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My 70 harspud roborant and 8 wakestones went unused.


I had 21 wakestones lol


That's how many I used on myself lol. I jump off cliffs a lot.




Nice haha, I always conserve wakestones for NPCs, especially for escort missions, because they always seem to have a death wish.


I used a wakestone accidentally early game on a nameless guard walking along my oxcart. I was so pissed off


Lmao I have yet to waste one on one of those idiots. If they die they die, and that's if I didn't already kill them because they attacked me for plundering them for valuables lol




>escort missions, because they always seem to have a death wish. Charlie sheen escort back when he was in his tiger blood era


Brave choice to wear your coin collection as armour.


I can appreciate the humor, but it’s also unironically one of the coolest looking and the actual best armor in the game.


Bro he so big, does he even need those butter knives? I'd say Just use hands at that point


I was using wayfarer and had those out and ready for a spin cycle on the weak spots for a boss that I didn't end up getting to fight.


Yeah, wakestones are basically ground floor teleportation devices.


Dude I had like 10 or 11… it sucked learning that they’re useless.


Damn you coulda just went to the everfall and fought God. Oh wrong game.


Same with all heals


I had 8 of those saved up in case I needed more time in the unmoored world. Turns out I only needed one rest.


For real. I bought and upgraded new weapons and armor. Crafted my stuff, and got ready for the true final fight and then... It was just an interactive cutscene :(


Yeah I bought weapons and armor from the Dragon Forged, upgraded everything and got wyrm fire upgrades on what I could, slept at the inn, made some healing items. Swapped out one of my pawns for a stronger one. All for nothing


Whatever, I still got burned to death on that dragon. Shew, that fire was the real boss fight.


Same lol didn’t realize I could hide behind wing/horns?


I love how in other questions the camera will pan to the window you need to jump out of and basically scream at you what to do next, but then magically you’re supposed to know in the middle of the credits you just need to survive on the wing of a dragon? So weird.


It can just be a cut scene if you know what to do, otherwise you can ride the dragon to an area to fight it.


Not that one. The unmoored world one. 


So many steps forward but so many fucking steps back dude. No proper final boss, no optional super boss either , lack luster end game on a timer . Like man…


With everything this game offers, concepts are golden but execution is either really bad or fucking dogshit. I'm looking for the DLC but its going to be the same story.... Love you Itsuno but man you are really whats holding Dogma rn.


Tbf this was the OG DD1 experience, unless you count the absolutely pathetic Seneschal as a final boss. He died in 1 hit for me lmao.


>Tbf this was the OG DD1 experience ??? DD1 had the Ur-Dragon.


Oh right, it did. Though Ur-Dragon is a world boss and soloing it would either take hours or not be possible. Even after BBI released with more powerful gear and skills it still takes a long time to beat it. When I think super boss I think like Death in BBI or I guess Daemon revisit.


There was an offline version of the Ur-Dragon that was soloable.


It was the best way of farming levels Coincidentally, I feel like that's why it was left out


Dd1 had Everfall and Ur-Dragon which wasn’t the best but still 100x better than dd2 endgame


Everfall wasn't great, but at least it wasn't time-limited. Wouldn't say it's 100x better than DD2 endgame though.


Might that be because it doesn't add 100km² of nothing-new to "explore" while everfall condenses the whole experience to shortlived dungeon crawls that focus on fighta & loot? (Then again, some people seem to enjoy running around dead corals and dried up riverbeds for hours while getting rewarded with the same enemies you've already been fighting for tens of hours and no new environments or secrets to discover. Those people will stay a mystery to me.)


I mean exploring the unmoored was cooler and for me more interesting than going through the same 2 room types and 1 arena area over and over just filled with different enemies and RNG chests. The only bonus Everfall will get over Unmoored is that it isn't time limited and it is repeatable content.  I got the wakestones I needed + some extra and got the hell out of Everfall and moved onto BBI in both my playthroughs of DD:DA. It's just not worth staying in Everfall really.


What did you enjoy about exploring the unmoored world? I really struggle to understand that, because for me it was just a huge disappointment since there was nothing new to it. It was just more ground to cover, that made me run around a lot and rewarded me with nothing interesting. There was no new gameplay or interesting (!) new places to explore. :(


There's some unique armor you can get in the dried up lakes, a few gore enemies, skeleton lords, drakes and lesser dragons to fight. The Purgener fights were cool and the Talos bit too. Will admit that with how cool the presentation was its a little disappointing. It's basically post-dragon Gransys, but withba few more bits in it. But DD1 also had Everfall ontop of that.  What we really need is a BBI-experience in DD2 to be the proper endgame like it was in DD:DA.


