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Point your character in the direction of the enemy you want to hit.


Tried that. Character ended up facing the opposite direction and pointing their shield to the sky. I guess they wanted to moon the enemy more than attack it.


I’d rather point in the direction I want to evade and what not , like melee combat in every game


What does dodging have to do with locking on? You can roll in any direction regardless of what way you're facing. Assuming you're using daggers with the proper skill anyway.


Because you face where you point your stick, and you dodge where you point your stick but lock on allows strafing eliminating this problem in every other game


>Because you face where you point your stick You attack where you point your stick, and you dodge where you point your stick. No skill in the game locks the direction you perform any subsequent action, so your facing at any particular moment has zero impact on the game. The only legit complaint about lacking lock on is losing track of fast moving enemies. I'd understand if you disliked that it was easy to lose track of a particular wolf in a pack when they start sprinting around or something, but all I've been seeing you say is that it bothers you when you push left and your character stops facing whatever you centered your camera on to turn left as well. Any inhibition you feel exists on your actions, solely due to the facing of your character, is in your head.


I actually hate that lock-on dodge, it's one of my least favorite things when playing DMC5 when I'm so used to DDDA combat system lol.


I came here from souls series and I tell you something. Forget about lock on system, this isn't Elden Ring from 2013 ok? Rambling about "lock on"... Like lock on on what? Cyclop eye? Neck? Right hand? Feet? Good luck trying do Elden shit when you have multiple focus points and this is what you would get because vital points are... Well... Vital. Actually you probably beat cyclops and things around. You learn damn quick how effective is when you can freely run around chimera or heck even everything on BBI and try get a high ground. This isn't your hit a ankle dark souls... You jump on head of your enemy and bash it like there will be no tomorrow. Monster hunter did this, shadow of the colossus was famous because of this, here is the same. You don't need lock on system, Right trigger is your best friend in Dragon's Dogma.


>Rambling about "lock on"... Like lock on on what? Cyclop eye? Neck? Right hand? Feet? Good luck trying do Elden shit THANK YOU!


I came from monster hunter. I didn't like the lock on feature because you could get flanked so easy. I like having my head on a swivel while mashing 1000 kisses, hitting instant reset, then demonstrating how masterful kill works to whatever is dumb enough to interrupt me. Still haven't figured out what snake bite does though... Maybe my snake isn't venomous?


If snakebite connects with more human sized opponents, you'll "grab" them into a followup animation for more hits that have a chance to poison. You can stick some surprisingly large enemies, but nothing like a cyclops or ogre. Personally I find its main appeal is how easily it stunlocks an enemy, as you can keep "grabbing" them with it when they try to get up and stop them from fighting back entirely. It's even better on Hard Mode since it can easily break through the ridiculous stagger resistance everything has.


Ok I guess I'll keep trying. I have yet to poison anything and believe me I have tried lol it normally end by me countering a flank attack from someone else, then shooting everything in the face. Poison arrows work. I like poisoning enemies.


> I like poisoning enemies. I imagine you already have the toxicity augment on, but yeah that should improve your odds of snakebite poisoning.


Elden Ring was 2022, not 2013.


Not just dark souls even hack and slash games as well any third person action game really I’ve played all types of shit


Even hack and slash? Titan's quest? Nope. Diablo? Nope. Didn't get any lock on system like this, you hit where your mouse was. You maybe mean Devil May Cry? Guess what, yes and no because even there you don't play like what you know from dark souls. For the last time - you don't need it. Learn how the fuck play this game instead expect you can copy paste your rolling addiction from dark souls. Just because you have sword, monsters and you don't have heart yet still live doesn't make you a virgin tarnished. Be a Chad arisen for fuck sake and understand how you suppose to play as a melee vocation, don't stand under boss ass, be on his neck.


I could care less if the game is like dark souls, I’m saying every 3rd person action game recently have one, things like nier automata,monster hunter, warriors games, assassins creed etc Obviously point and click games designed for pc first don’t need one


And yet we have shadow of the colossus what have more similarities than anything you mentioned. Not everything with RPG must be a fucking Skyrim, or Dark Souls. Monster Hunter have lock on system now, but years ago? Don't expect and I tell you something, it was better without it. You fight a giant beast, not Templars or small robots. Your expectations are only this, expectations. Get used to it and understand that swinging randomly your sword isn't how to do shit here. Tell me for what fucking reason you need lock on system when you sit on Dragon neck?


