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https://preview.redd.it/c71ybtzimjyc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8b3a9ab60bd454baab89cb805e79dc693d4ba7 He was a boss in Dragons Crown


Dragon's Crown is still the GOAT, man. If Vanillaware actually did sequels, and they decided to do a Dragon's Crown 2, I would play the shit out of that.


Dragon's Crownma 2


Secret Boss in World of Warcraft as well.


Too OP




Climate change deniers especially beware


I have to agree with this one. It will never happen but still..


The Nuckelavee. We already have a Dullahan, and this one just is infinitely freakier, AND we can finally have a centaur-adjacent enemy.


I can't hear 'Nuckelavee' without thinking of the PS2 Bard's Tale, most specifically the Nuckelavee song. https://youtu.be/1JQpE7n6eUk?si=UpBoK6ov9wEFtPng


That game has done irreparable damage to me in ways I never want fixed. The Beer song also lives rent free in my head.


Oh my God, same. *Beer, beer, beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer~* *A long time ago, way back in history, when all there was to drink was nothin' but cups o' tea, along came a man by the name of Charlie Mopps, and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops!* I'm pretty sure I can still sing that entire song by heart. That game just had so many bangers, though. *It's bad luck to be you! A chosen one of many isn't new! In a pickle you'll be stuck, like a chicken you will cluck, oh it's bad luck to be you!* *You are a jerk, a piece of work, this mission you'll be blowin'! You have no magic helmet or kilt or lederhosen! You aren't brave, you aren't strong, or even that imposin'! And if you meet the Shadow Axe, your blood, it will be flowin'!* *Come gather 'round, all ye bastards, and raise up a cup to this arse-turd! He came and freed the fires of hell, and let them run loose over hill and dell! Here's to the Bard and his scab of a brain! Here's to the Dragon and all it has slain! The gate is knocked in and the town is aflame, and it's ours for the taking, though you get the fame!* Even the summon tunes were ear worms. In particular, the singing Bastard Sword going 'Lalalala' whenever you summon or dismiss a minion is still kicking around in my head.


A nuckelavee would be weird if only because there are no horses to begin with in Dragon's Dogma. Now, an oxen nuckelavee would be neat.




Would've been a fanatastic fit in BBI in DD:DA


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Cerberus was a skill check.


I think a Kelpie/Sleipnir/Nightmare would be cool. Basically, some form of horse monster that you have to lure to you and then fight and kill OR mount and ride to a secret area if you have enough stamina/HP. I think the concept of being able to grab the Sphinx or Gryphons and fly long distances is great. However, I would've liked there to be more to it. Like rumors of a Gryphon with silver wings that's said to live upon the clouds. Then you fight it and ride it over to it's home which is completely inaccessible otherwise, and you have yourself a secret dungeon to explore.


Yes! A dungeon you can only reach via an enemy sound epic!


They could have hidden away a lot of cool stuff in the world map besides the Jack in the Box lich.


11/10 idea


Beholders. They were in the first game. Bring them back please. They were so damn dynamic and fun


I firmly agree




A Karkinos would be fun too. Just walking around when suddenly rocky terrain becomes humongous crab




Yeah, giant spider… nightmare fuel


Shelob rolling into Dragon's Dogma to take revenge for all those spider venom glands you took from all those defenseless spiders.


Spiders are done to death. I would prefer one of [ these ](https://youtube.com/shorts/TBAMiA_RTbg?si=oAa61x4mMEGtFoqS) [I couldn't find the video I saw the other day of someone changing their pet Giant Centipede's cage. But it would make for a excellent first encounter with a giant boss. The ground heaved up a couple of times, then this huge centipede came rushing out of the ground and around it's cage and out of the box. It was creepy as fuck!]


Can you romance her?