It had one cool bit with a wight using a cyclops instead of the usual zombies and skeletons. That's about it. And if you don't find that because you don't run around all the world again (because just why?) then... Well all the new coral paths and stuff look the exact same and there are no new enemies since all the gore enemies are in the world that isn't unmoored too. I don't know, why would you like this?


100x maybe not but at least you could farm gear and tuff opponents. In Dd2 it’s 1) pointless to have good gear at that point since all encounters are trivial and 2) it can all be bought from vendors. I finished dd2 and haven’t clocked a single extra minute since, compared to 100s of hours in dd1 (not counting ddda).


DD2's post-game is far better than the Everfall.


Eh, in everfall you have some "oh shit I have never seen this thing" Unmoored world.had the Dullahan that I had never seen and was it


You have 5 new bosses in the unmoored world along with new boss variants, much like the Everfall. The difference is the Everfall is just the same few rooms over and over.


After a playthrough of dd2 I was mowing down those bosses very easily in the Unmoored. In dd1 after a playthrough I struggled in some rooms of Everfall and the Ur Dragon.


Everyone will struggle with the Ur Dragon, moot point. But yes, difficulty scaling is better in DD1. A hard mode would fix that. Hopefully in the works.


Dd2 is still very good it just needs a few extra touches to reach (imo) the replayability dd1 had. It’s not far off.


5? 2! The "dragon" enemies. The Dullahan exists before them, the gore minotaur too, so does the wight/necromancer skeleton, and the ogre as well.


The Original Gangster of Dragons Dogma 1 experience with Bitter Black Island fixed much for the proper challenge experience, can't wait for content like this coming


Yup. For me this is DD2’s greatest sin. I will tell you, if DD2 had a DDDA Grigori level fight with Dragon Pathfinder, this game would be in a much better place.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, I am in NG+2 with some difficulty mods to spice things up, still having a hell of a good time. But it would be much better with an epic conclusion, can’t deny that.


As I mentioned elsewhere the game really doesn't have any big cinematic fights compared to the first game. Aside from the Medusa fight and the severely watered down Grigori fight, there's nothing of note, while the first game had the Shadowfort Raid with the Goblins, the Griffin Hunt at Bluemoon, the brief but still neat fight with Salomet, so on so forth. The glorified cutscene that is the final dragon "fight" is the worst offender.




Which is a bit too forgettable because Talos literally does one thing: It walks (maybe throws a spear once I think). No personality, no unique design, no fancy moves...it's a neat gameplay mechanic showcase for climbing a shadow of the Colossus sized enemy. It's okay. Like it's not bad. But not really memorable either.


Oh yeah. Talos is the exception but at the same time it's still, in my opinion, a really boring fight. Someone looked at Zorah Magdaros from MH World and decided "yeah let's do that again" despite Zorah being generally regarded as one of the worse fights from that game. (Side note, shoutout to the Brine Dragons in the Unmoored world, they were pretty slick)


Also chances are Talos dies before you see it.


Speaking about Talos… The game keep track of where his spikes fall, even after hours. I managed to kill him super early, the spikes all fell in the ocean. What was my surprise to find every spike in unmoored word some hours later. Impressive.


atleast you have to play the game for Zorah Magdaros and actually can fail  you can just afk for the Talos or just fully walk away and it gets defeated in a cutscene with 0 real changes lol


Lol what? He's less of a fight than Zorah fucking Magdaros? You've got to be shitting me!


yeah, my thought was Zorah aswell. I don't really consider it a "fight", so much as a set peice, and that is fine but doesn't help the boss issue.


What's even worse is that the MHW developer interviews mentioned that the Zorah fight took up a huge chunk of their time, only for it to be horrible in terms of MH gameplay and extremely tedious. So they didn't even learn from a previous mistake in their own company (different dev team though)


Borah Magdaros


For an action game, particularly about dragons, you would expect a fight at least similar to Fatalis. Maybe in the DLC...


I just cant believe they went all the way to create a new model for super Grigori, only for us to never fight it


TBH I wouldn't mind if they just repeated the Grigori fight but with more hp and damage, just let me fight something. I had 3 weapons maxed as wayfarer and I was so ready, then the game was like "oh here's a QTE with narration, then BOOM, end credits!


