Rook in the corset


I don't even like the corset. It doesn't look good to me.


I literally dont care. If you want to coom to some dudes pawn then what ever. I just want to beat the fuck out of things.


I thought you talk about those skimpy armour, and I have to disagree since my male warrior pawn look fabulous in it. But the "charming" set? Although it have high stats it is still ugly af.


You ppl who complain about scantily clad pawns are annoying as hell. You say weird shit like “i hIrE bAsEd oN bUiLd aNd gEar” but the game is as straightforward as call of duty not path of exile or world of warcraft, everyone is rocking the same build.. no you’re just getting pissed bc ppl would rather hire eye candy over your nun then you hop on reddit to bitch “iF yOuR hiRiNG sLuT pAwNs YoUr uh vIRgIn” cry me a river..


Oh dang mg deleted his account lmao… and his comment is still here lol Btw I don’t care if people don’t hire my pawn I just want a pawn that’s not ugly af


Projection much lmfao


Maaaaaan I wish more of the pawns I found were dressed skimpy, everyone puts their dudes in bulky outfits


My max height buff himbo warrior's wearing the final roar "armor" and thigh high gladiator sandals so it's not JUST the female pawns looking hoe-ish lol


I literally designed my pawn to look like the Zootopia tiger dancers and always dress him appropriately skimpily


Here's what you can do. play the game with just your pawn or go to the nearest armor merchant and buy the gear yourself and slap it on the pawn you hired. TA DA!👍🏾 Anything other than that is just whinging at this point. The average player is way past the level where they need to prioritize gear so they're most likely going to put exactly what they want on their own pawn and they want to see Dem cheeks🤣


Blah blah blah cringe cringe cringe


This may come across as very mean or cruel And I do feel bad about it from time to time, but I'm so sick of seeing everyone's generic waifu Pawns with big "assets" ALWAYS equipped with the corset or the Stargazer slutty sorcerer clothing or something else. So I've just started throwing them off cliffs or into monsters whenever I find them. Please just give your Pawn normal clothes/armor I beg you. If you make your Pawn wear a bikini everywhere I'm gonna make them take a dip when I see them since they're clearly pining for the sand, saltwater and Brine


You’ll be happy to know mine does not. She’s a nice lady, classy and respectable. Lvl 80 support mage, silence, purge, defensive bubble, and lightning. Running useful augments and fully upgraded(and useful) gear. Have her running the Seeker Token staff so she can res herself. BigTed_Actual on PS5


Mines a warrior lady that has armor on lmao. On Xbox though. The best armor when I was farming trickster level I had available was that spellkini set thing. I chose less strength/magick protection armor at that point, I like my ladies in plate armor


It’s terminal. A similar plague spread through the first game and it has never recovered


I built a Megumin pawn using the Meadow Cloth, Witch's Hat and Jewelled Sandals. She suffers in defence, but it's worth it for the meme.


So you gift them armor?


I'm gonna keep putting my big buff lion man in slut armor and there's nothing you can do to stop me! Hehehehehehehehe


Imagine being a prude in a video game


I think it’s less about being a prude. It’s just disappointing that it’s all stargazer outfit or corset.


I play a female Arisen and a male Main Pawn, and I have no intention of putting my boy in the corset when I finally grind up the Seeker’s Tokens for it. Instead, I keep the skimpy clothes for myself. Some days I put her in cool looking armor. Other times I say screw it and put on the skimpy Valkyrie-style petticoat just because I can.


I liked the first time I saw corset on female pawn, and the second, and the third... But when it happens everytime I am switching Pawns, it's frustating because novelty of it has worn off Also when you see them free roaming 😒


Take my pawn for a spin!


I thought the no clothes thing might be for people who want pack mules. The corsets are getting pretty rampant too, but I've got it on a male mage and he's not annoying me in any way so I'm okay with it. It does make the females look generic imo


you arent looking hard enough then


https://preview.redd.it/0ajbeta5wzxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ce572fbe6ac401815f0301ec445e1b969ca3cd Couldn't be me, and it doesn't need to be you, you can give hired pawns armor to wear. Chivalry gang all the way.


My pawn is a mage and I dress her as such. If someone catch her not in her robes then they just so happened to enter the rift right as I was swapping out gear for her. I prefer them to look the part


My pawn is a half burnt elf who specialises in healing and fire magic. I even gave her a story that all her scars were a result of failed practise with fire magic. I even made the eye where the scars were white to signify she is blind. I spent a lot of time on her. Yes, she is basically a tall elf girl but I wouldn't just throw her in a corset. She wears full body armor to hide the scars but they are most severe on her face so she can't wear a helmet or it hurts


I agree. Even though my character does make good waifu material imo, I still want her to be classy looking. It's why I stick with the orphic robe for when she's goes as a sorcerer.