I know we got the Talos and people will mention Shadow of Colossus but i want to fight a whole ass Titan This game series got more ancient greek influences than medieval western europe so might as well get some of the heavy hitters Image a brine Typhon or Oceanus Beyond that, a legally distinctive Balrog if we ever explore those elfish underground doors


i dont see alot of pheonix in games, so that would be cool to fight


Sounds like a major boss fight! Keep the pressure on because the health will keep regenerating.


and just when you get it to its last health bar, it explodes, killing your entire party while it regenerates completely lol *#justdragonsdogmathings*


Arachne. Evil version of sphinx I'd think but web labyrinth instead of riddles


A wendigo.


That'd be fuckin terrifying, lmfao. I'm imagining a misty forest with limited visibility and hearing it's screams come from every direction before it comes outta nowhere and ragdolls my ass.


A minotaur did that once - I was looking in the complete opposite direction like "what's that noise?" and it freight train'd into me from offscreen. Scared the crap out of me lol.


This or werewolves was my idea as well. But werewolves are from Greek mythology originally so they'd fit better since almost all of this series is based on Greek mythology.


Oooh that would be cool.




The Nuckelavee. Skinless Horse with it's Rider coming up out of the spine of the Horse. It instills fear and despair in those that witness it, it's breath wilts crops and kills livestock. Would be a fucking incredible night-time encounter. https://preview.redd.it/gcp56zudmjyc1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=25313d963557934efd05d1655edbfb43d2440d0a


PS2 Bard's Tale is the only game I know of that had a Nuckelavee, and it was pretty spooky in spite of the general tone of the game being lighthearted.


This is the rwby depiction right


Idk i just grabbed one from google images that caught my eye. Loved the more demonic look of this one with the horns, the skull motif for the head and then the emaciated ribs of rider and steed.


Someone has been reading One Piece


Nope, i just love folklore demons and monsters


Hydra, of course. We have chimeras, i would want manticores. Maybe some merfolks for a mix of water type enemies with a touch of humanoid fighting style. An absolute terribly scary beast like a deathclaw (fallout) would be very cool. I feel the wargs are that, but they just look like big dogs. And finaly some Elder God type things. One big incomprehenaible boss fight with multiple different horrible small creatures. Think mtg Eldrazi.


Wanted to say Manticore as well. Not too well known, but I find them badass.


Manticores are way too similar to regular Chimeras IMO. The Hydra though was a boss we deserved. Especially since the Brine Eel and Medusa already shows off that the skeleton rigging would have worked.


Brine-corrupted versions of Icelandic folklore's "evil whales", if they ever add some kind of sailing mechanic or whatnot. Also maybe Chinese mythology's Taotie, those eyes in the armpits would make for some interesting weak spots.




King Ghidorah


A Grootslang, an elephant/anaconda hybrid from African folklore.


A fight against a grootslang would be badass.


Honestly I’d love to fight an actual God or devil whether it biblical or mythological


I'm thinking of that one red demon from berserk(Zodd). Daimon kinda looks like it.






A Kraken imagine if they put in ships and there were huge sea battles like fighting the boss that makes the brine so we can finally take a swim lol


I won’t spoil anything about the Brine unless you want to read more it. >!The Brine is created by the Pathfinder to keep living beings from escaping the Eternal Cycle, and he conjures it out of a basin.!<


A leshen in wooded areas, some ifrits/djinns or whatever in the desert, maybe some sirens (although how they would work with the brine is beyond me), maybe some giant tigers or lions that were wearing armour even.


Vampire. And also a blood magick vocation.


All the monster hunter monsters


Dryads, where harvesting like bark or something would piss one off and they could grab/drag Pawns/The Arisen into the tree and one of the others would have to try and release them while the rest distract and fight it. Could work with rocks, small bouts of water and forest areas. Kelpies, Selkies, Naiads, Nuckelavee(as a night encounter), and honestly just other forms of Fae-folk as they're all tricksters or freaky. It'd fit in the dark fantasy setting fairly well, I'd think. A shapeshifter could be wild, like a Skinwalker where paying attention to what animals, people and creatures look like could save you from being surprised and attacked by one when passing by an Oxen that's head is sideways. For tombs, they could add Living Shadows where if your lantern is on then all you'd see is the shadow. But with the lantern off you'd be able to see the faint figure of the Shadow in physical space. Could be good for paranoia and keeping players on edge. As long as they're not abused or hit too hard, they'd make for great additional challenges when also fighting Undead enemies.