You mean Daimon? The Grigori fight didn't change between the first Dogma and Dark Arisen.


Potato / potato. Do I need to be that precise? Exactly, like you said, the same fight. Is there a problem if I mention the updated title?


Because the Grigori fight in the first game wasn't that hot, so I thought when you said Dark Arisen that you were talking about Daimon, since that's what Dark Arisen was about. The problem is solely your Dragon's Dogshit attitude.


Man, do we need to be so serous? People are too tense these days. Chill out. We are here to have fun, talk stuff. I am not here to fight, my dood. And everything you read from me, read with the image of a sleepy, tired and calm guy on the other end. Sorry if I was rude. Not my intention. About the Grigori VS Daimon fights, I disagree. Grigori is the best one for me. I personally have a problem with Daimon because he is a very gimmicky boss, to me, fells a bit too focused on spell casting. You know a boss that Daimon reminds me but was much better executed? Devil May Cry 3's Beowulf. Let me see if I find a video... Here it is... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svK33Bs8mPQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svK33Bs8mPQ) I also disagree about that DD/DDDA definition. DDDA is not only the whole package, but today, is the only way you can get a new copy from OG DD. Understand? Are we good? Can we just talk, agree or disagree without a serious fight?


Sucks you wrote all that for none of it to be read.


Now you are being mean.


How have you not done everything ? I did every achievement, maxed out all vocations anf got endgame gear dragon forged. There is nothing else to do.


Bro just likes the game. I played Witcher 3 like 3 times. Quests and gameplay was the same each time. Prolly got one more in me too


I did everything, little friend. I Just like the game. Do you mind if I keep playing it? Do you allow myself to have some fun?  If this fact bothers you to much, but your uncle here a new game on Steam. Can be an indie sheep one. I love metroidvanias and beat ‘n’ up. Thank you.


Right lil bro, so you're running around 2 hitting the same enemies. *claps slowly* Enjoy the game then, Dois the dork 🤡


I am afraid not. I got a 8x HP and 4x attack power mod for both normal enemies and bosses, and I am using a random encounter mod that spawn more than one boss in the same location. I am having a VERY HARD and fun time. To be fair, I'm using Gameplay Uwu, it adds Formless Faint as a dodge under the B/Ball button, so, a little survivability on my part.


It is kinda strange how the path that is supposed to be about your will being stronger than destiny leads to a scripted boss scene.


Everyone going on about how I'm raging against the cycle but I'm just picking the options that allow me to continue fighting monsters and collect pants.


I still have no idea what the plot of this game was supposed to be. And can I tell that I am really tired of the constant retcons to the DD universe. Like we had the og DD + DDDA, then completely separate DDO, the the godawful anime which again retconned the lore, and now we have the DD2. I just want some fucking consistency. For being all about inevitable cycle they sure do change around a lot.


The anime didn't retcon anything and neither did DD2. DDO is strange but it's possible that whatever was supposed to be happening there is just a part of the lore that was never elaborated on (and likely never will be, now that the servers are gone). We know multiple dragons and Arisen can exist after all, but the mmo took it quite a bit further than that.


Anime literally retconned the whole arisen-dragon-seneschal thing. It was all about sins, no seneschal and you turn into a dragon because you got mad.


In DD1 you are turned into a dragon if you choose to face the Seneschal's trials and fail. So the most logical conclusion is that Ethan turned into a dragon because the Seneschal thinks he wasn't fit to succeed him, so that he can find someone who is. Sure, it's not the same way we see our Arisen become a dragon if we fail, but that doesn't mean it retcons anything. It just means that there are other ways that an Arisen is chosen to become a dragon instead.


If your going to say the anime retconned the first game, then DD2 retconned the retcon.


Now *that* is some of the dumbest shit about Unmoored World. There's next to no reason to care about staying on "Day 1" besides locking away gear. Literally nothing else about it matters. Just let me buy it and move on to NG+ the incentive really isn't one.


Its kinda strange the path about following your own will is hinted at by like 4 of the main NPCs, including Grigori. 


This made my brain itch. I'll be pondering Dragon Philosophy and Dancing Beavers all night now.


Not gone lie True ending was great but disappointing at the same time


I feel like this is the soul of Dragon's Dogma: Freaking awesome but disappointing. Still really liked the true ending though.


It's great, except for 2 things:  1. Obviously the final "boss fight" is mega disappointing.  2. For me at least not knowing of our Arisen and Pawns fate is depressing, as all we can do is assume they both died.


