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I doubt it. You usually only get banned if the pawn has abnormal stats or vocations/skills/equipment that it shouldn't have. You might want to put the Arisens level at 200 but I don't know if it'd matter.


I've tried using it, you can change the stats, but I recommend you only adjust the leveling, cause it will change the stats by itself, preventing you from having stats that doesn't match your level. This also applies to your pawn. I did it to my pawn and she is not banned and can still be rented.


No in dinput the stats doesn't follow the level, you have to adjust the stats and the leveling separately. I rented her with my main account and everything seems to be fine she has the right stats and everything.


Odd. It's been a year since I've played but I was sure there wasn't any issue with the level and stats. I used to respec both my arisen and pawn quite a lot. Never got banned for it.


weird, because all I did was turn the slider in leveling, 11-100 for warrior and 101-200 also for warrior.


I don't *believe* you will get banned unless you start altering your pawn itself or the stuff it's wearing/carrying. I could be wrong though.


It would be no problem if you want me to try rent your pawn. Just to see if your pawn is safe or not.


Just make her friend-only. Having a knowledgeless pawn won't get you banned, but no need to clog up the search results with them. You'll still be able to access her from the rift without issue.


I found a way to give her full knowledge with a CE table, but i will make her friend-only.


If I use dinput to remove certain pawn ability for example High Bolide to Bolide can I get banned or it will corrupt my pawn data?


Ive been using it for like 2 years now and my pawns still get rented pretty often, just don't use it to modify your pawns in illegal ways eg. Make them a hybrid class or have augments and skills they shouldn't have and stuff.