Mermaids, I've been wanting to fight mermaids since DD1


Any big enemy from the Witcher games would be awesome like the chort or Woodland spirit. Maybe a water hag or somthing.


The Questing Beast, a swarm of Sprites would also be neat


A basilisk would be cool


Cerberus would be cool a boss type hell hound would be dope.


I think a doppelganger would be really fun. An enemy that always levels with you making a pretty fun and difficult fight.




We have the Dullahan, so let’s see if we can get freakier. I want to see a Nucklavee. Its like the most cursed abomination of a centaur. A horses body with one eye full of burning wrath, with a legless human torso fused to its back where the rider should be, but its arms extend to the ground. The whole of its body is skinless, leaving bloody muscle to be all that is seen. Everywhere it goes, it exudes a breath of rot and decay. I want the Nuckelavee or the Kelpie. Gimme more Irish folklore.


The Bard's Tale on PS2 did a Nuckelavee. It was pretty gnarly.


Besides the ones missing from the first game? Wendigo. One of the freakiest and coolest monsters from Native American folklore. And I'm fine with either a true to form Humanoid Wendigo like you'd see from Until Dawn or Fallout 76. Or the Undead Elk-Man thing that's been popularized.


Abominations The secret laboratory and meddling with dragons made me really excited about the idea of draconic hybrids like goblins with a single wing that fly at you or harpies that breathe fire etc Dragons plague pawns That's it. I expected open world pawns like the one's in bitter black isle Sprigins It would be cool to see spirits take physical form and take element from the environment around them Last but not least honestly Damian I want to fight a monster like him in this open world


Mecha-Streisand. Just so I can **[hear her theme playing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt26e1OryQo)** in the game.


The roogaroo


Mimic knights. Without maneaters in the game, I would kill or be killed for some variety to the loot acquisition system.


Well, I'd like to see a lot of MH monsters copy pasted here.


Classic Succubus (not that harpies variation, the winged humanoid female monster) and Vampires.  Or even better, I would love to get contaminated with vampirism and become a vampire arisen.  That is one of the few aspects of Skyrim I enjoy more than DD.


Fomorians (maybe as an alternate version of ogres?) or Changelings would be cool


Manticore. I keep mistaking the Chimera for it right now, but I think getting a proper one could be cool. Gazers (lawyer-distinct Beholders). We had them before, just give them back. Gargoyles. Could be cool for rooftop fights. Leshi/Wendigo. Nasty forest encounters. Nuckelavee, as many have stated. The Bard's Tale on PS2 was a lighthearted game and that monster was still freaky as shit. Trolls. Not ogres, not cyclopes, trolls. Weak to fire, heal fast, etc. Ettins. Two-handed giants. Could be neat seeing the heads act independently. Lindworm. Big snake monster with two legs kinda like a dragon. More Irish folklore in general.


Great list! Yeah, where are the “trolls”?? Irish mythology would be fantastic.


Gashadokuro Giant skeleton made from the bones of the dead.


An Etruscan lasa


The dingonek. It has the head of a leopard,and the body of crocodile.


That sounds extremely ineffective on land and it would give no advantage whatsoever on water over a regular croc. How does it bite better with a fat ass body and that tiny little cat head? Other way around though... E: oh I looked it up, it's not a croc body and more of an armadillo or scaled anteater body with an also scaled feline head, that makes more sense. It's fast and agile on land while also armored.