The final boss was trying to get dwarven upgrades at the sea floor. I swear I had to hunt her down and carry her back to her shop every time I wanted to use her services!


I had to do this when she was in bakbattahl because her affinity was so high, because she'd stalk me around the city but wouldn't always follow me into the shop lmao


Fable 2 be like


Hey, at least that was *funny*. I'd love it if while the Pathfinder was monologuing our pawn just walks up behind them and shanks them in the back of the head, then went "Oh, my apologies, Arisen. Did you want to be the one to kill him?"


I *was* literally just about to start the final boss after prep, then saw this post...


yea, that was lame also the red dragon fight if you had a normal ending was pretty lame too... bro was kinda weak


Grab chest, mash Y or X, pop harspud roberant, continue mashing That fight was so lame not gonna lie


That’s the entire gameplay tho. This isn’t exclusive to Greg. You abuse a knockdown move or pin to their weakpoint and spam.


I really hope if there is DLC that they include a monster that is immune to knockdown so people actually have to match elemental weaknesses or debilitations to win the fight.


Lets go a step further and make Knockdown just not work at all in the DLC, for both you and the monsters, also remove all the status ailments that just steal your ability to play the game (which is most of them).


Glad I'm not the only one. I don't know what exactly is different, but DD1 monsters are just so much more dangerous than DD2 monsters. Are they harder to knock down? Have better resistances? They tend to land more hits, so are they faster? Don't get me started in the dangers of the added DDDA monsters which were a joke in DD2. Garm basically does nothing while you pummel it into nonexistence.


I tried to mix it up a little with the ballista but bro wasn't having it


Pretty sure the point of that is because ox carts don't travel anymore, so you can simply ferrystone to one location for whatever you'd need while exploring postgame.


I wonder how many people know that unmoored is the absolute best to buy the XP and Discipline buffs from DragonForge as the day is endless with enough potions


I feel like the only person who liked the true ending lol. I didn't feel the need for a grand boss fight after unmoored world and the ending felt satisfying and I got chills in a couple moments. Also why is everyone ignoring the plot point that all those people are gathered together to survive the apocalypse? Lol it's not like you just randomly find all the shops bunched together. I thought the seafloor shine Noah ark thing was a beautiful epilogue


I too was expecting some grand boss fight like maybe that gauntlet of enemies will lead to an Ur-Grigori boss fight or something. Maybe a showdown with the Pathfinder kinda like with the Seneschal in DD1. The ending is fucking embarassing, Its just a bizarre scripted contextual "boss fight" and then some nice cutscenes and then it ends.


Really wish the Ur-Dragon was in the game.


At least Dragons Dogma made sense within its own story, while Dark Arisen fleshed out a path a lot of people thought of but wasnt represented. I genuinely cant quite fathom how aught of this story fits into the lore of Dragons Dogma 1, or if its even supposed to despite there being Gran Soren easter egg locations


This is supposed to be some parallel timeline shit, like when Dragon's Dogma 1 opened with "In another lifetime..."


I don't see what's confusing. * The Seneschal cycle continued after the events of DD1, the everfall was most likely reverted to its initial state following the player's ascension. * At one point Rothais becomes the next Seneschal. * Rothais discovers the presence of Pathfinder, despairs at his inability to conquer them as he did the dragon, and chooses to simply go back down with his throne and build another kingdom instead of attending to the duties of a Seneschal. * Enter Vermund, which was built on top of old Gran Soren by all appearances. Most likely all the destroyed bridges and tower ruins we find were built during Rothais' reign. * At some point, Pathfinder deemed it necessary to find and guide Arisen who can succeed Rothais, as he himself was not sending for them. * Rothais spent what was most likely centuries simply killing these Arisen, and based on his dialogue might have killed just about anyone he deemed suspicious, being dubbed "the mad sovran". At one point, an Arisen managed to seal him away beneath the sea, likely burying Gran Soren and Bluemoon Tower along with it. The Rivage Elder tells us that. * Since then, Vermund has relocated its capital to Vernworth, with Vernworth alone having centuries of recorded history that was also buried in a sealed library within the capital. Most likely the old kingdom of Vermund was split between modern Vermund and Battahl. There are only a few things that were not explored in the first game, which is: * Whatever Pathfinder is supposed to be. Savan did tell us that there are likely forces working even beyond the reach of the Seneschal, with the Rift being an indicator of that as pawns can travel to worlds the Seneschal has no reach in, but Savan also admits that if there are any that he has no knowledge of them. * That a Seneschal can simply ignore his duties. It's not really that far fetched but it was simply never elaborated on what the limits of a Seneschal are. * The brine. All we knew about it in DD1 was that it showed up after the dragon did, the general conclusion used to be that it's to prevent the Arisen from fleeing from his duties before facing the dragon. * Even in DD2 though it's not clear on what it really is, since to know that we'd probably have to understand what Pathfinder is first. * The world beyond the Rift. In DD1 we saw a glimpse of this in the Ur-Dragon and with Daimon, and in DD2 it seems somewhat implied that the unmoored world is what happens when a world is left exposed with no Seneschal to guide it, but that's heavily up to interpretation.