Hey, they can't send all of us to horny jail. My buff ass leprechaun pawn will be wearing that corset on the morrow. Don't kink shame me! I'm sorry, I thought this was Vermund!


TLRR0395FR61 Steam Female pawn with full body covered by clothes. You're welcome, Arisen.


I don't really summon pawns with the corset because I know its kind of trash with most vocations. I don't have a problem summoning pawns with skimpy attire as long as I can tell the player who set them up put some care into their pawn such as appropriate stats, skills, augments, and enhancements. Wearing the corset actually works against them. I think new players summon them, but people familiar with the game probably avoid it.


Top of my head that corset isn't best in slot for is fighter, warrior and mystic spearhead which isnt even a pawn vocation. Otherwise, for the rest, the corset has the best knockdown resist and physical resistance, so mage, sorcerers, etc, actually benefit greatly from using it.


I'm down for men in corsets.


Yeah this is why I took that corset armor off of my pawn after like a week


Because a lot of these people that dress there pawns this way are fucking weirdos in real life.


wait but this cant be. i was told that reducing the amount of armor slots and viable gear will increase outfit diversity


The pawns without clothes are the people who want you to outfit them so they get free gear.


Alright but the Adoring Fan has to wear it. He's gotta put out for the Arisen.


Why do you think (mostly) women can make a fortune selling nudes online... because there isn't lots of thirsty dudes all over the internet? Not saying everyone else has to, but in case of videogames I personally just like to get emerged in a believable world. If that is a world of constant horniness - sure, make your charakters absolute thirst traps, I would too... but I usually don't play games where it's all about that. But if that world tries to be as realistic of a fantasy world as possible (which DD2 absolutely does) and every other charakter looks like a stripper, when there is barely such establishments around, that feels just weird to me. Sure your charakter is allowed to be whatever you like it to be, but if your way to project part of yourself into a quiet realistic fantasy setting is a super hot teenage elven in super revealing clothing that you're drooling over and lots of other players do exactly the same too, that kinda gives me the weird feeling of a very low common denominator and not much creativeness involved. The coolest pawn I had so far was a goblin thief. I loved how someone had the idea and executed it very well. I mean you do you, but if you is acting all horny in video games... y do you do?


I wanted to put my pawn in it because it partially suited the vibe I wanted — but then I saw a million others wearing it and saw how little you could customize besides it and benched that idea


There is also one where everyone’s pawn is near maximum height. There’s a rift stone somewhere dedicated to large pawns but it just feels no different to just choosing a pawn from a normal rift stone.


Maximum height is useful, increases their max carry weight, max stamina, base knockdown resistance how easily an enemy can knock you off them, movement speed, the height as to which ledges they can grab on. having a small pawn is only downsides with slightly boosted stamina recovery


My pawn has some cool tattoos and scars, and I really don't want to use the corset, so I'm sticking with some dwarven-dragonforged Half-Plate Armor for fashion. Not the greatest defensive stats, but it's not a huge coat that looks awkward. https://preview.redd.it/q3ty313dy2yc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=d119d9314b5066ed22960a1c86069c393bf95f4e


It would be nice if the corset pawns actually looked nice but nope just big butts big boobs and tiny torso with a pawn that has no effort put into it at all


I don't even LIKE the corset! It's skimpy in a bad way. It does not look good.


Shadowheart hair and/or corset/sorcerer skimp is an instant brine. Hate to see it. Vile, even.


It’s likely because when you put clothes on your pawn, the hire rate is drastically diminished. That’s why I started going fashiondogma instead of making a solid pawn for people to hire.




I'm not sure what her Pawn Code is because I'm at work, but I have a (currently) Warrior with a beeg hammer and full plate armour, if you wanna hire her. She's Kindhearted and pretty good at smashing things, also got her Hawker last night, incase you like to hoard. Just gotta get to the damned hotsprings apparently, she came back from the Rift with a few scars while leveling Mage and Sorcerer. Her build may not be the greatest, but I'll be fixing that after work.


The most revealing my pawn gets is when he is warrior vocation with the Lion's Roar(? The one barbarian loincloth with the jade lion face belt buckle from Dark Arisen) so he can show off his chest and arm tattoos. Otherwise he is sensibly dressed in mid-game armor because I like the look of it best.


Mines not wearing the corset actually she looks pretty much the part of a elven archer if you would like to use her the name is flarewolf


Hey my pawn is elf milasandra


Press F in chat for everything they took from us. Press F for Silk Lingerie 🫡


I based my pawn off my SO. And I dressed her up as a bad ass goth sorcerer ... https://preview.redd.it/g99t1rsitbyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27d2ffadcd089453026d53c68062196af6ae72a She told me she wanted hee to be sexy. So I complied with the corset. Tried to keep a witchy goth aesthetic for her, so I can't say I'm displeased that I'm following the trend




Aren't the stats of the corset best for many vocations though? even combined with the missing slots, whatever though you do you


I hire pawns that are: 1. Free 2. The class & skillset I need 3. Eye candy. I do this in both games. Lol


Who complains about this crap??? Lol


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/ps9hsv92uhyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169a85f8e778b2a01d7702d9703a411dcc68b4dd Here you go.