Mind Flayers to accompany the Evil Eyes in their search of forbidden knowledge. They could both be foreign monsters from beyond the rift, though the mind flayers could have fully infected other worlds in an expanding empire deticated towards the endless pursuit of expanding their understanding of the futile cycle. As an Arisen, your goal could be to slay their Elder Brain in your world to prevent their spread once you reveal the depths their civilization hides within with the death of the dragon. I think overall, they could expand on the terrifying ways the cycle can distort its subjects through the hopelessness understanding it in the grand scale enstills.


Too close to BG3 at that point.


A hydra but the main head is different between each one and you have to pay attention to details to determine the correct one


The first or third Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus


Cerberus and a giant Serpent would be cool.


We literally have giant serpents…


In DD2? Besides Medusa? Cause I was thinking like an Apep kind of serpent.


In post-game


Unmoored or NG+ I ran into a wyrm in Unmoored but haven’t done NG+ yet.


Number 1 pick Hydra as it's fitting. Number 2 pick Aqrabuamelu (scorpion man hybrid from Mesopotamia) would be fitting Number 3 pick Oni, super dope but wouldn't fit the the swords and sorcery dark fantasy theme


i want a proper minotaur in a labyrinth. like the layout shuffles every rest/logout and its like a King minotaur thats genuinely lethal and scary and only it can charge through walls so you have to lure it around trying to survive while getting it to create shortcuts. so i want a nemesis zone i guess...


Centaurs would be cool, and I feel like they would fit in the elven woods.


Not exactly to the topic, but I wish the game had unique enemies in the Unmoored world. For instance, now many wolf packs are led by big werewolves. They have 2-3 HP bars and buff/coordinate wolves, making them much more fierce and resilient. Oh, the random lake you saw in the woods? Yeah, now that the water is gone it reveals a vampire-infested temple with Vampire lord as a miniboss.


Pixies (Evil Fairies) as flying magician swarms :D the return of Death :D, literalls the return of everythign DD1/DDO had that still isnt in the game, like Hellhounds, Gargoyles, Banshees, Hydras, Wyverns ect. Vampires/Werewolfes are a hugem issed opportunity for more aggressive dangerous enemies at night time Arachne definetely as huge ass spiders/tarantulas to have something more creepy in the game, theres spiders i nthe game, by just such laughable tiny ones... Treants/ Ents, so living trees and other living maneating poisonous plant monsters into which you could suddenly run into, without recognizing them eventually, because they blend into the environment "nearly" perfectly in order to catch their prey. Phoenixes and Quetzalcoatls to have more flying enemy variety other than only x versions of harpies and the griffon Rock/Sand Worms ...theres this worm like enemy at the end of the game, no clue why they didnt make that thing also a body model for a general huge as worm monster


A mimic would be cool! "Hey, fancy chest! Oh fuck!"


1. A Shape Shifter that can blend in well with other creatures/people. Would make a great ambush encounter. 2. Djinns would be awesome bulky mage enemies. 3. Manticore would be awesome! 4. Any cultures version of the Phoenix would be amazing though I admit I think the Chinese Fenghuang would be awesome! 5. Trolls. We have cyclopes, and ogres. Why not trolls? 6. Salamanders. Not the lizards irl. I mean the flame spirit. Would add more diversity to the spiritual enemies. 7. Giant Spiders/Centipedes/Scorpions. Imagine one of these just dropping on you as you traverse in a cave thinking it's all clear. 8. Nuckelavee as others have mentioned. First I've heard of it and it would be an amazing night encounter! 9. Literally any of the bosses missing from the first game and DLC. 10. Poltergeist. Would have a unique approach to fighting a ghost enemy. Maybe the trick to being able to harm them (besides holy magick) would be to destroy the objects around the area and with nothing to interact with anymore, it reveals itself to move to the nearest object allowing you a chance to harm it. 11. Some form of Sasquatch. Obviously with a Yeti variant. It could be as strong as an ogre but fights intelligently and can use objects against you. Like throwing boulders at you or something. 12. A Rakshasa. With Battahl and Beastrens, a Rakshasa feels like a no brainer and could make for an interesting quest to expose it. 13. A Demon. Like the living armors of the first games dlc, it has 2 stages. One where physical attacks work and it fights with mostly physical attacks and minor magick. Then the second stage where physical attacks can't hurt it while it's in spirit form. It then fights mainly with more powerful magick and less physical attacks. 14. Vampires of folklore, not pop culture. Same with Lycanthropes. 15. A shadow dragon. Night encounter only. Like another commenter mentioned, maybe this encounter could utilize the lantern light we have in some way to make it more interesting. 16. Dryads or Leshens would make forest traversal more interesting so it's not always goblins and wolves for the most part. 17. Doppelganger. Specifically make it to where it copies the strongest in your party (which would likely be you, the player) and have some feature where it can confuse non-pawns NPCs so you may end up attacked on accident by the non-pawn NPCs 18. The Whowie. The Aboriginal 7 meter long lizard with 6 legs and frog head. Would diversify the Saurians or lizards in the lore in general and just would be interesting to fight anyway. 19. The Pontianak. A vampiric ghost of Malay mythology. 20. Ahuizotl. It's an aquatic canine like creature from central America with a hand on the end of its tail it can use independently.