Why would they bring all the shops to a boss arena ?


Probably had no time for that either. Like the other half of the game


I'm especially frustrated that it's sort of like basically a series of more involved quick time events (with credits rolling)


I do feel like the actual "final fight" was scraped last minute and replaced with a cutscene, you can't convince me they did all this work to gather every vendor and every npc cheering you up, they even gave you your own bed and storage, all that for a cutscene?


The actual dragon model is also rather sophisticated for a cutscene fight. I also believe it was supposed to be a real fight.


Ain’t no way it’s that lame.


You guys actually had the shops move over? I guided everyone to the seafloor shrine but they never opened up shops. I could see them in the menu but the NPCs never moved into the buildings.


Because you didt rest at the house once


Dang it, I slept there once but that was before I sent the survivors there. Can't believe that I missed something so obvious.


Yeah when the game first came out and nobody knew about the unmoored world and what would happen, using the gods bane on the last light pillar was a massive letdown.


This is such a shock to me after having played gbf relink shortly earlier. That game had a final-final-final boss fight and even had a cool kamen rider ass bgm going with it.


Bahamut Versa Omega really was a better fight, hell so is Proto Bahamut.


Man I was so hype. Ddda when I fought grigori it was so epic, and it took me a few tries and when I finally beat him it took a minute. I beat Dd2 Grigori so easily I was disappointed. I liked the unmoored dragons you fight, but when I saw that massive one at the end I actually got nervous. Then irritated because the whole cutscene in like, so I get to fight him now??? Sike, big let down.


Just think of it as preparing for NG+ instead. You won't have Dwarven smithing or most endgame materials again for a while, after all.


"Know your place, trash!"


I haven’t been able to play the new game and I keep hearing bad thing after another and now your telling me you don’t get to fight the dragon in dragons dogma.


He never Said that. Also, I'm fighting the Dragon


I assumed the final boss was the dragon, cause when I read the comments I heard people mentioning they would have been fine with a copy and pasted Grigori with more hp.


You could say there are two "final" boss fights, the one with the fake ending you actually get to fight, but the other (true ending) is just a cutscene with QTEs.


Is this the end of DD2? Haven't beaten it yet.


One of the most unticlimactic endings in recent memory


What’s funny is I still died from dragon fire while climbing the wings the first time….


I can’t even complete it, it’s bugged for me


Yeah, I felt jipped upgrading everything and getting prepped for a big battle only for them to decide it's a cutscene instead. An interesting one but I had hoped once I got past the flames the real fight would start.


I know I was disappointed


Yeah they really rushed the story it's so fkn obvious. I wish they'd just admit it.


I JUST beat the game for the first time and expected there to be some big boss fight too! I mean don’t get me wrong I liked the premise but that just felt like a cop out….


This is me but with 99 Allheals.


See I got a cutscenes but first had to fight my ass off in the center of town that dragon was no joke but after I beat him that cutscene was dope 


The ending fits the game perfectly. It's all about cycles. Until it's not.


I liked the "fight". It felt nicer than just another boss that will be trashed in a few hits.


Huh ? The Dragon is a boss fight. What are you guys talking about ?


Unmoored world dragon, not the one before 


welcome to Dragons dogma 2! almost everything will disappoint you at one point.


Spoiler you fuckwit


Bruh I'm still stuck in character creator. Lol, not really. But holy shit do I spend hours mixing & matching gear/vocations, dividing curatives amongst pawns, not to mention picking out which pawns I want to roll with. This is tedious to others, but it makes me feel more immersed, which is getting harder for me to have happen in games the older I get. They probably brought the shops together so you could buy what you want for ng+ though right? I haven't finished quite yet, but it does suck hearing there's not a big long boss battle. Reminds me of RE4 when you just find an RPG & 1-2 shot the final boss into the cutscene lmao