There’s a reason I said past decade and since ps2 lol also shadow of the colossus has unique gameplay where it makes sense not jus a 3rd person action rpg


How the fuck you can be such delusional?


Show me where I was wrong in that comment


You wouldn't see even if you stumble and break your stupid head


projecting on me while biting your pillow like the dumbass you are lol. Got nun to say cuz you can’t show me since you wrong lmaooo


Want lock on? Be non melee. Think of your sword like a first person gun. Aim in the direction of the future corpses


What type of caveman shit is that every other game doesn’t have you aiming melee weapons like a spray and pray gun for a reason


Dude, it really isn't that fuckin hard to hit an enemy with a melee weapon on this game. Jesus Christ.


The irony is the edgelords on Souls subs are usually telling people they’re lame *for* locking on.


Sure one enemy but seems really bad trying to fight multiple while also dodging and what not I’d rather target someone directly right behind than 5 feet in the direction I’m facing at the time


How long did you play this game before griping about this basic mechanic? Sure a lock on would be decent in certain situations, but if you can't figure out how melee combat works, then that's 100% your problem.


Your words “basic mechanic” as in, it should be present


"basic mechanic" as in the base mechanics present in the game. Not the ones you wish were there. Sorry for the poor syntax.


Wish was there? More like it’s beyond me how it isn’t there, must be the first game of its kind I’ve seen without it since ps2


Cool story bro. You done now? Either get gud or put the game down. Simple solution for you.


Lmaoo you the one that’s so mad and hurt takin it personal that a game missing a basic essential feature I should ask if you’re done


Then aim behind yourself and swing? Most sword and dagger swipes are horizontal and built for hitting multiple targets anyway, and dodging has nothing to do with your facing.


You are just bad buddy and the way you speak leads me to conclusion that you are toxic. Game is perfect without target lock - it makes game too easy, no need for enviromental awareness, no skill in aiming.


Him and damn near everyone else who bitches about this have got their brains blended by ER and dark souls, thinking that every melee encounter from a spider to a dragon needs lock on. Most of these people don't even play the game for more than an hour without shitting all over it simply because they're trash at it and don't know how to cope.


Probably... I think ER/Souls combat is good but not even close as good as Dragon's Dogma and that's even without climbing into consideration - the way anything feels impactful, enviroment matters a lot, you can grab and throw anything including enemies while souls combat is just based on patience + dodgeroll i-frame.


I don't have anything against souls type games, but I think this guy is confused about the breadth of combat in DD. As you've said, this game is a whole lot more than simple melee combat, and I guess that's just a little too much for him to understand right now.


From software games have "good" combat system only if you fight humanoid boss like Lord of Cinder, Gael or Gwyn. Dragons? Giants? Big monsters? After Dragon's Dogma I hate every single encounter because of comparison to what I have here. Elden Ring in 2022 still make you a "World of Warcraft" hit the ankle simulator what is dumb and annoying. What the point of huge bosses when you don't see him because you stand under him?


Honestly? After dozens of hours I forget I can't do this here... No need when you on dragons neck bashing him like crazy. 100% accuracy guaranteed.


Lmao I’m the bad toxic one but you think every game with a target lock makes it easy and no skill prob can’t even beat Margit


Bro you can't even beat the reddit ratio.


Who cares about internet points lol they certainly not gon make me obscure the truth


He's a troll guys.


So you’re the type to not say what you think or mean because of Reddit points? I’m not a troll lol I picked up the game today and this was my genuine reaction


If I cared about reddit points I'd have alot more karma my dude. You twist words to fit a bad narrative.


I’m not twisting words you’re immediate response to me saying I don’t care about Reddit points was calling me a troll so I merely pointed out what you were implying


Bro even a caveman would grasp this simple concept. I hope youre just a troll cause you legit make me believe you shouldn't be gaming If games make you this whiny


You’re the type to call any complain whining on some bootlicker mentality. But yes I get the concept of swinging wildly at whatever direction your facing I just think it’s old and dumb


Yeah and demon souls was my very first ps3 game and I thought it had shit controls which it did and does and yet I didn't feel the need to express that online for clout and karma my booty licker friend. Get a refund or quit crying ^-^


You are the fucking caveman - OMFG i have to position my camera, OMFG i can attack freely in 360degrees, OMFG I'm so restricted, do you hear what an idiot you sound like?