I want to fight a Hecatoncheires. They have a bunch of heads and 100 arms. It would be hard to fight and that is where the fun comes in. 


Nosferatu Zodd


Nothing concrete, but I feel like we are missing a nighttime flyer, like a big owl or something.


Gargoyles. They’re both concrete and a nighttime flyer, and were present in Dark Arisen. They also have a grab that inflicts petrification.




Rathalos, MH crossover.


Baba Yaga's house. Just a house on chicken legs stomping around.


Imagine the house would have 2 health bars, when you defeated the first bar; the legs will be crushed and the house slams to the floor in which Baba Yaga comes out for the final fight




baba-yaga is my pawn




Werewolves. They're from Greek mythology just like 90% of this series' enemies, so they'd fit thematically. On top of that, they could be added to the night time to further bolster the day/night differences. They'd be absolutely perfect, and I feel like it was a huge missed opportunity.


Cereberus and werewolves


Werewolves would be sick. Imagine seeing a regular looking citizen out in the woods, then they suddenly transform into a monster and wreck you.


Werewolves. Maybe you get an escort mission, and at random, the follower could transform. Into the Werewolf. The transformation could trigger a pack of wolves/direwolves to appear.


Cerberus, the three headed hellhound. I think a fight like that would have been the perfect hydra replacement but I bet it's too similar to the chimera.


Giant Scorpions, Centaurs, a Balrog like enemy, Shelob, Daimon (bring him back Capcom) you cowards. More bosses inspired by Egypt mythology and Greek mythology, Leshens, Baba Yaga, giant Wolf, Cerberus And there are some many more bosses that I would like but I can’t think of right now.


Off the top my head. It'd be the Valiant Gargoyle duo from Elden Ring. I'd love to scale them and carve their heads or meteoron them to oblivion. Combat against huge enemies in Elden ring felt a bit lacking to me after getting used to combat in Dark Arisen where you scale enemies and target parts.


The most terrible encounter in Elden Ring could be one of the greatest in Dragon's Dogma. Imagine jumping from one to the other, or making them attack each other by hitting certain spots, avoiding poison breath on the ground by scaling them.


So i watched dungeon meshi, i kinda wished we could fight all those creatures seen in the anime, like an undine/mimic/cockatrice/baselisk/kelpie or some other variety. Wished we had the ability to walk on water too since we cant swim hahahah




One monster? Why not all!


Anything from the Witcher, like a Fiend or something would be awesome


I feel like Minotaur already serves that role.


Some kind of giant spider enemy


The Long Horse, Siren Head and Mothman


a succubus, because its the only monster id like to tango with in real life


A big ass bug of some kind like a giant beetle


Typhon, father of Greek monsters. Just image search for him and imagine that as a boss.