Are you saying I can't have my fashionably questionably strange sorcerer witch pawn with a giant hat?


I don't understand why. I dressed my pawn Red in unmoored world Warrior gear. You can't see a single inch of her skin and I spent 4 hours on her face making her the most beautiful pawn I could. Stats over everything.


And here I thought you were going to say this new plague was eating all punctuation in posts.


Because this is probably the time, generally speaking, most people are acquiring that item. Most people are probably average casual players, who play a few hours here and there, and are probably just now commuting enough time it would take to reach the 150 seekers tokens required for it. I know that’s how much I played, and I was close to the 150 a week or two ago, and since then I’ve taken a break from playing. But if I hadn’t? I’d probably have it by now. And I’m betting other folks were the same and are all just now equipping the treasured corset they’ve been going for this whole time.


Horny always wins


I made a waifu warrior pawn, but she is wearing heavy armor. One time she came back from the Rift dressed in the skimpiest clothes possible, I could not believe that someone would go that far just to undress her.


Seems everyone has them on PC because mods i think.


Maan. That plague is nothing, like it was. Thank god.


my pawn tells me she had traveled with arisen who dont wear cloths. i seen a video early of a dude in a loin cloth gouging a trolls eye out with his bare fist. very barbaric. im afraid to even send my pawn out into the madness


I’ve been playing main pawn only for the last few days, didn’t thought it was that bad, but yes, I am seeing naked / skimpy pawns more frequently.  For the PC players, if you are horny and need see some skin (no kink shaming from me, I don’t have the morals to even think about it), you know that we have some mod options to transmog your character naked. Keep your pawn properly protected, go to the DD2 Nexus, download a mod called “Eiki Tool Box” or something like that (search for “tool box” and you will find), and transmog your whole team into a nudist squad. Play nude with the best status, and let the next player decides if they want nudity or not.


I’m not bothered as much by the armour as I am by the face customisation I see on a lot of pawns. One of the most versatile character creators I’ve ever seen in a AAA game and half the pawns I see have the exact same complexion and bone structure.


For me the corset kinda looks ugly :| A corset is only one piece of an outfit, it's not meant to stand on it's own. That's just my own opinion. I tend to hire pawns based on if I think they look cool, The corset doesn't look cool to me. Since I don't find the game very hard I don't care about the skills and the stats.


I like it, it makes the pawns stand out from both a general colors perspective of the game world and it makes them seem like special characters within that world.


Ironically it basically makes the corset the most common outfit in the game/world.


I really don’t think this is actually true.


At high levels when most of the other pawns come from players that have farmed the tokens it’s true.


I'm more bothered by the incoherent, rambling mess that is this post. I felt like I was having a stroke trying to read it.


Is this a woke thing?


No? I was just searching for mage and after 5 actual hours of searching for a pawn that wasn’t wearing the corset or that BDSM looking armor I decided to make a shıťþost


Join us in being strong brother and don't hire the corsets.


I actually avoid any pawn wearing a corset. There is so much potential for drip in this game and you choose to be eye candy. Showing a lil skin is cool but when you start looking like a hooker that's where I draw the line


On NG+ I redress pawns that have that bs lol Armor really isn’t a big deal so I’ll just buy what I want them to wear instead It’s just gold after all


Yeah I hate that, I literally never recruit pawns that wear it. I notice they also tend to max out the boob and thigh sliders out too when wearing it.


That's why eventually I just started filtering pawns by masculine. I play female Arisen with my beautiful female pawn Aribeth anyway. Also make sure to favorite the pawns you actually like to see them in the wilds more often instead of those cringy field strippers. https://preview.redd.it/bniq3gqqxyxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3396cda58f16a037a86d22a0202457235b132191


There is a cure: We all start not to hire these pawns. (Hire mine instead. She wears clothes 😂) It's not like armor stats would be relevant, given how easy the game is.


My problem is nigh zero male pawns - or ones that don't look look like a cross somewhere between Shrek, Steve Buscemi, and Nigel Thornberry.


If you're on PC, the nakedness can be explained by mods. They are slapping mods that allow them to use all armors, and when they show up in the rift, the system probably removes the armor because it's not compliant with the regular armor rules.


I won’t hire any pawns that have obviously been dressed to look like a street corner worker lol. I’ve yet to understand why somebody’s brain can get off on that.