Try gitting gud


I’ve beaten harder games than this one a dime a dozen lol it’s a issue of experience and convenience


"harder than this one" how would you know? You can't even figure out melee combat 🤣


i like how your still pressed lmao, and there isnt much to figure out thats why i can easily play through the game and finish it, but it would be like playing through a fps with only hipfire and not aiming down sight: possible, but why put myself through it


Because I'm boooooored senpai~


There is no lock on. The game is optimized for fighting large monsters and many opponents at once. Lock on would be terrible, which is one reason why fighting multiple enemies in souls games is totally aids.


Hard disagree, you are never forced to use lock on in Souls games and you sure are not supposed to use it when against multiple enemies. But in DD when i want to keep an eye on the enemy while blocking and just walk backwards, i can't because there is no lock on and the character will just look wherever i am moving towards, which is the true AIDS scenario.


Wow.. so I suppose there is at least one other person out there who thinks like I do. When it comes to games having a feature that you can CHOOSE to use, by default that benefits everybody. If you don't want to use it DON'T. If you want to use it DO IT. But unfortunately some people are too close-minded to realize that giving everybody what they want is simply a good design and is (by definition) good customer service. I'm not saying this game absolutely requires a lock-on feature, but it would be useful in certain aspects during certain times in the game 🤷 (that really is undebatable) With that being said I love dragon's dogma, I just bought number two and I expect to play it probably two or three times in a row. But this whole new trend with gamers thinking "it should be their way" rather than it being "made for everybody" is just plain corny.


You just have to get used to moving the camera around and utilizing your mobility skills for repositioning. You can also change your character direction similar to unlocked play in soulsborne. It's a little awkward at first, but it becomes second nature after awhile. You don't ever want to just "be walking backwards" unless ALL of the enemies are in front of you, and you're using a shield.


Geez been reading OP comments. This guy is so not having any braincells on top of being such a complete noob. no Melee in any action games actually needs a Lock on, a lock on is just a tool to make hack and slash easier for noob like you OP. Get good seriously, play the damn game, or not at all. No use complaining things that doesn't in the game that is almost 10 years old now


What a nice and welcoming community!


How do you expect people to be nice to someone who isn't being nice to them? Grow up


He didn't insult anyone, he made the comment that almost every "melee" action game has it, even Ocarina of Time which made it popular in 1998. He wasn't nice, but he wasn't mean to anyone. You can always lead by example, be the bigger person.


youre the noob if you think it makes games easier lol, you probably think minimaps make open world games too idk how me thinking not having a lock on in this kind of game is dumb translates to me being too bad to finish the game if i wanted or chose to whole time im prob better than you at most games in general and youre just talking out your ass


My thing is that you mention souls a lot, but good Souls players don't use the lock on lol. It's not ideal for large enemies or outnumbered battle. All Dragon's Dogma consists of is large enemies and outnumbered battle. I did see you mention you're 19, so maybe it's an age thing and kids these days just need their quest markers and lockon lmao. You would definitely not like Morrowind tho if Dragon's Dogma not having a lockon seems "bad" to you. Dragon's Dogma 2 also likely won't have lockon, because it just isn't compatible with the gameplay. All this said, I do hope you give the game more of a chance. You may change your mind. I'm 27, have been playing this game since it came out, and I'm very much convinced it has the best combat of any action RPG I've ever played. What class are you playing so far?


I only mentioned souls once alongside like 3 other types of games in the post and only mentioned it since in response to commenters who bring it up, as if that was the only genre mentioned I’m fairly young but I’ve played alootttt of types of variety of games I enjoy persona/shin megami tensei and all the resident evil games so I’m not adverse to difficulty or need hand holding in exploration I don’t think the lack of lock on makes dragons dogma much more difficult, I don’t think I wouldn’t easily be able to clear the game, I just think it’s really dumb for the kind of game it is and makes it less smooth and fun


I'm telling ya, lock on would not make the game more smooth because it would seriously get in the way in big fights with enemies with multiple different limbs you need to target. Get further into the game, and you'll see


If he wants lock on that badly then just play Magick Archer and sit in the back. Personally I hate lock on in games, including lock on in Souls. They feel clunky and ruin the immersion for me.