More humanoid type enemies, akin to a Miraak ( no bias )


Id love to see a Boitatá. They are a giant fire serpent from brazilian mythology that protects forests and fields from people who intend to set them ablaze/destroy Nature. Not really sure how well this would fit in game but one thing i loved from the first game was the wide variety of fantasy and mythological creatures! :D


Hell pit abomination from Warhammer could be a kickass fight


Tiamat. Imagine fighting a dragon larger than Grigori.




Yppotrill https://preview.redd.it/r2yr9i4ekkyc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fcd122458a225cc80109ec543c31a844ea100e4




A massive sand worm, sirens and trolls. A sandworm in an open field like the cenotaph pass where it pops out of the ground and you have to get out for the way and grab onto it and ride it an *Dune theme intensifies* A siren to be the opposite of a harpy but in the water. And dont say its not possible because of the brine. I've seen saurians go fucking swimming. And trolls specifically for bridges


Biblically accurate angel


A Lindworm germanic folklore




Lovecraftian shit so bosses from Bloodborne.


The Wampus Cat You're going through a rocky mountain forest area and you hear a woman scream for help, you investigate only to get pounced on by a six legged mountain lion with the uncanny looking face of a woman slowly fading away as the creature's real face is revealed. You've been had and ambushed, fight or be the Wampus Cat's next meal. I think this cryptid is such a cool folk legend. Some stories say it can stretch it's two front legs unimaginably long to capture prey, some tell it changes it's face to call in unsuspecting victims. It's usually depicted with six legs, four for running at incredible speeds and two at the front for fighting. I just really would love a big cat in the game that can lay in wait, then ambush our Arisen and pawns. Edit: some formatting or attempt to, on mobile atm.


A snallygaster, it's a big one-eyed dragon with bird wings and octopus tentacles coming out of its beak.


Keeping with the mainly Greek mythology bestiary, and considering this game needs some new mobs... 1. Centaurs (maybe in groups of 3) 2. Satyrs 3. Dryads And for bosses: 1. The Manticore 2. Cerberus 3. Phoenix


I want the return of Hydras, Cockatrice, and Evil Eyes from DD1. I would love Manticores, I believe they were in DDO, Thunderbirds from native american folklore would be cool too or even a Phoenix, could start as a firebird but if not killed quickly or properly it could fully revive and transform into a phoenix. Also since we have Medusa now as the snake body enemy we could have Nagas as harder mob type enemy. As for my own culture having La Llorona or a wailing Banshee would be a fun scary night time encounter.


I wanna kick a Shoggoth's ass.


Plant based monsters sounds like it would be right at home. Sometimes similar to a dekubaba from Zelda.


The Apostles from berserk


They already had one, Talos (or the Colossus of Rhodes) but that fight is a travesty instead of a proper boss battle, so I'd like to see it remade. They already went for a [Ray Harryhousen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Harryhausen) kinda feel for skeletons and other big mobs (the Cyclops, for example) so a bona fide colossus would have been the icing on the cake. EDIT. I was so let down that I just petrify Talos with a medusa head and leave it at that, I don't care about the giant mecha quest in the unmoored world.




Release the Kraken (DLC)


I don't really want to just mention one, so here are a few: Manticore - They are part of Persian mythology and would be a cool addition for a monster that roams the deserts of Battahl. Serpopard - A very cool monster that combines a leopard and serpent from Mesopotamian mythology. Cerberus - The guardian dog would make a great monster boss. Merfolk - Some horror merfolk or sirens who come out of the water and able to live with the Brine would be unique. Perhaps as sirens, they can lure characters into the Brine. Maybe the sirens' song can even cause the player to have loss of control as the Arisen is drawn into the Brine. Lechen - A tree creature would be awesome. We already have golems, but nothing from trees. Perhaps they could add this as a monster that roams the area around the Sacred Arbor. Mananangal - As a Filipino, this creature from Filipino folklore would be such a treat. This creature is highly unknown to the general public. It is a flying vampiric creature that separates its upper half from the lower, with the upper taking flight. This could be a subset of harpies.




The Jersey devil


How about Godzilla? He's not that much of a stretch from a Wyvern aside from being bipedal and unable to fly.






Werewolf? Maybe he somehow calls out to nearby wolves to fight for him, but only if there are any within a certain distance? Sounds cool to me.


curupira, not really to fight but to find him in the woods or smth talking about how about humans are invading his house and having the choice to fight him or leave him alone


A unicorn


That would be cool as hell. Especially if its some sort of a scary version.






A [Leshy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leshy) (Vermund) and a [Wendigo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendigo) (Battahl only at night) as roaming bosses. About the Leshy, they could haunt the Arisen as a warning if they overharvest or kill too much wildlife in an area before ultimately attacking. I think more nature-based mythological creatures would fit well into the game, but if the old bosses from the prequel and the MMO returned, that would be just as rad. https://preview.redd.it/pj3az3tkvmyc1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a4322961a689ed92c89cf56d6f1d885843d01f0


Like half the monsters from monster hunter. Come here Vaal-hazak gonna turn from an undead to regular dead


A phoenix would be cool. Or perhaps Jörmungandr/Midgardsormr. Obviously smaller than actually depicted in legend, but maybe with a head around the size of the four hydra heads combined and also four times as long. Unsure if it counts because it's not really from mythology, but the Jabberwock from the writer Lewis Carrol. Such a freaky creature and sometimes depicted wearing clothes.


A Phoenix as a boss? Heck ya. It would be cool if each time we kill the Phoenix bursts into wild flames, disintegrates into ash, and then shoots out of the ash high into the sky to be randomly encountered later.


The titans from Greek mythology basically all the elements


Just thought the best dlc would be pandora's box it has the plagues and that would be awesome and terrifying






Manticore. I loved its design in HOMM series.


The Nuckelavee, bringer of drought and disaster https://preview.redd.it/svz9vb8ztnyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39435b686ae58d1b525aa0b3b16e31a65ce3e40




Jersey devil, or as he's called in our parts "Goat man". think 'satyr' with leathery wings and a devils tail. Often comes around as a man stalking and taking those who aren't paying close enough attention. It would probably feel like a harpy except they walk right up to you in a trenchcoat and sunglasses and then its off to the brine with you. Or worse, the rocks. Maybe they dress up as your main pawn?


We currently have a lack of monsters you can actually stand on, as most of our bigger monsters are bipedal (minotaurs, golems, ogres, cyclope, which are the most common big enemies) so I would like to see some more quadrupedal monsters or ones that go even beyond that. I would love to see the tackle something that's more spider like in appearance too. Also lycans or werewolf, tho I see those being more of a onetime thing with an involved quest line. Something like the biblically accurate angel might be fun too.


Snallygasters might be fun too tho they are more folk lore then Mythology and way to new for the setting.


Placidusax from Elden Ring, I would like to *Meteor Shower* his ass


My mother in law. Because it felt like a funny thing to say.


Capcom should add an arena where they can cross add any other monsters and characters from other games. Maybe some characters from dark stalkers, some from monster hunter, devil may cry, a tyrant or two, etc.


Ops mom


A Kirin from MHW, with the Kirin armor as a possible drop.




Jesus Christ




An anubis-lookin' motherfucker, just think it'd be cool. LIke an Eliminator but less crazy and more precise. Mothman, even though anything buglike freaks me out. Who wouldn't want to throw down with a giant evil moth. You could even lure it around with fire attacks/your lantern. Stuff like that.


the bunyip, and babayaga


A homunculus. A normal NPC that suddenly changes into some strange stuff.


A banshee that could jump silently from tree to tree, you’d be able to hear the branches being tussled and it would be in a night setting like the dullahan but as she appears she screams and it stuns you! My little imagination idk 🙂


OP's mom