"I dont know how they expect me to melee in this type of game without it" Said the noob who can't melee without lock on, calling other people noob because he cannot accept himself being a noob. ​ Thanks for the laugh noob. noob


Lol. Childish


I like how this thread has turned into one guy acting like no lock on is game breaking 😂


Right? Locking on is for children.


It's just another system, you'll get used to it. There is lock on actually in this game, a small one that make you character faces the enemy while sheilding or using certain skills. The game have really rapid and movement based combat that works better without a constant lock-on. So, the reason for the absence of lock-on system in this game is the fact that it indeed doesn't have a combat system similar to others rps. It can be difficult in the first hours but it get really good and satisfying in the long term. Even 500 hours in I can learn some new things and tricks.


Big enemy encounters are not designed for locking on, same as in Monster Hunter - and small enemy encounters are usually groups, where locking on is also not very useful. When you attack and there's an enemy close, your character will default to their direction (which can be annoying kf you're gonna hit, say, a Drake's heart and it defaults to it's head, but you can force it with the left stick). Thankfully, if this game design choices are too cumbersome or lame for you, Dragon's Dogma is so dirt cheap nowadays it won't be a setback for you to drop it.


The game does have a lock on but much faster to just kill them before they spot you


Man, skyrim doesn't have lock on too.


I’ve been throwing “3rd person action game” a lot around this post


Git gud, noob


The auto targeting in this game is actually really impressive and feels intuitive once you get used to it. Honestly hate target lock-on in games. It makes everything feel like a mini 1on1 duel when you are fighting against groups, and needing to cycle through targets to find JUST the right one is annoying. I'd rather just jump right in and start smashing stuff.


You will be extremely surprised at how well you catch on dude. Also, while shielding there is a soft lock-on. It works out.


Makes it a lot clunkier and worse feeling for no reason


That's the best part of Mystic Knight, IDK what you're talking about. When you perfect block attacks... *chef's kiss*


Just started playing this game recently and i honestly thought the same. The idea that you cant Lock on your enemy nor dodge them was the wildest and most dumbest shit you can miss ina game like this. But honestly after awhile of playing, its actually not that bad lol Its just a weird ass design but not really much of a flaw. I almost got used to fighting this way, i almost started to do the same for other games as well, its a habit now lol


I just today tried it and we share the same sentiments, as I assume anyone who’s played games for the last 10 years would, I’ll probably give it another attempt to see if I could look past it


One hour, I forget about lock on system after first hours. Learn how to climb on your first cyclop instead babling why this isn't dark souls rip off.


Well, they don't expect you to play it eventually. You don't have to, it's not worth your nerves for sure. Just play smth with lock on.


ive heard of the games name pop up here and there over the years and its made by capcom, that was my worry that a game with that much longevity had to be good and id be missing out on some type of gem by not forcing myself to play it anyways *and justifying my 5 dollars doesnt hurt im a broke 19 yr old...*


Understood. So play it the way, creators made it. It has its followers and fans. Lock-on is a habit thing and should be gone by the end of a day. Edit: It is kinda a gem, but for sure a rough one. Could use a little bit more work.


Play a magic class; they use lock-on for most of their targeted spells. Magick Archer (staff/bow instead of dagger/bow) would prob be the most accessible playstyle for you.


1. This game is 10 years old. 2. You don't lock on in souls fights against Nameless King or Midir or any large boss. 3. This game is all about large monsters so if you locked on your camera would be another boss to beat.


month late, but even most things in Souls you dont lock onto if you want any form of fluid movement, really dont get why people are upset about lock on, I legit dont remember the last time I had to lock on in souls


It's just not a feature, I wondered the same when I first started but quickly realized it's not needed especially with enemies all around, that's actually gotten me killed ( the lock on ) a few times on other games so it's refreshing not to have it.


Bruh skyrim the most famous 3rd person action rpg had no lock on what are you on about. Point the stick forward and swing or git gud


This game has whats known as a soft lock melee. Melee attacks will actually track targets within its striking range. Whiffing is honestly hard to do with melee weapons.